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February 9, 2025|Editorial

Low Frequency Magnetic Therapy

Magnetic fields improve circulation and balance cellular function to prevent functional deterioration and accelerate recovery processes.

Experiments have shown that extremely low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMFs) enhance synaptic plasticity by modulating L-type voltage-gated calcium channel function and BDNF expression, as well as mitigating depressive behavior and cognitive decline among ischemic rats.

Improves Blood Circulation

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) stimulates cellular repair and circulation to speed the body’s natural healing process. Unlike static magnets, PEMF therapy’s magnetic field pulses penetrate evenly across your tissue for safe application on all areas of the body including metal implants or casts without discomfort or side-effects; making this an excellent, non-invasive therapy option suitable for treating many conditions.

Studies have shown that extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-MFs) can have profound impacts on cells/organisms, altering both their structure and function. They cause changes to stress-related systems as well as alter intracellular mechanisms into either compensatory or deleterious states, altering intracellular mechanisms either toward compensatory or deleterious states respectively. ELF-MFs can also alter levels of certain amino acids/ neurotransmitters such as glutamate, glutamine, glycine, tyrosine and GABA.

Studies on the effects of PEMF therapy devices on microcirculation in diabetic patients demonstrate that the direction of the magnetic field’s polarity can have a dramatic effect on blood flow. A downward direction will reduce glucose and insulin resistance; an upward one increases blood flow and enhances vasomotion; or you could alternately direct them up and down for maximum effect.

Studies have demonstrated that exposure to ELF-MFs significantly increases blood flow in healthy subjects during and after five minutes of exposure to a hand-held PEMF device, likely as a result of stimulating endothelial cell NO production and increasing vascular permeability; NO acts as a vasodilator while increasing oxygen delivery to finger tissues.


Another study on the effects of ELF-MFs on diabetes demonstrated that when the direction of polarity of an ELF-MF was changed from upward to downward on mice induced with STZ, fasting blood glucose decreased while an intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test improved when compared to results obtained with similar ELF-MF treatment in a sham group with same polarity ELF-MF. Furthermore, downward magnetic fields enhanced NO production and glucose clearance.

Experiments conducted on animal models have demonstrated that ELF-MF increases BDNF mRNA expression among cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons. BDNF is a neurotrophic factor known to increase cell survival.

Reduces Pain

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) is a noninvasive, painless therapy using magnetic energy to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. Physical therapists frequently employ PEMF treatments to alleviate pain, improve circulation and promote bone and tissue healing. PEMF treatments have proven useful in treating many musculoskeletal conditions including osteoarthritis of the knee, hip or spine; chronic back pain; fibromyalgia; joint cartilage damage; Achilles tendonitis; sciatic nerve pain and even rheumatoid arthritis among others.

PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic fields) are electromagnetic fields which oscillate at high frequency, producing an oscillating magnetic force which penetrates all areas of your body. It interacts with cell’s ions to affect cell membrane potential in such a way as to normalize it back towards physiological, thus decreasing pain transmission to the brain and acting as natural pain killers. Furthermore, magnetic field therapy helps eliminate swelling by speeding permeability cell and improving blood circulation between tissues.

Pulsed magnetic fields affect cell enzymes to promote neuroplasticity and accelerate recovery from trauma or stroke, speeding recovery time. Research on ischemic animals demonstrated that 1 and 100 mT 50Hz ELF-MF significantly downregulated proinflammatory cytokines while upregulating neurotrophin expression for increased functional and mental recovery.

Magnetotherapy can be safely utilized by those who are living with implanted electronic devices, including pacemakers and metal implants, or epilepsy. We do advise scheduling a medical consultation prior to beginning magnetotherapy to eliminate potential contraindications and find out the most suitable magnetotherapy therapy solution for your condition.


As with other forms of therapy, magnetotherapy requires you to lie on a mat, pad or coil equipped with a PEMF device placed over the treatment area. While you may experience mild tingling or pulsing sensations during sessions, they shouldn’t last more than several seconds and disappear once the magnetic field dissipates back into space – once treated it should return back into natural state once again. Your therapist should provide recommendations regarding duration and intensity of sessions for best results based on your pathology diagnosis; after starting treatment you should experience benefits quickly.

