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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

January 13, 2025|Editorial

What Is Radiesthesia?

Radiesthesia is an ancient science which encompasses both visible and invisible components of physical science, traditionally used to locate underground water sources or search for herbal remedies over long distances. For centuries it was employed for this purpose.

TENS is also used to detect energetic imbalances within the body, helping promote healing and wellness. Furthermore, it can also be employed to enhance the energy of homes, workplaces and natural landscapes.

It is a form of dowsing

Dowsing (radiesthesia) is an ancient science which explores our ability to detect subtle energies using various tools such as forked branches, pendulums and rods. It is believed that such energies affect living plants and animals as well as humans – as can be witnessed today with its revival being used widely across society. With roots dating back millennia it remains relevant today as an invaluable asset in everyday life.

Radiesthesia was first practiced as an exact science in Egypt and used to locate water sources, minerals, metals and other substances such as oil and gold mines. Other uses included determining the sex of babies still in gestation, discovering lost items or mining for oil or gold deposits. With industrialization came less interest in this ancient practice but now this ancient scientific art is making a comeback on sound scientific ground.

Radiesthesia involves seeking answers to one’s queries by engaging a pendulum as an informational dowser would use a clock or calendar gyrator for answers to queries both simple and complex. Simply initiate forward and back oscillation of the pendulum before asking any question; wait to see if pendulum shifts clockwise or counterclockwise afterward, waiting to see which way it moves when waiting on answers from it. Traditionally known as informational dowsing.

Radiesthesia can be an invaluable aid to spiritual development, helping one tap into subtle energetic vibrations and gain an increased understanding of themselves and the universe around them. Furthermore, it can be used as an adjunctive therapy alongside traditional healing modalities like acupuncture or aromatherapy.


Jesuit missionaries employed radiesthesia for centuries as an aid for discovering herbal medicines in foreign lands by Jesuit missionaries, and it became widely utilized for locating underground water supplies and mineral deposits as part of environmental science. Explorers in geology also utilized it to detect fault lines and other important geographical features; today it continues to be employed by countless fields like electromagnetic studies that affect earth ecosystems and organisms.

It is a form of divination

Radiesthesia is a form of divination that involves tuning into subtle energetic vibrations, with its roots in the belief that everything emits energy and vibrating objects emit energy too. Practitioners believe they can use tools such as pendulums and dowsing rods to detect these vibrations and interpret them; many consider radiesthesia to be driven by spirits who guide it; practicing it can build your intuition while strengthening spiritual connections to the universe.

Radiesthesia knowledge had long been passed along via word of mouth; but as humanity transitioned towards mechanisation and industrialization, its concepts became lost amid technological developments. Today however, radiesthesia has made a comeback as an invaluable tool for energy healing, divination, and consciousness exploration.

As interest in radiesthesia grows, some are calling for formalized training and certification; others fear this would impinge upon its intuitive and personalized nature. Responsible practitioners nonetheless stress informed consent and clear communication about limitations and practices that avoid invasive practices.

Radiesthesia can assist with personal development and divination, as well as assess home and office energy flow. Practitioners claim they can use radiesthesia‘s skills to identify blockages or imbalances before physical symptoms emerge; making radiesthesia an ideal companion therapy to other healing modalities such as acupuncture and Reiki.

Radiesthesia relies heavily on its signature tool: the radiesthetic pendulum. This weight with an arcuate form and thread at one end can be used to locate energies by moving its ring in circular motion, though mastery requires practice and patience; books on radiesthesia or finding a teacher are useful resources; but those serious about exploring this form of therapy will discover better learning by experience alone.


It is a form of energy work

Radiesthesia is an expansive practice that taps into the subtle energies of our universe. Based on the idea that everything, including people and objects, emits vibrational frequencies, those skilled at Radiesthesia use pendulums or other tools to detect these energy fields and gain insights. They may gain information regarding health and well-being issues, divination or any aspect of life they need help with; as well as identify imbalances that need addressing.

