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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

May 9, 2024|Editorial

Alternative Therapies for Psoriatic Arthritis

People living with psoriatic arthritis have found complementary or alternative therapies beneficial in relieving the pain and stiffness associated with their condition, but before trying any such remedies it is advisable to speak to your healthcare provider first.

Exercise in warm water has been found to ease joint stiffness while increasing strength and range of motion, according to Arthritis Foundation (AF). Acupressure may also help relieve any associated discomfort.


Psoriatic arthritis can cause joint pain, inflammation and reduced range of motion in its victims. Psoriatic arthritis typically impacts joints in the hands and feet most severely; fingers and toes often swell so much they look like sausages! Psoriatic arthritis also impacts lower backs via an additional form called Spondylitis.

There are natural ways to soothe joint pain and control inflammation without resorting to medications prescribed by your physician. While they won’t completely eliminate psoriatic arthritis symptoms, these natural alternatives can serve as useful additions.

Hydrotherapy or aquatic therapy is one of the most popular natural treatments for psoriatic arthritis. This therapy involves performing exercises in a warm water pool under supervision from a physical therapist in order to relax stiff joints and muscles, creating gentle exercise which relieves stiffness. You could also try submerging your hands (or feet) in warmed wax for an intense deep heat bath that could ease arthritis pain while loosening tight muscles and joints.

Other alternative treatments and lifestyle adjustments include herbal therapies and diet changes. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, making it effective in managing flare-ups of psoriatic arthritis. You can add turmeric as a spice in food or take essential oil or curcumin pills for its benefits; but always consult your rheumatologist first before trying anything new as any dangerous interactions could occur between medications and supplements you try.


Acupuncture is another holistic therapy proven to reduce pain for those living with psoriatic arthritis. Although more research needs to be conducted, both the Arthritis Foundation and American College of Rheumatology recommend it as an effective means of controlling it. Acupuncture involves inserting thin needles into various parts of your body for pain management as well as relieving stress that exacerbates symptoms, improving blood flow which then decreases pain levels further, relieving stress-related symptoms further still and decreasing inflammation – however this treatment may cost money so make sure you inquire with healthcare provider regarding coverage options before scheduling an appointment.


Natural therapies may also help ease joint pain and other symptoms associated with psoriatic arthritis, from foot soaks in warm Epsom salt water to meditation sessions. These remedies may help decrease flare-up frequency while making you more comfortable when they do occur.

If you have psoriatic arthritis, before considering alternative therapies as part of a treatment regimen. Many therapies require additional clinical trials before being considered safe; some have shown promising results in relieving symptoms associated with this disease.

According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, approximately 10%-30% of people living with psoriasis also develop psoriatic arthritis – an inflammatory chronic condition which causes painful joints, particularly those located in hands and feet. Early identification and treatment is important in order to protect permanent damage of joints.

Homeopathic treatments may help relieve the aches and pains of psoriatic arthritis, but be wary of over-the-counter painkillers which can increase your risk for heart disease and gastrointestinal damage. Instead, consider trying natural solutions known to soothe joint discomfort such as taking warm Epsom salt baths or applying topical magnesium creams directly onto sore joints.

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice in which acupuncturists insert needles at strategic points on the body to treat specific conditions. While its effectiveness has been demonstrated for various ailments, including Arthritis Foundation-recognized arthritis-related symptoms, not everyone may be suitable and only visit licensed acupuncturists should seek treatments.


The Arthritis Foundation recommends exercise to increase joint flexibility and range of motion. Low-impact exercises like walking, swimming and yoga can strengthen muscles surrounding the joints to increase stability – this may prevent them from locking up when overworked – helping prevent locking up or inflammation when overstressed. Receiving regular massages may also help ease stress-induced symptoms associated with psoriatic arthritis.


People living with psoriasis have an estimated 30% risk of psoriatic arthritis, an autoimmune condition which can lead to painful and stiff joints. While medication may help, some individuals opt for natural therapies such as acupuncture, massage therapy, yoga or diet modification in order to alleviate symptoms more effectively. It’s always a good idea to consult your physician prior to trying anything new even if it seems natural such as “acupuncture, massage therapy”

Arthritis Foundation (AF) recommends eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and omega-3 fatty acids to reduce inflammation in order to mitigate joint pain. They further advise eating low-fat dairy and forgoing caffeine or alcohol before bedtime. Incorporating regular low-impact exercises like walking cycling swimming yoga into daily routine can also ease joint discomfort while helping prevent flare-ups from returning in future episodes.