Reduces Inflammation

Magnetotherapy treatments have the ability to significantly decrease inflammation in the musculoskeletal system, by both preventing inflammation and helping soft tissue heal (myorelaxation effect). Magnetotherapy also strengthens immunity against infections and diseases as well as improving metabolism and blood circulation within the body, enabling oxygen and nutrients to reach deeper into cells for greater therapeutic effect.

Low-frequency magnetic fields help fine-tune cellular machinery by modulating intracellular calcium concentration and release of ROS over time, as well as activating specific tendon-associated genes such as SCX, COL1A1, TNC and DCN.

Studies have demonstrated the power of pulsed electromagnetic fields to stimulate bone marrow stem cell proliferation, reduce their apoptosis rate and enhance collagen production in vitro production – effects which may help aid tendon repair and regeneration as well as enhance tissue engineered construct maturation prior to implant. These effects could potentially help improve tendon healing.

Studies on tendon repair have demonstrated that pulsating magnetic fields significantly increase tensile strength and speed up healing after surgical repair. It is hoped that this technique may also be applied to chronic rotator cuff injuries as well as other musculoskeletal issues like ankle sprains or plantar fasciitis.

Magnetic therapy has been proven effective at alleviating pain, stiffness and swelling associated with rheumatoid arthritis; however, the optimal magnetotherapy treatment remains unknown.

Experiments have shown that pulsating magnetic fields can activate cellular potential, regulate ion exchange and significantly increase oxygen utilization in damaged tissues. The improved cell function resulting from such treatments allows for the elimination of toxins and waste products while aiding healing processes.

All cells possess an electrical potential which determines their functional state, typically 70mV for healthy tissue. Any deviation from this norm indicates an imbalance in ionic concentration within the cell and should be taken as an indication that something may be amiss.

ELF-MFs can be found both naturally (geomagnetic storms and lightning) and artificially in man-made environments, including electricity power lines, electric appliances at home or work, magnetic resonance imaging and more. Most humans tolerate these natural and artificial ELF-MFs without experiencing discomfort; however, for individuals more susceptible they may cause discomfort.

Promotes Healing

The electromagnetic field penetrates the body and stimulates ions and electrolytes within cells to facilitate chemical and electrical reactions that promote healing processes on a cellular level, as well as decrease inflammation, reduce oxidative stress levels and lessen production of harmful pro-inflammatory cytokines.

Magnetotherapy works by stimulating the production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), an energy source for our cells, which results in improved cell metabolism allowing faster repair and reconstruction – essential components to proper bodily functioning as well as helping combat ageing and disease. Magnetotherapy may help increase this production, making your metabolism more efficient while decreasing effects of ageing and disease.

PEMFs can also enhance tissue healing by increasing production of cytokines and growth factors, which help produce more collagen that assists with tissue formation and cell division. This makes PEMFs ideal for helping facilitate new cell and tissue growth in an attempt to accelerate tissue repair.

Magnetotherapy therapy can accelerate recovery after orthopedic procedures or surgeries, as well as accelerate healing in those suffering from degenerative conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, this form of therapy has also been shown to prevent bone loss in osteoporotic patients and improve fracture healing rates.

Studies conducted on animal models have demonstrated that low frequency magnetic fields (ELF-MFs) can protect against damage caused by experimental ischemia due to their neuroprotective effect. One theory suggests ELF-MFs serve as mild stressors which cause neurotrophic factors, like BDNF, to be released. Another possibility suggests they inhibit oxidative stress by blocking reactive oxygen species’ action on proteins.

Researchers have also discovered that ELF-MFs can increase tissue proliferation and differentiation dose-dependently. These effects may be related to changes in gene expression. Studies have also demonstrated how ELF-MFs can significantly decrease apoptosis induced by camptothecin in human leukemia cells; furthermore 24h exposure at 50Hz/1mT significantly weakens it further while 24 h ELF-MF exposure can boost its protective effects against H2O2-induced apoptosis in neuroblastoma cell lines such as SH-SY5Y.