Radiesthesia, also known as divination or dowsing, is an exact science that studies vibrational relationships at a much deeper level than traditional physics. Developed by French physicists Chaumery and De Bellizal in 1940 with their book Microvibrational Physics as its cornerstone text.

Radiesthesia identifies objects of similar sizes, shapes, or colors which vibrate at a similar frequency and interact with one another in order to detect harmonic resonance vibrations using tools such as pendulums. A radiesthetist can also determine energy flow within someone’s body or in their home or office using this process.

Radiesthetists use their talents to locate underground water sources and other natural resources, assess energy flows in their surroundings and suggest changes that could improve overall wellness, and even communicate with distant vibrations, known as teleradiesthesia.

Radiesthesia may seem mysterious and outlandish at first, yet its practitioners remain undeterred by critics. Skeptics of radiesthesia believe it cannot be tested scientifically for effectiveness using standard methods; thus allowing phenomena like the ideomotor effect or confirmation bias to explain its results instead. Yet radiesthetists maintain their ability to connect with subtle energies is real and should be utilized for healing or other purposes; although some may find the practice too esoteric for them; nevertheless it can serve as an invaluable source of insight and guidance for some individuals.

It is a form of meditation

Radiesthesia, also known as Dowsing or Radiesthetisting, involves tapping into subtle energetic vibrations to gain insight and guidance. Radiesthetists – often called Dowsers or Dowsers – use special instruments such as pendulums and dowsing rods to detect such energies which are often imperceptible to human eyes. Radiesthesia forms part of many energy healing modalities including Acupuncture and Reiki treatments as it allows practitioners to identify energetic imbalances within the body by tuning into subtle energetic vibrations that emanating from various energetic sources within them.

Radiesthesia, or “radiance,” is an ancient science which deals with vibrational relationships on a deeper level than physical science alone. Radiesthesia encompasses various activities like using pendulums to locate underground water sources (dowsing) or using an object’s electrical charges as indicators (cleidomancy).

Radiesthesists employ various tools to gain information, but the most frequently employed is the pendulum. Practitioners focus on an intention while holding the pendulum, then waits for a response; if positive answers come back then the pendulum swings rightward while for negative answers it swings leftwards. Finally, their pendulum accuracy can be tested by asking another question and comparing results; in case something seems inconsistent between questions asked and answered they test again until one response matches up consistently with results obtained by asking another query and then comparing results against previous ones to ensure it delivers consistent answers and results are.

Radiosthesis provides insights and guidance, but can also serve as a vehicle for spiritual development and personal growth. By helping you access deeper levels of awareness, radiesthesia can assist you in discovering who you truly are as an individual and discovering who you fit within the universe. Furthermore, radiesthesia enhances other healing modalities by offering energetic assessments and interventions.

Recently, radiesthesia has seen renewed attention from alternative health practitioners and researchers working in consciousness studies. Critics claim more commonplace phenomena like ideomotor effects or confirmation bias could explain its effectiveness while proponents emphasize its highly intuitive and personalized nature that cannot be evaluated through standard experimental protocols. Meanwhile, responsible radiesthetists emphasize informed consent as well as clear communication about their techniques’ benefits and limitations.

January 13, 2025|Editorial

Reverse Aging in Humans

Aging is one of the primary contributors to disease and disability; but is there a way to slow or even reverse its progress?

Scientists have long dreamed of finding a way to reverse aging in humans, and their recent breakthrough could make that dream come true. While their initial findings are promising, more work needs to be done before this dream can become reality.

How it works

Long held belief was that our bodies are genetically programmed to age. However, recent scientific discoveries have demonstrated otherwise; specifically that the rate of aging can be reversed through altering certain genes’ activity rather than mutation – achieved via epigenetics which enables genes to be switched on or off without changing their sequence.

Scientists have utilized their knowledge of aging to both delay and in some instances even reverse its effects. Studies have demonstrated that diets rich in fruits and vegetables can lower blood sugar levels, reduce chronic inflammation and improve many biomarkers associated with growing older. One potential anti-ageing treatment may also include calorie restriction which has been shown to increase mitochondrial efficiency while decreasing cell damage, thus slowing aging down significantly.