Accumulating sufficient sleep can help alleviate stress levels that lead to flare-ups of psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, as well as helping you feel refreshed during the day. If you’re having trouble sleeping, meditation and yoga may help. In addition, try sticking to a sleep schedule aimed at getting up at roughly the same time each night and going to bed as planned each evening.

Acupuncture involves inserting needles into different parts of your body in order to relieve pain and improve circulation, with research suggesting it may also help with psoriatic arthritis. While results of studies vary greatly, acupuncture has proven its worth as an alternative treatment option.

Meditation, yoga and tai chi are effective techniques for relaxation that can reduce stress and anxiety levels. By engaging in such activities regularly, they can help to alleviate your mood while simultaneously decreasing flare-ups of symptoms.

Over-the-counter nutritional supplements may be promoted as natural treatments for psoriatic arthritis, but according to the Arthritis Foundation they often lack evidence. Therefore, it may be wiser to view them as complementary approaches in your overall psoriatic arthritis treatment plan.

Psoriatic arthritis can cause swollen fingers and toes, as well as pain in your back, hips, knees, ankles, feet, wrists and fingers. You may also notice reduced range of motion and increased fatigue throughout the day. Luckily there are natural solutions available that may alleviate symptoms – here are 10 suggestions you could try today.


If you suffer from psoriatic arthritis, alternative therapies may provide relief and improve overall health. Many of these treatments fall under complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Many can help manage symptoms when they flare up while also protecting from future joint damage.

Exercise such as walking and yoga can help alleviate your discomfort while improving flexibility and balance. Swimming and hydrotherapy (a treatment in which your body is submerged into warm water, such as a pool) may also be beneficial to joints. Tai chi and resistance training activities may build muscles while keeping joints strong.

Diet can also help ease your psoriatic arthritis symptoms. When choosing your meals, focus on adding fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats into your daily diet – while avoiding foods high in saturated and trans fats which increase risk of cardiovascular disease and cause inflammation of joints.

Your doctor may suggest using both traditional medicines and complementary treatments to manage psoriatic arthritis, including DMARDs which help slow its progress by inhibiting parts of your immune system that cause inflammation. While taking these DMARDs may take several weeks or months to work effectively, long-term relief from your arthritis symptoms may result.

Medication such as methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine can also help alleviate symptoms associated with psoriatic arthritis, though they may cause side effects like nausea and vomiting – it’s important that any such reactions be reported immediately to your healthcare provider if experienced.

Massage and acupuncture may also provide natural ways to treat psoriatic arthritis symptoms. Acupuncture involves inserting small needles into your skin to promote healing; research has found that this technique helps control pain and stiffness for those living with arthritis.

Massage can provide great relief from arthritic pain and stress. Consult with your therapist about which areas are the most painful, how frequently massage should occur and which unscented lotions or oils would best serve to alleviate inflammation in your skin and alleviate pain. Scented products may irritate it further causing more distress to the affected areas.

May 9, 2024|Editorial

How Does Remote Energy Healing Work?

how does remote energy healing work

Distant energy healing operates under the assumption that energy and intention can travel over distance, using principles from quantum physics that suggest subtle energies are not restricted by space and time.

Receivers of remote sessions must be willing and open to receiving energy. Furthermore, a calm, relaxing space must be chosen where they can focus their energies effectively.

It’s based on the concept of mind and energy

Remote energy healing could be just the answer you’ve been searching for if you want to heal mind, body, and soul. This type of therapy combines mind power with our collective energy environment – helping clear away blockages while opening new pathways of healing for yourself or family members. Remember to set appropriate intentions when undertaking remote energy healing for optimal results!

At a remote healing session, practitioners direct healing energy directly to a specific individual by channeling energy through symbolic actions like placing their hands on someone or meditating upon them. Symbolism shows just how much effort has gone into their intention.

Energy Healing is based on the principle that everything in the universe is energy that can be manipulated with intent. It parallels quantum physics theory which holds that all forms of energy interact and influence each other from faraway locations. Thus many believe if you possess positive energy you can share it with others.

Remote energy healing has grown increasingly popular due to its convenience. Sessions can take place anytime of the day or night, providing greater accessibility for clients while making scheduling more flexible for healers.