February 9, 2025|Editorial

Biohacking With Aggie Lal

Aggie Lal is an award-winning author, nutrition coach, podcast host and digital creator with 1 million+ followers on social media. She offers practical biohacking strategies tailored to women such as prioritizing self-care and planning your workout schedule around your menstrual cycle.

As she dispels misconceptions surrounding biohacking, such as its exclusivity to wealthy individuals, she emphasizes the value of cost-effective strategies for reaching optimal health, such as cold exposure and barefoot walking.

What is biohacking?

Biohacking refers to any experimentation done in order to optimize health and well-being, whether through nootropic use to improve cognitive function, varying sleep schedules or adding light therapy into daily life. Many individuals also utilize supplements and technology in order to track their health goals and measure progress toward them.

Biohacking can be done for fun or to improve physical or mental health; some individuals do it simply for pleasure while others use biohacking as part of a strategy to achieve greater physical or spiritual progress. From becoming stronger to running faster and relaxing more, biohacking may help achieve your desired goal – whether that means becoming stronger, running faster, feeling relaxed more often or experiencing spiritual development. It should be approached carefully though as certain practices (like intermittent fasting) may not be suitable for everyone; for instance certain diets such as intermittent fasting aren’t recommended for people suffering from certain medical conditions while pregnant or nursing mothers must use supplements which could have adverse effects on fetus health during gestation/lactation/ breastfeeding which could potentially harm their fetus’ wellbeing during gestation/lactation/lactation/lactation/lactation/lactiivnincrementum growth/mental wellbeing/ spiritual growth/experiencement of self.

Biohackers often turn to high-intensity interval training (HIIT). This form of exercise uses short bursts of intense exercise with brief rest periods in between, to enhance muscular endurance and speed while simultaneously burning calories and improving cardiovascular fitness.

Biohackers go beyond food, exercise and sleep experimenting when it comes to optimizing their health and wellbeing. Biohackers may employ supplements or technology such as wearable devices that monitor heart rate, sleep patterns and physical activity as well as apps designed to monitor diet, hormone levels and blood pressure.

As biohacking encompasses such an expansive and varied area, its scope ranges from subtle changes like adding butter to coffee or avoiding gluten to more extreme strategies like implanting chips into your body or using devices to alter brainwave frequencies. While some biohacks lack scientific proof or may result in serious consequences if performed incorrectly. Therefore, it’s wise to consult a healthcare professional and conduct adequate research before beginning any biohacking technique.

What is Aggie Lal’s approach to biohacking?

Aggie Lal, also known to her 1 million+ followers as “Your Biohacking Bestie,” shares how she harnessed her own biology as a woman to improve health, boost energy levels, and unleash her inner superhero. She will discuss why women often feel depleted after following wellness trends targeted toward men while she discusses ways she learned to tune into her unique body rhythms in order to boost energy and unleash her superhero potential.

Aggie’s journey to becoming an industry-leading expert in health, fitness and biohacking began after she struggled to follow a vegan diet for too long and experienced physical exhaustion as a result of it. When this became unsustainable she switched gears to focus on optimizing her overall well-being rather than weight loss and then transitioned into biohacking; helping women discover their full potential through understanding the power of hormones.

Aggie, an innovator of female-specific biohacking, encourages women to question wellness advice targeted at men in favor of guidance that aligns with their natural cycles and intuitive signals. She stresses the significance of including practices which prioritize feminine energies such as connection, pleasure and feeling safe in daily practice.

Aggie shares her biohacking secrets in her latest book, Biohack Like a Woman, so women can achieve incredible health and maximize their full potential. Topics discussed include meal timing and intermittent fasting routines; nutrition with nutrient-dense whole foods; exercising with menstruation cycles synchronization; as well as stress management techniques to effectively deal with its effects.

Are You Curious About Biohacking? For an in-depth examination, order the Nucleus DNA Health Test today! This all-in-one DNA health test offers personalized insights into how your unique genome impacts your health, nutrition and fitness goals – click here for more!

What are some of Aggie Lal’s tips for biohacking?

