Information Wellness Blog

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March 7, 2024Editor

ADHD Neurofeedback Device

Neurofeedback may offer promising solutions for ADHD, but research indicates it works best when combined with medication and behavior therapy. Unfortunately, however, it can also be very costly.

NeurOptimal Dynamical Neurofeedback monitors maladaptive brainwave patterns and provides emotional and cognitive changes, safely and noninvasively. Fully automated, it costs significantly less than most professional systems.

What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback (EEG biofeedback) has proven itself as an effective alternative treatment for ADHD, whether used alongside medication or as the sole means. Through operant conditioning, patients learn to control the frequency and strength of their brainwaves for improved performance in academics and work, reduced stress levels, as well as overall symptoms improvement.

Neurofeedback differs from traditional treatment approaches in that it retrains the brain to restore focus and emotional control – helping individuals overcome any detrimental effects caused by ADD/ADHD to reach their full potential.

Neurofeedback therapy is a safe, drug-free treatment with no known adverse side effects. Most individuals find the sessions relaxing and enjoyable – similar to receiving massage or exercising – while some may feel fatigued after each session as their brain exercises its neural networks in order to change how it operates based on real-time feedback provided during therapy sessions.

Biofeedback devices are machines that record the electrical activity of your brain and display it on a computer screen so you can observe its changes over time. Linear neurofeedback devices were among the first of this technology’s first generations; they let users view brainwaves as animation on monitors. More sophisticated systems, like NeurOptimal home neurofeedback system use qEEG (qualitative electroencephalography), which allows trainers to map your electrical activity against healthy data in order to identify which brainwaves may be distorted and how best to correct them.

Neurofeedback’s aim is to increase beta waves – associated with clear thinking and efficient information processing – while simultaneously decreasing delta and theta waves which have been associated with daydreaming or unfocused thinking.

Studies demonstrate the efficacy of neurofeedback for relieving symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), such as anxiety and insomnia. Neurofeedback can also improve sleep quality while increasing memory retention and concentration capacity as well as empathy and compassion levels. Neurofeedback works well alone or combined with psychotherapy treatments for treating PTSD.

How Does Neurofeedback Work?

Neurofeedback training has grown increasingly popular as an effective solution to aid children and adults suffering from mental illnesses such as ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). Neurofeedback works on the theory that when we focus our minds, our minds act differently from when they’re not focused. A recent study published in Brain Sciences demonstrated how neurofeedback training could enhance episodic memory performance as well as working memory capabilities, both key elements in attention disorders.

Neurofeedback devices consist of electrodes attached to the scalp in a helmet or headband that monitor and record brain wave activity, then display this on a computer screen as a video game. Patients can see their efforts working immediately while practicing focusing their brain to alter patterns that arise during neurofeedback sessions.

Neurofeedback sessions involve devices sending feedback signals when muscles relax or when brain waves display increased slow-wave power or decreased beta power; the goal being that eventually, this training helps create a more stable and balanced state of mind for its users.

Neurofeedback is similar to biofeedback and has been successfully applied for treating high blood pressure and muscle tension, training cognitive skills like focus and empathy as well as traditional therapeutic uses such as increasing performance or decreasing injury risks in athletes. Neurofeedback has even found use within sports arenas to train athletes for increased performance while decreasing injury risks.

Neurofeedback can assist patients suffering from anxiety and depression, dementia or traumatic brain injuries; one study even demonstrated its benefits helping those afflicted recover faster than those not receiving neurofeedback therapy.

Neurofeedback is a safe, natural approach that has proven its efficacy at relieving ADHD symptoms, along with other behavioral issues like anxiety or sleep disruptions. Neurofeedback provides a useful adjunct therapy that works well alongside stimulant medication and behavioral therapy in helping people reclaim control in school, work and at home – plus it strengthens self-regulation skills to reach peak performance levels both personally and professionally.

How Can Neurofeedback Help with ADHD?

Neurofeedback involves placing painless sensors on a person’s scalp to measure brain waves, followed by using an electronic screen program that displays their results to show them how to alter the pattern or strength of those waves. They then learn how to change these waves for improved concentration or behavior control – possibly helping with impulse control issues such as hyperactivity. Studies conducted under controlled conditions have proven neurofeedback to significantly decrease core ADHD symptoms as well as improve self-regulation skills among participants.

