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July 7, 2024|Editorial

What is Rife Therapy?

Rife therapy stands out among alternative cancer treatments due to its noninvasive approach. Rife utilizes resonance and frequency techniques to eliminate harmful microorganisms without harming healthy cells or tissues.

The Rife Machine uses frequencies to eliminate millions of bacteria, viruses, fungus and parasites without harming healthy cells and thus aiding stress relief and healing.


Rife therapy (or rife machine) is an alternative treatment used to treat diseases and improve overall body health. This non-invasive therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to destroy harmful microorganisms by disrupting their resonance frequencies; each organism has a distinct resonance frequency which disrupts its cell structure, leading to its breakdown. Rife machines emit similar frequencies like radio waves but at much lower energy. They consist of a controller box and two electrical pads attached to your hands or feet for treatment purposes.

Rife machine therapy offers many key advantages that make it a suitable alternative to traditional therapies, including its noninvasive nature and fast results. Rife can help treat Lyme disease, Candida infections and arthritis symptoms effectively while simultaneously healing immunity systems and helping restore balance to the body.

Targeting pathogens precisely, laser therapy removes only harmful organisms while sparing healthy cells and tissues – unlike antibiotics which may harm both harmful and beneficial microorganisms. Furthermore, its minimal side effects make laser therapy safe for most people.

Rife therapy may not be able to cure cancer, but it’s an effective way to boost overall health by eliminating parasites and harmful organisms from your body, as well as improving blood circulation – two factors essential for overall wellness and healing.


Before beginning Rife therapy, it’s essential to research its efficacy and side effects thoroughly. Involve a healthcare provider in assessing your condition to see if Rife therapy would be a suitable fit; identify health goals and priorities will aid your decision-making process; some prefer Rife for treating specific illness such as Fibromyalgia or Inflammatory Arthritis while others may prefer PEMF therapy as an encompassing treatment strategy.


Rife therapy is a noninvasive alternative to radiation and chemotherapy that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to identify and destroy cancerous cells while sparing healthy ones, while simultaneously helping promote cell health and increase blood flow. Sessions usually last 30-60 minutes with clients remaining seated while holding hand-held plasma glass tubes emitting electromagnetic waves similar to radio waves.

Royal Raymond Rife designed the Rife machine in the 1930s. His theory suggested that each disease-causing microorganism had its own electromagnetic frequency; by identifying and emitting these frequencies, cancerous cells could be destroyed while simultaneously protecting healthy ones. Furthermore, Rife therapy also supports immune system health while helping balance pH levels within the body.

Rife machines produce low-energy electromagnetic waves similar to radio waves; however, these cannot be heard. Rife machines transmit these frequencies into your body where they resonate with cells that resonate back at them – helping destroy harmful pathogens like bacteria or viruses.

Rife machines can also help treat chronic infections like Lyme disease. This is because bacteria that causes Lyme can remain dormant in muscle tissue until they reemerge months or years later and cause symptoms to resurface, even after antibiotic treatment has taken place. Rife therapy may reduce symptoms related to repeated infection such as joint pains and memory issues.

Rife therapy offers several advantages that make it ideal for use alongside medications or alternative therapies, such as surgery. Furthermore, its noninvasive nature means it can even be administered on children; making it an excellent solution for those unwilling to undergo surgical intervention and less expensive than alternative approaches.


Before selecting any therapy, it is crucial to research its advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, discuss your health goals with your doctor so that you can choose an approach best suited for you. Lastly, think about your comfort level with any therapy and ask for recommendations from others if necessary.


A RIFE machine emits electromagnetic frequencies that resonate with and disrupt the cellular structures of pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. It shatters their membranes without harming surrounding cells – an approach developed by Royal Raymond Rife himself who discovered specific frequencies could destroy harmful microorganisms without harmful side effects like radiation therapy and chemotherapy treatment can have. Rife therapy has become an alternative treatment option due to this process’ success at killing microbes without harming surrounding cells. Rife therapy was named after Royal Raymond Rife who discovered specific frequencies could kill harmful microorganisms – giving rise to Rife therapy as a popular alternative approach as opposed to radiation and chemotherapy which often have devastating side effects as alternatives.

