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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

January 8, 2025|Editorial

Healing the Quantum Way

Healing the Quantum Way is a holistic practice which teaches individuals how to alter their body’s energy field in order to release any limiting beliefs or emotional baggage that are hindering success.

Quantum physics shows us that these realities may be closer than we realize.


Meditation is at the core of quantum healing. Through its practice, it promotes relaxation while activating neural pathways to speed emotional and physical healing. Furthermore, it fosters inner calmness and clarity to enable greater resilience against life’s challenges.

Quantum healing meditations can be as straightforward as counting to 10, focusing on your breath or visualizing a desired result. Vivid imagery helps activate the law of attraction – one principle of quantum healing which uses your imagination to bring about positive change in reality.

If you’re experiencing emotional blocks or physical challenges, imagine yourself already healed and how this version of yourself looks and feels. How would your energy change as it aligns itself to this healing outcome? Practicing this meditation regularly supports your manifesting process by aligning both energy and thoughts towards your desired results.

Quantum healing offers numerous advantages for anyone experiencing physical, mental, and/or emotional discomfort; whether that means pain relief, mental anguish, emotional turmoil or simply seeking better overall well-being. By accessing your innate healing powers within body, mind, and soul you can unlock them to attain holistic wellness in all three axes of being.


Physically, quantum healing reduces stress and anxiety levels, lessens symptoms associated with chronic diseases, strengthens immunity function and speeds the body’s natural recovery mechanisms. Furthermore, it can soothe inflammation or discomfort by harmonizing energy systems within the body to create balance and peace within oneself.

On an energetic level, healing can connect you to alternate versions of yourself that hold solutions to your challenges, helping you face obstacles with greater resilience. Through multidimensional healing sessions like these, it enables you to cultivate inner peace and love for yourself so you can live the version of life that resonates most closely with your highest potential.

Therefore, quantum healing practices have found favour with those seeking a more balanced approach to their wellness. Individuals are adopting quantum healing practices such as breathing exercises and visualization meditations into their daily routines in order to enhance their wellbeing, as well as cutting-edge technologies like cold plunges or vibrational therapies (infrared thermal heat therapy, spectrum frequency speakers for sound healing or microcurrent stimulation) that augment meditation by activating your cellular healing DNA.


Visualization can be an extremely powerful form of meditation for tapping into our own healing energy. Based on the principle that our bodies are complex networks of information and energy which we can control with imagination and intent.

This exercise’s aim is to imagine a healthier, more successful, and happier version of yourself. You can use this technique to overcome health or personal challenges such as an ongoing illness or career/relationship issues, while simultaneously dispelling lingering tension.

Visualization is a powerful form of mind-body medicine, used to visualize any desired result. Similar to daydreaming, visualization uses your imagination to align thoughts and emotions with what reality you wish to create. Visualization fits nicely within quantum healing – its principles show that thoughts affect reality!


Close your eyes and take a deep breath before picturing yourself standing in a hallway filled with various doors – each representing different versions of yourself – until you arrive at one labelled “your best self.” Step through that door, imagine living there, and imagine living as this version.

Imagined outcomes cause your subconscious mind to send signals to your body as if they’ve already taken place, creating a feedback loop which fuels positive change – when done on a regular basis this exercise becomes an invaluable way of manifesting dreams!

Use this technique to heal yourself, as well as those and animals you care about most, through meditation and mindfulness techniques. Meditation can reduce stress by relieving tension from your body, which in turn improves sleep, recovery and overall fitness. You can also use meditation to rewire thought patterns that keep self-doubt and fear from holding you back from reaching your goals – Harriet Trejo used the method with her dog Wolfie who experienced unexplained symptoms that plagued her recovery journey.


Quantum healing‘s central component is intention. This involves setting an intention and using visualization and energy to reach that goal. With repeated practice, your thoughts will become increasingly connected to reality – helping you find more joy, confidence and peace in your life as a result of practicing quantum healing techniques. Applying them may even aid healing on physical, emotional and mental levels simultaneously!

Intention as a healing technique draws upon ideas developed by psychologist Emile Coue, who believed visualization and imagination to play an essential part in self-healing. Additionally, autosuggestion allows your body to activate its natural healing powers more readily. Learning this practice is easy and you can start practicing at home; all it requires is quiet space, your body, and intention!