Neurofeedback works off of the theory that people with ADHD produce different brain wave patterns than others, especially in their frontal lobe. This causes their inability to focus and stick with tasks, so during neurofeedback sessions the person focuses on tasks designed to demonstrate how effectively they’re concentrating, like playing video games with an electroencephalograph (EEG). When they concentrate more, their game speeds up more rapidly while more feedback comes back from the machine; eventually learning how to regulate these patterns both during sessions as well as outside them.

Neurofeedback can not only assist with concentration but can also enhance sleep quality and decrease anxiety levels – all of which have the ability to enhance one’s quality of life. Neurofeedback may also be used alongside medication and behavioral therapy treatments for added effect.

While some doctors may recommend neurofeedback training for children with ADHD, no guarantee can be given that it will work for everyone. Neurofeedback training takes considerable time, energy and money investment; and can become frustrating for some kids who don’t see immediate benefits from treatment.

An economical option is using home-based adhd neurofeedback devices such as Muse 3-channel headband to generate EEG feedback when placed over the forehead. These devices are typically sold by licensed physicians and can be monitored online; physicians can alert their patients when they log in as well as make changes based on individual evaluation of needs.

What Are the Benefits of Neurofeedback for ADHD?

Neurofeedback is a noninvasive brain training method designed to assist those living with ADHD to improve their focus and concentration. This technique teaches people how to regulate their brainwaves for greater self-regulation of mental states that lead to improved academic performance as well as an overall sense of well being.

Neurofeedback offers an alternative approach to traditional treatments like medication and behavioral therapy, providing relief without side effects or fully managing symptoms with prescribed drugs. A study conducted comparing 40-session neurofeedback and cognitive training (CT) sessions against stimulant therapy revealed that only neurofeedback produced significant gains in terms of reduced ADHD symptoms without necessitating additional medication dosage increases.

At each session, a therapist uses painless sensors on various locations on the head to measure brainwave activity with an electroencephalograph, or EEG. A computer then provides real-time feedback and rewards participants when their brainwaves fall within an optimal range. As patients progress over time, they learn how to recognize these optimal brain wave patterns outside of office environment and replicate them themselves.

Neurofeedback protocols commonly used for treating ADHD – theta/beta ratio, sensory-motor rhythm and slow cortical potential – have demonstrated their efficacy and specificity in improving regulation of impulsive and hyperactive brain activity in ADHD according to meta-analyses and randomized controlled trials. It should be remembered that people living with ADHD do not all share identical brainwave patterns, therefore neurofeedback treatment must be tailored specifically for each person with ADHD.

Neurofeedback offers lasting advantages as a non-invasive, drug-free treatment to manage ADHD. Neurofeedback may be combined with other approaches like psychotherapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy in order to teach people how to modify their behavior more successfully.

Neurofeedback offers many advantages for ADHD treatment, including its effectiveness at lowering impulsivity, helping individuals remain on task, and improving sleep habits. Furthermore, unlike more traditional forms of treatment like medications that often come with side effects and costlier options that are ineffective over time – neurofeedback has no known side effects and is safe for people of all ages; plus its cost effectiveness makes it the superior option compared to others that require ongoing medication but do not work as effectively.

March 7, 2024Editor

Integrating Quantum Healing Numbers With Graph Theory and Fibonacci Sequences

Medical practitioners have recently shown an increasing and burgeoning interest in applying quantum mechanics and quantum theory, both subfields of quantum physics, to medicine. These fields could help advance diseases as well as address other health related concerns in the future.

TikTok videos have unveiled sequences of numbers which, when written down or spoken aloud, have healing powers and can be written, spoken aloud or meditated upon for effective results – these are known as quantum healing codes.

Fibonacci Numbers

The Fibonacci sequence is an iconic series of numbers found throughout nature and art, creating fascinating number patterns with many fascinating properties and applications. Most commonly, this mathematical concept appears as the golden ratio – something closely tied to the Fibonacci sequence itself which can explain why many natural patterns possess its characteristics.

Fibonacci sequence has an unknown history; however, it is widely accepted that its first two numbers should be zero and one. From there, each successive number adds on top of the two previous ones until Phi (1.618) approaches. Phi is commonly referred to as divine proportion or golden ratio and even Fibonacci proportion.

