Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

June 6, 2024Editor

Energy Therapy Examples

Energy healing techniques are founded on the belief that illnesses arise due to imbalances in life energies. Practitioners use various physical interventions such as tapping or massage to correct these imbalances.

Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT), created by an acupuncturist, utilizes finger pressure on specific points. It can be integrated into therapy sessions or practiced at home by clients.


Reiki is a gentle energy healing method in which practitioners place their hands directly on or just above a patient to harness universal life force energy and direct it toward physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Reiki practitioners believe this force of energy stretches all throughout nature before reaching humans as necessary to ensure healthful lives and healing.

Reiki can be used to address many different conditions, from anxiety and depression to pain reduction caused by cancer or arthritis. Not only can it reduce symptoms, but Reiki may help patients feel more at peace while receiving care – researchers are currently exploring its efficacy as an additional tool in various care settings.

Other energy therapies include polarity balancing, therapeutic touch and qigong. Before undertaking such treatments, it’s wise to discuss them with your healthcare provider first as some techniques such as qigong may require vigorous movement which could pose risks if performed by those with heart or lung conditions.

Beneficial energy has its origins in ancient Eastern healing practices. Modern energy work has gained more attention as more studies demonstrate its efficacy.

At Perspectives, energy healing is integrated into our therapeutic journey with clients. Some of our clinicians possess advanced training in energy healing while some licensed psychotherapists provide this work as part of ongoing therapy with their clients.

Energy psychology believes that our challenges in life may be related to imbalances in our energetic systems, so the goal of energy therapy is to treat these energetic imbalances by treating their source. Physical interventions like body tapping may be combined with cognitive approaches like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to actively involve clients in changing thoughts, feelings and behaviors targeted for change; for instance a person working on getting over their fear of spiders might engage in body tapping while visualizing being exposed to one.

Sound Therapy

Sound Therapy is a healing treatment using sound waves to promote mental and physical wellness. As an alternative to traditional medicine, sound therapy has grown increasingly popular over time. This practice draws inspiration from many ancient healing traditions – for instance singing bowls used in Tibetan culture or chanting mantras in Indian medicine – while modern sound therapy takes into account technological and medical research developments as well.

Sound therapy uses audible vibrations to shift and restore our nervous systems’ frequencies, thus balancing our biofield (energy field surrounding our bodies). This aids with stress management, pain relief, sleep quality and stimulating repair processes in the body.

At first, people can feel very relaxed and restful during a sound therapy session. With time slowing down or speeding up rapidly depending on how the individual responds, visions of beautiful sacred geometric shapes or colors, or hearing raindrops fall may occur; each experience differs due to the way sound vibrations work on all levels – physical, emotional and energetic – to unblock stagnant energy and release any blockages that might exist within themselves.

Sound therapy can be an effective way of relieving anxiety, stress and depression; in addition to this it may also assist with other conditions like tinnitus and fibromyalgia. Furthermore, sound therapy may retrain one’s brain towards more positive thinking patterns and break patterns of self-destructive behaviors.

At a sound therapy session, your practitioner may employ various instruments to create a soothing and relaxing atmosphere, including Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, gongs, drums, tuning forks and chimes. Vibroacoustic therapy entails lying down on specially designed furniture or mats that transmit audible vibrations directly into your body.

There is ample scientific research proving the advantages of sound therapy, making it a fantastic option if you are seeking alternative approaches to finding balance in life. Be sure to find a qualified practitioner with both ancient healing practices and modern scientific research knowledge for optimal results.


Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a form of energy psychology based on the concept that emotional distress and physical ailments may be due to disruptions in one’s energy system. Practitioners utilize tapping, or “body-tapping”, as a way of unblocking channels and restoring balance within an individual.

One of the most widely employed techniques involves tapping specific acupressure points on the face and torso while recalling an emotionally distressful event or emotion, in order to desensitize trauma symptoms and relieve associated discomfort. This form of exposure therapy requires multiple sessions for it to work effectively in alleviating anxiety and distress.

An EFT practitioner can guide or teach you to perform it yourself, using EFT. Simply place your fingertips on various acupressure points around the head, eyebrow, side of eye, under the nose, chin and collarbone while repeating phrases that acknowledge both the issue itself as well as any associated emotions – typically this process takes about 15 minutes with repeated sessions needed in order to notice change.

