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July 13, 2024|Editorial

LMS Targeted Whole Genome Sequencing

Dr Joanna Przybyl provides an approach for profiling molecular changes in leiomyosarcoma (LMS) tumor-derived DNA using targeted sequencing and copy number analysis, in order to detect molecular alterations that could provide clues as to potential therapeutic targets for LMS tumors.

DRAGEN v4.2 integrates depth signals from CNV callers with junction signals from SV callers to increase its sensitivity in detecting small to medium genomic gain or loss events.

Detection of Copy Number Variants

Copy number variants (CNVs) are structural variants that disrupt DNA copying and genome regulation, often having significant biological ramifications such as altered gene expression. CNVs differ from SNPs and Indels in that they occupy larger genomic space ranging from several thousand bases up to 5 megabases [1].

Structural variation analysis has traditionally been accomplished via array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH). Next-generation sequencing (NGS), however, allows CNV detection with higher resolution than aCGH and may enable identification of CNVs that had previously gone undetected due to other methods of detection. NGS’ high resolution capability makes this technology particularly valuable when searching for CNVs that alter DNA replication or transcription – potentially implicated in cancer or other disorders.

NGS may provide numerous advantages over A-CGH; however, detecting CNVs can still be challenging due to an increased number of data points and more complex nature of NGS data sets. Furthermore, NGS methods may be vulnerable to short read lengths or bias in GC content biasing, thus making aCGH as a quality control measure crucial in order to reliably detect CNVs in NGS data sets.

We conducted a comprehensive analysis on 67 samples from six global buffalo breeds using aCGH and WGS data to detect CNVs per sample and per CNV, after quality control on an individual and per CNV basis. Following quality checks we identified 471 GEN_CNV variants and 1,855 WGS_CNV variants as potential CNVs.


On average, WGS_CNV were detected with higher experiment-wide genome coverage than GEN_CNV due to strict CNVR discovery parameters and small sample size limitations. Conversely, GEN_CNV were present across many genomic regions with similar length distributions as aCGH experiments.

Genotyping signal intensity information to detect CNVs is a widely adopted practice, and several in silico methods have been developed for this purpose. However, experimental validation with qPCR or FISH remains necessary in order to provide true validation; to expedite this process more efficiently an accurate computational method must also be available; herein we have implemented an algorithm based on a Bayesian information criterion (BIC) algorithm which detects CNVs with high confidence from genomic data sets.

Detection of Deletions

Copy number variants (CNVs), especially deletions, is an essential step toward understanding how genomic variations impact phenotype. A variety of techniques have been employed to detect CNVs including comparative genomic hybridisation arrays, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays and depth-of-coverage metrics applied to whole genome sequence data.

CNV detection approaches depend heavily on the quality of original source data. Combinations of methods may help increase sensitivity while simultaneously decreasing false positives generated by each technique individually.

To assess the performance of different CNV detection methods, we have conducted an artificially constructed dataset and evaluated their performance on it. This dataset includes randomly sampled genomic positions of autosomal CNVs and chromosome X duplications with pairwise distance measurements between them; then a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was run to establish whether their distribution differed significantly from that expected if all CNVs had been evenly spread throughout the genome.

We compared the performance of various genomic CNVR detection methods by analyzing sequencing data from one animal. Our results indicate that combining CNV detection methods may allow for increased deletion detection compared to individual methods alone; however, please be aware that individual detection methods differ considerably in how much deletions they detect.


BIC-seq, a nonparametric algorithm developed for genomic data, was created to detect CNVs using probabilities that each read belonged to one of four mixture models: normal diploid copy number (CN=0), homozygous deletion (CN=-1), heterozygous duplication (2-3), and heterozygous duplication (2-3). Model parameters were estimated using logistic regression. BIC-seq’s robustness against outliers makes it ideal for large datasets generated from next-generation sequencers capable of up to 30x coverage coverage.

We applied BIC-seq to a tumor genome sequence from a patient with glioblastoma and its matching normal sample from another individual, successfully detecting somatic CNVs in 22 genes including cancer-related genes EGFR and CDKN2A that show both amplified copies and deletions that frequently appear in these tumors.

Detection of Duplications

CNVs differ from SNPs in that they alter an entire genomic region’s amount of DNA present; such changes can have various impacts, including altering protein expression levels, exposing recessive alleles and gene duplication/deletion. Because CNVs play such an integral part of livestock genetic improvement programs, their identification has become essential. Multiple methods have been devised for CNV identification including comparative genomic hybridization arrays (CGH) arrays and SNP genotyping arrays.