On this episode of The Everygirl Podcast, we are joined by Aggie Lal, an extraordinary biohacker and nutrition coach renowned for her groundbreaking book entitled Biohack Like a Woman. In it, Aggie presents her unique approach for women seeking optimal health: Diet, exercise and self-care integrated together using menstruation cycle cycles, hormones, intuition practices and manifestation practices as tools.

Aggie has long been involved in biohacking and is dedicated to making the practice accessible and inclusive of women. She strives to disprove the notion that women cannot achieve peak health. In this episode, Aggie shares some of her go-to methods for creating optimal life: intermittent fasting, taking supplements for proper nutrient absorption, practicing mindfulness in daily life and more!

As part of her research on longevity all-stars, she also shares key habits she’s picked up from studying them. Some key characteristics these individuals share include taking an individualized approach to diet, exercise and sleep; prioritizing natural body cycles; maintaining strong connections to family, friends and community; forgoing smoking altogether and living an ethical, plant-based lifestyle.

Aggie is on a mission to make biohacking more inclusive for women and dispel any misperceptions about its being male-dominated. She strives to help women understand their individual physiologie and hormonal fluctuations so they can tailor biohacking strategy specifically to them. Aggie has truly inspired us, so we are thrilled she joined this episode of The Everygirl Podcast.

What are some of Aggie Lal’s tools for biohacking?

Whoever browses the internet looking for health-related tips has likely heard of “biohacking“. But since biohacking conjures images of muscle-bound gym bros drinking coffee with butter on it, it can seem daunting and unwelcoming to women looking for ways to boost their overall health without making radical lifestyle changes. Aggie Lal, known to her 1.7 million+ YouTube subscribers as “Your Biohacking Bestie,” brings a novel approach to biohacking: she tailors it specifically for women and their bodies. On this episode of our podcast, Aggie discusses how she is revolutionizing biohacking by emphasizing women’s intuition and holistic wellbeing.

Aggie details her journey towards wellness as the motivation for becoming a pioneer, transitioning away from generic advice towards personalized solutions tailored specifically for women. These strategies include meal timing and intermittent fasting, eating nutrient-dense whole foods and aligning exercise with menstruation cycles. She emphasizes breaking limiting mindsets to encourage others to own the role as protagonist in their own story.

Josie and Aggie agree that one of the major challenges facing our health today is lack of personalized health monitoring, coupled with exposure to so many chemicals in daily life. Aggie shares her plans to address this situation by developing a device to analyze blood and give instantaneous feedback about what’s happening within your body, so you can make more informed choices regarding diet and fitness regimen. Aggie’s plan will also help you get the most out of your sleep so that you wake up feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the day! In addition to her innovative technology, she shares budget-friendly biohacks for improving sleep and boosting energy. Biohack Like a Woman can be an excellent guide in achieving your health and wellness goals whether they be eliminating symptoms, losing weight or simply feeling healthier and more vibrant!

February 9, 2025|Editorial

Hulda Clark and the Zapper

Hulda Clark was an alternative health practitioner who believed parasites to be at the core of many illnesses and conditions, including numerous skin ailments. She created natural cleansing programs, as well as the Zapper electronic device which emits electrical pulses to kill parasites.

Though her theories remain highly contentious, people who support her approach to health continue to use zappers like Meditech Europe’s Swing Zapper for use. Read further for more insights into this fascinating concept!

What is a zapper?

A zapper is a low-frequency square wave electric field designed to kill parasites and pathological organisms. It works by matching its frequency to that of germs, causing them to vibrate until implosion or break apart occurs. Furthermore, using a zapper may also help balance body and increase energy levels.

The Zapper works by infusing your body with an excess of electrons. These negatively charged electrons neutralize positively charged parasites and free radicals found in blood, helping restore your natural balance and health.

Hulda Clark zappers should operate at 1kHz with a 50% duty cycle, using copper handles as electrodes, powered by 9V with no negative output (the 39k resistor at R5 helps ensure this). An oscilloscope should also be used to ensure there is no even trace of negative voltage output; any negative voltage should be removed by changing to a 38K resistor at R5.

As well as killing parasites, the Zapper(r) also increases erythrocyte vitality – strengthening immunity and detoxifying blood. Because of this effect, it can be considered both anti-parasitic and probiotic, meaning beneficial.

