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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

February 6, 2025|Editorial

How Is Nuclear Energy Used in Medicine?

Nuclear energy can be utilized as a medical diagnostic and treatment option. Physicians utilize radioactive tracers to image internal organs and gain additional information that would not otherwise be available through other imaging technologies.

Radiation sterilizes food and medical equipment without using harsh chemicals or extreme temperatures, protecting historic objects from microbe growth as well.

Nuclear medicine provides many valuable applications in medicine; however, the field is currently facing significant obstacles due to deteriorating infrastructure and decreased federal research support.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy is an effective, noninvasive solution to numerous medical issues, including cancers and tumors, as well as some endocrine conditions like hyperthyroidism and neuroendocrine tumors. Radiation can be given before or during chemotherapy to reduce side effects; after surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells or eliminate metastases.

Certain radioisotopes emitting powerful radiation can effectively attack cancerous tissue without harming other areas. One popular technique, known as ablative radiation, involves irradiating an area around a tumor to stop its progression or completely destroy it; another approach uses large cobalt-60 sources as an additional gamma-ray source to destroy cancerous tumours that have not responded to other treatments.

Given that each organ in our bodies behaves differently from a chemical standpoint, doctors and chemists have identified various substances which are easily absorbed by certain tissues or blood vessels – information used by radiopharmacists to design “tracers” which provide targeted radiation doses directly into diseased parts of the body.


As an example, thyroid cells absorb iodine while brain cells consume glucose; once inside, these tracers can be attached to radioisotopes for injection and used by special cameras to detect radiation emitted by these tracers in real time. Physicians then use these images to locate tumours as well as study processes within other bodily systems like heart, lung, liver and kidney functions as well as blood circulation patterns and bone structure.

Boron neutron capture therapy provides more targeted alpha radiation doses to tumours due to the unique property of boron-10 radioisotope; its boron atoms attract cancer cell DNA with incredible force, producing high-energy alpha particles that target and destroy tumours.

Nuclear medicine researchers are striving to enhance radionuclide production, chemistry and automation processes. Such advances would reduce costs associated with radionuclide production while making possible molecularly targeted tracers that may improve diagnosis and treatment of diseases like certain forms of cancer and neuroendocrine tumours.


Nuclear medicine has seen rapid expansion. Its diagnostic procedures rely on radioisotopes that emit gamma rays to identify organs or tissue locations using tracer injection or inhalation; then the radiation produced by that tracer collects in tissue that’s being studied while being registered by a device known as a gamma camera, then registered again so a computer can create two-dimensional or, sometimes three-dimensional images of whatever organ or tissue being examined.

Nuclear imaging provides physicians with an invaluable tool for medical diagnosis. By showing the metabolic processes taking place within organs and tissues, nuclear imaging provides doctors with more complete information on the function of tissues or organs being assessed compared to standard X-rays that only show their anatomical structure. Nuclear imaging gives a detailed account of how organs and tissues operate compared to an anatomical view alone.

Nuclear imaging can also serve an evaluation function beyond diagnostic applications, providing useful data about treatment success. A radioisotope such as fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) can be used to examine blood flow to areas like the brain, liver and heart; determine tumor growth; as well as assess blood vessels around organs like the heart. Results of such tests can be compared with similar assessments conducted on patients treated through other methods like surgery or drugs.


Information gathered through these tests can help doctors select the most appropriate therapy for each patient and predict how they might react to other forms of treatment such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

Nuclear medicine brings together various disciplines, including chemistry, physics, engineering, computer technology and medicine. Its applications result from years of federal support for basic scientific research in areas like chemistry and nuclear and particle physics (through previous agencies such as DOE’s Atomic Energy Commission or Energy Research and Development Administration).

To realize the promise of nuclear medicine, our nation needs to continue creating new radiotracers, multimodality imaging devices and related technologies – such as investing in accelerators and nuclear reactors to increase domestic production of medical radioisotopes.


Each year, over 10 million patients take advantage of nuclear medicine diagnostic and treatment procedures. This form of medicine uses radioisotopes or tracer molecules injected, swallowed, inhaled, or attached to small devices – then monitored using special imaging equipment – in order to create images of organs and tissues inside their bodies.

Pictures taken using radioisotope imaging help physicians assess how well your organs and tissues are working. Diagnostic procedures involve injecting or infusing small amounts of technetium-99m or Tc-99m into you for injection or infusion; then using a camera sensitive to gamma radiation detection, these pictures show where and activity of this radioisotope in your body – giving doctors valuable insight into whether a tumor is growing or blood vessel is blocked.