Quantum healing should not be seen as a replacement for medical treatments; rather it’s meant as a complementary practice that can enhance and speed up the healing process, improving chances of success and potentially helping prevent illness altogether. Furthermore, quantum healing could even help alleviate symptoms associated with chronic conditions or help ease their symptoms.

Start quantum healing today by closing your eyes and envisioning yourself walking down a hallway filled with doors representing possible outcomes, including healed versions of yourself. Select the door that resonates most strongly with you and step through it – this will unlock a universe of infinite possibilities and draw other versions of yourself closer into physical manifestation.

Some philosophers disagree with the claim that intention consists solely of belief; others hold that intention involves something more (see McDowell 1995 and Williamson 2000). This latter view has serious ramifications for epistemology as it suggests knowledge must be grounded on something beyond belief alone.

There are natural alternatives to this account, such as viewing motivation as an overarching desire. This disproves Bratman’s conditions for means-end coherence while making sense of cases in which people simultaneously intend both A and B without manifestly coherence, hoping they both come true in due time.


Anchoring techniques are an integral component of quantum healing. They connect our bodies to higher consciousness, an essential requirement for healing physical symptoms. Furthermore, this practice can release mental and emotional blockages which cause diseases or ailments as well as increasing energy flow to organs and glands so our bodies can function at their optimal best and heal themselves more effectively.

Many individuals struggle to break free from certain patterns no matter how hard they try journaling, meditating, or writing affirmations for themselves. Their mind becomes stuck in an invisible cycle of self-doubt, fear or old wounds which keep them from progressing forward – this is where quantum healing can come in to help break these cycles and free them up!

Holistic Healing connects clients to their energetic soul blueprint, taking an holistic approach that blends ancient wisdom with modern quantum science to promote growth and wellbeing. Meditation and Yoga are also integral parts of this approach to healing.

This form of work is known as “ascension and integration.” In these sessions, a person is guided into the “quantum field,” where they receive energy from various sources that may help break cycles of disease or poor health, or just help ground and connect them more with spirituality.

These energies are brought down from higher dimensions and stored in astral containers anchored around the globe, with Rishis monitoring their work astrologically to make sure these Energies don’t become vulnerable to dark forces tapping in on them.

As with traditional medicine, alternative healing should not replace visiting your physician for ongoing medical treatments. Many have reported being healed through this process and finding peace and serenity within themselves through meditation and mindfulness practices.

January 8, 2025|Editorial

Peter Gariaev Wiki

While mainstream science primarily studies only five percent of our genome, Gariaev‘s team takes an expansive view. They have demonstrated that our DNA can be unlocked and read.

As well as this, they discovered that genetic sequences resemble language strongly, opening up the possibility of genetic linguistics. Furthermore, their experiments have demonstrated how DNA can be reprogrammed by modulating carrier waves with soundwaves.

What is Dr. Peter Gariaev?

Gariaev‘s contributions have gone mostly unrecognized by mainstream science. His Linguistic Wave Genetics technique allows people to alter their DNA through specific sounds, thus helping prevent disease and improve quality of life.

Gariaev describes DNA as much more than an antenna in this video; he states that DNA can receive, code, emit and store information within what he refers to as its “wave genetic field” of the cell.

He has demonstrated how seemingly useless “junk DNA” found in double helix molecules actually contains valuable information, and can even be programmed using frequency waves to alter their functionality and transform their functionality. These discoveries could revolutionize medicine and health; helping treat numerous diseases ranging from cancer to depression as well as increasing lifespans.

Dr. Gariaev’s work

Gariaev has combined quantum physics and biology research into an innovative new scientific paradigm known as Wave Genetics. This paradigm challenges the belief that our genes work only at biochemical level; instead it suggests electromagnetic waves communicate across vast distances for instantaneous transmission – this revolutionizing idea could have profound ramifications on health and well-being.

Gariaev‘s DNA experiments at the Institute of Physics/Techniques Problems Academy of Science USSR demonstrated that when light was shone into a cuvette filled with DNA, its return reflected back in an orderly pattern which persisted even after removal from its container; an effect known as the “DNA Phantom Effect”. According to his group’s hypothesis, these electromagnetic and acoustic holograms recorded within its double helix structure as electromagnetic or acoustic holograms; which may allow manipulations used in changing biological reality of cells or organisms.