Fibonacci sequence is a simple mathematical concept with profound ramifications for mathematicians and designers alike. Mathematicians frequently employ it in creating self-similar curves and spirals found throughout nature; artists use its application in creating artwork such as architecture, jewelry design or other forms of design; science/technology incorporates it such as DNA molecules which closely resemble its shape based on this sequence; it even appears on some surfaces like rocks!

This sequence is also tied to the Golden Ratio, a number close to 1.618 that is often found in nature – such as plants branching radially – as well as human creations like Eiffel Tower and Golden Gate Bridge which feature this ratio in their designs. This ratio can be seen everywhere from artwork, architecture and engineering projects, including natural patterns like the branching patterns found on plants; to manmade feats like Eiffel Tower and Golden Gate Bridge with their curvilinear lines reminiscent of nature itself.

Though the Fibonacci sequence has many appealing properties, its calculations can be complicated with traditional recursive methods. Thankfully, Leonhard Euler came up with a formula called the Binet formula which makes finding any Fibonacci number much quicker; using it will save time when trying to find any fibonacci number.

Graph Theory

Graph theory is an application of mathematics which deals with networks composed of nodes connected by edges – like big spiderweb-like structures – connecting nodes. One application of graph theory that stands out is its use in flow problems such as scheduling airline flights. Given that crew members for different flights could live anywhere around the globe, each airport must find ways to schedule flights so all necessary crew members are on hand at each plane when it takes off and land – complex network connections like these can be analysed and solved using graph theory.

An important concept in graph theory is the notion of nodes, or points, being assigned degrees – which refer to their number of adjacent vertices – while edges between nodes may also be assigned weights; an edge connecting one node with itself would receive weight 0 while one connecting to another node would receive weight 1.

Graph theory is not only used for flow problems; it is also utilized in physics and chemistry. For instance, in chemistry it is often employed to represent atoms and chemical bonds using dots and lines as symbols; each dot denoting an individual atomic element while each line denoting chemical bond formation. This application of graphs in chemistry stemmed from their introduction by mathematicians during the 19th century when they started studying their geometry and relations.

Internet and e-commerce applications of graph theory provide some of its most powerful uses, with popular sites like Google Maps using graph theory to display roads and show shortest routes between two points, and Amazon using graph theory to recommend items based on past purchases that might interest their customer base.

Recently, physicists have turned to graph theory in search of self-healing quantum error correcting codes. Researchers discovered that two-dimensional subsystem codes can be mapped using these techniques; marking this event as the first time any 2-dimensional energy landscape of an error correction code had ever been documented by scientists.

Self-Healing Quantum Error Correcting Codes

Quantum mechanics’ main limitation is that information cannot be copied, making error correction challenging. One solution to this difficulty is spreading bits nonlocally so if one qubit fails it has little impact on overall state. Unfortunately this approach requires additional energy consumption when encoding and decoding messages, however researchers have now developed self-healing quantum error correcting codes which overcome this limitation.

Under this approach, a qubit encoded with a quantum mechanical function will be activated by specific patterns of particles; when that pattern is identified, its information is stored in another qubit that can then be used to correct errors; providing unsurpassed levels of precision for error correction.

This research is especially captivating because its applications span such diverse systems as quantum computing and atomic physics. Utilizing quantum errors to correct for error could enable faster, more powerful computers than existing models as well as discovering novel chemical reactions and materials.

Another captivating use for these codes lies in self-healing quantum memories. Such memories store data without physically copying or encoding, yet can correct themselves through single-shot error correction – an ability shown for various quantum phase models, including 3D gauge color codes as well as Z2 1-form symmetry exhibited by toric codes.

These codes can be used to generate quantum healing numbers that are intended to heal both mind and body at an atomic level. These sequences are based on the Fibonacci series – a number pattern found throughout nature from sea life to flowers to your own DNA – which when repeated are said to increase confidence while dispelling negative emotions; additionally they focus attention and improve mental clarity – with higher vibrational numbers being more effective healing forces.

Quantum Computers

Researchers are developing quantum computers capable of performing calculations at speeds and efficiencies far exceeding those seen with today’s most powerful supercomputers. But many obstacles still need to be overcome before these machines can become practical and useful tools for everyday use.

