Low Frequency Magnetic Therapy
Magnetic fields improve circulation and balance cellular function to prevent functional deterioration and accelerate recovery processes.
Experiments have shown that extremely low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMFs) enhance synaptic plasticity by modulating L-type voltage-gated calcium channel function and BDNF expression, as well as mitigating depressive behavior and cognitive decline among ischemic rats.
Improves Blood Circulation
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) stimulates cellular repair and circulation to speed the body’s natural healing process. Unlike static magnets, PEMF therapy’s magnetic field pulses penetrate evenly across your tissue for safe application on all areas of the body including metal implants or casts without discomfort or side-effects; making this an excellent, non-invasive therapy option suitable for treating many conditions.
Studies have shown that extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-MFs) can have profound impacts on cells/organisms, altering both their structure and function. They cause changes to stress-related systems as well as alter intracellular mechanisms into either compensatory or deleterious states, altering intracellular mechanisms either toward compensatory or deleterious states respectively. ELF-MFs can also alter levels of certain amino acids/ neurotransmitters such as glutamate, glutamine, glycine, tyrosine and GABA.
Studies on the effects of PEMF therapy devices on microcirculation in diabetic patients demonstrate that the direction of the magnetic field’s polarity can have a dramatic effect on blood flow. A downward direction will reduce glucose and insulin resistance; an upward one increases blood flow and enhances vasomotion; or you could alternately direct them up and down for maximum effect.
Studies have demonstrated that exposure to ELF-MFs significantly increases blood flow in healthy subjects during and after five minutes of exposure to a hand-held PEMF device, likely as a result of stimulating endothelial cell NO production and increasing vascular permeability; NO acts as a vasodilator while increasing oxygen delivery to finger tissues.
Another study on the effects of ELF-MFs on diabetes demonstrated that when the direction of polarity of an ELF-MF was changed from upward to downward on mice induced with STZ, fasting blood glucose decreased while an intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test improved when compared to results obtained with similar ELF-MF treatment in a sham group with same polarity ELF-MF. Furthermore, downward magnetic fields enhanced NO production and glucose clearance.
Experiments conducted on animal models have demonstrated that ELF-MF increases BDNF mRNA expression among cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons. BDNF is a neurotrophic factor known to increase cell survival.
Reduces Pain
Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) is a noninvasive, painless therapy using magnetic energy to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. Physical therapists frequently employ PEMF treatments to alleviate pain, improve circulation and promote bone and tissue healing. PEMF treatments have proven useful in treating many musculoskeletal conditions including osteoarthritis of the knee, hip or spine; chronic back pain; fibromyalgia; joint cartilage damage; Achilles tendonitis; sciatic nerve pain and even rheumatoid arthritis among others.
PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic fields) are electromagnetic fields which oscillate at high frequency, producing an oscillating magnetic force which penetrates all areas of your body. It interacts with cell’s ions to affect cell membrane potential in such a way as to normalize it back towards physiological, thus decreasing pain transmission to the brain and acting as natural pain killers. Furthermore, magnetic field therapy helps eliminate swelling by speeding permeability cell and improving blood circulation between tissues.
Pulsed magnetic fields affect cell enzymes to promote neuroplasticity and accelerate recovery from trauma or stroke, speeding recovery time. Research on ischemic animals demonstrated that 1 and 100 mT 50Hz ELF-MF significantly downregulated proinflammatory cytokines while upregulating neurotrophin expression for increased functional and mental recovery.
Magnetotherapy can be safely utilized by those who are living with implanted electronic devices, including pacemakers and metal implants, or epilepsy. We do advise scheduling a medical consultation prior to beginning magnetotherapy to eliminate potential contraindications and find out the most suitable magnetotherapy therapy solution for your condition.
As with other forms of therapy, magnetotherapy requires you to lie on a mat, pad or coil equipped with a PEMF device placed over the treatment area. While you may experience mild tingling or pulsing sensations during sessions, they shouldn’t last more than several seconds and disappear once the magnetic field dissipates back into space – once treated it should return back into natural state once again. Your therapist should provide recommendations regarding duration and intensity of sessions for best results based on your pathology diagnosis; after starting treatment you should experience benefits quickly.
