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Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

January 21, 2025|Editorial

How Does Exercise Reverse Aging?

Exercise can do wonders for our bodies, from cardiovascular benefits to protecting us against the harsher aspects of aging.

Research has demonstrated the power of regular aerobic exercise to slow or even reverse multi-system age decline, while resistance training a few days a week can actually reverse them by strengthening muscles and optimizing endurance levels.


Aerobic exercise gets your heart racing faster, expands lung capacity and increases oxygen transport in your blood. Over time, this leads to improved stamina and energy levels as well as stronger bones and muscles – and may help prevent colds or flu from taking hold! This type of workout may also stimulate immune function so as to make you less susceptible to illnesses like colds or flus.

To maximize aerobic exercise’s potential, it’s essential that it be undertaken regularly and at an appropriate intensity level. You can gauge this by holding a conversation while exercising; for those with any health concerns it would be prudent to consult a healthcare provider first before beginning an aerobic fitness regime.

While we have yet to discover a fountain of youth, research indicates that regular exercise may shave years off of our biological age. This effect is caused by something known as telomeres, like little caps on shoelace ends that protect genetic material inside our cells from deteriorating over time. As cells divide more frequently, telomeres get shorter. Exercisers’ telomeres become closer in length with those of younger people. A study published in “Exercise and Sports Sciences Reviews” in October 2023 revealed that high intensity exercisers’ biologically nine years younger than those of sedentary people!

Resistance Training

Resistance training (also referred to as strength or weight training) refers to any exercise which uses any form of force against muscles in order to build their size and endurance. This could range from free weights and resistance bands all the way up to your own bodyweight – although as we age we may notice our muscles become thinner, resistance training can reverse this trend and prevent future muscle atrophy.


Strength training helps strengthen muscles by breaking down and then rebuilding muscle fibres, leading to larger muscles. Furthermore, muscle fibres secrete substances which help the body use blood sugar more effectively which may help lower insulin levels and risk for diabetes.

Recent research indicates that resistance training may also reverse some of the cellular aging in a part of the brain called the hippocampus, providing some promise of better cognitive performance as you age. It appears resistance training could slow and even reverse some aspects of cellular aging – thus providing hope of increased cognitive functioning over time.

For maximum effectiveness when it comes to resistance training, two or three workouts each week is recommended for maximum muscle growth. Doing too many workouts could result in decreased muscular gains; starting off slowly with this frequency and gradually increasing it will allow you to see and feel improvement as time goes on.


Squats are an invaluable form of exercise, effective at strengthening knees and hip joints while increasing metabolism, core strength, posture and metabolism. Squats may even help increase bone density. Before commencing a regular squat routine, however, it is advisable to screen for potential contraindications like anterior knee pain.

Squatting is a multi-muscle movement, targeting quadriceps, calves, glutes and abdominal muscles all at once. Weights may be added for additional resistance – the more resistance added, the higher your caloric burn.

People often shy away from squats because they can be challenging, yet this exercise should be part of anyone’s fitness regime as they age. When performing squats with weighted vests, barbells or dumbbells this movement becomes much simpler and more effective.


At its core, proper squat form is of utmost importance. A common error involves allowing knees to cave inward and tracking above toes; to check this properly using either mirrors or videos can help immensely.

No matter your daily tasks – from lifting heavy objects in everyday life and playing sports to cleaning the house – or any other physical endeavor, being able to pick things up with your lower body safely requires confidence in using leg power effectively. Squats provide this confidence while simultaneously keeping you mobile as you age while helping maintain balance.

Standing Calf Raise

Standing calf raises are an effective isolation exercise designed to target two muscles that make up your calves: gastrocnemius and soleus. The gastrocnemius forms the main shape and size of your calf while soleus sits underneath and attaches directly to Achilles tendon – stronger calves can help prevent knee injuries while increasing lower body stability during exercises like squats and lunges.

To perform this movement, begin by standing with heels firmly against the floor with weighted hands (or no weights at all) in each hand. Lift your heels off of the ground to an angle of 90 degrees, pausing at this peak position for 2-3 seconds before lowering them slowly back to their starting points and repeating as instructed for your assigned repetition count.

If balance becomes an issue with freestanding calf raises, lean against something or lean against a wall for support. Weighted options — dumbbells, kettlebells, gallon of water or barbell on a Smith machine — can increase resistance by making every movement harder for your muscles.