Quantum computers leverage physical laws to perform certain mathematical operations at exponentially faster rates than classical computers. They achieve this feat by sending qubits into an unstable state called superposition where they simultaneously exist in multiple states – this allows the computer to calculate many things at once through something known as entanglement – then using these calculations to narrow down possible answers for specific problems quickly.

Quantum computing may appear like a superpower capable of solving complex problems instantly, yet commercializing this technology has proven challenging. Quantum computers tend to produce errors that corrupt data being processed. Researchers are working hard on protecting quantum computers’ delicate qubits from such errors through physical isolation or cooling methods or energy pulses delivered with precise control.

Quantum computers will likely take time to fully take hold in our society, but some scientists are already seeing its potential benefits. One area this might help in is drug discovery: simulating complex molecules can be challenging with traditional computers; quantum computing might enable faster creation of simulations thereby expediting the discovery and testing process for new medicines.

Quantum computing could play an impactful role in everyday life as well. One area in particular where quantum computers could make inroads is cybersecurity; they could make headway by breaking through current cybersecurity protocols involving pseudorandom numbers generated using algorithms generating pseudo-random numbers posed a real threat to businesses that use standard encryption protocols.

March 7, 2024Editor

Southern Tier Alternative Therapies

Southern Tier Alternative Therapies operates within the Business Services industry and offers counseling and mental health programs for veterans, at-risk youth and those who have experienced trauma. Betsy is passionate about spreading Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART), believing it has the power to completely change trauma’s face.

Hippotherapy/therapeutic riding

Hippotherapy is a form of physical therapy that utilizes horse movement to achieve therapeutic goals. Sessions are led by a physiotherapist trained in hippotherapy; riders do not actively control the horse, instead being guided through series of movements that mimic human walking motions. Each session can be tailored specifically for each client; for instance those suffering from hypertonia (an increase in muscle tone) may find riding horses improves both balance and flexibility.

Hippotherapy lessons utilize horses specifically trained to be safe and comfortable around individuals with special needs. When selecting horses for lessons, particular attention is paid to temperament and movement – this will allow therapists to use horse movement as part of a strategy for reaching occupational therapy, physical therapy or speech/language pathology goals for clients.

Therapists frequently collaborate with groups of clients in riding therapy sessions led by professional riding instructors and assistants. Therapists will tailor tack, equipment and physical supports specifically to each rider’s individual needs to ensure safe therapeutic activity while meeting their goal for that session.

Therapists use horse movement in their sessions to facilitate sensory processing. Its rhythm, tempo and cadence have a profound effect on clients’ vestibular, proprioceptive, tactile and visual systems; leading them to better process information leading to greater functional outcomes.

Speech/language pathologists who include hippotherapy into their treatments find it can have significant beneficial results on their client’s ability to communicate. The repetitive, rhythmical movement of the horse stimulates thinking and organization processes which helps individuals put together their thoughts more cohesively and express them more accurately.

Patients often require multiple therapy sessions before reaching their goal, and Instrumentl makes it easy to identify potential funding sources by producing user-friendly 990 reports based on IRS Form 990s from thousands of private foundations and nonprofit funders, making it simpler for individuals to locate funders that fit.


Massage involves the manipulation of skin and muscles through strokes such as stroking, kneading, warming, rolling and stroking; either gently or vigorously performed on skin and muscles. Massage has many health benefits that include relieving stress, pain and discomfort and increasing energy levels; in addition it’s being used to treat various health conditions.

Therapeutic massage can provide relief for a range of issues, from arthritis and back pain to anxiety and asthma. It has also been found to effectively treat asthma, constipation and high blood pressure. Therapeutic massage may also improve sleep and decrease fatigue; research suggests it can even reduce symptoms associated with fibromyalgia – a chronic condition which causes muscle pain and fatigue – as well as improve quality-of-life for those living with cancer and other chronic illnesses.

People living with terminal illnesses or physical disabilities often find comfort through therapeutic massage. Massage helps them feel cared for and less anxious, which in turn allows for improved communication with doctors and family members. Massage may also be used alongside other forms of therapy to foster communication and trust between doctor/patient relationships as well as between caregiver/client interactions; and is also frequently utilized with children who depend on touch to communicate.