Radioisotopes may also be used to treat cancerous growths or diseases, like thyroid gland cancer. Radioactive iodine may also be used as part of treatment plans; radioisotopes can also be used to eliminate other cancerous growths by using high-energy radiation against them.

Cobalt-60 (Co-60), produced at nuclear power plants and sold specifically for medical use, is one of the most frequently employed radioisotopes for therapy purposes. Low-specific activity Co-60 is widely used for sterilizing instruments and brachytherapy applications while high specific activity versions are often utilized in radioactive iodine therapy and certain cancer treatments.

Nuclear medicine treatments produce waste products that must be safely disposed of, including radioisotopes that pose no immediate health or environmental risks, equipment and materials used during procedures and any waste generated during procedures themselves. Specialized services are responsible for collecting and storing this waste – typically offsite from communities – before disposing it according to federal regulations that ensure its disposal safely and in line with safety standards for personnel as well as the environment.


Nuclear technology has numerous applications outside the realm of electricity production in power plants. Radioisotopes and radiation play an essential role in medicine, food safety, research, transportation and agriculture – among many others.

Nuclear energy proponents claim their industry is environmentally-friendly as it releases few pollutants; however, critics point out that it requires large amounts of water and creates waste that contaminates soil or the environment; furthermore, waste storage facilities may leak or erode.

Nuclear plants are considered potential targets for terrorist attacks and should remain vigilant against potential accidents such as Chernobyl. An attack could potentially cause the core to melt, releasing potentially lethal radiation into the atmosphere.

Nuclear energy remains popular due to its numerous advantages. It provides much of the world’s low-carbon electricity while simultaneously cutting greenhouse gas emissions; nuclear plants produce far less carbon dioxide than their coal counterparts and don’t rely as heavily on carbon-intensive fuel cycles for operation.

As the nuclear industry prepares to replace ageing power plants with modern nuclear reactors, researchers are developing innovative new types of reactors as well as exploring methods of improving nuclear fission for greater efficiency and safety.

Nuclear energy provides many other environmental advantages besides medicine. It offers an alternative to fossil fuels like coal and oil. Nuclear plants don’t release carbon oxides or nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere; however, they require large amounts of water for cooling purposes.

Nuclear technology is most often associated with electricity generation by splitting atoms of uranium – but its benefits extend far beyond this! Medical isotope production and food irradiation to kill bacteria are two other significant uses. Many people may be surprised to learn of all its varied applications – the nuclear energy industry is becoming an integral part of international efforts to reduce hunger and malnutrition, improve environmental sustainability, and guarantee food supplies through projects implemented jointly by International Atomic Energy Agency and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to accomplish these objectives.

February 6, 2025|Editorial

Holistic Health Practitioner Salary

Holistic health is a rapidly expanding field in healthcare, including acupuncture, massage therapy, herbal remedies, chiropractic treatments and yoga.

Many individuals find a career in holistic health to be rewarding and fulfilling. Different practitioners specialize in different areas, with all having one aim in common: improving client health.

Cost of Living

Holistic health practitioners are healthcare professionals that use both scientific medicine and natural methods to promote and preserve their clients’ overall wellbeing. Holistic practitioners are an increasingly popular alternative to conventional treatments like drugs and surgery. Holistic practitioners not only focus on physical wellbeing, but also mental and emotional well-being. According to holistic practitioners, the body functions best when all its parts are healthy – holistic healthcare is just one facet of this philosophy.

Holistic health practitioners specialize in many fields, including massage therapy, energy work and herbalist. They may work anywhere from private practices, schools and hospitals to wellness centers and wellness centers – often earning more when they specialize in one field than those who work multiple. Some individuals opt to specialize in Reiki instead, which works similarly but with energy rather than needles.

Attributes that could impact a holistic nurse’s salary include their location and type of workplace they opt to work in; those working in urban areas tend to make more than those who choose rural ones; also, cost of living can alter how much a holistic nurse can expect to make in certain locations.

Experience can have a dramatic impact on a holistic nurse’s salary. Many employers provide incentives for nurses who earn specialty certifications or take on leadership roles; additionally, their salary can increase with experience.

Anyone interested in becoming a holistic nurse can easily gain information about their pay potential from various websites and schools, including holistic nursing schools in their region. Furthermore, an existing holistic nurse may find ways to increase their salary by seeking opportunities in higher-paying locations like California – this will allow them to earn more while still enjoying working within an emotionally fulfilling field. Furthermore, speaking to other holistic nurses may give a good sense of what to expect in terms of competition in this industry.