Kyoto University scientist Shinya Yamanaka made one of the most revolutionary discoveries in this field when he discovered that four transcription factors can revert adult cells back to an embryonic or pluripotent state – meaning they are capable of developing into any cell type in the body – for regeneration purposes. Sinclair’s team led by Yuancheng Lu selected three Yamanaka factors and genetically integrated them into a harmless virus; then delivered this virus directly into damaged neurons of an aged mouse retina’s retina, where rejuvenation took place – even growing new axons which connected visually with brain connections between eyes and brain connections between retina retina and brain tissue and kidney regeneration was achieved using similar approaches; similar approaches were used successfully by other teams who used similar techniques on mice skeletal muscle regeneration projects and regeneration methods as well.

Nir Barzilai, an Israeli surgeon, is working towards prolonging human lifespan by rejuvenating organs. His project, Altos Labs, boasts Nobel Prize-winners as its board and an annual budget of $3 billion that’s secretly funded by Russian-Israeli billionaire Yuri Milner. Barzilai witnessed first-hand how epigenetics could impact patients by noting a sudden drop in health at age 70 while other patients who looked considerably younger were far more resilient against injury and disease.

How it’s done

Scientists have long attempted to unlock the secret of human aging. Instead of treating age-related diseases individually, scientists hope to combat aging by resetting cells back to a youthful state – thus rejuvenating damaged cells and potentially preventing disease altogether.

Traditional research held that changes to DNA that code for proteins were the cause of aging, yet new evidence shows otherwise. Instead, how genes are expressed plays an even larger role in how rapidly and severely organisms age.

Barzilai was fascinated by this variation in aging as he started his research as a medical resident, witnessing elderly patients with vastly differing outcomes: some appeared much older than they actually were and suffered from various age-related diseases while others remained healthy until very old age. This inspired him to investigate whether human aging could be altered so as to delay age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s.

His lab was the first to demonstrate that it is possible to reverse aging via TERT genes, with specific drugs able to restore youthful levels of TERT to cells once again, helping rejuvenate and become healthy again.

These experiments built upon discoveries by Yamanaka that it is possible to transform adult skin cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), from which all body cells may be regenerated. Barzilai’s team employed this approach to reverse the cellular aging process without mutations or cancer, rejuvenating organs such as eyes, kidneys and muscle in mice.

Next steps involve adapting these results to human aging, but this won’t be easy. Aging is an extremely complex process and it could take decades before any therapy could be tested in people. Even then, it would be wrong to expect immortality or longevity through this technology; nonetheless, this step forward marks rapid advancement within regenerative medicine and should be celebrated!

What’s the future?

Researchers are exploring ways to slow and even reverse aging. Instead of treating diseases and disabilities when they appear, researchers hope to address their causes instead. It would be more cost-effective and quicker to prevent or treat aging rather than treat symptoms when they emerge.

Long held to be inevitable, human deterioration with age was disproved when scientists observed that certain animals lived much longer despite eating the same amount. Scientists believe this discrepancy can be explained by biological age which measures molecular damage over time that ultimately leads to disease and disability.

Scientists have demonstrated that cellular aging in mice can be significantly slowed or reversed by turning off gene expression that indicates older cells, leading them to behave as though they’re younger cells instead.

Sinclair and his team utilized an inducible epigenetic changes (ICE) technique in the lab. This process uses temporary cuts in DNA that rapidly heal, simulating damage caused by chemicals, sunlight or environmental factors associated with aging. When they used this approach to reverse time in mouse cells using ICE technology, they observed they looked and acted much younger than before.

Reversing cellular aging also includes eliminating senescent cells, which accumulate in our tissues and are thought to contribute to diseases like Alzheimer’s and cancer. Scientists have developed CAR T-cell therapy specifically targeting these cells for removal from the body. When tested on aged mice, researchers discovered this approach prevented diseases from developing while improving overall health such as metabolic tolerance, energy levels, and mobility.