Contrast SNP arrays with CGH arrays which report relative signal intensities. SNP arrays collect normalized total signals and allelic intensity ratios representing overall copy number and allele frequency; however, data collected using SNP arrays is usually limited in size due to how they’re collected, which could introduce bias into their CNV detection methods. Furthermore, most SNP arrays were created for genome-wide association studies without including probes specifically optimized for CNV detection.

Genomic CNV wave whole genome sequencing offers an alternative approach for detecting CNVs with higher sensitivity and specificity than SNP arrays. To facilitate detection, software used in this study partitioned the genome into non-overlapping bins that were assessed based on read depth comparison with an applicable threshold; additionally, statistical tests were run against CNV calls to validate accuracy of calls.

Genomic cnv wave software was put through rigorous accuracy tests using data generated by the Comparative Genomics Laboratory at University of Wisconsin-Madison and comprised 79 genes from six domestic animal breeds, running 0.85 seconds each time and with no false positives observed. Furthermore, it demonstrated excellent sensitivity and specificity when applied to this same dataset for another set of tests, with no true positives misidentified as false negatives.

Genomic CNV Wave was further evaluated against PennCNV, a standard CNV detection algorithm on the same dataset, using this comparison approach. Genatic cnv Wave proved more accurate at detecting deletions and duplications. Genomic CNV Wave was significantly superior in detecting duplications than other algorithms; for deletions it identified almost three times more events due to its ability to identify low-resolution duplications that may otherwise go undetected by other algorithms. Functional enrichment analysis was also conducted in order to assess biological significance; genes involved with CNVs included those related to olfactory receptors, G-protein coupled receptors and metabolic processes as enriched genes.

Detection of Heterozygous Deletions

Finding heterozygous deletions presents a daunting challenge for genome-wide sequencing as their breakpoints often lie within large genomic regions. Therefore, in order to detect CNVs with heterozygous alleles it requires an innovative method incorporating depth-of-coverage techniques that ensure accurate detection. This study created a novel CNV detection method using visualization of B-allele frequency (BAF) to detect small heterozygous deletions. This method takes advantage of the fact that satellite clusters containing duplication or deletion alleles appear as clearly differentiated clusters with increasing or decreasing signal intensities on scatterplots, thus making their characteristics useful in genotyping samples and thus identifying CNVs.

This method represents a major advancement over previous techniques that required manual expert review and experimental validation of original CNV calls, as its performance is comparable with an advanced neural network-based method for CNV detection from WGS data. Furthermore, this new technique is significantly more sensitive than standard genome-wide depth-of-coverage based CNV detection approaches.

To detect CNVs, this innovative method uses an iterative procedure utilizing genomic wave analysis, probe specific BAF, and population based haplotype information in an iterative fashion to filter out false positives and detect CNVs. Each genomic wave is generated by sequentially subdividing the target CNV region into smaller, equally sized 5′- and 3′-flanking regions. The genomic waves created are then visualized on scatterplots, where their median signal intensity is plotted against that of surrounding regions. This BAF distribution allows us to identify CNVs by their distinctive shape and size; their identification can then be confirmed through satellite clusters with high or low BAF intensities.

With PennCNV, we identified 1040 true CNVs comprising 267 duplication and 773 deletion B-alleles on six regions on chromosomes 2, 4, 5, 7, and 9 (Table 1). Figure 1 displays scatterplot-based calling of CNV on Chromosome 2. A suggested deletion not detected by PennCNV was confirmed through noise reduction of LRR values for relevant probes and visual inspection after scatterplot processing.

July 13, 2024|Editorial

Rife Therapies – An Alternative Approach to Pain Relief

Rife therapy is a noninvasive means to promote healing through sound frequencies. Created by Royal Raymond Rife, this treatment utilizes sympathetic resonance. By matching frequencies with those produced by harmful microorganisms and killing them off instantly.

Though the RIFE machine provides numerous advantages, it is wise to compare its merits against other resonance-based therapies like PEMF therapy and consider your individual health goals when making this decision.