Remote healing sessions offer many advantages, ranging from physical pain relief to emotional and mental wellbeing. Furthermore, they can serve as preventive treatments for those looking to enhance their overall health and wellbeing. It’s important to remember, though, that distant energy healing should not replace conventional medicine or treatments provided by healthcare providers.

Many people report feeling similar sensations when receiving remote energy healing sessions as when receiving in-person ones, such as warmth in various parts of their body or tingling sensations, as well as an experience similar to when we shed old baggage (flow, trance, lightness or even heaviness). Although experiences vary significantly among individuals, most report feeling better after having had one than before it.

It’s a form of communication

Remote energy healing sessions are an effective way to promote healing and balance within an individual’s energetic field. They involve tuning into their individual’s field to identify any unbalanced points, then transmitting healing energies directly. Similar sessions exist; the only difference being that practitioner and client don’t share physical location.

When performing distant healing, it’s essential to focus on both conscious and subliminal intentions of those being healed, since their intentions determine the outcomes of remote energy healing sessions.

Remote energy healing works on the principles of quantum physics, which states that all matter is composed of energy. Practitioner and recipient become connected via their energetic fields and thus exchange energy regardless of distance; this may explain why some may feel lighter after receiving energy healing sessions.

However, both healers and clients must practice energetic protection prior to and during a remote healing session. This may involve visualising a shield of light around their bodies to ward off negative or draining energies and avoid negative interactions or draining energies from around. Healers should regularly assess their own energy levels to make sure that sessions don’t deplete them too significantly.

Remote healing sessions typically utilize no hands at all; depending on an individual’s individual needs, healers may employ visualization techniques in order to access their energy field and connect with it more directly. Relaxation during such a session is also key – both for the client as well as their healer!

Importantly, remote healing works best with individuals who are open and accepting of receiving it. Healing someone who doesn’t want their energy channeled towards healing processes simply won’t happen.

Keep in mind that remote healing only works if there is some sort of connection between yourself and the patient, whether physical presence or spiritual bonding is involved. So for example, you cannot remotely heal someone who doesn’t share an WhatsApp relationship.

It’s a form of healing

Energy healing is an alternative approach to healing that uses the universe’s energy to restore equilibrium and eliminate blockages in one’s physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Based on the belief that all existence is comprised of energy – we possess it within us to change ourselves as well as those around us through its contagious influence – it offers effective tools for self-healing both physically and remotely.

Remote energy healing sessions are similar to in-person ones but with some notable differences. A healer connects with their client’s energy field and assesses any imbalances or blockages in it, before leading them towards finding a safe and quiet spot where they can relax for one hour – during this time they may notice sensations and changes in either emotions or physical states.

Clients don’t need to be in a meditative state during healing sessions; healing will still be transmitted through their aura. After each session, it is recommended that clients drink plenty of water to flush away toxins from their body and ensure optimal results.

While many may remain skeptical of energy healing, others have experienced its profoundly positive effects first-hand. Such experiences can often have life-altering impacts for recipients – most commonly experiencing a lighter and floating feeling that lasts days or even months! Energy healing also promotes self-awareness and encourages positive thought patterns.

Energy healing relies on intention, which is sent across great distances using principles from quantum physics. Because everything in our universe consists of energy, its flow can only reach its intended destination with clear intentions from practitioners who send their healing energies with clear focus if doubt or disbelief exist in its path – this ensures effective healing occurs.

It’s a form of therapy

As an alternative therapy, energy healing can help you tap into your own inner power and heal yourself. Additionally, it identifies patterns affecting your life that are hindering it – giving you the skills needed to overcome challenges more easily. It’s an invaluable way of personal growth as well as relationship healing; though results may take some time before you see positive change.

One of the key ingredients of a successful session is practitioner intent. This means they must intend to use this energy in a healing fashion for the recipient and that recipient needs to accept this energy – otherwise the session won’t work effectively.

At a session, both recipient and healer seek quiet environments where they can focus without distractions, such as deep breathing or other relaxation methods. Once in position, the healer tunes into their energies to connect with recipient before beginning channeling healing energy into his or her body.

Once a session is over, both parties should take some time to reconnect and ground themselves, which helps clear away any negative energy and keep balance. They can also practice this technique on their own in order to increase their abilities – just as with any skill, learning remote energy healing takes time and practice!