Education Requirements

Holistic health encompasses an expansive selection of healthcare jobs, such as acupuncturist, massage therapist, yoga instructor and herbalist. Holistic healthcare practitioners are becoming a growing part of alternative medicine due to traditional healthcare professionals incorporating more holistic practices into their treatment plans; consequently demand has skyrocketed leading to high-paying alternative medicine jobs.

In order to become a holistic health practitioner, it is necessary to possess the required qualifications and training. First and foremost, you need a high school diploma or equivalent. Next step should be completing some form of postsecondary education; be it certificate programs or bachelor degrees. Depending on the nature of the job in which you intend to practice (i.e. if working with patients who suffer mental illnesses, obtaining a license).

Education options abound for becoming a holistic health practitioner, from online programs and in-person classes, as well as hybrid offerings that combine both approaches. Most of these courses focus on physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of health and wellness – which you’re likely to find at health clubs, spas or community establishments.

Holistic health practitioners tend to be nurses, and work in various healthcare and wellness environments like physician offices, hospitals, home care facilities, universities/colleges teaching about alternative healing modalities; in some instances holistic nurses also operate private practices.

Holistic nurses can treat their patients on a deeper level than regular nurses do. Holistic nurses understand the relationship between physical, emotional/psychological and spiritual elements of health, encouraging their patients to discuss such matters openly with them. Furthermore, holistic nurses educate on stress management while offering complementary therapies such as aromatherapy or meditation as effective solutions.

Additionally, these professionals possess skills in meeting the needs of both their patients’ families and communities – something which is especially essential when treating those with psychological disorders who often have complex familial histories.


An HNP (Holistic Nurse Practitioner) is an advanced practice registered nurse who specializes in holistic patient healing through physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. HNPs employ alternative forms of medicine alongside conventional medical professionals for maximum efficiency; often providing complementary therapies like yoga, acupuncture and massage therapy as treatments.

Are You Thinking About Becoming a Holistic Nurse? Take the First Step

Holistic nurses should not only complete their education but also pursue certification in various areas like alternative medicine and integrative practices to increase job prospects in various healthcare industries. Joining organizations supporting holistic healthcare – like the American Holistic Nurses Association – could also prove advantageous.

A holistic nurse’s salary varies greatly based on location, education level and experience. Newcomers in the field typically earn less than their more experienced colleagues; however, as they gain new skills they may increase in earnings as their career options expand.

Another way for holistic nurses to increase their salary is by moving to areas with higher wages, which is especially advantageous if they plan to open up their own private practice. When considering potential relocation options, be sure to factor in both salary and cost-of-living considerations to make informed decisions for both your financial and personal wellbeing.

License Requirements

Becoming a holistic health practitioner involves fulfilling various qualifications. Some require only a high school diploma and certification from an accredited program, while others may require advanced degrees and/or training programs. Depending on the nature of the career you wish to pursue, studying may take from several weeks up to several years.

Many healthcare professionals are increasingly employing holistic methods into their practices, including herbal therapy, reiki healing and energy work. Other professionals employ acupuncture or alternative medicines as ways to treat conditions. Some can also provide counseling and support services.

Holistic Nurse Practitioners are nursing professionals who use traditional and complementary approaches to assist their patients. They may work in hospitals, private practices, and other medical facilities; trained in holistic healing of body, mind and spirit as well as capable of assessing patient conditions to create treatment plans that improve overall health.

Holistic nurse practitioners differ from traditional nurses in that they do not need to first earn a bachelor’s degree before beginning graduate level studies; once they possess this credential they can begin graduate level studies for either their MSN or DNP degree which usually last two or four to six years respectively; those already working as nurses can even take advantage of bridge programs to complete this degree faster.

Holistic nurses require both education and experience before becoming licensed; this can be obtained through various organizations like the American Holistic Nurses Association. Furthermore, an exam must be passed and obtained in order to begin working.

The salary of a holistic health practitioner varies considerably, as their pay depends on education, certification and experience. Furthermore, self-employed or working for an organization with benefits packages that may provide increased earnings can impact pay.

February 6, 2025|Editorial

Dr Peter Garyaev Discovers How DNA Can Be Transmitted and Recoded Via Frequency

Dr Peter Garyaev made an extraordinary discovery that proved genetic information can be transmitted and recoded via frequency. His groundbreaking research opened the door to remote healing using frequency healing, organ regeneration and significant lifespan extensions.

He pioneered a groundbreaking theory called Lingvistiko-Wave Genetics. After successfully defending his PhD thesis before the Higher International Attestation Commission and becoming an academician of RANS and RAMTN, he attained international renown.

