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Neurofeedback Home Device

Home neurofeedback can be an ideal solution for families and individuals who find it challenging to make it to the clinic twice every week, or those wishing to continue training after having been assessed in-clinic.

Neurofeedback can be an extremely powerful tool in creating lasting change when used alongside Dr. Roseann’s personalized protocols and lifestyle adjustments to create lasting transformation.

What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback, a subcategory of biofeedback, uses sensors on the head to monitor brain activity. Through audiovisual feedback (think video games), patients learn to regulate their brainwaves to enhance focus and concentration as well as reduce emotional reactions like anxiety and depression. Neurofeedback is a safe technology without any known side effects or medication requirements.

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Neurofeedback offers an effective alternative to medication when it comes to treating symptoms like anxiety, ADD/ADHD, insomnia and chronic pain. Neurofeedback works to correct dysregulated brainwave patterns by training specific areas to operate more effectively through focused training sessions that target specific brain regions.

Neurofeedback allows individuals to overcome conditions by identifying and treating dysfunctional brainwaves that lie at their core. Neurofeedback is often combined with talk therapy or medication for greater effectiveness; but can also be used alone as an effective form of treatment.

Neurofeedback is a noninvasive and drug-free technique suitable for people of all ages – from young children to the elderly. Neurofeedback has even been shown to help trauma victims overcome posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). At The Drake Institute we use Neurofeedback to assist our patients with various issues, from anxiety disorders and stress disorders to chronic pain conditions and sleep issues.


The Drake Institute has long been at the forefront of brain function optimization, helping thousands of patients achieve relief. By increasing brain functionality, our aim is to give patients energy and resilience they need to face life head on.

Brainwaves that activate at just the right times and regions with appropriate amplitude and proportion result in optimal functioning; when these processes become disrupted, however, the consequences can be devastating. For example, someone experiencing depressive symptoms might have too little activation in the left frontal lobe – neurofeedback could increase activation there to alleviate depression symptoms; similarly insomnia sufferers can learn how to regulate their own brainwaves for healthier sleep using neurofeedback training with a certified provider who understands your individual needs and targets optimal targets accordingly.

How Does Neurofeedback Work?

Neurofeedback is an noninvasive way of optimizing brain functioning that has become popular with professionals and athletes to increase focus, balance mood, lower anxiety and facilitate restful sleep.

At its core, EEG works by measuring surface electrical activity (EEG). This data is then recorded and displayed on screen as either a movie or video game with an objective feedback loop that allows patients to observe results of brain activity while learning how to adjust it.

To restore a balanced state of mind, patients are taught to reduce high levels of Beta brainwaves associated with stress or anxiety. Alpha brainwaves produce feelings of calm and peace; when their production ceases, panic attacks or fatigue can ensue. Delta waves typically promote deep restful sleep but too high levels could result in insomnia or inadequate restful slumber.

Neurofeedback is a form of neuroplasticity-based self-improvement similar to muscle building; each session enhances and reinforces constructive neural pathways for healthy thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

Neurofeedback has helped children learn to color for the first time after just 12 sessions and adults stop having anxiety attacks after 20 sessions of Neurofeedback therapy. Furthermore, Neurofeedback can serve as an excellent complement to other holistic treatments and therapies such as massage therapy, chiropractic treatment, nutrition counseling or meditation practices.

EEG neurofeedback can be used to treat numerous conditions, from chronic pain syndromes and migraine headaches to autism and epilepsy. Studies have proven its efficacy for improving symptoms; particularly helpful for those who do not respond to medications which often come with side effects that are unpleasant or even dangerous; in some instances they can even become addictive. At The Drake Institute we utilize non-invasive neurofeedback eegdyniq for this purpose and other related disorders.

Why is Neurofeedback Effective?

Neurofeedback helps patients learn to regulate brain wave patterns in order to alleviate negative symptoms associated with conditions like ADHD/ADD, anxiety disorders, PTSD, mood disorders and chronic pain. Many practitioners combine neurofeedback treatment with traditional psychotherapy in order to achieve the most successful results.

An electroencephalogram (EEG) session involves placing electrodes on the scalp and connecting them to computer software that monitors brain activity for instant feedback. Patients using neurofeedback therapy are asked to inhibit certain frequencies while increasing others through games and visual cues that give an idea of progress. By practicing during sessions, patients develop new mental muscle that they can use outside of this environment.

Research on neurofeedback may be limited, yet studies have demonstrated its ability to produce positive changes for various mental health issues such as anxiety disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), ADHD and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Furthermore, neurofeedback therapy has proven particularly helpful in helping bipolar disorder sufferers overcome emotional instability.

Researchers have challenged neurofeedback advocates’ claims, contending that treatments are insufficiently effective. Russell Barkley, a professor of psychology and neurology at University of Massachusetts Medical School Worcester believes it would be irresponsible to make assertions regarding its effectiveness without first conducting controlled group clinical testing with double blind participation, as other forms of treatment such as educational therapy or psychotherapy have demonstrated success using case studies rather than scientific tests.

EEG Spectrum International responds to these criticisms of neurofeedback by noting that further research needs to be conducted; nonetheless, neurofeedback remains effective in relieving symptoms associated with various conditions. They emphasize how drug treatments require clinical trials for safety and efficacy approval while neurofeedback can be taken as self-help treatment in an inexpensive manner compared to traditional medication treatments. Furthermore, costs associated with neurofeedback treatments tend to be much lower.

Can Neurofeedback Help Me?

Neurofeedback offers long-term relief to many mental health and neurological conditions that don’t respond to other treatments, including ADHD, PTSD, anxiety disorders, fibromyalgia pain management, Tourette Syndrome/Tic Disorders symptoms as well as migraine headaches caused by chemotherapy treatment. Neurofeedback has proven highly successful at improving these symptoms including ADHD, PTSD anxiety disorders fibromyalgia pain relief tinnitus Tourette’s Tic Disorder migraine headaches post chemotherapy symptoms

Neurofeedback offers individuals suffering from anxiety a way to learn how to control their brainwaves, increasing focus and concentration while decreasing negative physical and emotional effects such as fatigue, irritability, muscle tension, nausea, insomnia and headaches.

Neurofeedback therapy can be extremely helpful for individuals suffering from PTSD to better understand the triggers that set off their symptoms and create an effective coping strategy. Neurofeedback also addresses root causes of their anxiety and depression so they can learn how to avoid future relapses.

Neurofeedback is an evidence-based and drug-free treatment option, proven to produce long-term positive changes for children and adults alike. If you are wondering if it might be suitable for you, reaching out to a practitioner who specializes in neurofeedback will be the first step towards discovering whether it could work. They will perform an assessment as well as get a quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) completed to read your brainwaves; from there they can develop a customized training protocol and work together toward reaching your goals

Neurofeedback may be covered by insurance for certain conditions that have significant scientific research to back its efficacy, such as ADHD and PTSD. Clinics or hospitals typically offer it more economically since these larger medical institutions often accept multiple insurance plans; HSA accounts may also be used to pay for sessions. Neurofeedback sessions often combine with talk therapy from an authorized provider – cognitive behavioural therapy is often an effective complement therapy option that works well when combined with neurofeedback as part of an holistic approach to improving well-being.


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