Experiences during remote energy healing sessions may differ significantly for every individual, with some experiencing heat in certain parts of their bodies, tingling sensations or seeing colors; others may see or sense energy flowing freely while some simply have no experience whatsoever. No matter your perceptions, however, it is crucial that you consume plenty of water after every session as this will aid recovery.

Energy healing operates under the principle that all matter is composed of energy and that it all connects. Energy flows in cycles, with any disruption leading to illness. Redirecting or strengthening this energy could provide greater health and wellbeing – this process is known as “Rebalancing Supernatural Vital Energy (SVE).”

May 9, 2024|Editorial

Occupational Therapy and Energy Conservation

what is energy conservation occupational therapy

Energy conservation techniques can enhance your quality of life, enabling you to do the things you enjoy rather than only what needs to be done. Your physical therapist and occupational therapist can teach strategies for conserving energy.

An occupational therapist (OT) may assist in creating strategies to adapt your home environment so as to reduce bending and reaching, use lightweight cookware, and have food delivered instead of cooking at home.

What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapy is an approach designed to enable individuals of any age or injury to live as independently as possible, by adapting both your environment and tasks, as well as teaching you how to use tools or aids that best suit you. It may involve simple things such as revamping your morning routine or accompanying you on regular walks; or more complex processes like learning how to cook. In addition, occupational therapy may enhance socialization skills or expand one’s ability to participate in hobbies and sports leagues with friends.

Retraining the brain to manage pain and reduce symptoms involves training your mind to use strategies to prevent over-exertion, such as using a pulse oximeter to monitor your blood oxygen levels and learn when something may cause fatigue or nausea; or switching your route to work or taking breaks before beginning strenuous tasks.

Occupational therapy aims to assist you in accomplishing the things most important to you – be that caring for yourself or family, doing your job well, socialising with friends or enjoying leisure activities. It may also be used as a treatment option for physical injuries or long-term illnesses which have an impactful impact on daily activities, or disabilities that limit our daily lives.

Occupational Therapists (OTs) specialize in working with various populations – from elderly individuals and children with special needs to children themselves – providing both physical and psychological/emotional treatment approaches for all aspects of treatment, from recovery from surgery or illness back into favorite hobbies, sports or interests. Counselors also offer education about effective coping and management techniques for depression, anxiety and other forms of mental illness that may impact physical wellbeing as well. Occupational Therapists can also aid individuals who have experienced traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, arthritis or other physical impairments in regaining independence in the home, workplace and community.

OT Assessment

Occupational therapy (OT) assessments typically consist of an hour-long in-person meeting, where your occupational therapist will evaluate your condition – such as injuries or illnesses that cause fatigue – before offering suggestions and providing treatments tailored specifically to you.

They will discuss several effective solutions for managing the situation, such as how best to complete daily tasks with limited energy resources. This could involve learning how to prioritize tasks so they are completed first or employing strategies such as pacing or taking rest breaks during the day.

If an occupational therapist determines that energy conservation techniques are suitable for you, they will devise an OT treatment plan designed to alleviate fatigue and increase quality of life. This may involve home modifications or adaptive equipment like shower chairs that reduce physical intensity when performing certain tasks.

OTs provide vital advice for patients suffering from chronic illnesses that impact activity tolerance, such as multiple sclerosis or cancer. Furthermore, they can educate you about safe body mechanics to reduce pain and avoid further injury such as carpal tunnel syndrome or repetitive use injuries.

Based on the nature of your referral, an occupational therapist (OT) may also focus on other areas of your lifestyle, such as hospital discharge planning or identifying adaptive equipment or care aides needed at home to support you after hospital discharge. This is often an essential step toward reducing re-admission to hospital or resumption of function following hospital release.

Once an occupational therapist (OT) has conducted their assessment, they will present their recommendations in writing, typically as a report. If they recommend continuing OT treatment services, they may arrange the first session as they leave. Otherwise, they can communicate the findings of their assessment to insurers or health care providers to secure funding for ongoing OT sessions; alternatively they could just use this assessment process to cultivate better coping mechanisms and increase resilience.

OT Treatment Plan

Once an occupational therapist (OT) has conducted their assessment, they will collaborate with you and any relevant family or caregivers to develop an individualized treatment plan. This may involve setting short- and long-term goals with specific techniques being used by the therapist to help achieve them. In some instances, special equipment like eating aids or wheelchairs may also be recommended in order to make daily life simpler for you.