Alternative practitioners frequently recommend purchasing a zapper, and you can do so either online or from certain health food stores. Reputable brands of zappers such as Auto-Zap come with three month money-back guarantees; cheaper models do not perform as effectively and may cause issues with circuitry.

Leg or Arm Zapping Method It is ideal to use this approach because it keeps zapper current out of the torso and heart area, which is essential when using ICDs, “smart pacemaker” devices or during pregnancy. Furthermore, this zapper device can help treat various illnesses including cancer, arthritis and AIDS.

Zapper Description

Hulda Clark’s claims about parasites may have little scientific backing, yet she gained widespread popularity for her alternative health practices. One such treatment she popularized was her Zapper device – an electronic device which generates electrical pulses designed to disrupt parasite frequencies.

The Zapper works by infusing your body with excess electrons that help neutralize positively charged parasites and free radicals, thus helping restore natural balance and overall wellness.

The zapper operates by sending out a signal in the form of a rectangular wave generated by an electrical circuit made up of 555 timer IC, NPN transistor and various resistors and capacitors. This signal is transferred via copper handles or electrodes held in users’ hands and placed over various parts of their bodies to generate stimulation.

Though the zapper has yet to be scientifically demonstrated as effective, Hulda Clark relies heavily on it for her treatment protocols. While her unconventional ideas and devices were generally discredited by medical authorities, she left behind an incredible legacy within alternative medicine.

Zapper Safety

A zapper is a device that generates low-voltage square waves to produce low-frequency oscillations that, according to theory, cause parasites’ frequencies to vibrate, disrupting them and ultimately killing them. It consists of three components – typically 9V battery, pulse generator circuit (555 timer IC), and two copper handles or electrodes for use by the user in their hands or on various body parts.

Hulda Clark was a naturopathic doctor and alternative medicine practitioner who claimed she could cure diseases like AIDS, herpes, cancer and others with her parasite zapper. According to Clark’s theories, most chronic illnesses were due to parasites and toxins present in our bodies and she believed zapping them with her precise diagnostic testing method (the Syncrometer) would rid it from our bodies completely.

Although not scientifically verified, zapper therapy has found its own following among those who claim that it has helped their health and quality of life. Many report being helped get rid of toxins while decreasing allergy and chronic infection symptoms as well as relieving digestive problems and stabilizing emotional states.

Some individuals believe zappers can help enhance energy levels by flushing away parasites and toxins that sap vitality from your body, leading to improved energy. Therefore, many fans of the device advise using it alongside liver detox programs in order to maximize its benefits.

No matter whether you plan on purchasing or building your huda clark zapper yourself, it is crucial that you select a reliable manufacturer. Choose a company which provides warranties and customer support departments should any issues arise or questions be raised. Make sure the zapper you purchase has an output of 5 milliamps or lower so as not to cause electrical burns when used on skin, while too much current could damage or reduce its lifespan. Steins Elektronikkverksted’s Huda Clark Zapper is an excellent choice for anyone who seeks an easy to use device with full spectrum parasite-specific frequencies created by Dr. Clark that will last them years of service. The device comes equipped with presets for food zapping and body zapping with presets tailored specifically for each use case, plus presets to remove contaminants such as nicotine from clothing.

Zapper FAQ

Hulda Clark was an alternative health practitioner who believed parasites to be at the source of most diseases and that her “zapper” can remove them from the body. She designed and utilized a positive offset square wave frequency generator powered by a 9-volt battery called the zapper that she named after herself; her controversial ideas and treatments caused much debate, yet many embraced her methods despite some critics. Hulda was considered a pioneer in understanding parasites’ effect on human health.

The Zapper emits frequencies which are harmful to pathogenic organisms but won’t damage human tissue or the body as a whole. It features two copper handles which the user holds tightly between his or her hands and each zapper frequency is programmed to target specific pathogenic organisms; for example, 30kHz frequency targets parasites harmful to humans while 1kHz can also help combat candida fungus, herpes infections, etc. Additionally, another higher 1KHz zapper targets bacteria and viruses for better infection management and protection from infections such as herpes virus infections as well as infections of all sorts while targeting bacteria and viruses respectively.