Researchers are exploring whether plasma from young donors can rejuvenate older brains. This approach could prove especially effective at reversing neurodegeneration; Wyss-Coray has already created Alkahest Inc. for clinical trials on this approach; however it will likely take years until any of these methods become widely accessible; Northwestern’s work forms part of a wider effort that includes senolytics, cell reprogramming techniques, and creating anti-aging drugs similar to caloric restriction or rapamycin for more anti-ageing effects on older brains

How to get involved

Reverse aging research aims not only to extend human lifespan but also increase healthspan so people can enjoy their golden years without debilitating diseases or conditions affecting them.

In 2022, Ichor team received validation project funding to utilize high-throughput genetic screening in order to identify networks of genes associated with aging and develop RNA-based therapies that could make old cells younger again. They have already shown this to work on skin cells; as additional proof-of-concept they will now test this approach on Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs).

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) can help slow cellular aging at its core. Discover our customized HBOT protocol and Central Florida anti-aging clinics by scheduling a free phone consultation with one of our experts.

January 13, 2025|Editorial

Programming the Radionics D6112 Programming Manual

The D6112 utilizes an intuitive menu display system for easy programming. Press [Enter] to execute any command and [Backspace] to erase errors or move back one character.

Programming Option [12] to “01” allows the ‘ACK’ button to manually acknowledge each alarm and silence its internal buzzer, and also sets up COM1 Diagnostics so the screen displays data coming through COM1.


The D6112 alarm panel, like other Radionics models, uses a standard set of commands for arming and disarming, programming functions, and alarm functions. Customers (and installers) learned these once across all models – making the learning process simpler than ever! Unfortunately, some older panels may require special programming software in order to change or add features.

Prior to undertaking any programming tasks, referring to Appendix F’s “DRL2A Programming Commands” and “DRL2A Reference Sheets” will help ensure you have access to the appropriate options and programming settings. When entering commands always ensure that you use the correct hex code; depending on their programming status the DRL2A displays options either as hex codes or decimal numbers – simply choose which option from its keypad menu or press HEX/DEC button as needed to switch.

When the “ACK” light illuminates, the system acknowledges a message received from COM1. In order to facilitate audio communication, option [49]AUDIO MIN. must be set and DRL2A equipped with account range and zone codes activated for 2-Way Audio feature. Once this occurs, event codes can initiate audio playback via event code trigger. To program specific event codes as initiators of audio, program them as ASCII codes 0-9 instead.

The DRL2A can be programmed to send line fault reports directly to both computers and printers, providing valuable monitoring capabilities against issues like power outages, paper jams and communication failure. Furthermore, its RS232 port can also be monitored for communication troubles; simply switch on/off [39] LINE FAULT REPORT in its configuration options either as 01 for enable or as 00 for disable mode to take full advantage of this monitoring ability.

The DRL2A can be set for 24-hour fire panic alarm monitoring. This feature will activate sirens and keypads while sending reports directly to a central station if subscribed to home alarm monitoring service.

System Setup

Radionics (now Bosch) panels may be durable, but they’re not easily customizable by DIY enthusiasts. You’ll require both a programmer and dealer code to gain entry, and even then it may not allow you to delete zones; all depending on how your system is wired. Switching out for a 20P won’t be simple either – either physically replacing it or fixing its zone loop would likely be required for success.

Keypad Setup

The keypad provides an accurate representation of the current status of your system and controlled points through lights numbered 1-8. Additionally, tones and flashing lights provide alerts regarding various system events; depending on its nature, alarm or trouble conditions may be displayed depending on their severity.

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) displays are backlit for easier viewing and provide keypad users with information regarding incoming data, programming information and status. Keypad buttons located within Line Card 1 use half of an LCD while pressing and holding one registers as one keystroke; repeatedly depressing one will register as multiple input or keystrokes.

A 4-digit Password is used to secure the keypad. The default password is “CAFE.” Once entered, entering this Password will activate a display which reads: “Ready”, before showing next Configuration Option.

Opening any designated entry door prevents an instant alarm condition and begins exit delay timer; exiting before this period expires triggers alarm conditions.