Try performing seated calf raises as a fun variation to add variety. This movement primarily targets soleus, while simultaneously strengthening your knee joint as gastrocnemius activates more when your knee bends. For added resistance and gastrocnemius activation, add resistance with leg press machine raises or incorporate unilateral single leg raises into your workout plan for unilateral development.

Climbing Stairs

Climbing stairs (also called “stair walking or ambulation”) is an effective cardiorespiratory workout that strengthens leg muscles while being low impact and easy to do for anyone. Climbing the stairs provides a good cardiorespiratory workout and may reduce heart disease risk and obesity risk while improving lung and cardiovascular health.

Stair climbing can burn many more calories than walking flat ground can; an hour spent climbing stairs for one 170-pound person could see him burn over 500 of them! A 2023 study from “Preventive Medicine” suggests such results.

Stair climbing is an excellent alternative for individuals who struggle with impact movements or don’t feel ready to undertake more intense exercises such as running. Stair climbing serves as resistance training that targets all major muscle groups of the legs including quads, calves and hamstrings.

Exercise increases heart rate, strengthening and strengthening heart muscle for more efficient blood pumping throughout your body. Furthermore, this activity engages muscles quickly to exert force quickly and efficiently that builds power; furthermore it is an ideal way to build strength, endurance and agility for other forms of physical exercise such as running or rowing.

High Impact Movements

New research indicates that as we age, muscle fibers become less efficient at regenerating. But according to Amsterdam UMC and Maastricht UMC+ researchers, consistent aerobic exercise may reverse this decline by helping muscle cells recover their ability to regenerate more effectively. They studied the effect of exercise in mice and discovered that consistent aerobic training reverses protein accumulation associated with age in muscle tissue as well as increasing mitochondrial function – results of this research are published in Nature Aging journal.

Mayo Clinic research indicates that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is the most beneficial exercise to combating anti-aging effects. HIIT increases mitochondrial regeneration while simultaneously improving insulin sensitivity to reduce cellular aging. Endurance activities like running, biking or swimming also play an essential role in protecting heart and lung health.

This research builds upon previous work demonstrating how exercise can renew muscle cells at the molecular level. Exercise stimulates four transcription factors (chemicals that regulate gene expression). These Yamanaka factors, named for Japanese scientists who first discovered them, transform specialized mature cells into more flexible pluripotent stem cells.

Researchers used an exercise wheel progressively loaded with magnetic weights to increase muscle load on mice’s muscles, increasing force on muscle cells and stimulating Yamanaka factors. Their results show that exercise reprograms muscle fibers to become younger-looking by activating Yamanaka factors; such results could one day be used to develop drugs to supercharge exercise response for bedridden people or astronauts in zero gravity environments.

January 21, 2025|Editorial

Reverse Aging on Mice With a New Treatment

Scientists have demonstrated that aging is malleable – laboratory animals can live longer by switching genes on and off; however, resetting an epigenetic pattern which determines which genes are expressed is more difficult.

Sinclair and her team have developed six chemical cocktails to revive mouse cells quickly and without harm to cellular identity, rejuvenating them within days without compromising cellular identity. The chemicals increase activity of an anti-ageing protein which has decreased significantly with age.


Researchers have long suspected environmental factors could alter gene activity, yet could never pinpoint what caused them. Epigenetics could provide the answer: DNA sequences make proteins that, when altered in any way, cause disease; epigenetic changes occur when changes in how cells read those DNA sequences – these changes do not alter DNA but instead can make genes “on” become “off”, with devastating health impacts ranging from diet and exercise habits affecting genetic expressions to epigenetic influences on your health from food intake and exercise regiment.

An epigenetic mark prevents genes from turning themselves on and can last years or even for life. Some epigenetic marks are harmful – like those which prevent your body from healing itself after an auto accident or prevent cancerous cells from growing – while others can help you respond better to stress or maintain immune system health.

Epigenetic marks are created by molecules called methyl groups, which attach to your genes and alter how they’re read. Methyl groups act like erasers by turning off or slowing down their functionality – researchers are still learning how the environment impacts these methylation patterns and whether or not they can be reversed.

Studies have confirmed that epigenetic effects can be heritable, meaning they are passed from parent to offspring. One well-known example is the Agouti gene which controls hair color. Mice with its variant known as Avy have faulty controls for this gene and produce yellow fur or dark agouti coats in pups – further suggesting they exhibit more irregular genetic expression than expected. These Avy mice also tend to be obese and suffer from other health issues suggesting their genetic code might express itself more inconsistently than normal.