It is a non-invasive therapy

Rife Therapy is an alternative approach to pain relief that has proven its worth across many conditions. The therapy uses electromagnetic frequency fields to eliminate pathogens in the body and restore health; its basis lies in the belief that every microorganism, including viruses and bacteria, have their own distinct resonant frequency that researchers can identify to disrupt its structure and function – an approach also widely employed to kill parasites and treat Lyme disease caused by Borrelia bacterium.

This technique represents a departure from traditional medicine, and has its critics. Some have questioned its efficacy; there is limited scientific support. Yet many people have reported reduction in pain and other symptoms as well as claims it helped recover from cancer faster.

However, it should be remembered that RIFE machines should not be seen as an alternative to more aggressive treatments like radiation and chemotherapy. Claims that RIFE can cure cancer may lead to people not seeking more effective therapies; thus they should not be relied upon as primary medical care providers or relied upon by individuals with severe conditions or implanted medical devices.

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) has rapidly gained traction within the holistic wellness community. PEMF therapy utilizes electromagnetic pulses to promote natural healing processes within the body. Many individuals have experienced significant decreases in pain and other symptoms after regular sessions; PEMF and RIFE therapies offer complementary approaches to healing; it’s important that careful consideration be made regarding individual preferences and goals when selecting an effective modality for healing.

Inspiration Health & Wellness offers both RIFE and PEMF therapies. We take great pride in offering this unique combination of integrative wellness technologies, which when used together can pinpoint the specific resonant frequencies underlying health concerns and provide effective, long-lasting solutions tailored specifically to each person. To learn more, schedule a Free Consultation today with one of our team!

It is a treatment for cancer

Rife therapy offers a noninvasive alternative to conventional cancer therapy, using frequencies to target harmful microorganisms and heal damaged cells. At its core, Rife therapy operates on the concept that everything in nature has a vibrating or resonance frequency; by tuning into these frequencies it’s possible to alter them, thus disrupting harmful organisms’ structures and functions, thus helping restore balance and health to your body.

Rife machines use electromagnetic waves that supposedly resonate with diseased and cancerous cells to neutralize them, according to Royal Raymond Rife in the 1920s. Since their invention, however, Rife devices have been met with much controversy due to a lack of scientific proof backing their effectiveness.

Recent studies have demonstrated that combining RIFE machines with other complementary therapies can produce positive results in patients with advanced disease. One case was when a 52-year-old with metastatic colon cancer experienced complete tumor regression after following an 8-month protocol that combined standard anti-angiogenesis therapy and targeted RIFE frequencies for his entire MRI scan protocol.

At Just Hope Healing Center, we often encounter individuals seeking alternative approaches to treating cancer and other health conditions. Many are interested in RIFE machine therapy; however, before choosing any modality it’s essential that one thoroughly researches all available modalities and sets goals and priorities to make an informed decision that suits their unique needs.

RIFE machine therapy can assist in treating various health issues, from inflammation and chronic infection to non-invasive cancer treatments like chemotherapy. Plus, its non-invasive nature makes it safer than its traditional counterparts while improving blood cell oxygenation – all which contribute to overall wellbeing and healing.

PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) mats offer greater accuracy and coverage of the entire body compared to RIFE machines, and can even target specific areas, like liver or prostate, for treatment of illnesses like Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome and depression. Furthermore, they increase cellular energy while decreasing pain levels; all available at various price points online.

It is a treatment for Lyme disease

Rife therapy is an alternative health practice that uses sound waves to address various medical issues, including Lyme disease. First created by Royal Raymond Rife in the 1920s, Rife’s device emits low electromagnetic energy frequencies which supposedly resonate with harmful microorganisms and diseased cells to neutralize them and achieve therapeutic benefit.

Combined with other natural treatments like herbal supplements or acupuncture, massage therapy offers numerous health benefits that include increased circulation, decreased pain and inflammation levels, better sleep and immune system boost. Furthermore, massage can also be an excellent solution to reduce stress and anxiety levels.

Lyme disease is a serious infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria transmitted via tick bites of Ixodes ricinus or Ixodes persulcatus ticks, and transmitted through their saliva. Symptoms can range from fever, chills, and an itchy rash which usually develops 3-30 days post bite, to joint and muscle pain, stiff neck/back issues fatigue headaches constant ringing/tinnitus-type sensations as well as psychological manifestations like depression/irritability.

Antibiotics are the go-to choice for treating Lyme disease, but they may cause significant side effects. Left untreated early enough, the infection could spread throughout your body causing significant heart and joint damage. Rife therapy offers another solution which may prevent complications like neurologic or cardiac issues from appearing.