While it remains unknown exactly how EFT works, its effects have been proven to be effective for numerous issues. According to research conducted on this method of treatment, cortisol levels can be decreased while symptoms associated with anxiety, depression, phobias and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have also improved as a result of EFT therapy.

EFT can also be applied in relationships to address negative cycles that cause stress and pain, such as distancing, criticism or silence in relationships that become destructive to each person involved. EFT’s aim in these instances is to break this negative cycle and restore trust between partners.

Though EFT has garnered considerable media coverage, it is still not widely accepted within mainstream medicine. However, several clinical trials have demonstrated its efficacy. Learning the technique is easy and many therapists have received training on its application; training typically occurs over a weekend workshop to achieve Level 1 mastery status.


Tapping, more commonly referred to as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) or psychological acupressure, is an energy healing method which involves tapping on nine specific meridian points on your body while mentally focusing on any negative emotions you’re feeling. Tapping can reduce stress and anxiety levels while activating your immune system’s natural defenses against infections.

Tapping is founded on the idea that when trauma or strong emotions are experienced, they cause a physiological reaction in our body and mind, leading to feelings of overwhelm, fear or anxiety and potentially having long-term negative repercussions on physical health. Tapping works to break this pattern and reprogram negative brain reactions so they reduce “fight or flight” responses in favor of more positive self-talk and internal dialogue.

A tapping sequence begins by identifying an issue you wish to work on – this could be anything from fears and worries to other unresolved concerns. Once identified, you then focus on that emotional or physical issue while tapping 5-7 times on each of the 9 meridian points on your body; starting with “Karate Chop Point (KC), located near your thumb at the center of fleshy part of hand near thumb; next point located near base of little finger near pinky and finally another at back of neck at rear head position

Each point represents a distinct energy system and set of emotions, for instance the Karate Chop point can release feelings of anger and frustration when tapping. You could try repeating a phrase while tapping to keep focussed on the issue at hand.

After going through all the tapping sequence, pause and assess how intensely your issue has affected you on a scale of 0-10 to determine whether it was successful. This evaluation helps establish whether tapping is beneficial in helping alleviate emotional pain.

Although energy work is certainly possible on your own, professional guidance can expedite and deepen the healing experience. To experience energetic healing for yourself, contact one of our qualified practitioners in Roswell or Tucker today and arrange for a free 15-minute consultation session!

June 6, 2024Editor

John White – Spooky2

Spooky2 software is at the core of our powerful and flexible Rife system, controlling up to 126 virtual generators. John will assist in getting acquainted with it and its features in this episode.

John White Spooky2, an IT professional and entrepreneur, was inspired to find effective treatments for serious diseases after experiencing his own losses.

What is a Rife machine?

Rife Machine is a device designed to produce low-energy electromagnetic waves similar to radio frequencies but inaudible by humans. This frequency then enters our bodies, where it kills harmful microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses without harming other cells; according to Royal Raymond Rife (a scientist and inventor from 1920s), its frequencies also heal disease as well as prevent further outbreaks.

The Rife machine has become an increasingly popular alternative therapy option for treating various illnesses, including chronic fatigue syndrome and cancer. Unfortunately, its scientific effectiveness remains unverifiable, leading some people to make false or misleading claims regarding its ability to cure diseases with this device.

Royal Raymond Rife designed special microscopes in the 1920s and 30s that he claimed could view living microorganisms, including viruses too small for normal technology to detect. Furthermore, Rife theorized that these vibrating organisms caused various illnesses including cancer.

Based on his research, Rife developed a device he believed could kill microorganisms by transmitting specific frequencies directly. According to him, these frequencies could affect disease-causing processes without harming or altering other cells or processes; Rife used a plasma tube to deliver these frequencies directly into his patients’ bodies.

Today, several companies market devices allegedly based on the technology created by Royal Raymond Rife. These “Rife machines” or Rife ray generators are often sold as natural remedies for cancer and AIDS treatments; others even use it to treat more serious conditions, like ALS.

Plasma Tube is the heart of any Rife machine. It contains inert gases such as Argon and Neon with small amounts of mercury vapor; typically used for lighting purposes in homes and offices worldwide.

What is Spooky2?