DNA as a language

Gariaev used his extensive knowledge in physics, chemistry, biology and quantum computing to theorize that DNA is a language. He discovered that its four letters (Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine and Thymine) create sequences similar to words in languages. This ground-breaking research opened doors for revolutionary technologies in medicine, agriculture and computing as well as frequency recoding that allows DNA transmission and storage remotely for remote transmission and storage – leading to healing via frequency, organ regeneration and increased lifespan extension.

Recent advances have revolutionized how scientists view DNA. Scientists used to view it only as an incomprehensible string of instructions encoded onto chromosomes and proteins; although these instructions play an integral part in life processes, they do not explain how these instructions were organized in the first place. To uncover answers to this puzzle, researchers implemented a large language model trained against a reference human genome, combined with machine learning algorithms such as GROVER that extract biological meaning from DNA sequences.

Gariaev demonstrated through his experiments that DNA found in double helix molecules contains valuable information. Furthermore, the gaps between each turn of DNA helix contain water he believed carried informational signature frequencies that could be transferred from bacteria sample to homeopathic dilutions of water and then back again using PCR, providing further proof that its informational value lies within water molecules rather than DNA itself.

Dr Gariaev‘s theory, known as Linguistic Wave Genetics (LWG), proposes that DNA exists as a continuous holographic waveform that can be read off electromagnetic and acoustic frequencies similar to sounds and words.

His experiments have demonstrated that DNA can be transported over great distances using electromagnetic fields and has the power to restore tissues and organs, as evidenced by successful pancreas cell restoration using laser beam therapy. Furthermore, he studied quantum entanglement – the ability of DNA molecules to transfer information about its surroundings – a phenomenon called quantum entanglement.

DNA’s long-term memory makes it truly remarkable, enabling scientists to recreate DNA sequences over decades without losing information or losing understanding. Their discoveries have helped researchers better comprehend how the body operates while also creating new drugs to treat numerous illnesses.

DNA as a crystal

While DNA may appear to be just another string of bases, it actually holds the key to human life. From its grammatical similarity to language to its ability to mutate with frequencies and create electromagnetic and acoustic holograms, Dr Peter Gariaev coined this field “DNA Linguistics.” His research indicates that our genes speak an universal code based on fundamental laws of both physics and biology.

Dr Gariaev is an interdisciplinary biophysicist, molecular biologist, embryologist and linguist whose groundbreaking discoveries in genomic science include that our genome does not exist as linear nucleotides but rather is imprinted in intracellular water networks as electromagnetic and acoustic holograms. Furthermore, his methods for reprogramming DNA via soundwave frequency could open the way to revolutionary advances in medicine, agriculture, computing and computing as well as world changing technologies like non-surgical healing or organ regeneration and significant extensions in lifespan extension.

Gariaev has demonstrated through his research that DNA molecules can be used to form colloidal crystals that mimic natural structures and properties found within nature, and they can even be altered using laser light manipulation to store information that can be read and understood by a computer – providing a new form of memory storage.

Researchers conducted an experiment where they successfully assembled a crystal that resembled the shape of an apartment building and contained the entire human genome. Furthermore, they were able to pinpoint which DNA sequence caused its molecules to assemble in this structure – producing a prototype crystal for nanotechnology applications.

University of Southampton researchers created the tensegrity triangle DNA crystals using 13-mer DNA sequences with four-way junction motifs as starting material, using two complete tensegrity triangles in each unit cell for construction. Their tensegrity geometry enabled the crystals to absorb proteins selectively without disassembling like other DNA crystal structures would.

Discovering these DNA crystals was a major breakthrough in nanotechnology and marks an important step toward building a nanocomputer using information encoded within DNA to process data faster than any traditional microprocessor. Scientists are now working on the next stage in this project – programming genetic information into DNA using quantum computing techniques.

DNA as a translator

One of the fundamental capabilities of DNA lies in its capacity to transform genetic code into amino acid sequences and produce proteins – this process, known as translation, is essential to cell production and is thus necessary for life on Earth. Translating DNA into protein sequence requires two steps: transcription and translation. Transcription converts a DNA sequence into the template RNA for protein production, while translation uses this RNA as the building block to create amino acid chains which make up proteins. Consider a bookshelf filled with “how-to” books written in a foreign language: first the translator would translate them into his native tongue and then adapt their instructions into workable projects.