New England Vector-borne Disease Center (NEVEC) conducted research revealing a novel approach for treating Lyme disease that involves targeting bacteria during their dormant state. This novel technique employs resonance frequency of DNA which makes it harder for Lyme bacteria to change and thus escape detection.

While many individuals experience positive outcomes with Rife therapy, it is still recommended to visit qualified healthcare providers for an assessment and advice regarding which options could provide relief from symptoms.

It is a treatment for HIV

As HIV treatments evolved, scientists developed ways to target specific frequencies that would disrupt its cell structures and lead to its disruption. This eventually resulted in combination therapies known as HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy). These medications were effective at decreasing HIV infections while simultaneously targeting all strains; they effectively stopped further spread, but their side effects included being highly toxic and taking multiple pills daily – which became an enormous burden on those living with the virus and led to alternative approaches becoming available.

Rife therapies use resonant frequency treatment to combat harmful microorganisms and support healthy cells. Rife therapies identify the resonant frequency of organisms or body cells under a microscope, then match this frequency in order to eliminate or destabilise them. They also match beneficial organisms’ frequencies for enhanced communication among cells that foster overall wellness.

Studies have demonstrated that Rife machines can kill harmful pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungus and parasites. Rife therapy systems even shatter cancer cell membranes to destroy them while stopping further spread. Rife is non-invasive and works using sympathetic resonance where similar frequencies vibrate in unison to promote healing and wellness. It reactivates dormant cells for enhanced healing and wellness benefits.

HIV-positive individuals may be susceptible to certain malignancies, including Kaposi sarcoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma; however, these diseases are far less prevalent among HIV positive individuals compared with the general population; they do tend to appear at higher rates among immunocompromised AIDS patients. Thanks to highly effective HIV treatments available today, however, HIV positive people can lower their viral load to undetectable levels and speed immune recovery.

Selecting the appropriate therapy requires careful research and consideration of personal preferences and health goals. Explore various modalities, such as PEMF Therapy or Rife therapy, until one that best aligns with your journey toward well-being is found. Education is crucial to making educated choices; consult healthcare providers for their insights so you can make an informed choice that will benefit you over time.

July 13, 2024|Editorial

The Non-Invasive Approach to Rife Frequency Therapy

Rife machines were first invented in the 1920s, producing low-energy electromagnetic frequencies which resonate with specific pathogens or diseased cells to effectively kill them without harming healthy cells or tissues. It is thought that Rife frequencies can target and eliminate those organisms without harming healthy ones.

The RIFE machine provides wellness enhancement and is especially well suited for meditation and mindfulness practices, though numerous studies have yet to demonstrate its cancer-eliminating capabilities.


The resonance frequency model proposes that we can stimulate the baroreflex and increase RSA and HRV with slow breathing at an individual’s unique resonance frequency. To assess this model, clients are taught to breathe slowly for two-minute intervals from 6.5 bpm down to 4.5 bpm decreasing by 0.5bpm steps with two minute rest periods between trials; clinicians need to ensure there is no artifact in either IBImean or RRmean measurements, repeat any invalid epochs as necessary and also examine segment spectral displays to identify and reward LF peaks.

LF peak amplitude and number are two criteria used to select an optimal resonance frequency. Larger LF peaks indicate greater resonance effects, while fewer peaks suggest that clients are breathing at rates within their optimal range for resonance effects; however, changing respiration rates can produce separate LF peaks with diminished resonance effects.

Additionally, LF Power and RMSSD metrics serve as markers of cardiac vagal tone. Both metrics are highly affected by low frequencies and possess significant correlations with radiofrequency (RF). They’re easy to interpret since they represent the root-mean square deviations of time series – thereby giving an indication of overall variability of heart rate as well as distinguishing between sympathetic and parasympathetic activities.

Research supporting resonance frequency assessment has been encouraging, yet there are some drawbacks to this approach. For example, clients must agree to participate in a two-week test-retest study before this approach can work effectively. This method may also prove challenging for clients who find difficulty breathing at these slower rates, and should not be undertaken if using a pacemaker or suffering from conditions which hinder cardiovascular functioning. Slow breathing could increase carbon dioxide levels and lead to acidosis; for this reason, clinicians should provide clients with breathing practice prior to conducting resonance frequency trials. Notably, an assessment should take place in a controlled environment to avoid clients who lack training in this technique overbreathing and exhaling too much CO2, leading to acidosis or other serious consequences.