John White is the creator of Spooky Two, a company that specializes in Royal Rife machines and Rife frequency technology. They believe in eliminating illness and needless suffering while encouraging individuals to take control of their health by empowhering love, compassion and honesty over profit. Spooky Two offers various Rife frequency generators and devices – including their signature Spooky 2 Rife machine which delivers frequencies through contact, plasma, PEMF or remote mode delivery methods.

Spooky2 software is at the core of this powerful Rife system, capable of controlling up to 126 frequency generators simultaneously. Its database features frequencies based on physical dimensions and structures as well as molecular weight, base pair counts, and DNA databases; regularly updated frequencies make Spooky2 one of the world’s most comprehensive Rife frequency databases.

How does Spooky2 work?

Spooky2 can work with various generators. Its contact mode supports TENS pads, silver gloves, socks, bands, internal electrodes and hand cylinders; as well as external devices like cold laser and PEMF frequencies.

The software contains an expansive library of preset programs designed to treat cancer and chronic illnesses, with more added each week. You can even build custom presets according to research findings or specific patient needs.

After selecting a preset, the program will cycle through each frequency in your set and apply them directly to your body as it goes along. As this may take some time, ensure you’re comfortable using your equipment in an uninterrupted setting where no interruptions arise.

Once the program completes its scan, you can review its results in a new window. A list of frequencies and their effects will be displayed, while if none seem suitable try switching up frequencies or altering settings within the program until something works better for you.

To create your own presets, simply use the Save Preset feature of the Program tab to save and load them at startup; this allows you to easily create and apply different frequency sets.

Your preset can either be left as-is, or modified through the Advanced Menu to meet your unique needs. Adjust Gate Hz and Spectrum % settings to fine-tune your zapping sessions – Spectrum % allows you to vary signal amplitude and frequency to prevent your body from adapting to consistent frequencies.

Once you are finished with Spooky2, click the ‘Quit’ button to exit the program or use the File menu’s Reload All Frequency Sets function to restore original factory default settings.

Note that in order to use UDB1 108S generators with Spooky2, drivers will first need to be installed. To do this, go into the Utils menu and choose Install UDB Drivers; an installer will launch to download additional software that enables Spooky2 to communicate with its generators.

What are the benefits of Spooky2?

Spooky2 is an advanced frequency-based healing device designed to target parasites, viruses and diseases using specific frequencies. This device may be used alone or alongside traditional medical treatments and customized to each person’s individual needs; its user-friendly design offers features and options suitable for beginners as well as experienced users – not forgetting its strong community support network for when any issues may arise.

This video presents an interview with John White, the founder of Spooky Two. In it he discusses his background and history with Royal Rife’s work, along with its mission and vision at Spooky Two – its dedication to eliminating illness and needless suffering, empowering individuals to take control of their health, prioritizing love and compassion over profit – while the testimonials show individuals using Spooky2 to overcome various health conditions.

Spooky 2 software is at the heart of every spooky Rife system and can control up to 126 generators. With its user-friendly interface and numerous program options that offer flexibility for healing applications, Spooky2 makes setting up and using Rife systems simple and straightforward. In addition, Spooky2 offers hardware options like its Scalar Digitizer and GeneratorX devices which offer powerful yet flexible options for remote use as well.

If you’re new to Spooky2, this guide will walk you through the process of installing and configuring its software and connecting and operating its hardware. It also shows how to use Spooky Cold Laser and Far Field Plasma systems; finally, how to use Biofeedback Pane and conduct GeneratorX biofeedback scans. Please feel free to leave any queries or comments in the comment section below!

June 6, 2024Editor

Silver – Nature’s Natural Healer

Silver is an effective natural antibiotic that kills germs and supports healing processes. With wide spectrum antimicrobial activity that effectively kills bacteria, yeast, fungus and parasites.

Silver’s anti-ageing and anti-inflammatory properties help reduce wrinkles and signs of ageing – which explains why nobility traditionally used silver cutlery and vessels to consume and drink from.


Silver is one of nature’s most powerful medicinal metals. With broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties that kill germs, bacteria, yeast, fungus and parasites – including non-healing wounds – silver helps the healing process go quicker while hastening regular wound recovery timeframes. Furthermore, its natural antiseptic and antioxidant properties work against free radical damage leading to premature ageing by neutralizing free radicals which neutralize free radicals to lower oxidative stress levels and hasten healing.