Use of the Zapper requires sitting back and relaxing while holding onto its handles, with the device held to the front of their body approximately six inches above their navel. Once powered on, three 7-minute sessions should be run consecutively with 20-minute breaks between sessions – many users report feeling immediate results after using this device; however it’s important to remember that every body responds differently based on unique factors.

Although zappers can be used safely within hospitals, patients should inform hospital staff prior to using one as the zapping process may interfere with certain medical devices such as an ICD defibrillator and emit DC pulses which may appear as AC to ICD trigger detectors.

Though still considered experimental, zappers have proven safe for most people. It is essential that users follow instructions provided by their manufacturer of the device in order to keep it operating in an optimal state. Monitoring it regularly also plays an integral part of keeping it in working condition.

February 9, 2025|Editorial

BICOM Bioresonance Machine For Sale

Bioresonance therapy from BICOM supports the body’s natural regulatory system. The sessions are completely safe and energetically beneficial. Also, sessions are enjoyable and stress-free for animals.

Treatment sessions last 30 minutes and are completely painless; many veterinary practices even provide this service in addition to conventional therapies. One example of success can be seen when an acutely sick retriever was successfully cured after seven bioresonance sessions.

Bioresonance therapy

Bioresonance therapy employs non-invasive electromagnetic frequencies to provide painless treatment of various ailments. It works to balance energy levels within the body while also identifying any imbalances, such as toxins. Bioresonance is used as part of holistic healthcare modalities like conventional medicine for holistic healing purposes.

BICOM bioresonance device is an electronic medical device used by trained practitioners. The machine scans body frequencies to identify imbalances and help address them. A therapist connects their BICOM device to their patient using electrodes placed on their skin; then transmitting an appropriate frequency through electrodes into their system in order to address imbalances; in addition, treatment plans may also be stored onto an SD chip and used later if desired.

At each session, patients lie comfortably as electrodes are applied to their skin. Although patients may feel some slight tingling sensation during this painless and noninvasive process, there can be multiple sessions scheduled depending on their condition – these may last anywhere between 15-30 minutes each and use various types of electrodes.

The BICOM device includes an input beaker designed to collect body fluids and substances for testing. These may include saliva, mucous or other secretions of the body containing information on both healthy and unhealthy components of its composition allowing therapists to discover causal foci. In addition, its mirror circuit inverts frequency patterns of substances so as to weaken or cancel out unwanted information.

Bioresonance therapy can identify essential vitamins and minerals needed by the body, enabling therapists to prescribe supplements as needed. Furthermore, pathogenic infections may also be detected using bioresonance analysis; one of its greatest strengths lies in showing which symptoms have an actual cause while others could simply be psychosomatic.

Conventional medicine can do wonders in treating acute illnesses and surgery, yet chronic illnesses remain intractable. With its groundbreaking bioresonance technology, however, BICOM bioresonance machine offers hope of discovering and treating their true, yet often hidden sources. Thus opening up an exciting new era in medicine.

Bioresonance hair testing

Bioresonance hair testing is a non-invasive and painless way of diagnosing food allergy and intolerance issues, commonly referred to as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). This form of testing employs electromagnetic waves to assess your body and discover possible sources of illness while at the same time countering harmful frequencies through frequency-balancing techniques.

Bioresonance is an approach rooted in quantum physics that holds that everything around us emits an electromagnetic field whose energy can be measured, measured against other items around us, or recognized through an event known as entangled states. Hair strands used as fingerprints for bioresonance tests serve as indicators to see whether an item reacts negatively or positively on an individual body.

Hair samples provide an ideal means of testing because they reveal your body’s responses over time to food and other substances, providing a reliable indicator of intolerance or sensitivity. Furthermore, these tests are easy to collect, fast and comprehensive; additionally they can detect non-food items like chemicals, metals and parasites as well as food intolerances or intolerances; although less accurate when it comes to IgE-mediated allergies.