Gariaev discovered that DNA information is encoded as electromagnetic and acoustic holograms that appear when physical vacuum changes occur and field structures come into view, creating patterns of planes or grittings with DNA sample information contained within them. These holograms, also referred to as the DNA Phantom Effect, can be detected using a laser photon correlation spectrometer.

Dr Gariaev‘s discoveries have provided a fresh approach to understanding genetics and life itself. His ideas have been translated into wave genetics, used for healing diseases as well as transmitting quantum bioinformation from person to person.

Human genomes can be seen as holograms of information that can be read like movies and music files, enabling us to transcribe them into MP3 audio or video files which can then be played back onto their bodies to treat disease.

To perform cellular translation, an RNA gene must read a particular sequence of base pairs in DNA or chromosome and interpret that sequence as part of its genetic code, which provides instructions to create amino acid residues from DNA bases. Eukaryotic cells accomplish this step via transcription to RNA before subsequent translation into proteins in the cytoplasm.

DNA as a healer

Dr Peter Garyaev of Russia created the Linguistic Wave Genetics technique, which modifies DNA through specific sounds. He found that specific frequencies could reprogramme DNA and help heal the body; furthermore he discovered how DNA encodes information that can be read and understood like language; his discoveries have since been independently confirmed by other scientists; his work could potentially improve longevity and disease prevention for humanity as a whole.

Garyaev‘s experiments demonstrate that our genome is an elaborate biochemical quantum computer with both linguistic and holographic properties, capable of instantaneous data transmission over long distances as well as self-healing properties that could revolutionise how we treat diseases. His theory holds that DNA has instant transmission capability over vast distances as well as self-healing abilities – an incredible discovery which could change the way medicine treats disease altogether.

Garyaev conducted experiments involving lab rats that were exposed to a pancreatic toxin that caused diabetes. While control rats succumbed, those exposed to Garyaev‘s sound matrix survived and quickly regained pancreatic function within 10 days – evidence that DNA can be programmed to heal without physical contact being necessary.

Gariaev‘s research is founded on the theory that our DNA is more than simply linear sequences of nucleotides; rather, it exists as electromagnetic and acoustic holograms imprinted into intracellular water networks as electromagnetic and acoustic holograms that can be read at any frequency within its specific frequency range.

He has accomplished several significant scientific accomplishments, such as conducting an experiment where his device converted voice frequencies into electromagnetic signals that plants recognized, with successful results showing they responded and executed requests. Furthermore, he developed an innovative technique for helping wheat and barley seeds survive lethal radiation; his work was even shortlisted for the 2021 Nobel Prize!

Garyaev has made numerous notable discoveries through his research of DNA. His discoveries show that our genes are not simply biological code; rather, they’re an organic holographic system of bio-information and living language constantly transmitted and interpreted by the brain. According to him, we can harness this knowledge in order to design healing devices, non-surgical treatments for disease and significantly extend lifespans using this knowledge.

February 6, 2025|Editorial

How to Build Muscle Mass With the Best Vibration Therapy Machine

Utilizing a vibration machine at home is an effective way to build muscle mass and develop balance and core strength.

Vibration plates vibrate as you sit, stand or exercise on them, activating stabilizing muscles that contract and relax at an increased rate than usual.


Vibration plates (commonly referred to as power plates or vibration machines) send vibrations through your body that force muscles to contract and relax repeatedly, helping improve circulation, ease joint pain and stiffness, balance out muscle strength increases and boost circulation overall. They can be used at home, gyms or physiotherapy clinics alike.

Vibration therapy (VT), also known as low-magnitude high-intensity mechanical stimuli, has been proven to produce beneficial anabolic effects in both healthy tissues and pathologic tissues1. There are two broad categories of vibration devices: whole-body vibration (WBV) and vibration applied locally on specific muscle districts2.

WBV platforms use oscillations with variable frequency and directionality that produce short oscillations with vertical, horizontal or alternating displacements to stimulate bone tissue, muscles, tendon tissue, vascularized areas and more3. Virtual therapy (VT) studies typically report positive outcomes such as improving muscle function, increasing strength, decreasing fatigue onset speeding up rehabilitation speeding musculoskeletal recovery decreasing joint pain improving balance flexibility increasing bone density and improving cell metabolism4. The majority of studies that use virtual therapy report positive results such as improving muscle function increasing strength increasing strength increasing strength increasing muscle function increasing strength increasing strength increasing strength while speeding rehabilitation speeds up rehabilitation speeding rehabilitation speeding musculoskeletal recovery speeding up rehabilitation speeding rehabilitation speeding musculoskeletal recovery speeding up rehabilitation speeding rehabilitation speeding rehabilitation speeding rehabilitation speeding up rehabilitation speeding up rehabilitation speeding up rehabilitation speeding recovery decreasing joint pain decreasing joint pain reduction improving balance and flexibility increasing bone density and improving cell metabolism4.