Gariaev group scientists made one of the most remarkable discoveries ever seen: DNA codon sequences are composed of words which follow similar grammatical rules to spoken language, providing them with an opportunity to modulate laser light or radio wave carrier frequencies and add semantics (meaning) into DNA programming. Furthermore, they demonstrated that non-coding portions of our genome referred to by conventional scientists as junk DNA do not simply represent waste products of evolution.

Another significant discovery was that an acoustic hologram of DNA can be recorded using special instruments designed to record sound frequencies like supermarket checkout scanners. Once recorded, these frequencies are then translated back into DNA through polymerase chain reaction for exact copying of its original sequence. This groundbreaking discovery opened the way for further studies such as Gariaev Group’s work demonstrating it is possible to transfer information directly into DNA via electromagnetic vibrations and spoken words.

Gariaev Group conducted experiments where DNA data were successfully transferred from pancreas cells damaged by experimental drugs to regenerate them, leading to their regeneration. More recently, this technique has been extended to other tissues and organs; potentially having major implications for future health and wellness; however there remain many questions that remain unanswered.

Dr. Gariaev’s discoveries

Gariaev and his team of biophysicists, molecular biologists, embryologists and linguists discovered that DNA functions both on particle level and wave level. He discovered that seemingly useless junk DNA contained abundant information, laying the groundwork for genetic linguistics and suggesting our genes may speak a universal language. Dr Gariaev and his team also used specific sounds or words to modulate laser light or radio waves using laser light modulation techniques in order to reprogram DNA codon sequences, healing it and restoring health in living cells and organisms by speaking it aloud using spoken language recoding living organisms’s codon sequences thus healing them and restoring health through spoken language recoding or healing and recoding its DNA and thus healing it and restoring health through spoken language therapy and healing living organisms and cells alike.

Gariaev‘s research shows that our DNA acts like a quantum biocomputer. This means it stores electromagnetic and acoustic data in our intracellular water networks as holographic fingerprints for our cells to read. He has demonstrated that DNA can be reprogrammed using voice frequencies similar to its coding sequences to potentially help treat diseases such as cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer’s etc.

When DNA is exposed to coherent laser light, its photons become attracted to it and begin encircling it; this phenomenon is referred to as the DNA Phantom and can continue existing up to 30 days after physical DNA removal from a sample. Furthermore, the DNA Phantom can alter the shape of physical vacuum spaces, creating torsion fields.

Dr. Gariaev performed one of his most fascinating experiments when he used a low power laser beam to flash through a developing salamander embryo and into an early-stage frog embryo, finding that its DNA had completely been reconfigured with instructions to build into a salamander, even though they were physically separated by walls and containers.

This experiment provided conclusive proof of a new form of matter composed purely of energy instead of particles, with information transmitted instantaneously over great distances via quantum coherence field systems such as quantum holography. This revolutionary discovery revolutionized how scientists view DNA.

Dr. Gariaev’s research

Gariaev‘s team discovered an amazing finding during their 1985 DNA experiment: when light shone through a double helix of DNA and back out again, an orderly pattern emerged which persisted after DNA had been extracted from the sample. This finding suggested that DNA could hold electromagnetic and acoustic holograms which allowed it to transmit information via wave-like radiations.

Since then, Gariaev‘s research has expanded into an all-encompassing approach to studying DNA. He brought together a multidisciplinary team of biophysicists, molecular biologists, embryologists, linguists and others to investigate DNA through an integrative approach which allows them to uncover all its potential. They discovered astonishing properties within DNA that can be used for many applications ranging from solving crimes and diagnosing medical conditions, genetically modifying crops or even for genetic engineering projects.

Gariaev‘s team also examined the language-like structure of DNA, discovering that sequences of codons follow similar rules as spoken languages. This discovery has laid the groundwork for “genetic linguistics”, suggesting that our genes communicate much like how we do when speaking out loud.

Gariaev‘s team examined the quantum properties of DNA and discovered that its coded instructions are stored non-locally, meaning genetic data can be instantly accessed and transmitted over great distances – this phenomenon known as quantum entanglement allows particles to exist simultaneously in two places at once.

Gariaev‘s team made an important breakthrough in this research when they developed a laser-based DNA reading method capable of reading DNA holograms created when irradiating samples with red, infrared, and ultraviolet light. The technique produced replica images either of either the DNA sample itself or of five red lamps used to irradiate it with light; additionally it created white phantom variants of this image.