Utilizing the BICOM optima bioresonance device, bioresonance testing can be performed both at home and in clinic settings. Results of bioresonance tests typically become available within three days and can help inform dietary decisions – bioresonance can provide vital insight into which food and nutrients your body might be missing out on for optimal health.

Bioresonance testing techniques are also utilized for treating animals, specifically dogs. Environmental factors, including polluted water and medicines that contain antibiotics or feed additives can contribute to ailments that cause digestive disorders, diarrhoea, itching and skin irritation in dogs; such conditions can be improved with use of a veterinary bioresonance machine such as the BICOM bioresonance machine. Furthermore, using bioresonance therapy helps decrease stress in an animal and improve mental and emotional wellbeing.

Bioresonance diagnosis

Bioresonance is an innovative holistic therapy designed to identify and address the source of health problems. As an adjunctive method to traditional medicine, its use allows one to detect and eliminate hidden causes for illnesses before they even appear, detect parasites in both body and mind and eliminate them completely. Bioresonance can also detect parasites living inside both your body and mind as well as detect parasites hiding out inside. Beyond being used as an diagnostic tool, it has proven its efficacy treating many ailments including food and environmental allergies, low immune defenses, digestive disorders constipation insomnia heavy metal poisoning arthritis asthma thyroiditis menstrual issues menstrual issues metabolic issues among others.

Bioresonance therapy was pioneered in Germany and utilizes electro-magnetic frequencies to detect pathogens, bacteria, viruses, and toxins that enter our bodies through food or air pollutants. A machine detects these frequencies before sending healthy frequencies back out into our system to balance out and neutralize any unhealthy ones that appear. This safe noninvasive technique can be utilized for children as well as adults of all ages.

Bioresonance operates under the principle that all cells emit electromagnetic energy in the form of resonance patterns of various wavelengths, which are measured by a computer to assess your overall health and detect imbalances. When an individual feels sick, their cell’s resonance patterns become altered due to DNA damage; bioresonance can detect such variations to pinpoint its source and discover the root cause of illness.

After assessing your condition, the practitioner will formulate a treatment plan designed to support and enhance your wellbeing. They may suggest diet changes, supplements or other therapeutic measures that may aid healing while providing safe and natural solutions to health problems, prevent disease and facilitate healing. This treatment method offers safe and natural ways of helping individuals combat health issues while improving overall quality of life.

Bioresonance therapy can be performed from the comfort of your own home, providing a personalized approach without leaving the convenience of your own space. FAB Health Clinic provides remote bioresonance sessions which are ideal for those unable to visit our clinic but still want access to this form of therapy, at a much lower cost than conventional treatments. If interested in bioresonance therapy contact Paulette from FAB Health Clinic immediately – she’ll set up an appointment and conduct tests which provide valuable insights into your symptoms and will conduct free consultation and appointments – she’ll even conduct free consultations!

Bioresonance treatment

Bioresonance treatment aims to restore energy balance within your body using electromagnetic frequencies to clear away harmful substances, similar to pharmaceutical treatments but without suppressing symptoms; rather it encourages healing within the body itself. Alongside treating the source of your condition such as allergies or intolerances, bioresonance also treats potential toxic issues underlying them – making this therapy especially helpful if suffering from allergies, intolerances or gastro-intestinal issues.

BICOM (Bioresonance Integrated Computerised System) Optima bioresonance machine is an innovative piece of medical technology used by certified therapists to assess your overall health and wellbeing. This device works by identifying and eliminating toxins caused by diet, lifestyle and environmental conditions – so qualified healthcare practitioners can use it effectively in treating their clients.

As soon as the device connects with your skin, it sends out a signal that travels through your body and is analysed by its mirror circuit to process frequency information. Any unwanted waveforms are reduced while desirable waveforms are amplified – with this inverted therapeutic signal then being sent through modulation mats connected to the device and sent directly back out into space for distribution to patients.

Bioresonance therapy signals help the body rebalance its natural energy balance and support immune function, while cancelling out harmful substances found within it – helping reduce risk of inflammation while opening communication between cells more freely. Results may be immediate or long-lasting depending on the condition being treated by bioresonance therapy sessions.