Plasma ray tubes

Plasma ray tubes are experimental particle accelerators that generate electrons or ions and accelerate them by applying an alternating voltage source through the tube, at around 600 km/s for every volt applied, until they hit gas inside, creating an illuminated glow to allow scientists to view particle paths more clearly as they crash against it and also produce magnetic fields which can be measured using Helmholtz coils. Although still in its early stages, plasma ray tubes have already produced many groundbreaking experimental results that make use of this experimental particle accelerator technology.

One such device is the plasma X-ray tube, designed for pre-ionization of TE gas lasers including excimer lasers with an X-ray pre-ionization target formed of gas tight foil material. Its long box-like housing contains a hollow cathode connected by an elongated wire-shaped igniting electrode connected directly to its target and powered by an alternating current from 60 to 120kV.

In this particular embodiment, tube ER operates to the left of Paschen minimum to avoid unintended spark flashovers and parasitic electron flows to its metal side walls. Furthermore, hollow cathode geometry ensures that its field curve has optimal characteristics for acceleration processes and producing X-ray radiation.

Working gas for plasma X-ray tubes typically includes helium; however, H2, Ne, or Ar can also be used. Vacuum pressure in these devices usually falls into the fine vacuum range (1-10-3 mbar), in order to avoid overheating of its hollow cathode by its accelerating potential. For optimal performance the plasma X-ray tube also features a high precision voltage control system for optimizing performance by ensuring current density is adjusted correctly for starting electrode current and initial plasma density levels allowing its formation without losing its atomic structure.

Targeting cancer cells

Royal Raymond Rife invented the RIFE machine in the 1920s to generate low electromagnetic energy waves that resonate with various pathogens and diseased cells, in theory leading them to die without harming any healthy ones. Rife believed many illnesses stemmed from bacteria and could be effectively eliminated with frequency treatments; however, his claims of eliminating cancer have been met with considerable skepticism.

Modern science demonstrates that all organisms, including cells in our bodies, operate at vibrating or resonant frequencies. Tuning into these frequencies through Rife Frequency Therapy allows healing damaged cells while eliminating harmful microorganisms like viruses, molds and bacteria from spreading further within the body. Furthermore, Rife frequency therapy may even reverse cancerous tumors and remove metastatic cells spread elsewhere on your body.

The Spooky2 Rife Machine produces low-energy electromagnetic vibrations called radiofrequency (RF) waves, which can be produced at various levels to target specific types of cancer cells. These waves disrupt cancerous cell structures and lead to their death compared to traditional radiation and chemotherapy therapy methods, making this form of cancer therapy less toxic than its alternatives.

Researchers have recently discovered that many tumors and cancerous cells possess distinctive frequency resonances that can be identified under a microscope. Tumor-specific modulation frequencies have been demonstrated to kill cancer cells, alter gene expression, block mitotic spindle assembly and reverse the phenotype by inhibiting apoptosis – all hallmarks of an effective cancer therapy plan.

When purchasing a rife machine for sale, it is essential to find a reputable provider. At Just Hope Healing Center, our staff can guide you through the process of adding this technology into your wellness plan.

Rife therapy can help you achieve a more balanced lifestyle that will benefit your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. It is an all-natural method of combatting chronic diseases and muscle pain; but if you’re uncertain whether this technique will be successful for you it is wise to consult a practitioner who has extensive experience using Rife machines.

Non-invasive approach

Rife frequency therapy is an alternative healing method that doesn’t rely on surgery or pharmaceutical drugs for its efficacy. Instead, electromagnetic fields tuned to specific frequencies are used to treat various ailments using electromagnetic resonance fields tuned to frequencies known to resonate with diseased cells and pathogens and neutralize them. Its roots date back to Royal Raymond Rife (an American scientist who first used frequencies for medical purposes).

Rife Frequency Therapy uses a machine known as a Spooky2 Rife machine to generate low-energy electromagnetic waves similar to radio waves that cannot be heard or felt, transmitting them directly into the body via electromagnetic frequencies. According to theory, everything, including harmful cells and microorganisms, has its own frequency that can help heal or destroy them. By identifying that frequency it becomes possible to heal or destroy pathogens.

Though medical experts remain wary of claims that sound frequencies can kill cancer cells, some practitioners have used rife machines successfully treat their patients. While results of these machines should not be taken as proof of success, they can offer hope to those experiencing chronic health conditions and clients have reported feeling rejuvenated after attending regular sessions.