Physical therapists or occupational therapists will teach you energy conservation as one of the key strategies. This involves pacing your activity so as not to burn out too quickly, and switching up light and heavy tasks throughout the day so your strength remains available for more demanding ones. Planning your day accordingly so you complete important tasks first while taking breaks when needed is also helpful; and, when possible, delegate tasks to family and friends for additional relief.

Occupational therapy is often utilized in hospice care settings where terminal illnesses such as advanced cancer or ALS exist. An occupational therapist’s role here is to teach both the patient and family members ways to reduce fatigue so that they may better enjoy what time remains and have a higher quality of life overall.

An occupational therapist might teach patients to manage their energy efficiently by taking frequent rest breaks, keeping their blood sugar stable, and gradually ramping up activity levels. Help with daily routines – planning and prioritizing their day so all essential tasks are completed first and avoiding extra trips in order to prevent fatigue. Care providers can also show patients how to keep all of their tools, like medications and food, organized so that they do not need to reach far for what they need. Furthermore, they may assist them in delegating some daily tasks to family, friends or hired caregivers. OTs provide assistance with self-care tasks like bathing and grooming as well as mobility assistance such as walking or using a wheelchair. In addition to helping patients, occupational therapists are also invaluable resources for teaching healthcare workers proper body mechanics to prevent repetitive-use injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome or tennis elbow.

OT Goals

Energy conservation techniques are used to adapt activities so they use less energy and do not cause excessive fatigue. They assist patients in prioritizing tasks and minimizing overexertion, as well as adapting their environment in order to provide maximum support for daily living activities.

Fatigue is a symptom of many conditions, such as MS, COPD, aging and heart failure. Occupational therapy can assist individuals in managing the effects of fatigue while improving quality of life by teaching strategies to conserve energy. These may include pacing activities and taking rest breaks throughout the day or scheduling heavy and light tasks on different days of the week; using assistive devices (e.g. a reacher, sock aide, long-handled sponge shower chair tub bench electric kitchen tools rolling laundry basket or rollator) etc.

The patient [or caregiver] will show they have learned and implemented diaphragmatic and pursed lip breathing techniques to increase respiration for fatigue management, evidenced by self-initiated advocacy and execution strategies in three consecutive sessions over X weeks to increase carryover into daily activities.

Occupational therapists assist their clients to modify and simplify daily activities to reduce energy demands on the body, as well as teach new strategies for accomplishing tasks most important to them.

As part of their practice, occupational therapists (OTs) prescribe and implement exercise programs designed to enhance clients’ overall physical fitness and endurance. They incorporate cardiovascular conditioning, strength training and flexibility exercises for maximum health benefits and rehabilitation outcomes.

Patients suffering from respiratory conditions, such as COPD or chronic lung diseases, must utilize energy conservation techniques in order to conserve oxygen for brain function. Over-exertion can cause desaturation, where blood oxygen levels drop below an acceptable range and oxygen desaturation occurs.

Utilizing energy conservation techniques can enable people of all ages to live more independently at home and in the community. Our occupational therapy staff can work with you to develop an individual energy conservation plan tailored specifically for you – contact us now so we can discuss your goals!

May 9, 2024|Editorial

Energy Medicine Professional Insurance Reviews

energy medicine professional insurance reviews

Energy healers provide invaluable emotional and physical relief, but even caring therapists may face malpractice claims.

Insurance provides essential protection against claims. Here are some key coverages available to you:

General Liability

Energy healing practitioners assist their clients in finding balance, often employing holistic modalities such as Reiki, Wim Hof Method, guided meditation, crystal healing and numerology to do so. No matter which modalities you utilize for energy healing sessions, liability insurance will help safeguard both yourself and your business against claims for accidental injuries or damage caused by their clients’ actions.

Some states mandate energy medicine practitioners have liability coverage; the following reputable insurance providers offer tailored policies specifically designed to meet energy worker needs. Their offerings include both general and professional liability policies with high aggregate limits. They are widely recognized industry leaders for offering excellent customer service; some even provide online tools that allow clients to manage and access documents related to their policy online.

DeeAnna has partnered with several insurance companies to offer coaches and alternative practitioners in the USA the option of purchasing liability insurance policies to meet their unique needs, from students studying or full-time practitioners working less than six hours per week. You have complete freedom when selecting your policy to suit you!