Gariaev team also discovered that DNA’s helix-shaped structure causes light to bend around itself, similar to when placed within a magnetic field and changed into its original shape. Furthermore, they discovered an intriguing correlation between Information Field and Bioenergetic Field of cells.

January 8, 2025|Editorial

Vibration Therapy for Peripheral Neuropathy

Neuropathy symptoms can be distressing for those living with it. From sore feet to tingling hands, neuropathy makes daily activities challenging for many individuals.

Recent research indicates that vibration therapy could actually aid in healing nerve damage rather than just mask its symptoms. Vibration stimulates growth factors and blood flow to deliver essential oxygen and nutrients to aid recovery.

1. Exercise

Neuropathy can make it challenging to exercise regularly. Feeling the sensations tingle or prick in your feet or legs doesn’t exactly encourage movement, yet finding motivation to keep up the routine exercise has many positive health impacts. Regular activity has several other important advantages too!

Research has demonstrated the benefits of regular walking on both peripheral neuropathy pain relief and blood circulation. Furthermore, walking has also shown to strengthen muscles while managing blood sugar levels more effectively than other exercises such as swimming, biking or Tai chi. For optimal results, moderate physical activity should be engaged in each week and an intensity guide should be used to assess how intensely to workout.

Exercise can help patients with neuropathy to increase balance and decrease the risk of falls by strengthening coordination, balance, and improving sense of touch (somatosensory function), both of which are common issues associated with neuropathy. Exercise also has been shown to enhance sense of touch (somatosensory), which further decreases balance issues.

Exercise offers numerous other advantages for stress reduction. Regular physical activity can help improve mood and overall sense of wellbeing – something especially crucial for those living with neuropathy who often struggle with feelings of depression or anxiety.

As neuropathy patients should aim to exercise regularly, it’s wise to consult their physician prior to beginning a new fitness plan. This will ensure you don’t overexert yourself and worsen symptoms. Furthermore, focus on low-impact exercises like walking as opposed to high impact workouts like aerobics. When engaging in any form of physical activity it is always a good idea to wear appropriate shoes with good arch support in order to prevent strain on muscles and joints in legs and feet from exercising properly.

2. Massage

Myeloma patients often suffer from neuropathy, caused by damage to nerves caused by either their condition itself or treatment, or both. There are several effective treatments available to reduce neuropathy symptoms and enhance quality of life; one such therapy is massage therapy – particularly effective when done regularly to provide your body with ongoing stimulation needed to effectively manage neuropathic pain.

One clinical study demonstrated that both diabetic patients and non-diabetics who regularly received foot massages experienced significant decreases in neuropathic pain levels, as well as improvements to sleep quality. Researchers determined this is likely because foot massage stimulates nerve endings to improve foot sensitivity while decreasing pain when walking, standing or moving around.

Another key benefit of massage is helping you to unwind, alleviating tension that could otherwise further nerve damage. Massage also increases circulation to bring healing nutrients directly to your nerves reducing neuropathy pain significantly and its endorphin release acts as natural painkillers, further diminishing it.

Peripheral neuropathy patients would likely benefit most from receiving deep tissue or neuromuscular massage, although more general “Swedish” massages can also offer many advantages. Deep tissue massage can focus on areas that tend to experience the most discomfort while being tailored specifically to each person’s individual needs.

Treating neuropathy symptoms may be useful, but they shouldn’t replace your current myeloma treatment regimens. Working closely with healthcare team, you can devise a tailored plan to both manage its causes and its symptoms to provide lasting relief in everyday life. From ReBuilder electrical signal therapy and laser treatments for cellular level healing to vibration therapy to increase circulation enhancement and targeted nutrition supplementation; innovative and supportive treatments exist now that can improve quality of life and overall quality of care.

3. Eat Right

An essential element of managing neuropathy is eating healthily, providing your body with essential vitamins and nutrients it needs for proper functioning, as well as helping prevent symptoms such as pain, tingling and numbness from emerging. By prioritizing nutrient-rich foods while limiting alcohol and sugar intake you can help minimize neuropathy symptoms while improving quality of life.

Eating well is especially essential if you have a medical condition that increases your risk of neuropathy, such as diabetes or chemotherapy drugs. Good nutrition can be used to avoid nerve damage and limit peripheral neuropathy symptoms – but this doesn’t provide a complete cure – you must still manage any underlying medical conditions as prescribed by doctors as well as take any prescribed medications recommended by them.