RIFE therapy has many other advantages that go beyond increasing energy levels and improving cellular metabolism, such as relieving pain and inflammation. One 52-year-old male suffering from an aggressive form of colon cancer experienced significant tumor response from receiving both conventional anti-angiogenesis therapy as well as targeted EMF/Rife frequencies.

There are various kinds of Rife Frequency Generators, but all follow the same fundamental principle. Some look like hand cylinders you hold while others connect to TENS pads or internal electrodes and emit electromagnetic waves which interact with body’s cells and tissues to promote regeneration – unlike PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) therapy which usually targets only localized areas.

July 13, 2024|Editorial

How Can You Reverse Aging Skin?

Aging skin is an inevitable consequence of growing older, but sun exposure and unhealthy habits can accelerate its degradation unnecessarily. With proper skincare practices and eating well, aging skin can be slowdown significantly.

People frequently wonder whether it is possible to reverse aging skin. While the answer is “yes”, starting early and being committed to both your health and beauty are keys factors for success.

1. Exercise

Exercise is crucial to maintaining healthy skin. Exercise can improve circulation and boost immunity – two major contributors to glowing complexions – while also relieving stress which often contributes to skin damage.

Studies have demonstrated the benefits of aerobic and resistance exercise to keep skin looking young. Aerobic exercise can increase its elasticity by decreasing inflammation, while resistance training helps minimize fine lines and wrinkles.

Exercise increases mitochondrial activity – like batteries in our cells – which help them run efficiently, which may help reverse aging if people start exercising later in life.

2. Eat a Healthy Diet

An assortment of factors contribute to skin aging, such as smoking, unhealthy eating habits and lack of sleep. Smoking damages cells in the body by decreasing collagen levels and leading to wrinkles; eating an unhealthy diet full of refined carbs such as sugar can also accelerate skin aging; excessive alcohol can dehydrate skin cells leading to wrinkles and fine lines on skin surface;

Follow a healthy diet and use anti-aging skincare products to reverse skin aging. Facial moisturizers containing shea butter, glycerin and hyaluronic acid can help lock in moisture to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, as can using serums containing retinol that stimulate cell turnover to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Incorporating plenty of sleep coupled with using soothing night creams that contain turmeric extract may also aid in fighting signs of aging.

3. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is essential to healthy skin. While sleeping, your body produces human growth hormone to repair tissue damage and help combat wrinkles and signs of aging; without enough restful zzz’s however, your body could divert these resources elsewhere and thereby impairing skin health altogether. In addition, proper rest increases blood flow to skin areas for easier absorption of anti-ageing skincare products.

Sleep also protects against external factors that could compromise skin health, such as cigarette smoke, air pollution and sunlight. Studies have revealed that people who get enough rest have lower rates of sunburn compared with those who don’t sleep enough; getting sufficient rest is the ultimate beauty treatment you can give to your skin – speak to a Bryn Mawr dermatologist about Morpheus8 sleep device as an FDA-approved way of improving it!

4. Wear Sunscreen

Sun exposure is the main culprit behind prematurely aged skin, leaving telltale signs such as fine lines and wrinkles, dark spots, uneven tone and an increased risk for cancerous lesions on its path to degradation.

Wearing sunscreen every day will help to prevent this damage, according to studies. Regular application can slow or even reverse the development of wrinkles, sagging skin, age spots and discolorations over time.

Make sure that you use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF (at least factor 30). Incorporating a moisturizer containing hyaluronic acid into your routine will also help hydrate skin for improved elasticity, reduced fine lines, and dryness which could otherwise lead to skin sagging.

5. Chemical Peels

Chemical peels remove the outermost damaged layers of skin to reveal healthier tissue beneath, helping reduce fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone, hyperpigmentation, and hyper-pigmentation.

Chemical peels may also help treat conditions like melasma, acne scarring and superficial sun damage; they can be performed on the face, neck or hands for this purpose. Unfortunately, chemical peels cannot treat deep wrinkles or tighten loose skin.

A doctor will first assess your skin to identify which type of peel will best meet your needs, detailing any additional treatments that might be required and their anticipated outcomes. The process is quick and painless; you may experience only slight stinging sensation. A neutralizing wash or cool compress is then applied to help reduce stinging sensation and calm skin after which the peel will be rinsed away or removed from the body.