Rife therapy is not a panacea for cancer or any other illness; while it may help some individuals, healthcare professionals and extensive research should always be consulted prior to choosing any alternative healing modality as the basis of an approach. When selecting one for yourself or another person’s use it is also important to keep personal preferences and goals in mind; for example if suffering from Lyme disease targeting its resonant frequency could speed your recovery more quickly.

There have been many successful stories of individuals using RIFE machines to treat Lyme disease and other tick-borne conditions naturally. Although these stories may only provide hope and inspiration, they offer hope to anyone seeking natural ways of healing.

RIFE machines use low-energy electromagnetic waves to destroy cancerous or diseased cells and promote overall health, typically used a few times weekly for only minutes at a time; each session is painless and noninvasive, although depending on your condition they may need to be repeated more frequently.

Though claims of RIFE machines being able to cure cancer and other conditions have been met with considerable skepticism, research has demonstrated that certain frequencies emitted by these machines can destroy certain forms of cancerous cells. Although more study needs to be conducted on this front, this represents an exciting breakthrough in fighting this devastating illness.

Even with its limitations, rife therapy can be an effective form of holistic healing for many conditions. Its ability to target and destroy harmful microorganisms without harming other cells makes it a welcome addition to any holistic healing regimen. Plus, these machines are relatively cheap and user friendly!


Rife therapy is a noninvasive, cost-effective solution that uses no chemicals in its practice. It may be combined with conventional medication to strengthen immunity; however, its effect can take multiple sessions before results become visible – for optimal results it’s advised that treatments continue even after symptoms have vanished.

Rife frequency generators generate electromagnetic frequencies similar to radio waves but cannot be heard, which penetrate the body and resonate with cells to destroy harmful microorganisms. Each molecule, cell and organism has an oscillating or vibrating frequency unique to itself – an intense musical note can shatter a wine glass because its molecules resonate with that frequency; similarly viruses and bacteria also have unique frequencies which correspond with each individual organism; by identifying these frequencies effectively destroy pathogens.

Rife therapy stands out among healing therapies as being safe and without side effects, making it an excellent complement to diet and supplement regimens for pain management and general health promotion. Regular sessions may even strengthen immune systems to prevent diseases from appearing altogether.

Rife therapy has become an increasingly popular alternative form of healing among those looking for natural ways to alleviate symptoms and promote overall wellness. Backed by science, Rife has proven itself an effective option as an alternative treatment or strategy.

Some may doubt the claims that Rife therapy can treat cancer effectively, yet many have seen its healing power firsthand. Dr Milbank Johnson performed an experiment at Scripps Estate in La Jolla in 1934 where 16 terminally ill patients were exposed to Rife’s frequencies; 14 out of those 16 patients eventually declared cancer-free by its conclusion.

If you are considering Rife therapy, be sure to seek advice from healthcare professionals and conduct thorough research before selecting a treatment option. Doing this will enable you to make an informed decision that supports optimal well-being on your journey towards optimal well-being.

July 6, 2024|Editorial

Hulda Clark Zapper Review

dr hulda clark zapper amazon

What is the zapper?

A zapper is an electric device used to kill insects. Resembling a tennis racket but equipped with electrified wires instead of strings, its wielder can wave it through mosquito airspace until they hear an audible sizzle indicating that their pest has been eradicated.

The Zapper produces low-voltage pulses of energy through copper handles or electrodes that are absorbed by parasites and microorganisms present in your body, which kill them off. Furthermore, negative ions emitted by this device help restore natural balance and health in your system.

Mosquitoes and other flying insects, like mosquitoes, are drawn to light. A zapper attracts them with light before electrocuting them when they touch its metal grid grid; eventually their bodies disintegrate.