Foods rich in lean proteins and leafy vegetables may help relieve peripheral neuropathy symptoms, including eggs, poultry and fish, broccoli, spinach and kale are rich sources of vitamin B12 that is vital to keeping blood cells and nerves functioning normally as well as magnesium which works to calm nerves.

Omega-3 fatty acids are another excellent way to alleviate neuropathy-inducing nutrients. You can find omega-3s in fish like salmon and mackerel, as well as plant sources like walnuts and flaxseeds. Furthermore, vitamin D deficiency has been linked with neuropathies; to avoid deficiency symptoms in yourself or someone close, aim for diet sources of this vitamin such as fortified dairy products, fatty fish and egg yolks or increased sunlight exposure as possible.

Nutritional supplements that may aid neuropathy symptoms include thiamine (vitamin B1), alpha-lipoic acid, omega-3s and magnesium. When taken under medical supervision they can boost cellular energy, reduce inflammation and help restore nerve function.

Adopting healthy nerve habits will not only reduce neuropathic symptoms, but may also lower your risk of the disorder in the first place. Together with treatments like vibration therapy or non-prescription pain medication, taking these steps will lead to improved quality of life for you and lead to happier living situations.

4. Get a Better Night’s Rest

Individuals living with neuropathy often report experiencing excruciatingly painful sensations. Their symptoms range from tingling or numbness in specific body parts to stabbing, stabbing, burning or shooting pains; itching; squeezing sensations under feet; electrical sensations and even pressure and sensitivity when touching certain objects or parts of their bodies may all manifest themselves at different times.

Peripheral neuropathies are symptoms of an underlying medical condition, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, kidney or liver diseases or autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or MS. Other possible triggers may include vitamin deficiencies, alcohol abuse, nutritional deficits or exposure to toxic materials; peripheral neuropathies may even occur as side effects from certain medications prescribed to treat cancer, HIV/AIDS, heart or blood pressure problems or infections.

Diabetic neuropathy is the most prevalent form of peripheral nerve damage. It develops when high blood sugar levels damage nerve fibers in your legs and feet. Initial symptoms often appear at your feet but as time progresses symptoms may move upward into your torso as the disease advances.

While neuropathy cannot usually be treated, there are steps you can take to minimize its discomfort and help your nerves to recover. Your doctor will start by identifying its source and treating its root condition before suggesting treatments to manage your symptoms.

Treatment for peripheral neuropathy may involve medication, physical therapy, massage or other therapies. You can also take steps to enhance your quality of life by reducing stress levels, eating healthily and exercising regularly – along with helping prevent it by managing blood sugar levels, getting enough rest and not smoking.

If you suffer from chronic neuropathic pain, consider participating in a clinical trial to learn more about your condition and potential treatments. Participation is vital for medical research to advance, so researchers need volunteers of all ages and sexes so that their results apply to as many people as possible.

January 8, 2025|Editorial

Bioresonance Treatment

Each healthy cell in your body resonates at specific frequencies; unhealthy cells and organs have different resonance patterns.

Bioresonance therapy is a non-invasive energy therapy. It uses frequency analysis to identify and change any unhealthy frequency patterns within your body, supporting natural healing processes while being painless and safe.


Bioresonance therapy is a non-invasive, drug-free therapy designed to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. This holistic approach addresses root causes of symptoms by correcting energy imbalances identified during diagnostic testing, providing another tool in addition to surgeries or pharmaceutical drugs as a form of medical therapy. When selecting a practitioner trained in bioresonance therapy it is crucial that one finds one that has adequate experience within this field.

Every healthy cell in your body possesses its own electro-magnetic resonance and frequency pattern in the form of wavelengths. Unhealthy cells and organs emit altered frequencies due to DNA damage, disrupting healthy resonance levels among other healthy cells and impeding self-healing mechanisms in your body. Bioresonance therapy detects and mitigates toxic stressors by inverting their frequencies, enabling cells to communicate more naturally between each other once more and restoring your body’s innate healing potential.

Your practitioner will use various devices to assess the signals being sent from your organs and tissues, in order to detect any anomalies in their electromagnetic fields and provide a report about your health status. From here, your therapist can suggest an individualised treatment plan designed to restore energy flow balance in your system.