Silver ions, salts and nanoparticles (AgNP) all possess antimicrobial activity; however, its mode of action varies based on size and shape of AgNPs. Size determines how effectively AgNPs penetrate cell walls of microorganisms while silver’s bactericidal effect may come from its ability to aggregate in intercellular spaces and disrupt metabolic pathways within bacteria cells.

Studies have demonstrated that silver’s antimicrobial effect is related to both its atomic radius and surface charge. Silver ions interact with microorganism membranes to puncture them while its higher surface charge deters adhesion between cells while increasing intercellular contact and deterring adhesion, deterring adhesion between them, deter adhesion between them and prevent adhesion among them. Silver also interacts with protein components of bacteria to block respiration processes thereby killing microbes.

Silver nanoparticles enhance its antibacterial effects when used to target bacteria. Smaller diameter particles have greater effectiveness at breaking through membranes of bacteria cells and higher binding affinity for DNA than their larger counterparts.

Silver’s antimicrobial properties have been demonstrated through both in vitro and in vivo studies. Silver-containing dressings reduce microbial concentrations in surgical wounds, speeding the renovation process while decreasing antibiotic consumption. Furthermore, its use stimulates proliferation of fibroblasts while increasing production of pro-inflammatory cytokines – improving collagen matrix strength to facilitate wound closure.


Silver is one of the most potent broad spectrum antimicrobials, killing all manner of harmful bacteria, yeast, fungus, parasites and viruses as well as neutralizing deadly viruses. Silver’s other powerful benefits include its powerful anti-inflammatory effects that reduce pain and swelling; anti-ageing benefits; wound healing capabilities that accelerate normal wounds to close up quickly; as well as potency antioxidant capabilities to lower oxidative stress in your body to slow ageing; its use as an eye mask or facial wash is intended to fight acne breakouts as well as help it heal any open wounds quickly. Due to these unique properties it’s used in eye masks, facial kits or face washes intended to target signs of ageing while also aiding wound healing from wounds.

Silver’s germicidal action relies on its ability to interact with and deactivate enzymes present in bacteria, thereby inhibiting their growth. Silver is nontoxic to humans and thus does not absorb into their bloodstream or other tissues [1,2]. Because of this property, silver nitrate has been extensively utilized as a safe, nontoxic treatment option for burns (as silver nitrate), surgical infections such as catheter-related blood stream infection (CR-BSI) and ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP).

Silver has proven effective as an antibiofilm agent by effectively blocking oxygen receptors and binding proteins found on bacteria biofilms to suffocate them and kill their cells. Furthermore, this antibiofilm agent increases leukocytes phagocytosis of planktonic bacteria and lowers concentration of nitric oxide to limit formation of proinflammatory cytokines within wounds thereby decreasing formation of proinflammatory cytokines.

Silver’s antimicrobial effect may be related to its ability to interfere with bacteria’s metabolic processes by disrupting their cell walls and mitochondrial electron transport systems. Furthermore, studies have demonstrated how silver helps counter multidrug resistance (MDR) by binding to ribosomal RNA binding sites, inhibiting protein synthesis and activating protease inhibitors.

Silver has long been recognized as an effective natural antibiotic. As the only fungicide capable of killing both viruses and multidrug-resistant bacteria without adverse side effects, it has long been employed as an effective solution. Modern medical devices also incorporate silver to reduce incidences such as catheter-related blood stream infections or ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP). Silver makes an attractive alternative to antibiotics as its safety, affordability, and availability make it accessible to everyone.


Silver is an extremely potent germicidal agent that’s non-toxic to humans but deadly against over 650 disease-causing bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites; even some MDR (multiple drug resistant) strains fall prey to its powerful disinfection properties. When taken orally by humans, colloidal silver releases ions which attack and kill pathogens by oxidising membranes and proteins; disrupting respiration processes; blocking energy pathways formation and ultimately killing off entire cells.

Silver’s ability to kill microorganisms that cause disease makes it an effective topical wound treatment. Silver dressings release ionic silver ions which target bacteria, inhibiting their ability to breathe and grow. Ionic silver ions also interact with proteins and membranes of pathogens disrupting their structural integrity.

Silver’s antimicrobial activity is naturally sustained and does not wane over time, especially with dressings made from silver oxide nanoparticles which contain unique structures to release smaller particles over a prolonged period of time for greater surface coverage and longer duration of action.