Insurance providers for energy workers offer many products and services beyond liability coverage, such as marketing strategies, client resources and networking with other energy healing practitioners through online communities. Furthermore, some of these insurance providers provide discounts to members of HTPA; to learn about what discounts may apply when purchasing liability coverage through one of these providers contact either your coach at HTPA or directly the insurer to see which discounts might apply to you.

Professional Liability

Professional Liability Insurance protects against the risk of claims brought against you for alleged negligence or injury, making it essential for energy healers, massage therapists and other health and wellness practitioners. In many states this type of coverage is mandated.

EMPA offers insurance through HPSO which is provided by CNA Financial – a company with an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau and high customer satisfaction scores from J.D. Power that has long been known as one of the premier insurers for health professions. They offer multiple policies tailored to different levels of training and practice with costs starting at under $25 a month for USA only practices.

EMPA offers more than liability insurance: they also provide benefits and services designed to help expand your practice, such as risk management education, marketing strategies and practitioner labs that give hands-on experience. They also host an online community where energy practitioners can come together and share resources. Innersource must also be listed as an additional insured endorsement in your policy in order to be included on Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner Directory listings.

Energy healing services provide much-needed relief and relaxation to clients, yet accidents do happen even with the most diligent healers. That is why having A+-rated, affordable energy healing insurance coverage in place is so essential – having this peace of mind allows you to focus on your work while knowing that any unexpected circumstances will be covered – something every energy healing practitioner deserves.

Cyber Liability

If your energy healing services help clients find balance in their lives, protecting yourself with high-rated professional liability and cyber insurance is crucial to keeping business running smoothly. Our energy healing practitioner insurance program features A+ coverage limits so your business is protected in case a claim comes up against you.

BBI can offer cyber and other specialty insurance policies to complement your standard general or professional liability policy, such as employment practices policies for coverage related to employment practices and auto policies for property damage caused by commercial vehicles used for business use.

Claims related to data breaches would be covered under our cyber policy while data loss or theft would fall under a crime/fidelity policy.

May 9, 2024|Editorial

The Benefits of Shock Wave Therapy

high frequency shock wave therapy

Shock waves promote blood flow and tissue regeneration, encouraging natural healing responses in an effective and non-painful treatment option.

Up until recently, it was unknown that shock wave force effects can selectively occur at interfaces between various tissues and materials, which allows for deep penetration and breaking up kidney stones.

Pain Relief

Shock wave therapy’s success lies in its ability to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, such as breaking down scar tissue and bone spurs, thus helping restore movement while relieving pain by creating an environment conducive to healing.

Shockwave therapy offers many advantages for pain management in muscles, joints and soft tissue injuries such as tendinitis or plantar fasciitis. You will lie on a treatment table while an applicator with metal components positioned over your affected area emits soundwaves with either focused or radial waves depending on which machine type and individual needs is selected for therapy.

As pressure waves move through our bodies, they cause small ruptures to form in capillaries that supply injured areas, prompting our bodies to create new blood vessels to repair any damages and increase circulation to deliver oxygen and nutrients directly to injured tissues to promote healing.

ESWT will cause your body to release various chemicals known to control inflammation. These cytokines and chemokines play an essential role in relieving chronic inflammation that damages healthy tissues and inhibits healing processes.

Multiple studies have demonstrated the analgesic properties of ESWT are due to changes in nerve innervation and sensitization of fascial nociceptors. Furthermore, ESWT therapy has also been associated with decreased expressions of CGRP and SP in dorsal root ganglia cells, which act as modulators of pain neurotransmission.

Increased Blood Flow

Shock waves stimulate the body’s natural healing processes and accelerate their repair, helping damaged areas receive more oxygen and nutrients which helps ease pain relief.

As shockwaves cause small ruptures to the capillaries that feed damaged tissues, your body responds by producing new blood vessels at the site of injury to increase oxygen and nutrition flow to that region – particularly useful when healing tendons that typically receive less blood circulation and tend to heal slowly.

Acoustic waves stimulate your body to produce more collagen, strengthening tissues and increasing elasticity to support muscles, bones, and joints. Furthermore, the acoustic waves reduce calcification of tendons – breaking up and eliminating calcium buildup which may cause painful inflammation – through breaking up and eliminating buildup in their structures.

Shock wave therapy is generally safe and effective for most patients, without risk of complications or side effects. Some may experience slight discomfort during or following therapy sessions, however this should pass within a few hours.