This option displays the number (in hexadecimal format) of printer messages in the Line Card buffer. To toggle this function back to Stand-By Mode and exit this function altogether, press [Escape].


Programming procedures vary depending on which options are selected during programming. Please refer to the DRL2A Reference Sheets at the back of this manual for a listing and description of these options as well as programming techniques used to set them up for use. Once all options have been programmed and reset back to default configuration, verify all calls and alarms are coming through successfully before checking cable connections and whether your panel has an active analog line if alarms do not.

Once the incoming call information has been verified, programming should begin. Changing programming via keypad can be completed quickly; therefore it’s recommended that all changes be entered through it if possible. After you finish programming your system with real calls to ensure all features work as intended.

Here are the main programming procedures for the D6112:

1. Audio Minimiser The D6112 can be configured to initiate audio via its account range or event code options [4A/4B/4C], providing two-way communications during an alarm situation with central station operators. This feature ensures up-to-two way communications during burglary alarm events.

2. COM1 Diagnostics

With Option [16] enabled, the screen will display data being communicated through COM1. This feature can help with troubleshooting communication issues between CPM2 and line cards.

3. Acknowlencing Alarm Signals

Pressing the “ACK” button on a CPM2 will display an incoming ACK signal from a line card and activate an internal buzzer, then manually acknowledge this incoming signal by pressing it again; once acknowledged, CPM2 will return to stand-by mode and resume operations as usual.


An auxiliary event code alerts the central station that requires immediate action by the SYSCO operator, such as sending out an alarm event code in either SIA format or as ASCII characters when used with radionics gx systems.

January 13, 2025|Editorial

Benefits of High Frequency Therapy Wands

High frequency therapy wands are popular home beauty tools used for managing many skin and hair concerns. These wands utilize electrical currents combined with different gases in their electrodes to increase oxygen and promote blood circulation while stimulating cell renewal.

Argon gas used in this device helps treat acne by killing bacteria and diminishing blemishes, while orange-red neon gas increases skin smoothness while diminishing fine lines and wrinkles.

1. Reduces fine lines and wrinkles

High-frequency therapy wands emit small currents of thermal energy to generate ozone (oxygen molecules). This ozone works to kill bacteria, increase circulation and encourage cell turnover to help smooth fine lines and wrinkles; they can even rejuvenate hair follicles for stronger, healthier growth! These wands also decongest puffy eyes while diminishing dark circles – helping with decongestion as well as revitalize them to produce smoother lines and wrinkles!

“High-frequency is very gentle and noninvasive, with no downtime,” notes Engelman. During treatment, an aesthetician will sanitize a high-frequency wand’s glass electrode before lightly moving it over the face in circular motions; electrical currents stimulate skin healing processes without harming tissues directly; typically only felt as a mild tingling sensation by patients.

Wands come in various shapes and sizes and can be used on the entire face or just specific areas like jawline or forehead. A session typically lasts 10-20 minutes and clients should complete at least 3 to 6 treatments to see noticeable results.

Omer Ibrahim, a board-certified dermatologist and owner of Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology in Illinois, recommends this no-frills device that features orange and violet light for targeting acne and fine lines, in particular. His clients report improved circulation as the light kills P. acne bacteria while soothing red inflamed skin while improving redness reduction.

Other wands offer LED light therapies tailored specifically for specific concerns. Blue LED can help kill bacteria and improve acne-prone skin while red LED promotes collagen production and minimizes fine lines over time. These types of wands tend to be less expensive and easier to use at home compared to traditional high-frequency wands.

High-frequency wands offer more than just wrinkle-busting benefits; they also reduce enlarged pores and help fight stubborn acne by killing its cause – plus, their non-sticky consistency makes them an attractive alternative to chemical peels and laser treatments.

2. Reduces acne

High frequency wands have made headlines for their ability to promote radiant and rejuvenated skin, but the benefits go further: this technology also reduces acne breakouts while improving elasticity and firmness in the skin. All it takes is an electrical current eliciting beneficial reactions in an inert gas such as argon (producing violet light) or neon (orange light).