Silver ions help alleviate oxidative stress on the skin by clearing away free radicals and toxins that contribute to dark circles, wrinkles and fine lines for younger-looking complexion. Therefore, cosmetic products containing silver derivatives have become popular with beauty enthusiasts worldwide.

Historic kingdoms utilized creams containing silver residues to treat infections, acne and signs of ageing with its antimicrobial and wound-healing properties – these same qualities make this metal an increasingly popular ingredient for eye masks, facial kits and face washes today.

Experiments conducted in vitro have demonstrated that fibroblasts exposed to silver dressing extracts display decreased levels of oxidative stress and a significantly slower rate of DNA damage, and that silver dressings such as Acticoat, Aquacel Ag + Extra, Silvercel Hydro-Alginate and Ialugen Plus may be significantly more effective at alleviating oxidative stress than placebo treatments.

Boosts Immune System

Silver is one of the greatest natural gifts to mankind. As an antimicrobial and an effective anti-inflammatory agent, it kills an array of pathogenic bacteria, yeasts, fungus parasites and viruses; further enhancing natural healing processes and speeding recovery times.

Scientists are rediscovering silver due to antibiotic-resistant infections and colloidal silver is being widely touted as an alternative antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral treatment. But not all silvers are created equal: true colloidal silver contains minute particles suspended in water, unlike products containing gelatin or other binders that don’t dissolve fully in it. Heating with an appropriate reducing agent such as sugar will ensure genuine colloidal silver exists.

Researchers recently conducted a study that demonstrated how silver interacts with microbes in three ways to combat infection and speed wound healing:

Silver ions penetrate bacterial cell walls and interfere with their respiratory and metabolic pathways, as well as disrupt DNA replication processes and block quorum sensing protocols.

Silver’s unique properties make it an excellent ingredient in skin care products and facial kits, and have led to its incorporation in some of the best-selling face creams, eye serums and facial kits on the market. Body washes with active charcoal are available to clean skin, boost immunity and treat scrapes and cuts without the adverse side effects associated with pharmaceutical drugs. Silver could become part of medical devices designed to prevent infection in the future, including catheters, endotracheal tubes and vascular prostheses. But given that other infection-prevention solutions already exist, we must carefully weigh up their advantages and disadvantages for each specific application before choosing silver-containing products over those offering alternative approaches.

June 6, 2024Editor

Shift Network Energy Medicine Summit Series

Join renowned experts for this FREE online summit series focused on energy practices proven to support vibrant health. These techniques complement medical treatment plans in order to speed healing and foster physical well-being for you and your loved ones.

Learn to utilize energy-based therapies such as hypno-Reiki, biofield tuning, acupuncture, breathwork, chakra toning and more to facilitate deepest possible healing for your clients. Discover cutting-edge tools to enhance medical intuition and maximize healing for each of them.

Deepen your understanding of brain function

Brain health plays a key role in all areas of our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. At Shift Network’s Energy Medicine Summit Series we provide various healing modalities designed to activate your biofield to activate natural healing mechanisms of your body while also increasing emotional well-being. If you’re new to energy medicine or an experienced health practitioner seeking new tools in their toolbox this curated virtual event series provides invaluable resources that will support you on your healing journey.

intuitive healers, doctors and researchers will discuss a wide variety of approaches for improving brain function and encouraging holistic healing in the body. From decoding spiritual causes of autoimmune diseases to incorporating medical intuition into traditional healthcare practices, these visionary experts will offer tools that enable you to take charge of your healing journey yourself.

Experts from different healing modalities will teach you how to balance your meridians, clear energy centers and strengthen intuitive connections to the universe. Through sessions with best-selling authors, holistic practitioners and spiritual guides, you’ll discover powerful energy healing techniques designed to restore vitality and promote emotional wellbeing.

Learn strategies to reduce inflammation in the brain, detoxify both mind and body with various self-care practices, and boost memory and cognitive abilities for life. Moreover, explore recent research regarding gut bacteria’s relationship to ageing brains while discovering effective techniques for bettering sleep, digestion and increasing energy.

As part of this transformative series, you will hear from top experts on the role of vagus nerve in brain aging and receive an exclusive preview of Mary’s 7-week online course The Power of Energy Medicine for Aging Brains: 3 Techniques to Strengthen Neuroplasticity, Detox Your Brain & Strengthen Vagus Nerve that will enable you to maximize both brain health and longevity now and after retirement.