Bioresonance therapy provides an alternative treatment option that emphasizes self-regulation and natural healing processes, with bioresonance therapy helping identify food or non-food intolerances and promote healthier diets. Furthermore, it’s useful in managing chronic pain associated with musculoskeletal conditions like fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis.

The number of sessions required will depend on both the severity of your condition and response to therapy, but most people see significant benefits after just a few sessions while others may need more. It has proven successful for treating conditions as diverse as fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders, depression, asthma and allergies; helping you quit smoking/drinking as well as relieving rheumatic pain; plus it’s safe for all ages – including unborn fetuses! Some individuals may experience short-term tiredness/thirst/feeling sleepyness/loose stools/headaches after treatments; all normal side effects that should subside shortly.


Bioresonance therapy was pioneered in Germany in 1977 as a noninvasive, painless and safe technology that recognises and adjusts unhealthy frequency patterns within the body, activating natural self-healing mechanisms to support healing processes and produce lasting results. Bioresonance can even address chronic issues by targeting their source.

This process utilizes a machine that emits electromagnetic frequencies. These frequencies travel throughout your body, and if there are any energy disturbances they detect them and identify them before applying specific frequencies to cancel out negative frequencies and bring your body back into balance. It’s a quick and painless treatment process so you can remain relaxed throughout treatment.

Due to these changes, you may experience a temporary worsening of symptoms (known as initial aggravation). Naturopathy regards this phenomenon as positive: your body is mobilizing its resources in an attempt to heal itself.

Bioresonance therapy has multiple applications in medicine and wellness; from treating fibromyalgia to autoimmune diseases and allergies to sports injuries. Bioresonance can help alleviate smoking addiction and decrease your toxicity load while alleviating environmental stressors by encouraging self-regulation and increasing your body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Qest4 Bioresonance Therapy is an innovative system designed to detect imbalances within your cells. Based on the proven principle that all matter emits electromagnetic waves known as resonance frequencies that can be detected and altered using the BICOM device for improved health – similar to EEG or EMG technologies used by doctors or naturopaths.

Bioresonance treatment is suitable for patients of all ages and is safe for pregnant women, babies, or sensitive people. However, pacemakers or medication may interfere with bioresonance treatment; its Health Scan evaluates more than 30 categories related to your health and wellness including chromosomes, hormones, diet and more. We advise booking an initial 60-minute consultation prior to bioresonance appointments so we can interpret results accurately; note that new patients must complete intake/consent forms before their bioresonance session begins.


Bioresonance is an holistic approach to healthcare that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to identify and treat diseases and imbalances. Since bioresonance is noninvasive and does not cause side effects, it can be used alongside traditional therapies or as an energetically supportive supplement in helping the body heal more quickly.

Each cell in your body emits its own resonance frequency based on any DNA damage it has sustained, including illness or poor diet-induced DNA damage. A bioresonance scanner detects these frequencies and helps restore them, also providing you with insight into any food or environmental intolerances you might have, helping you create a healthier lifestyle.

Many individuals report experiencing the benefits of bioresonance treatment within three sessions, due to how it interacts directly with energy frequencies in your body and addresses imbalances quickly and safely. Furthermore, bioresonance promotes your body’s natural healing capacity – offering a safer alternative than medical procedures for treating illnesses and injuries.

At each session, you will lay on an electromagnetic mat that covers your spine. After being fitted with the BICOM device, your practitioner will run various therapy programs that change your biological information so it resonates with healing frequencies that it plays back into your body and stimulates immunity to eliminate pathogens and unwanted substances from your system.

BICOM device offers an effective means of detecting harmful toxins and bacteria in your body, parasites, and any unwanted organisms that could pose threats. Furthermore, this device tests for other factors including hormones, chromosomes, diet and diet patterns as well as hidden issues in your system such as low stomach acid which impedes absorption of healthy nutrients.

Selcuk University conducted a study that demonstrated bioresonance therapy’s success at helping cigarette smokers quit. 1272 participants attended their college’s Smoking Cessation Polyclinic for three 15-day bioresonance therapy sessions each, and reported high success levels after the third appointment.


Bioresonance therapy, an alternative, holistic therapy that doesn’t rely on harmful chemicals or invasive techniques, has become one of the most exciting therapies of our time. By employing frequencies to assist your body in identifying and correcting imbalances at a cellular level rather than masking symptoms with medication, bioresonance can provide long-term healing solutions rather than temporary solutions that simply mask symptoms temporarily.