When searching for a vibration plate, consider one with a higher frequency range – like Sonix. This cutting-edge device utilizes a sonic wave generator to generate vibration that is less jarring than traditional plates and offers full spectrum frequencies.

Vibration plates can be used to treat various illnesses, including diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy occurs due to damage to peripheral nerves that connect your feet and legs with your brain. Studies have revealed that vibration therapy improves blood flow to feet as well as sensation and balance issues in feet.

A vibration plate designed for neuropathy should produce vibration frequencies between 3-70Hz. It should also offer high levels of stability – some plates only vibrate up-and-down while others oscillate side-to-side and front-back; choosing one with multiple speeds as well as an LED panel with clear displays would be most ideal.


Vibration therapy (WBV) involves standing on a vibrating plate which causes your muscles to contract similarly to when performing exercise, stimulating bones and other parts of the body as they respond with strengthened bone density, improved blood circulation and decreased chronic pain relief.

Vibrating plates are available at gyms, fitness centers and some physiotherapy services, where they can help increase muscle strength, aid weight loss and promote balance and bone density improvement. Vibrating plates may also provide relief from symptoms related to certain conditions such as fibromyalgia.

When purchasing a vibration plate, pay close attention to its frequency and amplitude. Frequency refers to how often vibration cycles occur per second while amplitude measures how far up or down it moves during each vibration cycle. Higher frequencies and amplitudes may provide more intense workouts that help build strength or push one further during workouts.

There are two primary kinds of vibration machines – tri-plane and oscillation. Tri-plane plates vibrate up and down as well as side to side; this style can often be found in gyms or fitness centers. Oscillation plates vibrate like a pendulum swinging from side to side like a seesaw; these gentler machines tend to be found more commonly used for therapy or wellness applications.

The SONIX Sonicwave vibration plate is the only WBV machine to utilize sound energy as its energy source to generate vibrations. The machine’s patented technology emits sound waves through your body that travel through to create this experience; you can adjust different intensity levels accordingly. Plus, its 180 speeds make fine-tuning experience easy while its LED panel displays BMI information, speed settings and intensity levels for added transparency.

Vibration plates specifically designed for home use, like the Rumblex Plus 4D, can also be found. These lighter and smaller vibration plates can easily fit into smaller spaces for storage; plus you can add accessories that allow you to customize your experience according to what type of workout or treatment you are doing. Such machines offer more cost-effective options or space constraints don’t permit larger commercial-grade machines.


Vibration therapy has made a comeback this year, offering the promise of improving muscle strength and burning fat. When using a vibration machine, one stands on a vibrating platform which transmits energy directly into their bodies via vibrations; forcing muscles to contract and relax dozens of times per second as vibrations transmit energy into them – stimulating blood circulation while improving balance; it has even been used as an effective treatment option for everything from fibromyalgia to osteoporosis!

Vibrate machines can be divided into three distinct categories depending on how their vibration moves: oscillating, linear or cross-lateral. Your choice depends on your fitness goals and needs – oscillating vibration plates offer light strength training and circulation benefits while linear motion may be too intense for beginners or people with joint issues to handle comfortably. Cross-lateral vibration movement on the other hand provides smooth up-and-down movements which may make handling vibration machines simpler for many people.

Frequency and Amplitude of Vibration Plate Sessions is another factor to keep in mind when selecting the optimal vibration plate session for you. Frequency refers to how often vibration cycles take place per second, while Amplitude refers to how far up or down the platform moves during each cycle. As frequency and Amplitude increases with intensity of workout sessions, so can choosing lower frequency/amplitude for recovery purposes while higher levels for workout sessions may help maximize health benefits while not overdoing it.

Studies on vibration therapy continue, but some findings indicate that whole-body vibration can help increase muscle strength, balance and coordination, weight loss, reduce pain and even enhance sleep quality. Before embarking on any exercise routine, it is wise to consult your physician first. With their approval, you may wish to use a home vibration machine such as Hue Light USA Sonix for home-use vibration therapy. It features several treatment options, including local plantar vibration to treat diabetic neuropathy. Furthermore, this device features adjustable speed levels and handlebars to enhance user stability as well as a large base to accommodate various exercises. In contrast to mechanical motors used for vibration generation, its use of sonic wave generators makes for a quieter, gentler experience.