Boost your memory and cognitive abilities

Explore the healing powers of energy medicine modalities featured at this event, whether you are an established healer or looking to explore your own energetic self-healing, these proven techniques will open your mind and body up to their natural healing energies that lie within.

At this summit, presenters include world-renowned healers and experts in spirituality, Eastern and Western medicine, ancient meditation practices and more. Discover how to amp up your vagus nerve, harness your body’s energetic immune system and heal from within!

Learn to develop medical intuition – an increasingly essential skill. Experts will teach you to interpret clients and patients’ body signals using energy healing techniques and clairvoyance, giving you practical ways of integrating meditation, energy healing techniques and clairvoyance into a holistic practice.

This event will give you a deeper understanding of how intuitive energy skills can help your patients and clients with ongoing health challenges, such as autoimmune diseases or fatigue, including non-diagnostic tests that don’t reveal hidden causes for mystery symptoms. You will gain an appreciation of their importance.

Cyndi Dale is an internationally acclaimed energy medicine practitioner and author, offering guidance through the ancient gift of clairvoyance to activate your body’s ability to predict the future, helping you make healthy lifestyle decisions that promote brain health and longevity. This session will explore various energy medicine modalities that can be utilized to activate this life-altering gift, including guided meditation and the Qi Gong energy exercise. Your instructor will share the latest research regarding brain health and memory improvement as well as ways to reduce electromagnetic field exposure. At the conclusion of your experience, you will take away an effective toolkit of simple techniques for tapping into energy medicine practices for self-healing purposes and experiencing profound self-healing benefits.

Optimize your brain health and longevity

Brainpower is undisputedly our greatest organ and when functioning at peak capacity can help us achieve our goals, maintain physical wellness and remain mentally sharp throughout life. Unfortunately, with age comes memory loss, clarity issues and focus deterioration – but luckily there are ways you can boost and sustain its function!

Rewiring your neuropathways to promote healthy aging and longevity begins by stimulating the flow of life-force energy through your body, such as bodywork modalities or energy healing techniques that have been scientifically demonstrated to produce positive measurable results that work alongside conventional medical care.

At this summit, you’ll gain access to experts in various energy healing modalities, such as Reiki, biofield tuning, therapeutic touch, sound healing and reiki master training – to name but a few! Other techniques you could learn at the summit may include breathing practices, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), acupuncture (Ac), plant and psychedelic medicines and chakra toning (Chat). By integrating all these modalities into your everyday activities they can create a synergy that enhances lifeforce while aiding deep healing of body.

By incorporating these modalities into your routines, you can rewire your nervous system, alter how you respond to stress and trauma, and open up neurological gateways that become closed during prolonged anxiety and depression. Furthermore, by training your gut microbiome with healthy neurotransmissions for lower inflammation levels and improved digestion.

Access your ancient gifts of clairvoyance to visualize and predict health outcomes, taking an active part in managing your own wellness while developing an holistic perspective that recognizes the interconnectivity of mind-body-spirit health.

Discovered through virtual events hosted by global leaders in evolutionary consciousness, these extraordinary virtual events provide you with tools for living a healthy and holistic lifestyle that incorporates whole-body healing and taps into the power of your body’s innate intelligence. Whether your goal is rewiring your brain for deeper emotional healing, optimizing immunity or healing chronic health conditions – these extraordinary virtual events provide knowledge and tools that can transform lives!

Enhance your mental acuity for the rest of your life

Science of Healing Summit will feature world-renowned doctors, researchers, authors, healers, and lightworkers sharing techniques proven to increase health, accelerate recovery, and extend longevity.

At this life-altering event, you will explore cutting-edge energy healing modalities and protocols such as light therapy, sound therapy, energy medicine, chakra toning, Qigong, biofield tuning, plant medicine and psychedelics – to optimize brain function while simultaneously decreasing stress and anxiety, improving sleep quality, cultivating mental acuity, and cultivating mental agility.

Join bestselling author Dr. Melanie Smith, an Oriental Medicine Doctor and advanced energy medicine practitioner, as she guides you in this transformational online course that will empower you to take control of both physical and emotional wellness. Learn how to harness the restorative power of vagus nerve and its gatekeeper function for healing from within.