Hulda Clark, an alternative health practitioner, first created the zapper as part of her controversial practice. According to Clark’s claims that it could cure numerous diseases by eliminating parasites and toxins from the body, however there is limited scientific support. Furthermore, as it’s not approved by FDA it could potentially harm users if misused; so before beginning use always consult a medical practitioner first.

How does the zapper work?

The zapper works by emitting a bright light that attracts insects. Additionally, its wire mesh grid traps and kills them before being powered by a small battery to be safely used on various bugs without harming humans or pets. With different colors to choose from and indoor/outdoor use options available it makes an effective and efficient pest solution!

When an insect gets electrocuted, you hear an audible “zap,” due to an electric arc created when two or more electrified bars on a bug zapper come into contact with each other and make contact. This sound resembles that produced when static electricity builds up on your body and you touch something which shocks it away.

Bug zappers are most effective when used between dusk and dawn when flying insects are most active. You can use it on various types of insects including mosquitoes and flies; to get maximum performance out of your device it is also important to regularly clean it and replace bulbs when they burn out.

Bug zappers differ from regular light bulbs by emitting ultraviolet (UV) light that attracts flying insects more strongly. As insects come closer, their bodies get trapped by wire mesh grid traps before eventually killing off by the UV light itself – quickly and efficiently killing off any remaining pests!

When activated, zappers work by activating a small electronic circuit that generates low-voltage pulses that are fed into its wire mesh grid and trigger to kill insects when they come into contact with it – such as mosquitoes, flies or hornets. The device can also be used against various other insects like bees.

The original model of zapper was constructed so that it could be directed at any light source and still work, enabling players to play Duck Hunt on an NES and appear as though they hit their targets even when not actually aimed at the television screen.

Does the zapper work for me?

Hulda Clark’s claims may not be supported by rigorous scientific research, yet some people have reported relief from various conditions using the Zapper. This simple electronic device generates low-voltage pulses of energy at 30kHz at a frequency of 9V from its 9V battery through two copper handles or electrodes which the user holds or places on various parts of their body, and zapper produces frequencies which kill parasites and bacteria which may be contributing to many forms of illness.

Is the zapper safe?

Properly utilized, the zapper can be an effective means of controlling insects. Emitting powerful long wave UV lights (365nm), it emits powerful long wave UV lights which draw flies and mosquitoes towards it before electrocuting them with high voltage metal grids. This ensures your home and garden remain free from pesky insects that spread diseases such as campylobacter jejuni, staphylococci, serratia marcescens enterococci or other pathogens that carry diseases; it is safe for humans as well as animals alike and it can easily be cleaned by water when needed.

However, like any electrical device, bug zappers pose a fire risk if not maintained or serviced properly. There have been reports of older bug zappers starting house fires due to improper usage. To minimize risk and use your bug zapper safely and responsibly outside and away from flammable materials – regularly inspect the unit for signs of wear-and-tear and replace bulbs as required.

Unwanted or left on unattended, the zapper can pose serious risks to children’s safety if left running for extended periods of time, ejecting insect parts and unkilled bacteria into the air and potentially contaminating surfaces posing a health risk for young ones. To address this concern, choose models designed specifically to be child-proof or that come equipped with a tray to catch any debris produced during operation.

While there may not be sufficient scientific support to back Dr. Clark’s claims, her zapper has become one of the most popular health devices on the market. While many companies sell zappers based on her protocols, not all are made equally. Our company, Self Health Resource Center was first to produce one according to her specifications; since 1993 we have continued producing our SyncroZap(tm). The SyncroZap is your best bet if looking for an authentic Hulda Clark device.

July 6, 2024|Editorial

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

bioresonance therapy what is it

Bioresonance therapy is an noninvasive, safe, and effective way to restore health. By recognising harmful frequencies within the body and changing them accordingly, this technique can treat many ailments without side effects or adverse reactions.