When it comes to pain-relief vibration machines, comfort and usability are top priority. That is why we suggest this full-body vibration machine from Zelus as an excellent option – designed to soothe backaches, arthritis ache and promote blood circulation while aiding weight loss. Plus its user weight capacity of 300 pounds means it suits people of various body types while its ergonomic design offers muscle toning benefits while its clear LED window display helps track progress while working out.

Vibration therapy is an alternative form of noninvasive treatment used to combat various ailments, from backache and headaches to arthritis and even fibromyalgia symptoms. While results of vibration therapy for these chronic disorders have yet to be conclusive, studies have demonstrated its ability to help manage them through massage or exercise combined with vibration therapy sessions. Before undertaking this treatment method alone however, always consult with a healthcare provider as this could be useful tool in the battle against them.

While most vibration plates provide a jarring experience, there are some which provide much quieter and gentler vibrations. One such vibration plate is the Sonix Sonicwave vibration plate. It uses a sonic wave generator to produce smoother and less intense vibrations – perfect for pain management, neuropathy treatment and physical therapy treatments alike.

Vibration therapy is safe for people living with fibromyalgia to use, provided they begin slowly and don’t exceed recommended time durations. Some have found it effective at decreasing flare-ups as well.

Vibration therapy offers several other advantages that may help improve balance and posture, as well as strengthening bones and increasing density, all key indicators of health as you age. Furthermore, vibration therapy is a great solution for seniors who cannot make it out to gym sessions as it offers low-impact workouts in the comfort of their own home.

Vibration therapy is an increasingly effective solution to neuropathy; however, before beginning it’s essential to consult a doctor. Cochlear implants must be protected as vibration therapy may damage them; otherwise it’s safe and effective treatment option to manage symptoms related to nerve pain.

February 6, 2025|Editorial

Chelation Therapy – FDA Approved Alternative Medicine For Heavy Metal Poisoning

Every year in the US alone, over 110,000 patients receive chelation therapy to treat heavy metal poisoning. FDA-approved use is limited exclusively for this treatment modality.

Chelation drugs such as EDTA bind to metal toxins and flush them out of the body through detoxification processes, according to alternative health practitioners. They believe it may also work to treat heart disease, autism and Alzheimer’s.

What is Chelation Therapy?

Chelation therapy is a medical procedure in which medicine is injected directly into the bloodstream to remove heavy metals like mercury or lead from your system. Chelators bind with these poisonous metals before being flushed out through urine by kidneys. Chelation therapy has been FDA-approved as a solution for some forms of heavy metal poisoning as well as iron overload (hemochromatosis).

Alternative health practitioners claim that chelation therapy can also treat autism, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease and diabetes; however there’s little evidence supporting such claims; in fact some studies indicate potentially hazardous side effects from such treatments.

Chelation therapy uses an agent known as EDTA as its chelating agent, which is administered through injection into a vein in either hand or arm. Sessions usually last several hours but patients usually return home soon afterward; most commonly experienced side effects include burning sensation at injection site as well as low blood sugar or calcium levels, headache, nausea, kidney failure or organ damage as well as irregular heartbeat or seizures.

Proponents of chelation therapy for heart disease claim that EDTA binds with calcium deposits found in fatty plaques on arterial walls, loosening and dissolving them to help prevent atherosclerosis, where hardened arterial walls block off blood flow to heart or brain. Furthermore, they state it may remove substances harmful to both cardiovascular and circulatory systems, including uric acid, homocysteine and LDL cholesterol which could also harm them.

Recent research revealed that those receiving EDTA chelation therapy experienced 26% lower risks of experiencing another heart attack or stroke compared to those receiving placebo infusions, though this study had numerous limitations, such as a high dropout rate; hence its results should not be taken as conclusive.

National Institutes of Health is undertaking a larger trial to demonstrate whether chelation therapy really protects against heart disease. Their National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine has initiated funding for such an endeavor that is scheduled to launch later this year.

How Chelation Therapy Works

Chelation therapy typically uses the synthetic amino acid EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid), which binds with heavy metals and other minerals that have entered the bloodstream, enabling their expulsion through urine. FDA has approved it for certain medical situations including lead poisoning; people have also tried it as a possible treatment for heart disease; one study claimed it reduced risk of death associated with coronary artery disease – though later clinical trial results refuted such claims.

As yet, it remains unknown whether chelation therapy has any bearing on preventing heart attacks or strokes, though some theories speculate it does so by clearing away excess calcium, which contributes to atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries), thus restricting oxygen-rich blood flow into the heart, brain and limbs causing chest pain (angina) or blockages that lead to strokes and heart attacks.