Your brain is your gateway to higher consciousness and through it lies an incredible repository of ancient knowledge to transform whatever ails you. At this event, you will deepen your understanding of vibrations and frequencies pertaining to human energy fields and brain function as well as energy medicine self-care techniques you can incorporate into daily routines to promote healing, protect brain function, support hormone levels and activate radiant energies in the body.

Penney Peirce and Dawson Church will lead our A-List lineup of medical experts, integrative healthcare practitioners, and intuitive healers through engaging conversations and practical exercises designed to build your intuition and read internal signals that may reveal chronic health challenges. You will gain invaluable insights into applying divination and psychic skills both personally and in working with clients/patients.

June 6, 2024Editor

The Nocebo Effect and Alternative Therapy Suppression

Alternative therapy refers to treatments that haven’t undergone the rigorous tests required of standard medical therapies, and thus may pose risks including harmful side effects or interfering with medical treatment plans.

Alternative practices often lack plausibility, scientific testability, repeatability or evidence of their effectiveness; their practices tend to rely heavily on testimonials, beliefs in supernatural “energies”, superstition, error in reasoning, propaganda or fraud as support for their claims.

1. Lack of Evidence

Alternative therapies have long been discussed in medical literature, yet solid proof can often be difficult to come by. Proving their effectiveness requires conducting large clinical trials that are both costly and time consuming – this makes proving alternative therapies‘ worth difficult and time consuming.

People promoting alternative therapies rely on anecdotes and testimonials from patients claiming the treatments helped. Unfortunately, this evidence cannot satisfy scientists and cancer doctors; for them to consider a novel therapy against accepted standards of care is required through organized clinical trials.

When confronted with insufficient evidence for alternative medicine, some proponents respond by advocating more research, diverting attention away from individual treatments and suggesting unblinded pragmatic trials (with high risks of bias). These responses do not suffice in closing the evidence gap and should be seen as part of the problem. These approaches often lead to biased results that serve only to confuse the public further. People who opt for alternative therapies risk forgoing effective conventional cancer treatments that could save their lives, which is a terrible tragedy. Cancer patients shouldn’t have to choose between standard cancer therapies that could potentially save their lives or alternative approaches that might or might not provide relief.

3. Misattribution of Effects

When an alternative therapy doesn’t work as expected, patients may attribute its failure to natural causes or placebo effects rather than lack of efficacy of treatment – leading them to turn even further towards alternative remedies. Such misattribution increases patient motivation to pursue alternative remedies.

Alternative medicine encompasses any practice which claims healing properties without being scientifically tested, such as anecdotes, testimonials, beliefs in supernatural “energies”, religion, superstitions, pseudoscience, errors in reasoning fraud or propaganda. When investigating alternative therapies it is essential to remember not all treatments are equal and some may actually be harmful; additionally it’s critical that those living in marginalized communities get access to appropriate healthcare systems – this especially true for marginalized communities that face discrimination when seeking care.

4. Nocebo Effect

Nocebo Effect – in which an individual experiences adverse side effects due to anticipatory fear – can be more potency than placebo effect because its cause lies not solely within medication or procedures, but also what doctors say about these treatments.

Doctors must carefully outline any potential adverse side effects of medications or procedures they prescribe in order to obtain informed consent from patients, but studies are showing that such information may have nocebo effects – for instance, warning patients about possible pain might cause more discomfort than if no warning were given; similarly if they are told a procedure might make them queasy, more will experience symptoms than had they not been warned that it could do so.

Nocebo effects can be problematic as they may lead to patients being less inclined to take medications or undergo treatments that would benefit them, leading to nonadherence with medicine which in turn is linked with various diseases and conditions. Researchers are currently exploring methods of decreasing nocebo effects by changing how doctors communicate with their patients.

Study results published in Dtsch Arztebl Int have demonstrated the power of how doctors present risks of treatments can have an outsized impact on whether patients experience side effects from them. For instance, when discussing side effects as “signs that the immune system is working” rather than simply saying that some side effects might arise from taking a vaccination, patients are less likely to experience them than if simply informed that possible adverse reactions exist with regard to that specific vaccine.

Researchers are investigating why some individuals are more prone to nocebo reactions and what factors predict the severity of those responses, including genetic predisposition, previous learning experiences and patient expectations surrounding specific treatments.