Reduces Inflammation
Magnetotherapy treatments have the ability to significantly decrease inflammation in the musculoskeletal system, by both preventing inflammation and helping soft tissue heal (myorelaxation effect). Magnetotherapy also strengthens immunity against infections and diseases as well as improving metabolism and blood circulation within the body, enabling oxygen and nutrients to reach deeper into cells for greater therapeutic effect.
Low-frequency magnetic fields help fine-tune cellular machinery by modulating intracellular calcium concentration and release of ROS over time, as well as activating specific tendon-associated genes such as SCX, COL1A1, TNC and DCN.
Studies have demonstrated the power of pulsed electromagnetic fields to stimulate bone marrow stem cell proliferation, reduce their apoptosis rate and enhance collagen production in vitro production – effects which may help aid tendon repair and regeneration as well as enhance tissue engineered construct maturation prior to implant. These effects could potentially help improve tendon healing.
Studies on tendon repair have demonstrated that pulsating magnetic fields significantly increase tensile strength and speed up healing after surgical repair. It is hoped that this technique may also be applied to chronic rotator cuff injuries as well as other musculoskeletal issues like ankle sprains or plantar fasciitis.
Magnetic therapy has been proven effective at alleviating pain, stiffness and swelling associated with rheumatoid arthritis; however, the optimal magnetotherapy treatment remains unknown.
Experiments have shown that pulsating magnetic fields can activate cellular potential, regulate ion exchange and significantly increase oxygen utilization in damaged tissues. The improved cell function resulting from such treatments allows for the elimination of toxins and waste products while aiding healing processes.
All cells possess an electrical potential which determines their functional state, typically 70mV for healthy tissue. Any deviation from this norm indicates an imbalance in ionic concentration within the cell and should be taken as an indication that something may be amiss.
ELF-MFs can be found both naturally (geomagnetic storms and lightning) and artificially in man-made environments, including electricity power lines, electric appliances at home or work, magnetic resonance imaging and more. Most humans tolerate these natural and artificial ELF-MFs without experiencing discomfort; however, for individuals more susceptible they may cause discomfort.
Promotes Healing
The electromagnetic field penetrates the body and stimulates ions and electrolytes within cells to facilitate chemical and electrical reactions that promote healing processes on a cellular level, as well as decrease inflammation, reduce oxidative stress levels and lessen production of harmful pro-inflammatory cytokines.
Magnetotherapy works by stimulating the production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), an energy source for our cells, which results in improved cell metabolism allowing faster repair and reconstruction – essential components to proper bodily functioning as well as helping combat ageing and disease. Magnetotherapy may help increase this production, making your metabolism more efficient while decreasing effects of ageing and disease.
PEMFs can also enhance tissue healing by increasing production of cytokines and growth factors, which help produce more collagen that assists with tissue formation and cell division. This makes PEMFs ideal for helping facilitate new cell and tissue growth in an attempt to accelerate tissue repair.
Magnetotherapy therapy can accelerate recovery after orthopedic procedures or surgeries, as well as accelerate healing in those suffering from degenerative conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, this form of therapy has also been shown to prevent bone loss in osteoporotic patients and improve fracture healing rates.
Studies conducted on animal models have demonstrated that low frequency magnetic fields (ELF-MFs) can protect against damage caused by experimental ischemia due to their neuroprotective effect. One theory suggests ELF-MFs serve as mild stressors which cause neurotrophic factors, like BDNF, to be released. Another possibility suggests they inhibit oxidative stress by blocking reactive oxygen species’ action on proteins.
Researchers have also discovered that ELF-MFs can increase tissue proliferation and differentiation dose-dependently. These effects may be related to changes in gene expression. Studies have also demonstrated how ELF-MFs can significantly decrease apoptosis induced by camptothecin in human leukemia cells; furthermore 24h exposure at 50Hz/1mT significantly weakens it further while 24 h ELF-MF exposure can boost its protective effects against H2O2-induced apoptosis in neuroblastoma cell lines such as SH-SY5Y.