Bioresonance was first demonstrated to be effective for allergy testing by German scientists, as a means of identifying which allergens were out of resonance with each patient. Therapy on a bioresonance machine helps the body reduce stress- and toxin-loads so it can heal itself more efficiently.

It is a non-invasive therapy

Human bodies emit electromagnetic energy at regular intervals in the form of electromagnetic wavelengths. When healthy, these frequencies remain within an acceptable range; but if we become sick due to environmental, chemical or emotional stressors, their frequencies may become altered or become disorganized. Bioresonance technology works to adjust energy patterns within your body in order to ‘tune’ them harmoniously and restore balance through natural healing processes.

The bioresonance machine evaluates energy patterns within the body through electrodes placed on the skin and data interpretation by computer. The machine isolates physiological and pathogenic frequencies within the body before amplifying physiologic signals while inverting pathogenic ones before returning them back through an electromagnetic modulation mat to restore natural balance within it.

At an appointment, you will remain fully clothed while connected to a device (wrist and ankle bands, probes). The equipment will detect and address imbalances in your bio-field by restoring optimal vibrational resonances – this may include providing you with a report outlining any areas requiring treatment as well as offering nutritional recommendations – often including diet changes!

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance therapy for treating various health issues, from allergies and intolerances to gastro-intestinal disorders, fatigue, insomnia and even rheumatoid arthritis. One recent study demonstrated its clinical effectiveness for helping people quit smoking while other research demonstrated its ability to alleviate anxiety and depression – however further trials need to take place before we can trust these results fully.

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative treatment based on quantum physics that’s not recognized by conventional medicine but can still offer relief for various conditions. Unlike acupuncture, it doesn’t use needles and has no adverse side effects.

One woman experiencing cervical pain reported significant improvement after attending 20 sessions of bioresonance therapy over three months. Without resorting to drugs such as NSAIDs or steroids and surgery, she successfully resumed sessions once she lost 13kg (30lbs).

It is safe

Bioresonance therapy offers an effective remedy to restore harmony to your energy waves after suffering an allergy, chronic illness or just looking to feel better. By placing electrodes on the skin connected to a machine that analyses electromagnetic fields of your body and balances it back out for health purposes, Bioresonance therapy corrects imbalances caused by environmental, chemical and emotional stresses and restores them back into an optimal frequency state.

Bioresonance therapy not only diagnoses an array of health conditions, but it can also prevent future issues. For instance, using the BICOM device, bioresonance can detect low stomach acid as an early warning sign and check to make sure your body is absorbing nutrients properly – something often related to allergies, intolerances or diseases such as cardiovascular issues.

BICOM is not only safe for adults but also beneficial to children. Operating at very low frequencies and emitting no radiation, it uses a 12-volt battery which is converted down before reaching its device for ease of use and no risk of electric shock. Furthermore, its ease of use makes this an enjoyable and no harm-inducing device.

Under stress, our body’s energy frequency can become altered, disrupting communication among cells and impairing detoxification processes. Bioresonance therapy seeks to restore normal energy frequencies in order to decrease toxic accumulation and enhance immune function; its results are often impressive despite being considered complementary medicine and should never replace conventional treatments.

It is effective

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive and drugless therapy that works to balance and heal the body’s energy systems, alleviating ailments like allergies, intolerances and addictions while simultaneously relieving stress and improving overall well-being. It often works well when combined with more traditional medical treatments to maximize their efficacy.

Based on this theory, all living organisms produce extremely low-frequency electromagnetic vibrations at extremely low levels that make up an integral part of human biology. These electromagnetic vibrations are known as physiological or harmonious vibrations and form part of our biological balance; on the other hand, pathogenic influences and diseases cause our bodies to emit disharmonic vibrations which have negative charges and disrupt biological balance; bioresonance machines can detect such disharmonic waves while devices that convert these waves into healing frequencies can counteract them.