Massage relieves muscle and tissue tension while stimulating circulation, relieving pain and speeding healing processes while decreasing stiffness and soreness. Furthermore, this therapy allows oxygen and nutrients to reach all parts of the body to enhance organ performance as well as increase self-esteem and self-worth – which is especially crucial when living with serious conditions.

Most massages start off with a comprehensive consultation in which the therapist will ask about your medical history and address any special needs or concerns you might have. After this meeting, they’ll give you space to undress and relax – typically they will cover you with a towel before leaving the room so that you can redress at your own pace!

Nutritional counseling

Nutritional counseling is the process by which a trained health professional assists individuals in making healthier food choices and developing healthier eating habits. Nutritional counseling also assists with managing chronic conditions and side effects from medications taken for chronic illnesses; additionally it can teach individuals how to consume a well-rounded diet with adequate calories, proteins, carbohydrates, fats and other nutritional elements such as lean meats, low-fat dairy products and whole grains for maximum nutritional intake.

Dietitians or nurses typically offer nutritional counselling. A patient-centred approach is necessary to improve outcomes; however, many patients face barriers in accessing care such as lack of time, resources or cultural context. Innovative methods must also be found for providing nutrition care; technologies like e-counselling may offer greater access for some individuals.

An important element of nutritional counseling is setting goals with your client and counselor, based on behaviors they want to change such as increasing or decreasing fruit and vegetable consumption or cutting salt consumption. Nutritional counselling also assists clients in learning how to prepare healthy meals from scratch or make intelligent dining choices when dining out.

Nutritional counselors must also identify behavioral goals for individuals as well as their typical eating patterns. A food frequency questionnaire is an effective way of getting an accurate representation of an individual’s energy and nutrient intake; typically asking them to keep track of what they eat for three consecutive days before filling out this form.

Nutritional counseling seeks to make individuals more at ease when discussing their health, which is especially true of people living with disabilities. The first step in nutritional counseling involves building trust between counsellor and patient through open and honest dialogue and an appreciation of each person’s unique requirements.


Yoga is an ancient discipline combining physical exercise, mental concentration and spiritual awareness into one holistic practice. Yoga has quickly become a popular way to increase balance, strength and flexibility while relieving stress and encouraging a positive outlook on life. Unfortunately, however, many misunderstand its true purpose; this may result in misuse or even abuse by individuals unaware of its spiritual significance, potentially keeping those who might benefit from deeper levels of practice from giving it a try altogether.

Yoga has long been seen as an approach to holistic health that encompasses mind and body. Yoga’s foundation lies in the belief that all dimensions are interdependent; illness in one part impacts another part; this concept can also be found in Buddhism or Taoism. Furthermore, Yoga offers ethical principles known as the Yamas and Niyamas which can assist practitioners during daily practice.

Modern yoga has evolved to fit within the Western fitness and health paradigm, emphasizing physical postures (asanas) and breathing techniques such as pranayama or pranayam. Chanting, meditation, relaxation techniques or relaxation sessions may also be used during practice to further the benefits of Yoga practice for health and well-being. Yoga has the power to strengthen strength, stability, endurance and concentration as well as reduce stress, anxiety depression or chronic diseases such as heart disease diabetes or high blood pressure.

Yoga can assist those struggling with mental health conditions like depression, stress and anxiety by relaxing the nervous system and shifting balance away from sympathetic “fight or flight” responses toward parasympathetic “rest and digest” ones. Yoga also increases hemoglobin and red blood cell counts which improve oxygen delivery to cells for greater functionality of organ systems in the body.

Practice Yoga and you may come to realize that all that surrounds you – the people and things you like or dislike, those whom you love or do not – is only temporary and memories are mere projections. Furthermore, when experiencing oneness through Yoga practice you become part of its greater truth.

March 7, 2024Editor

Biohacking Gear

Biohacking seeks to enhance both body and mind. It can do this through self-experimentation using various tools, including wearables that track vital signs.

Biohackers frequently utilize devices like the Oura Ring, which tracks sleep and heart rate variability. Others swear by brain-boosting supplements like Bulletproof Brain Octane C8 MCT Oil as ways of optimizing performance.