Bioresonance therapy can be an ideal choice for those suffering from chronic health conditions that have failed to respond to traditional treatments, like bioresonance. By focusing on root causes and strengthening immunity, it can strengthen the body’s natural defenses against illness and help you avoid illness more easily.

Simply stated, how it works is quite straightforward – the machine emits a harmless electromagnetic frequency and your cells respond by emitting their own frequencies back. Healthy cells produce harmonious tones while toxic and stress-related cells produce different tones; then amplifying healthy frequencies while cancelling out unhealthy ones helps your body recognize and release any toxins or stress loads to restore self-regulating function and heal itself more efficiently.

Bioresonance also detects parasites hidden in your system that you might not even be aware of, while also helping identify low stomach acid which could be the source of digestive issues. Once identified, an appropriate course of treatment can be undertaken in order to address this problem.

Use it to assess whether you’re eating the right foods for your body; as this test can reveal whether or not your body is receiving all the essential vitamins and minerals from what you consume. Discover which food, drink and supplements are good for you while others should be avoided.

Subtle yet effective, aromatherapy offers a safe and gentle approach to treating allergies, strengthening immunity and warding off diseases. It is also effective at helping the body overcome depression, insomnia and chronic fatigue; pregnancy-safe aromatherapy sessions have also become popular treatments as it alleviates many pregnancy-related symptoms such as nausea and morning sickness. Please be aware that after sessions some individuals may experience temporary tiredness, thirst, headaches or loose stools due to detoxification taking place in their bodies.

January 8, 2025|Editorial

What is an AO Scan?

AO Scan draws upon the work of scientists such as Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, and Dr. Royal Rife to analyze physical and emotional wellbeing using frequencies to detect imbalances that cannot be captured with other tests such as ultrasound.

Noninvasive technology such as ECG can identify imbalances that can contribute to illness or dis-ease. Furthermore, this holistic view of wellness compliments other healing modalities.

AO Scan Technology

The AO Scan Digital Body Analyzer employs cutting-edge technology that communicates with the human body via subtle bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals, measuring and guiding it toward homeostasis – the natural state of equilibrium.

This device is noninvasive and generally relaxing for most people. To begin the initial scan, a headset connected to a small device that conducts it will be worn – you may hear faint clicking noises as it emits frequencies to map out your electromagnetic field – the process typically taking less than two minutes. Once complete, the device will then determine if any frequencies it detects fall outside their usual frequencies; if this occurs it will automatically optimize those frequencies to bring them back into alignment.

This balancing technique is inspired by radionics, an ancient healing method. Radionics focuses on finding imbalances in your electromagnetic field and treating those areas with energy waves to restore balance. The AO Scan harnesses this ancient knowledge while adapting it to modern health and wellness concerns.

The AO Scan Mobile device can detect specific emotions and their respective frequencies, then analyze the resonance created to identify whether it’s healthy or unhealthy. Once identified, any discordant frequencies in your body could indicate health concerns; so once identified it will send frequencies directly to abnormal cells to bring about more harmonious resonance patterns more in line with health status.

The AO Scan is completely safe and does not cut, puncture or kill cells, tissues or organs. Instead, it involves passively inputting frequencies into cells in your body with the intention of harmonizing and balancing them – creating no discomfort whatsoever and used by astronauts, cosmonauts, doctors, chiropractors and naturopaths around the world! While an AO Scan provides an in-depth picture of current health concerns it cannot predict future issues – therefore for optimal use alongside medical advice/diagnostics for optimal use!

AO Scan Results

The AO Scan technology provides an elegant yet straightforward method of assessing the health state of your entire body. This is achieved using delicate electromagnetic signals and subtle bio-frequencies. The system compares your unique frequencies against Blueprint Frequencies of optimal health in order to detect imbalances within your system and help reach homeostasis, the natural state of equilibrium attainable for all living organisms.

Contrary to ultrasound imaging which only captures surface level information, AO scan technology has the capacity to identify issues at an energetic level – this allows us to detect things such as arthritis changes, chronic infections and even tumors. Your results of an AO Scan may then help guide holistic treatments and lifestyle modifications such as dietary modifications and supplements as well as meditation or stress reduction techniques.