This is the underlying philosophy of BICOM (bioresonance) biotherapy, created in Germany in 1977 by Franz Morell and electrical engineering technician Erich Rasche. This machine uses electrodes to scan your biofield and detect imbalances in its natural frequency – correcting these in order to restore optimal health levels within your body.

The BICOM bioresonance machine can identify an array of illnesses, such as infections, autoimmune disorders and chronic pain conditions. Additionally, it can identify food intolerances and allergies as well as identify heavy metals and toxins within the body as well as imbalances that interfere with cell energy – for example high stress levels, poor diet or lack of physical exercise – allowing treatment.

The AMP coil device, when used with bioresonance therapy, helps restore optimal levels for body energy frequencies by balancing them back out to their original levels. This is essential since our bodies work best when in harmony. Furthermore, the device also removes heavy metals and other toxins from our systems as well as decreasing stress levels; additionally it can identify allergy triggers to desensitize immune systems.

It is not a cure

Bioresonance therapy claims to offer relief for many ailments; however, it should not be seen as a replacement for traditional medical therapies such as cancer treatments. While bioresonance can assist in relieving certain conditions like migraine attacks, it cannot replace existing cancer medications; rather it should be combined with other forms of holistic therapies in order to promote holistic healing.

Bioresonance therapy works by measuring and altering electromagnetic frequencies produced naturally by our bodies, then modulating them for better resonance with one another. It has been used successfully in diagnosing and treating various health conditions including allergies, digestive disorders and hormonal imbalances.

Bioresonance therapy sessions typically involve connecting electrodes to a patient and using an electromagnetic frequency machine to emit electromagnetic frequencies. When this happens, machines identify and record your body’s frequencies so they can identify any discordant patterns, sending electromagnetic impulses at precise ranges to match and harmonize these disharmonies – once this discordant signal has been eliminated, your immune system will heal faster than ever!

Bioresonance therapy shares many similar principles with homeopathy and quantum mechanics. Like these methodologies, bioresonance uses electromagnetic waves to change your body vibrations and alter molecular structures of substances or cells within it, using electrodes as conduits of energy release into your system so it can heal itself and restore balance in its systems.

Many health practitioners claim that bioresonance therapy can effectively kill tumor cells by activating suppressed tumor suppressor genes; however, this claim lacks scientific validity and should be disregarded. Instead, mutations have altered these genes such that they no longer perform their original roles of monitoring cell division and killing defective cells through self-destruction.

Bioresonance practitioners will be able to determine whether this method is the appropriate choice for you and explain how the process works and its potential uses, in addition to answering any queries regarding this procedure.

July 6, 2024|Editorial

Distant Healing For Herpes

distant healing for herpes

Genital herpes symptoms typically begin as painful fluid-filled blisters which eventually burst and form shallow skin ulcers. An outbreak may last weeks or longer; however, treating it early and effectively can reduce discomfort while decreasing risk.

Antiviral drugs taken daily can suppress herpes virus activity and prevent future outbreaks; however, the virus will still shed from time to time, potentially infecting others and increasing risk.

Medicinal Herbs

Herbal medicines, both medicinal and culinary, can be an invaluable aid for treating herpes. Herbal remedies may help manage outbreaks of genital herpes, reduce symptoms’ length and severity and even help prevent future outbreaks from happening. Organically-grown herbal remedies offer superior herbal health benefits, free from chemical fertilizers or pesticides that could contain harmful toxins that reduce potency. Medicinal herbs can often be found at health food stores, boutiques and online retailers; it is important to make sure the herbs you purchase are packaged and handled in such a way as not to reduce their effectiveness. It may be wise to opt for herbs grown and prepared by individuals or small companies as these will have undergone less processing and therefore be more potency than mass-produced products.

Many plant extracts have demonstrated antiviral activity in studies on herpes. For instance, Rhamnus javanica’s phenolic compounds inhibited HSV-1 and HSV-2 virions in vitro (Pilau et al., 2011), while crude hydroethanolic extract from Tanacetum vulgare showed antiviral activity with greater selectivity than pure Tanacetum vulgare; its effectiveness may be due to acetylcholinesterase activity (Petronilho et al., 2012).