Bioresonance tests can also detect parasites, which are often missed but can lead to health issues ranging from low stomach acid levels and insomnia, insomnia and digestive problems. If parasites have infiltrated your system, a therapist can recommend specific supplements that will help eliminate them and rid yourself of parasites.

Bioresonance therapy has the power to treat an array of disorders, from allergies and intolerances to fatigue, fibromyalgia, and rheumatoid arthritis. Animals may even benefit from bioresonance treatment since it’s non-invasive and painless – although any qualified therapist should only make claims regarding allergy therapy as it would be more challenging to establish that bioresonance works in treating other ailments.

February 8, 2025|Editorial

Spooky2 Rife Review

What is spooky2 rife?

Spooky2 Rife is one of the world’s most advanced and versatile Rife machines, producing low-frequency electromagnetic waves which may help destroy microorganisms while aiding healing diseases. Furthermore, Spooky2 offers its users a diverse set of support resources.

Spooky2‘s generator has been revamped to be more efficient. Instead of counting pulses to detect changes in electrical patterns, GeneratorX now identifies stress in a scan sweep and correlates them to frequencies causing those stresses – an algorithm known as hit-finding – in an effort to speed up biofeedback scans like heart chakra or cellular level scans.

How to use spooky2 rife

Spooky2 differs from traditional Rife machines by using quantum entanglement to transmit frequencies directly into your body, which allows for non-tethered treatment without needing to stay near a machine. Furthermore, Spooky2 boasts an expansive set of frequency sets and accessories so that it can act as an effective Clark zapper, detox foot plate/glove detox device, microorganism killer in the home environment or vibrational frequency therapy device for healing purposes.

To begin using Spooky2 Rife, open the software and navigate to its Settings tab (shown below). On the left are default frequency sets that can be customized as needed, while on the right lies GeneratorX biofeedback scan that allows for finding individual frequency sets targeted toward certain conditions or diseases; additionally this scan may determine what frequencies should be applied directly or whether carrier waves should be employed if applicable.

The Advanced menu gives you access to additional features and allows you to set global defaults for Spooky2. Here, you can specify how many generators should be loaded at startup, view file paths to databases you own, configure Wobbles that can be toggled on and off in any Generator control panel for any length of time, as well as enter “blacklisted” frequencies that should be avoided.

Select the Inverse+Sync option in the Advanced menu to add a dynamic carrier wave to any frequency set, effectively quadrupling power for damped or H-Bomb waveforms – especially useful as potency boosters! Furthermore, Spooky2 allows users to surpass its hard limit of 5MHz by multiplying by five; this may prove useful when creating plasma programs, and may produce complex harmonic frequencies which may prove more efficient at killing pathogens than simple pure frequencies alone.


Everything in the universe vibrates at a frequency, or more precisely a resonance frequency. Each microorganism (fungi, bacteria, viruses, amoeba and parasites) have their own individual frequency that resonates at. When this frequency is applied directly to them it causes structural stress on their cell membrane which eventually disables or kills them – this method is utilized by Rife machines which create resonance frequencies capable of killing pathogens without harming human bodies.

Spooky2 software enables users to configure and operate one of the world’s most powerful Rife generators on their PC, using DNA, Main, Molecular Weight, Human Base Pair frequencies as well as protocols for diseases like cancer and Lyme. Users may create their own custom frequencies or even dowse for frequencies related to conditions or pathogens.

Spooky2 provides an FAQ page which answers a range of frequently asked questions and links to additional support resources for new users, making this page an invaluable tool in learning how to use Spooky2 more efficiently. It is especially beneficial for newcomers.

Spooky2 can be challenging to use, so it is essential that users take the time to become acquainted with all its features and functions. The documentation included with the software is extensive yet user-friendly; its website also hosts an impressive video library featuring tutorials as well as helpful advice for using it effectively.

Spooky2 users provide another great resource for understanding its features: the Wiki. Here, users provide information regarding each function of the program and frequently update it with answers to any queries that you might have about Spooky2.

Spooky2 is a free, open-source software application available for download from its official website. Compatible with Rife devices, this program enables frequency treatments for various conditions while offering support and documentation as well as providing users with a forum to ask questions or discuss their experiences using Spooky2.