TACT was a multicenter trial that studied chelation therapy for heart disease. Researchers concluded that its use reduced atherosclerosis but not overall cardiovascular outcomes. A doctor administered 20 to 40 weekly intravenous infusions of EDTA over several months while patients also took high-dose pills of vitamins and minerals to complete this trial.

Other practitioners of chelation therapy have claimed it can treat various conditions, including autism and Alzheimer’s disease. Their claims, however, are based on incorrect theories as to the causes of these conditions; no scientific proof exists to back up such claims.

Chelation therapy should only ever be used as part of an approved treatment program and for approved uses only, as any unintended use could prove deadly. Chelation can bind and remove needed minerals like calcium and lower protein levels in the blood, which in some cases has proven fatal. Chelation is only approved by the FDA to treat certain forms of metal poisoning; its use for other conditions should always be approached cautiously due to potential side effects and risks involved with its usage; proven treatments should always be preferred over unproven ones.

Chelation Therapy Side Effects

Chelation therapy entails injecting substances that bind with metals such as lead, mercury and arsenic to allow the body to excrete them through urine. It is FDA-approved as a treatment for heavy metal poisoning; some metals like copper and iron serve a useful purpose but too much exposure can be toxic. Chelation therapy is sometimes also used by alternative healthcare practitioners as a therapy option to address autism, Alzheimer’s and heart diseases; although there is limited proof that it works effectively against such conditions.

Chelating drugs such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) are administered intravenously. Once they attach themselves to heavy metals, they’re excreted through kidney filtering systems and excreted in urine – although this process could become dangerous if the wrong type of drug or process are used or done incorrectly; furthermore, chelating agents cannot pass through the protective “blood-brain barrier”, making them ineffective at treating neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s.

Some individuals use chelation therapy to try and prevent atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. Proponents claim it works by binding to calcium present in plaque, helping remove it from artery walls. Unfortunately, this has yet to be proven, with large-scale trials such as TACT showing no positive correlation with cardiovascular outcomes when using EDTA-based chelation therapy.

TACT2 was recently conducted to confirm that chelation does not prevent atherosclerosis and included 1,708 patients at high risk for heart attack. Unfortunately, its results have yet to be released publicly.

Even without empirical proof of its efficacy, chelation therapy continues to be promoted by companies selling it over-the-counter. Such products often come as part of a detox package designed to promote general wellness and prevent future disease. Before undertaking any detoxification regimens it is wise to consult a functional medicine physician first – they use advanced diagnostic testing and comprehensive health assessments to design personalized plans designed to treat current issues while supporting long-term wellbeing and disease prevention.

Chelation Therapy Benefits

Chelation therapy has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration as an FDA-approved remedy to treat metal poisoning, including lead and mercury poisoning, arsenic poisoning, iron overload (hemochromatosis) and certain forms of anemia. Chelating drugs (usually ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, or EDTA) administered intravenously bind to toxic heavy metals in the body and remove them from circulation, with kidneys filtering out bound metals to be released through urine. Naturopaths and other alternative health care providers often prescribe chelation therapy to treat conditions other than heavy metal poisoning, such as calcium deficiency or renal failure. Chelating drugs may bind with and remove essential minerals like calcium, copper and zinc from the body that it requires – potentially leaving it deficient and leading to problems like low bone density or renal failure.

Proponents of chelation therapy to treat heart disease claim that EDTA “binds” calcium deposits found in plaques lining arteries and leading to atherosclerosis. When present in large amounts, such deposits can block blood flow to vital areas like the heart, brain, limbs and legs, leading to chest pain (angina) or restricted circulation in legs and feet (intermittent claudication). Proponents claim EDTA effectively “cleanses” blocked arteries similar to how drain cleaner clears out blocked pipes.

As the only way to accurately assess whether chelation therapy actually works, a scientific trial must first be conducted. A randomized controlled trial randomly assigns participants either chelation therapy or placebo therapy; one such trial called TACT published results eleven years ago that seem to demonstrate its benefit on cardiovascular outcomes.

Closer examination of TACT revealed serious flaws which rendered its findings invalid. Most sites offering chelation were neither hospitals nor research centers but rather alternative medicine clinics or practices like naturopathic. Furthermore, treatment itself wasn’t standard either: JAMA noted this fact with its editorial: it included not only EDTA as an antichelator agent, but also high doses of vitamins and minerals along with various chelating agents such as DMP or other forms. These factors made any apparent benefits seem artificial.