At your session, you’ll sit in front of a computer with a headset to conduct an initial scan (this should only take two minutes). Following this initial exam, balancing frequencies designed to correct areas identified as imbalance will then be played through headphones for you to listen.

Once the results of your AO Scan scan have been received, an AO Scan Practitioner will review them with you to identify a course of action to take. Your report will contain a list of “biomarkers” indicating problems as well as any recommended balancing octaves to restore balance to your body’s natural functioning.

Homeopathics, flower remedies and energy frequencies to address emotions like shock or anxiety will likely be provided as part of your balancing octaves regimen. You should listen to these MP3 audio files twice or three times daily with headphones for optimal results. In some instances, colored Lightwave Optical glasses may also be recommended to further maximize benefits from your balancing octaves sessions. As these sessions aren’t covered by insurance it is wise to contact local practitioners for pricing information and scheduling details; some even offer package deals or flexible payment plans so as to make sessions more cost-effective.

AO Scan FAQs

AO Scan is a noninvasive device that evaluates your electromagnetic field to provide valuable data about various aspects of health and wellness. While it should not replace traditional medical diagnosis, it can provide insight into energetic imbalances as well as offer targeted recommendations to promote wellbeing.

An AO Scan practitioner utilizes biofeedback equipment to measure how the body reacts to electromagnetic frequencies, providing information about organ systems and stress or dysfunctional areas in the body. After gathering this data, an AO Scan practitioner can recommend lifestyle modifications, nutritional supplements or natural remedies in order to restore balance and promote overall wellness.

The AO Scan device can identify emotional issues such as fear, anxiety and depression and recommend balancing frequencies to address them. These frequencies can then be broadcast through your body’s cellular network to restore equilibrium to your system.

An AO scan provides an in-depth examination of electromagnetic energy signature. This approach offers a more holistic way of looking at health, considering all systems interdependencies as part of an holistic wellness strategy.

Although AO Scan sessions aren’t covered by insurance, many practitioners offer flexible payment plans or package deals to make sessions more affordable. Virtual or online AO Scan sessions may also be convenient for busy individuals with limited access to local providers.

With some basic training, anyone with access to a computer and internet can use AO Scan software. Its user-friendly app makes the software accessible, with multiple settings and scans that are easy to use; users can scan themselves, family members and pets to listen to balancing frequencies for detoxing Lyme Disease, Mold, Chemicals, Heavy Metals as well as emotional regulation (for instance hiccups, skin issues, sleep imbalances or viruses). Plus it can even be tailored with each client’s Blueprint Frequencies; its mobile app can also be downloaded onto iOS and Android devices for use!

AO Scan Cost

AO Scan digital body analyzer is an innovative device that provides invaluable insights into one’s health. Utilizing bioresonance technology, this device measures body responses to different frequencies to detect imbalances that need addressing and potentially prevent problems from arising in future wellness efforts. Furthermore, this non-invasive and safe tool is suitable for people of all ages.

An appointment with a practitioner trained to use the AO Scan device can be scheduled both virtually and physically. Virtual sessions offer convenience by eliminating travel time and costs, while in-person appointments provide more personalized experiences and allow practitioners to offer hands-on adjustments or demonstrations. Both options can yield effective outcomes; each person must choose what best fits their situation and preferences.

Based on the nature of their complaint, an AO Scan practitioner may recommend a specific protocol. This can involve supplements, diet changes, stress management techniques or any number of holistic practices designed to balance energy within the body and decrease symptoms. Furthermore, practitioners can recommend frequencies which support particular body systems or emotional states.

An AO Scan not only detects energetic imbalances but also establishes your body’s baseline, providing valuable data for tracking progress and measuring treatment’s efficacy. Furthermore, an AO Scan may support recovery from chronic illness or injury.

The AO Scan mobile device boasts various features, such as being able to conduct an Inner-Voice scan and create customized healing frequencies playlists. Available for purchase directly from Solex Quantum Living for $995, monthly subscription costs of just $149 covers software updates, use of scanner and online community use as well as weekly Solex Live sessions with professional guidance from Solex‘s consultants.

The AO Scan mobile app is accessible to anyone with either an Apple or Android smartphone and the correct software version. It can be utilized by doctors, nurses, acupuncturists, chiropractors, health coaches and other wellness industry professionals; or by individuals proactively looking to identify imbalances in their health and wellbeing.