Shock wave therapy comes in two varieties, both radial and focused. Focused shock wave therapy targets more specific problem areas and is best used when it comes to issues affecting Achilles tendonitis or elbow problems as it reaches deeper parts of the body than radial shockwaves can.

Radial Shock Wave Therapy (RSWT) is less invasive than its focused counterpart and targets all of the affected tissue at once, often without needing anesthetic or sedation. RSWT is most often employed for treating muscular-skeletal ailments such as neck or back pain, but can also be effective against conditions like fibromyalgia and chronic headaches.

Reduced Inflammation

Shock waves create mechanical pressure which induces chemical messengers that reduce inflammation. This is particularly helpful for tendon that lack adequate blood supply and heal slowly. ESWT also stimulates cellular regeneration by encouraging cells to produce more collagen; this makes the tendon thicker and stronger while reversing tendon degeneration.

Shock wave therapy was originally developed as an aid in treating kidney stones (lithotripsy), but since its introduction it has found wide usage as both pain management and joint health management tool for arthritis, plantar fasciitis, tendinitis and calcifications.

There are various kinds of shock wave machines on the market, but radial and focused shock waves are most often utilized for medical applications. Radial shock waves have maximum intensity at their point of impact and may penetrate up to several centimeters into body tissue; however, concentrated shock waves are more effective at treating injuries and calcifications deeper within.

Concentrated shock waves possess higher peak pressures with short rise times, which allow them to penetrate deeper tissues and calcifications more effectively than their non-focused counterparts. They’re especially useful for treating injuries to hamstrings, pelvices and hips and can reach up to 30 cm into the body.

Radial and focused shock wave therapy has been validated through numerous clinical trials, but most were conducted without randomization and sham controls, with differing patient populations and treatment protocols used for each. Therefore, further investigation needs to be undertaken in order to identify optimal frequency and dosing requirements for every individual patient.

Increased Collagen Production

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive therapy with proven success in treating injuries and conditions such as tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, tendon calcifications, shoulder and hip pain and more. Furthermore, shockwave therapy stimulates cell regeneration to enhance healing abilities within your own body.

Shock waves are mechanical forces that alter tissue structures through oscillations in acoustic pressure. Shock waves have the power to increase blood flow, increase collagen production and facilitate bone healing – particularly beneficial for tendon healing as they often do not receive sufficient blood supply and thus slow in their healing processes. Furthermore, ESWT has proven an effective tool in speeding up scar tissue repairs and decreasing stretch mark appearance.

There are various kinds of shock wave therapy devices, but all work similarly – they convert electrical energy to mechanical energy and transmit it to the treatment area. Differences among them mainly concern how shock waves are created and whether or not they penetrate deeper into tissues.

Shock waves have an impactful force that can break up calcium deposits, stimulate collagen formation and speed cell regeneration to reduce inflammation, relieve pain and stiffness, speed healing process and speed the healing process compared with traditional medical therapies like drugs and surgery which often don’t yield the same results or can even worsen conditions. High frequency shockwave therapy has proven itself an effective yet safe alternative that only lasts a few minutes at most and can be customized according to client comfort needs.

Reduced Calcification

Shock waves created by this treatment can effectively dismantle calcifications that form in damaged tissues, thanks to their acoustic shock wave producing an reaction in affected tissues that increases stress fiber concentration, changes permeability and forms tiny air bubbles within them. This leads to the destruction of any calcific deposits which the body then expels naturally.

Shock wave therapy also promotes collagen formation that strengthens your bones and joints, aiding healing while decreasing pain. Furthermore, shock wave therapy breaks down calcium in damaged tendons to prevent further injury as well as interrupting pain signals by lowering Substance P levels, providing further relief.

Shock wave focusing allows for targeted treatment of affected areas, and this is particularly valuable when treating the musculoskeletal system. All shockwave systems convert electrical energy to mechanical pressure wave energies; however, the physics behind shock wave focusing differs from that used by traditional ESWT devices radially; specifically focused shockwaves have much lower peak pressure (less than 1 MPa) with longer rise times that allows them to penetrate deeper tissues than their radial counterparts.

At NYDNRehab, we offer cutting-edge shockwave therapy treatments. Our podiatry team utilizes ultrasound guidance to assess damaged tissues, identify an ideal energy level and focus, as well as select an individualized shock wave type. By combining different types of shock waves together we are able to target those areas most damaged while stimulating your body’s natural healing processes for lasting relief from pain, injuries or chronic conditions.