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What is a Natural Healer?

a natural healer

A healer is defined as any person who uses energy or other natural means to help people feel better. They may use herbs or other forms of treatment.

Healing is the practice of relieving stress, managing symptoms and encouraging relaxation as part of an overall holistic approach to health that emphasizes lifestyle choices.


Healers often utilize their natural gifts to treat physical bodies through techniques such as laying on of hands, chakra balance and energy healing. Their practitioners may utilize their healing capabilities to eliminate blockages from their systems and restore vitality back into them.

Natural healers possess the unique ability to detect the energy around others and can sense when their energies are out of balance. Healers typically report seeing colors within the auric field of their patients when their health is restored; in such an ideal state, their aura glows brightly with health and wellness. Healers may even use remote energy therapy techniques in order to aid healing processes.

Healers require considerable energy and stamina to perform their work effectively, and must take steps to take care of themselves emotionally and mentally. Meditation or mindfulness practice is an excellent way to facilitate this focus and eliminate distractions that could interfere with healing processes;

Holistic healers typically embrace their chosen profession with enthusiasm and are driven to succeed by it. They enjoy exploring the healing properties of herbs, minerals, and other natural substances and seek natural remedies like herbal medicine, acupuncture, Reiki or energy healing as part of their practice. Some may even spend their weekends meditating or gridding stones!

Natural healers tend to be highly independent individuals with an inherently strong sense of purpose and mission in life. They tap into the infinite compassion of a universe seeking expression through each human. Instead, they see their work not as something they must do but as an honorable privilege that helps contribute to evolutionary progress toward wholeness.

Noetic education that addresses all four integral domains – first experience, social experience, culture and ecology, and self-cultivation – is vital in producing healers. Such an education will help reduce burnout among modern health care providers while increasing resilience against workplace stresses.


Natural healers possess extraordinary sensitivities that enable them to recognize energy shifts within themselves as well as those around them, sense electromagnetic fields, and feel their effects physically. Furthermore, many are highly empathic; feeling emotions and struggles of those they interact with to the point that it becomes physically uncomfortable for them. As a result, it’s vital for natural healers to learn how to balance their energies while setting boundaries with those they interact with.

Natural healers may also be adept at reading weather changes – this field of science is known as meteoromancy. Furthermore, they tend to be spiritual individuals who have had profound religious experiences.

Healers understand the value of accepting multiple perspectives, accepting that no single viewpoint has an exclusive claim on truth. Healers employ objective scientific data points along with subjective experiences to create effective responses to suffering – this trait of balance known as equanimity is essential in healing practitioners.

As opposed to allopathic medicine, which tends to gloss over personal suffering for its practitioners, holistic healers recognize they too may face challenges similar to their patients and must care for both themselves and those they treat. Furthermore, healers are highly ethical individuals with a strong moral obligation towards helping those in need – rather than treating their work as something for entertainment or status-seeking purposes.

Natural healing can be an ongoing journey for both healer and patient alike, and to remain effective and fulfilled, healers must cultivate an awareness that transcends intellect to achieve true wisdom that lies in their hearts – reflecting all sentient beings connected through contemplative traditions’ rigorous pathways for focusing attention for optimal healing practice. Such wisdom supports compassionate intentions while keeping an even keel during inevitable ups and downs in healing processes.


Are You Gifted in Healing? Perhaps. Are You Highly Sensitive to Energies in the Environment? Do People See Physical Changes As Do Animals? It sounds as if you possess the gift of healing, as you seem incredibly attuned with their emotions as if they were your own? You are an intuitive healer with great empathy towards animals as well as people. Now is the time to bring out these talents!

Your energy sensitivity allows you to easily sense other people’s illnesses and pain, while empathy allows you to understand them and comfort them. Healing comes naturally to you; however, beware that too much help could attract needy or sick people; furthermore, deep relaxation experienced during healing sessions could make epilepsy more likely for yourself and those close to you.

Understanding that your work is sacred, you understand it is a privilege to connect with an abundance of compassionate energy that seeks expression through all sentient beings. Additionally, you are part of a generous community of healers that assists one another in realizing their compassionate intentions rather than encouraging ego driven competition among themselves.

Natural healers understand that wisdom cannot be generated solely by human intellect; rather it resides in our collective hearts as part of humanity’s collective experience. They work hard to strike a balance between genius intellect and wisdom heart that allows them to recognize all perspectives as equally valid while moving through stages of closed and open truths to ultimately realize the vastness of an ever-evolving universe.

Healers who lack an appreciation of spiritual disciplines often lack the perspective to navigate the complex terrain of subjective suffering experience and may operate from an entirely scientifically-based and self-serving approach. Spiritual roots of healing provide a framework that can enhance modern medical knowledge and practice by supporting core virtues that ensure and amplify benevolent intentions from healers – compassionate care, wisdom, competence and self-cultivation can all be taught via noetic medicine training, which would not take away from medical skills as such.


Natural healers are spiritual individuals with an intuitive understanding of healing who use their energy to channel it for others’ emotional and physical well-being. Healers may have strong links with energy sources around them and are capable of sensing emotional pain even when others aren’t present.

At a healing session, the healer focuses on clearing, balancing and strengthening the body’s energy system through chakra rebalancing, energy acupuncture and Reiki; other forms of treatment may also include shamanism, toning or chanting.

Healers are spiritual teachers who share their knowledge and expertise with students through classes, private sessions, retreats, or similar venues.

Spiritual healers tend to find themselves drawn toward leadership roles that will transform human consciousness and evolve our planet. They believe they exist to serve, with an eye toward creating peace and prosperity for all.

Wisdom is at the core of healinger spiritual development, providing them with the capacity to discern what is right and wrong for all humans based on an experiential knowledge of their wider evolutionary context. Wise healers recognize that objective scientific facts provide only one viewpoint on reality; as such they strive continually to “clean their mirror of consciousness”.

Equanimity is an attribute that helps healers stay grounded and focused during difficult clinical situations. Equanimous healers are able to balance their personal needs, desires, and ego with those of their patients in a safe space for expression without feeling threatened or judged by others.