Over-the-counter herpes treatments, such as creams, can be effective at managing symptoms associated with outbreaks. Furthermore, these over-the-counter herpes medications may significantly shorten outbreak duration while managing discomfort; however, these medicines cannot cure herpes completely nor completely eradicate its virus.

Herpes treatments also include prescription antiviral drugs like Acyclovir that can be taken orally to manage outbreaks and treat complications of herpes infection. Such prescription antivirals may reduce frequency and severity of outbreaks while treating complications caused by the virus infection.

Herbal remedies for herpes work very effectively when combined with acupuncture treatment, especially when applied together. Acupuncture helps manage herpes symptoms while at the same time maintaining balance in your body to prevent breakouts from herpes from happening as frequently.

Essential Oils

Melissa officinalis essential oils have proven their efficacy against herpes infections through aromatherapy. Some strains have developed resistance to drugs used to treat them; therefore essential oils could provide a viable treatment option. Their effectiveness remains uncertain, however; any allergic or sensitive reaction might cause skin reactions which require testing first to ensure safe and effective usage. A patch test should always be conducted first to make sure a particular oil meets all safety and efficacy parameters before trying it on one’s body.

Patch tests involve applying a small amount of oil to an innocuous area of skin and waiting 24 hours. If no adverse reaction is noticed, it is safe to apply to cold sores; otherwise if irritation or itching occur at this site it should not be applied and should instead be replaced with another solution.

Tea tree oil has been scientifically demonstrated to possess antiviral, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties that help address herpes outbreaks. Furthermore, its cleansing qualities make it an excellent skin cleanser. Diluted Tea Tree oil should be applied three or four times each day via cotton swabs onto the genital area in a diluted form for best results.

Peppermint oil can provide both relief and speed of healing. Studies suggest its antiviral properties, which suppress herpes virus without impacting healthy cells. If applying directly onto skin it’s wise to dilute with carrier oil first for best results.

Clove oil can also be a natural treatment for herpes. With pain-killing properties and antiviral and bacterial properties, clove oil may provide some relief to cold sore sufferers.

Research has demonstrated the effectiveness of using hyssop oil to protect against herpes infection. Hyssop oil was particularly successful at inhibiting both drug-sensitive and drug-resistant strains of herpes simplex virus type 1; just a few drops can be applied directly with cotton swabs in the genital area for best results. Thyme oil also boasts antiviral properties and should be applied diluted form directly onto an active blister for best results. Both oils should be applied several times daily for best results.


Being diagnosed with herpes can be devastating, yet many can manage the condition with medication and holistic approaches such as herpes red light therapy – an innovative new therapy combining photobiomodulation with acupressure to accelerate cellular repair and relieve symptoms more rapidly than ever.

Herpes is an infection with an ongoing presence that results in frequent outbreaks, most often as cold sores or genital lesions. Initial symptoms typically present themselves as painful bumps before eventually erupting into fluid-filled blisters that heal over time. Herpes viruses may be spread directly or via sexual activity; although it’s also possible for someone to carry herpes without being aware they do so.

Antiviral drugs are the go-to treatment for herpes outbreaks, whether as oral pills or topical creams. Studies indicate that supplementing these medicines with homeopathic remedies may speed healing time and minimize symptoms for individuals experiencing them; such homeopathy remedies include Graphites for large or itchy lesions; Natrum muriaticum for stress-induced herpes outbreaks; and Sepia which helps with outbreaks caused by physical contact in the anus region.

Studies indicate that lysine, an amino acid found in food such as fish, poultry and dairy products, may help decrease herpes outbreaks by restricting your body’s absorption of arginine (an essential nutrient that promotes HSV growth). Propolis made by bees is another possible approach as it contains antioxidants and boosts immune function; one small study demonstrated its efficacy at shortening both duration and severity of outbreaks in one individual; however those suffering from asthma should avoid propolis since it could aggravate their condition further.