Glasgow claims that when these inert gases come in contact with skin, they activate and stimulate cells and may help eliminate bacteria that causes blemishes as well as enhance elasticity and firmness of skin cells. The device used can kill off any harmful bacteria as well as improve overall firmness of the skin according to Glasgow.

Wands can be used to target specific areas on or beneath the skin’s surface or deeper within its dermis, as well as combing through hair or scalp for stimulation and healthy hair growth. Before purchasing one for home use, however, it’s essential that users are informed about potential risks and proper usage guidelines.

In order to avoid overstimulating the delicate pigment cells within blemishes, it’s recommended that you only use your wand on an area once every 24 hours – otherwise overstimulation could result in darkerened pigmentation in that spot. It is also important not to contact it too long with skin, as that could damage its integrity and result in scars.

With that goal in mind, Bazaar editors combed through five-star reviews, viral beauty hits, and expert opinions to identify the top high frequency wands for facial, scalp, and body use. Our editors sourced them from StackedSkincare, Skin Gym and more – make sure to shop them now!

3. Reduces thinning hair

High frequency wands aren’t limited to skin care; they’re also used to promote healthy hair and scalp. By stimulating follicles and increasing blood flow to the scalp, high frequency wands help create an ideal environment for new strands to form. Furthermore, these devices may even reduce thinning hair or stimulate dormant follicles that haven’t produced new growth yet.

High-frequency therapy works by emitting a mild electric current to generate therapeutic heat and eliminate bacteria, with its benefits including therapeutic heat production and killing bacteria. While its uses are many, when using this tool it must be done so carefully and according to safety guidelines as overuse or excessive intensity could result in skin and scalp irritation or burns if done so inappropriately or at an increased intensity. Therefore it’s always wise to seek guidance from a skincare professional when engaging in high-frequency therapy treatments.

Dermatologists and trichologists offer invaluable expertise when it comes to using high-frequency treatments in comprehensive regimens that address issues like dandruff, hair loss, and scalp dryness. Their insights ensure that high-frequency treatment is successfully implemented to maximize its advantages while limiting potential risks.

High-frequency treatment differs from light therapy in that it uses mild electric current to produce therapeutic warmth and kill bacteria, improving circulation and encouraging cell regeneration. High-frequency treatments may help combat thinning hair by stimulating follicles and increasing blood flow to the scalp, which stimulates thicker and fuller strands to grow back more rapidly; or reduce dandruff by killing bacteria that promote itchy scalps while boosting healthy oil production in your hair follicles and encouraging natural oil production on its own.

High-frequency treatments should be performed at least twice each week for optimal results, although once you’ve established a regular schedule it may be possible to decrease frequency depending on individual progress and scalp response. It is wise to avoid high frequency tools if you have skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis, are pregnant, or have pacemaker implants; such conditions could reduce its efficacy significantly.

4. Reduces scars

If you want to prevent acne scarring or fade the marks left from previous breakouts, high frequency therapy could be your go-to treatment option. The device emits oxygenating ozone that kills bacteria, regulates sebum production and unclogs pores – according to Omer Ibrahim of Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology. In addition, blood circulation increases and cell turnover is promoted for smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles caused by prior acne outbreaks.

At its origins, high frequency was first used as early as 1892 by French biophysicist Jacques-Arsene d’Arsonval when researching its healing and cosmetic benefits on skin and mucous membranes, according to Bazaar. Later that decade, European salons realized its use cosmetically before its widespread acceptance across North America licensed skincare professionals in 1980.

These wands, usually sterilized with alcohol prior to use, consist of clear tempered glass electrodes of various shapes and sizes to fit the contours of a person’s face. When small electrical currents come into contact with these wands and skin, they produce a buzzing noise (it should not hurt) and tingling sensation. Heat generated from electrical current heats argon or orange neon gas contained within wands which is released onto skin – providing oxygen with rejuvenating effects, healing skin tissues while helping tone and texture improvements.