7. Use Anti-Aging Skin Care Products

If you want to reverse aging skin, make sure you use products containing effective anti-ageing ingredients. These ingredients can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles, crow’s feet, dullness, uneven skin tone and lack of natural hydration, while providing antioxidant protection from UV rays – one of the primary sources of visible signs of aging.

Anti-Aging Skin Care Products Should Contain Retinol, Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid and Niacinamide for Best Results. These ingredients may help stimulate cell renewal, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, even out skin tone and promote hydration. Results of anti-Aging products may take time; to see the best outcomes use consistently and moisturize daily with one suitable to your skin type – try finding one with SPF in it for maximum benefit!

8. Stop Smoking

Smoking damages the skin in several ways, leading to wrinkles, uneven tone, and other concerns. Quitting can reverse these negative impacts of smoking on skin aging; helping it recover and look younger than before.

Smokers tend to experience dull, dry skin as nicotine constricts blood vessels and reduces oxygen supply to their skin resulting in flaky and ashy patches of skin.

Stopping smoking allows your blood flow to return to its usual levels, enabling your body to produce collagen and elastin for skin repair that reduces sagging and wrinkles.

Integrating more foods rich in vitamin C and A into your diet may also prove helpful, as these vitamins aid the body’s production of collagen and elastin that will give the skin more vitality. Engaging in an ongoing skincare routine of cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing will make a noticeable difference as well.

9. Stop Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol can harm your skin in multiple ways, leading to dryness, wrinkles and age spots. It may also exacerbate rosacea symptoms and result in facial flushing. While it can be difficult to give up drinking entirely, moderate consumption should be encouraged: the recommended weekly alcohol consumption limit for adults should not exceed 14 units which is roughly equivalent to six pints of beer, seven glasses of wine or fourteen single 25ml measures of spirits.

Try to limit your alcohol consumption and switch out alcoholic drinks with water, fruit juice or mocktails for better hydration and skin elasticity. Furthermore, using skincare products with antioxidants and hyaluronic acid that contain these can reverse some of the aging effects from alcohol use by increasing collagen production, improving hydration levels and reducing fine lines as well as protecting from oxidative stress and speeding healing times faster.

10. Use Makeup

Makeup can be an amazing tool to enhance features, but its usage should always be used properly. Wearing non-comedogenic makeup made with skin-loving ingredients and taking steps to remove it at the end of each day are vital elements in maintaining a healthy complexion.

Anti-Aging skincare products that include ingredients like vitamin C, retinol and hyaluronic acid can be effective tools in reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Applying these products prior to makeup application helps ensure that your skin stays hydrated and balanced; additionally, body lotions with these nutrients will keep skin looking supple and youthful; remember to exfoliate regularly so as to maintain smooth and healthy-looking skin!

July 13, 2024|Editorial

Reiki Hand Positions for Remote Healing

Reiki practitioners use energy healing techniques on the energy field of clients to treat mental, emotional, and physical conditions. Reiki practitioners can also send healing energy directly to someone or an animal remotely.

Reiki hand positions are used as the main conduit to channel this energy. Here are some of the more frequently employed hand positions during distance healing sessions.


There is no one-size-fits-all approach to Reiki hand positions; rather, there is a set of guidelines to be observed. What matters most for practitioners of Reiki is feeling connected with energy and having clear intent so that Reiki flows effortlessly. Other aspects such as meditation, visualization, intention setting and breathing practice, along with quality of heart mind (Kokoro), play an equally essential part.

One of the most often-used symbols in Reiki distant healing is the power symbol. This name refers to any combination of Kanji characters that can be written using any Kanji script and usually translated as “choku rei”, or simply power. The power symbol increases reiki energy flow and can be used with any body/hand position for greater effectiveness of treatment.

Mental/Emotional symbols are another powerful resource, used to heal any type of emotional or mental imbalance. These can help restore harmony to relationships while eliminating negative feelings such as anger, fear, sadness and anxiety from relationships and dispelling addictions such as cigarettes, alcohol and drugs.

This symbol activates the sacral chakra by stimulating its lower abdominal region. This energy center is responsible for creativity, sexuality and social skills development as well as being the storehouse for Kundalini energy which awakens human spirits – essential components for leading a balanced physical and spiritual lifestyle.

If the source of any physical imbalance lies within, adding extra Power symbols as well as Mental/Emotional ones into treatment plans can help bring it back into balance and restore equilibrium.