Rest, nutrition and exercise can help lessen the frequency of herpes outbreaks by strengthening your immune system. Stress management techniques like meditation and self-hypnosis may also help alleviate emotional distress that triggers flare-ups of herpes; individual counseling from a professional counselor or therapist; group therapy sessions; biofeedback or relaxation training may be useful as other ways to relieve stress.


Meditation is an ancient technique used to reduce stress, relax the mind and achieve inner calm. Meditation can be practiced by individuals of all faiths and spiritual traditions alike and includes practices designed to sharpen focus and attention, accept difficult emotions more readily, alter consciousness and alter consciousness altogether. When combined with herpes treatments such as Valtrex or Zovirax antivirals for optimal effectiveness against future outbreaks.

Visualization meditation entails creating feelings of relaxation and peace by using one’s imagination to visualize positive scenes, images or figures that trigger pleasant associations in one’s mind. It may also involve sending well wishes outward towards loved ones, friends, acquaintances and all living beings – with prayers being another form of meditation commonly practiced across most faith traditions. Deep breathing is often part of meditation and can help people relax more slowly while slowing down life a bit more – don’t judge thoughts that wander during meditation but gently bring back attention back onto deep breathing – aim to do this for several minutes at a time so as not to become too involved with it all the time!

July 6, 2024|Editorial

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

quantum healing hypnosis session

QHHT sessions provide an opportunity to explore past lives or other dimensional experiences while communicating with higher aspects of yourself. Questions will often be tailored specifically to your current needs and can reveal life lessons, karmic connections and healing opportunities.

As part of your session, you will enter a Theta state of mind; similar to what occurs every morning when you wake up and before sleeping. It is a deeply relaxed state that promotes restful and restorative states of being.


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), developed by Dolores Cannon as an innovative form of hypnotherapy that incorporates past life regression, spiritual exploration and trance work techniques, aims to connect people to their deeper consciousness by tapping into past lives, spiritual exploration and trance work. QHHT goes deeper into your subconscious to uncover root causes for emotional and physical problems. She was one of many pioneering hypnotherapists credited with helping many clients heal while discovering life goals through QHHT sessions.

The QHHT process utilizes a special method to facilitate entering into a deep state of relaxation known as Theta state. We experience it twice every day when we wake up and fall asleep – it provides a safe space to connect to deeper parts of ourselves and potentially find answers to questions that matter to us most.

QHHT sessions allow your Higher Self to communicate directly with you, answering your questions and offering healing on all levels. QHHT can be both powerful and relaxing; like getting a massage.

One client who recently underwent a QHHT session with a certified practitioner reported feeling more peace and gratitude after her experience. She was able to revisit memories that were contributing to anxiety and depression, release any associated emotions which were inhibiting movement forward in her life, and gain fresh perspective from these memories.

Not only can QHHT sessions bring a profound sense of relaxation, they can also provide the added bonus of knowing you’re being supported on every level by your Higher Self – providing guidance towards reaching your goals with ease and efficiency.

Preparing for a QHHT session involves several important steps. First and foremost is to avoid alcohol the night before and to limit caffeine intake. Also make sure that you eat a nutritious, well-balanced meal and drink plenty of water leading up to your session. Also bring along any questions that need answering during this appointment.


Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions allow you to gain greater insight and guidance as you navigate life experiences, spiritual pathways and self-development. Created by Dolores Cannon, it is an empowering technique for improving physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), or simply QHHT for short, allows your subconscious mind to speak directly with your conscious mind in search of answers and healing. Furthermore, QHHT allows participants to explore past lives as a means of better understanding their challenges as well as discovering their soul’s purpose.