As well as its health-enhancing advantages, acupuncture treatment may also reduce fine lines and wrinkles as well as age spots and redness in the skin. However, it should be remembered that using too aggressively or not properly sterilizing the wands may result in bloating, redness and short-term swelling as well as burning sensations for some users. Positive side effects from IPL treatments tend to be short-lived, rarely lasting longer than 24 hours. Individuals with sensitive or easily irritated skin should refrain from the procedure and be sure to hydrate and apply moisturizer after using the wand; its light pulsing could be drying on your skin. Most experts advise lightly hovering the device for two or three minutes once or twice per day in your own home for best results.

January 13, 2025|Editorial

Bioresonance Therapy NYC

Bioresonance therapy employs electronic devices to diagnose and treat health issues, using skin conductivity measurements as its foundation. These devices cancel out harmful frequencies found within the body by replacing them with healthy frequencies while simultaneously stimulating ATP production and healing tissues.

Bioresonance therapy may reduce stress and improve immune function. It is often combined with conventional treatments.


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese treatment used for pain management and other conditions. Acupuncture falls within integrative medicine’s purview, treating not just symptoms but rather treating all aspects of health in order to achieve overall wellness.

Acupunture can help patients manage stress, which is often at the core of many health problems. Acupuncture can increase energy levels and sleep quality. Furthermore, it has been found to treat many side effects from cancer treatments like nausea and constipation while decreasing fatigue and insomnia caused by chemotherapy treatments. Furthermore, Acupuncture may even trigger hormone releases that enhance immunity.

If you are planning to undergo surgery, acupuncture may prove helpful both before and after. Acupuncture can increase endorphin levels to ease any anticipated surgical pain or anxiety while decreasing opioid consumption after surgery; furthermore it can help minimize postoperative complications like urinary retention, constipation, or headache.

Research has demonstrated that acupuncture can assist with chronic pain conditions like osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. Furthermore, it can relieve depression and anxiety as well as reduce nausea and vomiting. Acupuncture can also increase levels of serotonin which helps to ease muscle spasms associated with myofascial trigger points and relieve their associated pain.

Acupuncture can also provide much-needed relief for cancer-related stress and anxiety, which often arise from uncertainty surrounding prognosis, treatment, recovery, physical difficulties and fear of recurrence. Studies have demonstrated how acupuncture can decrease psychological distress while improving quality of life for people living with cancer; furthermore it can decrease nausea after chemotherapy treatments as well as helping women experiencing breast cancer experiencing hot flashes which may diminish hormone therapy effectiveness.

Bioresonance therapy is an electromagnetic form of treatment which works by counteracting harmful frequencies with ones that resonate more naturally with the body to facilitate healing. Bioresonance can detect imbalances in cellular energy production, balance pH levels, promote ATP production, and address psychosomatic evaluations as well as evaluate any psychosomatic evaluations that occur.

ATP Bioresonance Therapy

ATP Bioresonance Therapy is a safe, non-invasive electromagnetic treatment that utilizes your body’s natural healing processes to address imbalances. This therapy reads your energy fields to detect disease-causing pathogens and energetic imbalances before using electromagnetic frequencies that cancel out harmful frequencies with ones that resonate more with cells and organs – promoting healthful healing processes for greater cellular and organ health and healing.

Treatment is based on the concept that organic processes emit electromagnetic oscillations of various frequencies, intensities, durations and waveforms that can be detected with highly sensitive instruments. Our machine analyzes your bioelectrical signals while employing extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields to find and remove disease-causing pathogens while bringing back balance within your body.

It can also identify and treat stress-related disorders, such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, neuropathy, chronic fatigue syndrome and more. Furthermore, ATP Bioresonance Therapy serves as an effective solution for pain management by decreasing inflammation while encouraging tissue repair.

Patients who can benefit most from ATP Bioresonance Therapy include those suffering from chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and peripheral neuropathy. It can also be beneficial in managing soft tissue injuries like strains or sprains, muscle tears or post-surgical wounds; plus it may reduce inflammation associated with autoimmune diseases such as Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis or Crohn’s disease by modulating immune systems and decreasing inflammation levels.