Sinclair’s team has pioneered an effective method for altering epigenetic states using four chemicals known as Yamanaka factors. Similar to enzymes that methylate DNA, they make changes faster and more precisely. In one experiment they applied this technique on retinal ganglion cells from mice eyes in order to restore them back into embryonic or pluripotent stem cell status – and subsequent mice regained sight as a result! They have since used it on brain, muscle, and kidney cells with similarly promising results

Stem cells

Stem cells that give rise to specialized cells in blood, bone, muscle and other tissues possess unique qualities. They’re capable of replicating themselves ad infinitum; yet have limited lifespans that will eventually cause them to stop producing and die off or enter a suspended state known as senescence; contributing to signs and symptoms associated with aging.

Scientists study stem cells to gain an insight into how specialized cells form, identify the sources of disease such as cancer and develop models of illness in the laboratory for testing new medicines.

Researchers are exploring ways to extend the lives of mice by reprogramming their cells back to more youthful states and hope this method can also work on humans. Scientists found that activating telomerase, which keeps chromosomes from shortening too rapidly leading to cell degradation, helped reverse aging on mice. Scientists then administered injections with chemicals activating this gene and revitalizing aging cells with rejuvenating treatments, leading to healthier intestinal, spleen, heart and brain organs resulting in longer, healthier lives

Scientists used an experimental compound known as ICE to reactivate telomerase. This compound works by creating temporary cuts in DNA that heal quickly – mimicking daily cell damage from chemicals, sunlight and environmental stressors like pollution and radiation. By making cuts like these in DNA, the ICE compound was able to stimulate telomerase activity and restore healthy chromosome length in mice that showed diminished sense of smell, smaller brain size, and infertility symptoms reduced significantly.

Scientists believe reprogramming cells into more youthful states may provide us with greater insight into disease development, while simultaneously developing methods to directly manipulate genes related to aging in order to extend lifespan and health. Their discoveries could pave the way towards anti-ageing treatments that could prevent or treat conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and diabetes; their work was published in Nature journal.


A new treatment to reverse aging on mice involves increasing the levels of telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT), a protein that typically decreases with age. TERT helps protect chromosome ends and maintain the protective caps protecting their ends – when these caps wear away cells can no longer divide as frequently, leading to build-ups of cell debris called telomeres that eventually break down and lead to cellular senescence.

Researchers engineered mice with gene switches that caused their telomeres to wear down prematurely so they could study the impact of activating telomerase on these animals. Reactivating telomerase significantly delayed symptoms associated with aging while significantly improving health span and longevity – not to mention an increase in number of surviving cells across all tested tissues.

Reactivating telomerase was found to significantly boost cell growth and neurogenesis, reduce inflammation, improve memory, coordination, grip strength and memory tests in mice as well as slow the progression of brain tumors in the hippocampus and improve performance on memory tests.

Researchers administered AAV viruses carrying mTERT genes to mice, which allowed it to pass quickly into cells throughout their bodies and cause significant increases in TERT levels as well as an increase in telomere length across numerous tissues. At the same time, this increase coincided with decreased levels of p16, an anti-aging protein linked to cell senescence.

Harvard scientists state in their proof-of-concept study that reactivating telomerase can rejuvenate cells, but it remains uncertain if such actions would extend human lifespans. Adult humans turn off their telomerase production when they reach adulthood; it remains to be determined if activating it again would prevent cancer or simply hasten the process.


Researchers from the Salk Institute have developed an effective technique for “reversing” aging in mice using gene therapy. After making temporary cuts in their DNA, they then administered an ICE gene therapy treatment to reboot epigenetics – effectively undoing genetic “software glitches” responsible for aging – and resetting organs and tissues back to a youthful state – proving invaluable research data that may one day help scientists create strategies to extend human lifespans as well.

Researchers used the ICE gene to reprogram cells in the body so they behave like stem cells – cells with the capacity to differentiate into other types of cells and grow and divide over time – known as induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, and these iPS cells may then form new tissues and organs to reverse signs of aging and disease. Their next goal will be assessing if similar rejuvenation processes could help treat other diseases like heart disease or diabetes.

Scientists have long held the view that mutations to DNA were the main contributor to aging, but recent research conducted at Cell University shows otherwise. One key contributor could be changes to how genes turn on and off. The report was released recently as well.