At Reiki, it’s essential to keep in mind that all conditions – physical or emotional – should be addressed holistically. For example, if your father is having money problems, sending energy directly into his root chakra would help improve his financial situation and create a sense of security and stability in his finances.


Reiki treatments come in several different forms. While many practitioners prefer placing their hands directly onto an individual, there may be times when this is not practical or possible; when this is the case, alternative healing methods such as using surrogates such as teddy bears or photographs of intended recipients may be used instead; or pouring energy over something such as rainclouds or pillows may also be utilized – regardless of which way energy flows, its goal remains unchanged: healing energy gets sent wherever it’s needed.

There may also be times when full-length Reiki sessions aren’t possible due to time or location constraints for those receiving treatments, yet Reiki remains effective when performed in these situations – all that’s required for its effectiveness is your intention as a practitioner.

Reiki practitioners use a hand positions distant healing technique that is useful in this instance: placing their hands on an inanimate surrogate such as a teddy or stuffed animal as a surrogate, placing their hands also on symbolic objects that represent who or what needs treatment like crystals or flowers, so the Reiki energy can reach its intended recipient directly.

Experienced Reiki practitioners often perform a Reiki session on themselves to strengthen the link with their energy. Since energy can often know more than humans can about what someone needs or situation needs, practitioners believe they don’t need permission to send Reiki – the energy will flow regardless of what anyone thinks is appropriate or not.

Other Reiki hand positions that can be sent without being present include Heart, Solar Plexus and Root. In the Heart position, hands are held either alongside each other or end-to-end over the recipient’s breastbone; Solar Plexus places hands on lower ribs; while Root brings both hands down over pelvic bones.


Reiki practitioners who employ hand positions during treatments must realize that using them does not innately draw more energy or produce superior results. Instead, Reiki’s healing power comes from intention, meditation, visualization, breathwork and connecting to one’s heart-mind (Kokoro). Hand positioning represents only one facet of practice which facilitates self-connection.

Reiki practitioners must first connect with the energy of their client. One effective approach to doing so is using Reiji ho, an affirmation which invoking Universal Life Force Energy (Reiki). You can invoke Reiki by raising both hands together and saying out “HSZSN”.

Once a practitioner has connected to their energy, they must then choose where to place their hands. Common choices include the crown chakra – symbolic of connecting to Divinity and higher consciousness. Other popular centers of power that may help alleviate physical or emotional trauma include the brow chakra and solar plexus.

The brow chakra can heal mental and emotional trauma by providing access to deeper understandings of ourselves, the universe, intuition, wisdom and memory – often used for long-held memories and emotions that have been held onto.

Solar Plexus Treatment. A highly sensitive area, the solar plexus requires great caution when treating it; placing hands alongside each other or end-to-end over the lower ribs of your client may prove more successful than any other approach.

Finally, the Hara Chakra can be an extremely beneficial area to target with Reiki treatment. It can assist in finding balance and building a sense of purpose within yourself as well as increase creativity capacity and intuitive abilities – even connecting you with an inner teacher!


Reiki is an energy healing system involving the placement of hands on the body to channel universal life force energy and facilitate healing at all levels of being. Practitioners use their hands to channel universal life force energy into recipients’ bodies, which then facilitates healing at all levels – body, mind, emotions or soul healing are all possible with Reiki – not restricted to religion or belief systems, making it accessible for anyone looking for health improvements.

Hand positions used during Reiki sessions include those to soothe the head, reduce headaches and anxiety; soothe eyes; treat vision problems related to eyesight stress and strain fatigue; alleviate neck pain by relieving tension in this position and alleviate shoulder strain and fatigue; or soothe shoulders to alleviate neck pain and tension relief.

Chest – This energy-boosting position aids circulation while supporting lung function. Additionally, it can clear congestion and coughs from your lungs. Belly – This position energizes the digestive tract; treating ulcers, heartburn and diarrhea and even constipation! Back – This position supports reproductive organs by stimulating small and large intestines as well as the uterus (prostate for men) and bladder while potentially treating problems associated with appendix problems.

Once a session is over, the practitioner typically moves their hands from head to feet before closing with thanks and placing their hands down to ground themselves. They may rinse their hands or touch the floor briefly in order to break any energy connections with their subject of treatment; after which, they can stand up and leave. If they have distance clients they will arrange an appropriate meeting time together.