Altos Air

Biohackers must possess an air quality monitor. This device allows biohackers to ensure optimal air quality for brain fuelling, tracking its dynamics over time and alerting when your performance begins to diminish. Plus, its smartphone app makes keeping tabs on air composition easy in your home or office!

Conscious Spaces EMF protection clothing helps reduce exposure to harmful electromagnetic frequencies; while Bahe ‘grounding’ shoes allow “healthy electricity” from the ground to travel through your body without having to be barefoot. Finally, for any sleep hacker looking for quality sleep improvement and tracking purposes alike, oura Ring is an indispensable companion that helps improve quality by tracking readiness scores as well as tracking patterns of sleep.

Boomer Anderson, an esteemed health optimiser and biohacker known as Decoding Superhuman and Smarter Not Harder founder, details his journey into microdosing, nootropika, smart drugs and mental upgrades. We discuss his morning routine, valuable fitness hacks from Jeff Bezos’ concept of grounding as well as ways to optimise mind, brain and korper with targeted training methods and nootropics; plus some productivity tips from Ben.

Brain Octane C8 MCT Oil

Coconut oil has quickly become more than just a pantry essential. It has also established itself as an oral supplement, known to facilitate rapid weight loss, enhanced cognition and sustained energy levels. Brain Octane MCT Oil from coconuts features high concentrations of C8 medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs).

Bulletproof’s MCT oil is refined to contain 100% octanoic acid, an 8-carbon medium chain triglyceride (MCT). According to their website, Bulletproof claims it easily converts into fat-burning ketones that help control cravings while improving cognitive function and relieving symptoms associated with depression and anxiety.

Brain Octane is free from fillers, solvents and additives and certified as Non-GMO by the Non-GMO Project. Packed in a BPA-free bottle and containing 473ml of oil, Brain Octane can easily be mixed into smoothies, coffee or any food by starting with one teaspoon and gradually increasing dosage over several days for best results.

This MCT oil is produced in the US under stringent conditions, free from solvents and other harsh chemical processes – an excellent choice for vegans or those with sensitive stomachs.


Biohacking is an evolving amalgamation of science, technology, and personal experimentation aimed at optimizing physical and mental well-being. From taking supplements or nootropics to boost focus or recovery to using advanced exercise equipment such as whole-body vibration platforms or hyperbaric oxygen chambers for hyperbaric oxygen therapy chambers – biohacking gear helps you reach both physical and mental heights.

Hapbee, a digital wellness platform, gives its users the power to biostream caffeine and melatonin without taking them internally. Utilizing its patented technology, this system utilizes low-energy magnetic fields that mimic signals your brain already understands – whether Alert for energy boost, Sleepy for deeper sleep induction, or Relax as stress relief. In addition, users can track air composition trends with historical graphs as well as set daily goals for improved sleep, focus, and relaxation using Hapbee.

No matter who your list contains, biohacking devices make an impressionful gift for those interested in health and fitness or who wish to break old patterns. Popular gadgets include brain octane oil and wearables that track heart rate, steps, sleep patterns and weight, but other popular choices include Apple Watches, Oura rings, Fitbits and Garmin devices; there are even ultra-low radiofrequency energy (ulRFE) products which have been shown to mitigate electromagnetic fields and structure water molecules to promote hydration while neutralize free radicals.

Though not scientifically verified, biohacking gear’s potential to accelerate muscle growth and boost metabolism is undeniable. Before investing in any biohacking gear, however, it’s essential that you carefully consider your fitness goals and safety considerations; for instance if using hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), an in-depth health assessment must be conducted first to make sure blood pressure remains normal range.

Muse EEG Headband

One of the best biohacker pieces of gear is Muse, a wearable that uses electroencephalography (EEG) to monitor brainwaves. Think of it like a portable brain lab that sits comfortably on your head providing real-time biofeedback to optimize your life and help manage stress levels effectively. Muse also tracks heart rate, body movement, breathing patterns and sleep, providing you with enough data for informed decisions on improving well-being.

Muse is used by everyone from novice meditators and Olympic athletes, to scientists. It provides a great way to gain more insight into your mind’s workings while cultivating regular meditation practices. On this week’s episode of The Biohacking Show, I interviewed Ariel Garten of InteraXon – the company behind Muse. She studied neuroscience at the University of Toronto before working in labs at Krembil Neuroscience Centre researching Parkinson’s disease and hippocampal neurogenesis research; additionally, Ariel designed clothing lines at Toronto Fashion Week before having her work displayed at Art Gallery of Ontario.