ATP Resonance Biotherapy is safe and painless; treatments take only 30 minutes or less. A series of 2-5 treatments is often recommended before experiencing positive results; once they do arrive, ongoing maintenance sessions of one to two sessions each month should help avoid recurrence of pain conditions that have existed for some time. Our goal is to help restore your quality of life – contact us now for your initial consultation to take back control. We look forward to meeting you!

Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment

Peripheral nerves (or peripheral nerves) provide essential information about skin, muscles and other body parts outside your brain and spinal cord, such as skin texture. They also enable us to feel sensations, control bladder and bowel functions and regulate vital functions like blood pressure and digestion. If these peripheral nerves become damaged, you could experience loss of strength and balance, along with pain; damage may affect one nerve group at once (mononeuropathy), multiple groups at once or may result from multiple disorders that attack multiple aspects of the nervous system in different ways that produce symptoms affecting multiple body systems simultaneously resulting in symptoms manifesting themselves on various body parts of your own.

Chemotherapy can cause peripheral neuropathy by damaging nerve structures in hands, feet, legs and arms. Chemo can also alter how nerve signals register with the brain, making some signals appear more intense (hyperalgesia) or less painful (allodynia). Chemo-related nerve damage typically subsides within months or years; if your symptoms continue after this timeframe contact healthcare team immediately.

Treating peripheral neuropathy requires both controlling its causes and managing symptoms effectively, including taking medicine that relieves or reduces pain (such as opioids). Furthermore, other health issues which contribute to neuropathy should also be treated such as managing diabetes or correcting nutritional deficiencies; additionally medicines which treat autoimmune disorders like Lupus may improve nerve function.

Peripheral neuropathy symptoms may include gradual numbness, tingling or pain that begins in your feet or hands and progresses to your trunk; leg or arm pain that shouldn’t occur (e.g. while sitting in a wheelchair); problems with balance and coordination – such as clumsiness and difficulty walking; drops in blood pressure which can cause dizziness or fainting; and dizziness or fainting from falling blood pressure levels.

Bioresonance therapy utilizes a machine that measures the energy wavelength frequencies emitted by your cells to identify imbalances or dysfunctions that could negatively impact your health, such as chronic fatigue, food sensitivities or allergies, then recommend effective solutions for restoring equilibrium back into your cellular balance for overall wellness.

Pain Management

Pain management is a treatment strategy used to alleviate symptoms associated with chronic and acute health conditions. This process includes both identifying the source of the discomfort as well as managing it as a symptom; medications, physical therapy or other interventions may be utilized; in addition, psychological or psychiatric support may also help those struggling to cope with pain manage it better.

Initial steps towards pain management begin with diagnosis. A health care provider will conduct a complete medical history review and physical exam, before ordering diagnostic tests such as X-rays, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or electrodiagnostic studies to ascertain the source of your discomfort.

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative form of biofeedback. Using technology, patients learn to control involuntary physiological and neurological processes that contribute to their symptoms – with the ultimate aim being reduced stress which often contributes to pain.

Bioresonance is a science rooted in quantum physics, holographic information and resonance phenomena. Practitioners using it are able to decipher all information regarding an individual’s biological, emotional and spiritual wellbeing so as to offer more effective treatments to their patients.

Bioresonance therapy has proven itself effective for numerous conditions, including chronic back pain, fibromyalgia, joint problems and migraines. Additionally, it can assist people with autoimmune diseases like Crohn’s disease, Lupus or Rheumatoid Arthritis; treat neuropathies caused by pinched nerves including peripheral neuropathy or trigeminal neuralgia; as well as treat neuropathies caused by pinched nerves like peripheral neuropathy or trigeminal neuralgia.

Bioresonance therapy is an excellent tool for relieving pain. Not only is it safe and non-invasive, it can be used on adults and children of all ages–from infants to seniors. Furthermore, it serves as an invaluable method for allergy identification and management; desensitizing immune systems helps lessen allergic reactions and vice versa.

Are You Suffering From Pain and Looking for Natural Solutions? Consult a Bioresonance Therapy Expert Today. They can assess a patient’s condition and suggest the most appropriate course of treatment.