QHHT sessions begin with an interview between you and your practitioner to identify which areas need to be addressed, so they can personalize their approach according to your specific needs. Next, your practitioner will guide you into a deep state of relaxation or hypnosis through visualization techniques – much like how we naturally enter this state twice daily when awakening and falling asleep.

While you’re in this trance state, your practitioner may pose questions designed to elicit memories from past lifetimes that relate to current challenges you are encountering. You could even experience memories from other dimensions, like meeting spirit guides or witnessing angelic intervention.

Your subconscious can be a valuable source of information and wisdom that far outstrips what is apparent to the conscious mind. Being highly receptive to communication from you during a hypnosis session often brings invaluable information that resonates deeply within all areas of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self.

As you listen to what your Higher Self says, it may reveal deeper understandings of your experiences and give insights into why certain situations or circumstances come about. By acting upon this information provided by your Higher Self, changes may be implemented that enhance overall life experiences.

One session of quantum healing hypnosis may help you see your world differently, with many clients reporting being able to resolve long-standing challenges and issues with just this tool. A quantum healing hypnosis session helps reconnect you with your intuitive inner self, helping you move forward peacefully in life.


Once in a deep state of relaxation (known as Theta state) it’s possible to access the part of your subconscious that contains all the answers – this part is known as your Higher Self or Over Soul and during Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique sessions can answer all of your queries about health. Plus it knows exactly how to heal both physical and emotional bodies!

At a QHHT session, your practitioner will guide you through past life regressions to recall past experiences that might be relevant to your current circumstances. They may ask about specific details about scenes, feelings and details experienced during these lifetimes as you go along – in some instances even encountering spirit guides who will talk directly with them – these experiences may foster deep healing on all levels: physical, emotional and spiritual.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions provide invaluable information that can help you better understand why certain events or aspects of yourself have happened, or why certain parts of yourself exist as they do. They also give guidance and inspiration for making positive changes to improve life overall and find your purpose here on Earth, leading to happier, more satisfying days ahead.

Quantum healing hypnosis sessions are designed to connect your conscious mind with your all-knowing subconscious and provide answers for any queries in your life. They’re especially helpful if you feel lost about how best to move forward or are stuck in patterns of negative behavior; quantum healing hypnosis sessions offer a useful solution.

Dolores Cannon herself certified qualified practitioners as QHHT practitioners, to ensure that these practitioners fully comprehend the procedures she developed for achieving somnambulism and making contact with our Higher Selves. Clients must trust in this practitioner that he or she is acting appropriately.


QHHT is an innovative healing technique developed by Dolores Cannon that goes far beyond the boundaries of conventional hypnosis. Going beyond past life regression into the superconscious realm, this healing modality offers deep therapeutic effect that transcends consciousness.

At a QHHT session, your practitioner will help guide you into an involuntary deep trance similar to what we enter twice daily when falling asleep and awakening – involuntarily as well. In this receptive state, your subconscious can communicate directly with the client without being blocked by logic or prejudice; after which they practitioner can ask their subconscious for accessing information from different spaces or dimensions for deeper healing or insight.

At the core of quantum healing hypnosis lies its power: subconscious awareness is capable of pinpointing the sources of physical ailments as well as emotional or spiritual difficulties, which the Higher Self then addresses immediately to restore health and fulfilment. Their intent is for healing to occur and for any blockages to be removed so you may live an abundant and rewarding life.

This process can be deeply therapeutic on an emotional, mental, and physical level. Clients will be guided into an experience of peace where any limiting beliefs and patterns that lead to illness or stagnation are identified and released by their subconscious minds. Furthermore, trauma treatments can be used to remove emotional blocks preventing you from living the life you envision for yourself.

QHHT sessions involve documenting health goals or questions the client would like answered, then entering into a deep trance state called somnambulism twice daily, the client lets their subconscious communicate with the Higher Self for answers tailored specifically to them and their situation. For maximum effectiveness during this process, it is vital that one remain open and accepting of whatever messages from above arrive from this shamanic source.