Muse is designed by Ariel and her team to be research-backed, accurate, and user friendly. Currently being utilized in multiple clinical trials worldwide – such as by the Department of Veterans Affairs for helping manage stress and anxiety related to chronic health conditions – unlike commercially available EEG devices which tend to be costly and inaccessible, Muse provides research-grade technology at a much more reasonable cost making it more readily accessible.


Wellness technology is one of the best tools available to biohacking enthusiasts to optimize both body and mind. However, its success ultimately lies in how accurate and actionable its data are. Measuring and monitoring devices with log capabilities that allow comparison of readings over time are essential in measuring progress toward goals; many systems also come equipped with apps allowing users to see changes in readings over time – having accurate information can keep people committed and motivated in their experiment with biohacking.

The ZOZOSUIT is a wearable device that helps users take 3D body measurements and create an accurate model of themselves using smartphone cameras. Covered in fiducial markers scanned by smartphone apps, the new ZOZOSUIT 2 offers increased accuracy in scanning due to 50 times more fiducial markers for full body scans taking less than one minute or less! High resolution data produced from ZOZOSUIT usage may be leveraged for applications like clothing fit recommendations and body shape tracking as well as for more serious health or fitness purposes.

ZOZOSUIT has become an invaluable tool for athletes like USC running back Austin Jones to track performance gains during training and conditioning as well as recover quickly and maintain efficiently throughout a regular season. The app’s color-based metrics help users quickly visualize progress they have made towards reaching success, beyond simply counting steps on a scale.

March 7, 2024Editor

The Matrix and Dr Peter Gariaev

Dr Gariaev discovered that all living organisms’ genetic information is stored and transmitted using electromagnetic and acoustic frequencies; and that this data could be captured and transmitted using frequencies as sound/words.

His discoveries led to the birth of wave genetics – a theory which describes the genome as acting like an intricate computer network.

How Dr. Gariaev’s work changed the world

Dr Gariaev was an outstanding Russian Physicist and Molecular Biologist who pioneered multidimensional understandings of DNA sequence. This groundbreaking discovery set him apart from his peers; leading him to form new fields such as Wave Genetics and Lingvistiko-Wave genetics as a result. Dr Gariaev was elected into both Russian Academy of Sciences as well as New York Academy of Natural Sciences.

Dr Peter Gariaev pioneered an innovative molecular biology technique using electromagnetic fields to resurrect cells from dead states, giving them enough life force to survive and reproduce while remaining less healthy than full-grown cells. This technology is being employed to treat various cancers and other diseases.

Resurrected cells can create new organs. For example, those suffering from pancreatitis can receive transplanted pancreatic cells that will regenerate themselves and produce insulin for use by their bodies – this would allow more people to live longer with fewer transplants needed.

Dr Gariaev was so influential because he brought together experts from multiple fields to study DNA, such as Biophysicists, Molecular Biologists, Embryologists and Linguistic experts. Not content to simply sequence nucleotides and codons of the coding DNA sequence, he explored all parts of the genome including non-coding areas as well. Furthermore he discovered that junk DNA that we consider redundant was actually essential parts of its sequence!

He developed a novel method for reading DNA samples by moving the sample in a quartz cuvette from one place to the next while recording its electromagnetic signal with correlation laser spectroscopy. He noticed that its original location remained as an undetected trace or “phantom”, lasting 10-15 seconds after moving, as well as sound frequencies emanating from this “phantom.” Furthermore, sound frequencies produced by it could also be detected and recorded.

The Matrix

Since its initial release 20 years ago, The Matrix has become a cultural landmark with its depiction of internet culture and philosophy, groundbreaking special effects (which earned an Oscar) and groundbreaking themes (such as whether we should trust our senses), revolutionary special effects that won an Academy Award, as well as groundbreaking special effects used for parodies of many other films like Truman Show, Westworld Jacob’s Ladder Cube etc. This film also inspires many other similar movies such as Truman Show Westworld Jacob’s Ladder Cube etc.). These themes can also be seen throughout other popular movies like Truman Show Westworld Jacob’s Ladder Cube etc.

Neo, the main protagonist in The Matrix, breaks into its system and discovers it to be an elaborate computer simulation created by intelligent machines to enslave humanity. While their minds were held within virtual reality environments created by these artificial intelligences, their bodies were harvested for power by these Machines through pods known as “The Matrix.”

Neo is presented with a choice by The Architect: either join forces with the Machines or face extinction as humans. Instead of accepting this ultimatum and taking the red pill, he chooses instead to leave the Matrix, leading systemic anomalies to destabilize and bring about humanity’s demise while showing that The Architect had prepared for such eventualities and will survive even without humanity as batteries of his network.

Although The Matrix may contain numerous faults, its trilogy remains captivating. Written by two trans women with leftist leanings and featuring many themes relevant to modern politics – particularly Noam Chomsky-style capitalism critique and Nietzsche’s ideas about superhumanity – its politics often felt like an awkward combination of these approaches.

The Matrix remains one of the most influential movies exploring questioning reality, inspiring millions to follow their own truth and resist oppression – but also drawing criticism from far-right audiences, some of whom continue to use The Matrix in ways which could cause irreparable damage in society today.

The DNA Code

The genetic code is a series of three-letter combinations of nucleotides in DNA that code for amino acids – building blocks of proteins. This code is nearly universal, with only minor variations. Codons are organized into families called “codon families,” with each codon representing either one amino acid or stop signal. An amino acid sequence can then be translated from an mRNA codon sequence by protein-coding genes into an amino acid sequence for translation by translation machinery; evolved forces have modified this code further in order to minimize errors during translation while increasing speed of adaptation speed; numerous theories have been proposed explaining its evolution; some theories include genetic mutation.

The coevolution hypothesis is the dominant theory. This proposes that codon-anticodon pair assignments result from gradual natural selection processes during amino acid biosynthesis; with an even distribution between amino acid codons and their cognate anticodons being key. While it seems reasonable, this theory fails to account for robustness of genetic code systems and their ability to minimize translational errors.

Another possibility is the frozen accident theory, which proposes that genetic code has no special properties and was established through random selection during early evolution. This fits well with observations that there have been few mutations to tRNAs and, thus, few codon reallocations.

Dr Gariaev‘s research into the structure and dynamics of DNA molecules led him to hypothesize that they function like electromagnetic and acoustic waves, exchanging information along waves. Experimentation with homeopathic dilutions of bacterial DNA revealed its ability to transfer its signature frequency to pure water and thus preserve information encoded within it, which allows PCR technology to produce exact copies even if its original sample has been significantly diluted beyond recognition.

Dr. Gariaev is the creator of both the International Center for Wave Genetics in Luxembourg and JSC Institute of Wave Biology and Medicine in Russia. He has published various scientific articles as well as books such as New Directions in Genetic Code Research and Wave Genetics.

The Quantum Genetics

Dr Gariaev‘s research demonstrated that DNA is not just a physical molecule; rather, it has both wave and linguistic bases as well. This means genetic information can be encoded using different frequencies as sound or words just like our spoken language follows grammatical rules. His understanding of this nature of DNA could open up entirely new avenues for treating diseases and delaying aging.

Lingvistiko-wave genetics is an emerging branch of Classical Genetics and Molecular Biology that applies principles from laser physics, holography, quantum nonlocality, Linguistics and Linguistics. It operates on the concept that genetic apparatus can act like an autonomous biological computer capable of taking decisions through telepathy-based management without emitting harmful electromagnetic fields from electronics.

This approach allows the human body to be remotely contacted, offering the possibility of treating various diseases through biological telepathy. Quantum computing provides a new form of computation much faster than conventional computers and may have wide ranging applications in medicine and genetics.

As quantum computing becomes a reality, it’s vital that we understand its effects on genetics and gene manipulation. Quantum computing could aid our understanding of DNA interaction with proteins as well as better predict drug effects on genomic structures.

Quantum computing could have significant ramifications on gene editing technology. While this technology could increase agricultural productivity, it could also cause mutations that threaten biodiversity and the environment.

While development of quantum computers is proceeding swiftly, there remain numerous hurdles that need to be surmounted. One such challenge is integrating quantum computing solutions into existing workflows and infrastructures – though several companies are working towards making this possible.