Scientists wanted to test whether using the ICE gene would reverse aging by creating mice that experienced multiple DNA breaks. When this happens, epigenetic factors are supposed to repair them and return the genes to their original locations – however in these modified mice these factors kept becoming “distracted”, failing to return back where they should. As a result, epigenomes became disorganized.

Scientists manipulated this condition by disrupting gene expression patterns, mimicking how mammals age over time. Scientists then gave mutant mice the ICE gene and administered a drug that suppressed certain proteins; this not only caused their iPS cells to appear older but also reversed certain biomarkers of aging.

After reviewing their experiments, researchers concluded they had discovered a chemical cocktail which rejuvenates cells without altering their identity – OSK cocktail to be exact – which rejuvenates both biological and chronological age significantly below that of untreated mice. OSK significantly enhanced gene function related to senescence such as mitochondrial metabolism, lysosomal function and apoptosis which had become severely impaired over time.

January 20, 2025|Editorial

Radiesthesia Color Chart – Dowsing For Underground Water Sources

Each object or living being has a distinctive radiesthetic color characteristic of itself that helps identify it. A radiesthetic color chart can assist with dowsing for underground water sources (dowsing). Furthermore, it may be used to heal the auras and energy fields associated with physical organs, systems and skeletal bodies.

New Zealand correspondent has developed an easy method of using radiesthesia color charts to select soil and plants. He positions their samples at the center of an arc on a 360-degree protractor with its zero division facing North, then swings a pendulum over them until oscillation begins.

Using a dowsing pendulum

Dowsing is an ancient art that employs a pendulum to access our subconscious minds for answers, healing, energy balancing, finding lost objects and more. Dowsing can also help reconnect us to our intuition which is an incredible gift from nature; but to ensure you know exactly what it’s telling you can use a Radiesthesia Color Chart with your pendulum for guidance to hone it further.

A radiesthetic pendulum is a symmetrical object suspended by a chain or cord and made from any material (often crystal or metal). Traditionally, this dowsing pendulum was used for medical purposes to detect early stage disease; however, its uses extend far beyond this realm – for instance selecting soil and plants using this technique as one correspondent from New Zealand has done successfully by placing his sample at the center of an arc on a 360-degree protractor with its zero division facing North and then holding their radiesthetic pendulum over this sample until oscillation begins – then they hold theirsesthetic pendulum over this sample until oscillation ceases or changes into oscillation before placing back over his or her sample to see results!

Radiesthesia differs from other dowsing techniques in that it operates under the assumption that each individual possesses an aura which connects to all the energy around them. Color detection tools used for radiesthesia offer more technical and precise insight into energetic fields of the body, making radiesthesia an excellent way of diagnosing and treating imbalances more effectively.

However, therapists should not solely rely on aesthetic colors to determine whether an imbalance exists in a client’s aura. An aura is a dynamic energy map which needs constant tuning with our living habits to align more fully with energies that wish to pass through it.

Dowsing for energy in an area is another method of employing a radiesthetic pendulum and chart, employing colors as guides to see if there is an imbalance. If there is one, negative responses indicate an imbalance and can prompt questions regarding what needs to be done to restore balance in that space.

Using a dowsing chart

A radiesthesia color chart is an invaluable asset to dowsing practitioners, helping them quickly identify energetic imbalances in their clients. It is more accurate than intuitive reading of biofield/aura colors due to their fixed frequencies; this chart allows practitioners to identify when energy fields shift due to emotional or physical stressors – these changes can then be quickly identified using the chart itself.

Dowsing pendulums are powerful antennae designed to detect unseen vibrations and energy waves emitted by people, places, objects or thoughts – giving dowsers an incredible ability to locate underground water sources, lost items or geopathic stress zones with remarkable accuracy. Dowsers may even use this skill for medical diagnosis and treatment purposes by helping identify early stage disease in individuals.

Each inanimate and animate object emits its own distinctive radiesthetic color that serves to identify it. This shade, known as congruent or individual hue, often differs from what can be seen directly, such as with a green deciduous tree featuring green as its individual hue. When practicing medical radiesthesia, practitioners test for this fundamental hue when diagnosing illness in order to ascertain its cause.

As well as diagnosing illnesses, the Radiesthetic Color Chart can also aid healing processes by helping rebalance clients’ biofield and aura. Tele-radiesthesia or pendulum healing at a distance is possible by connecting with your client via Witness card, then dowsing over their body systems (systems organs skeletal system), impregnating with appropriate colors of Radiesthetic Radiesthetic colors according to condition.

Utilising a radiesthesia color chart is simple, yet requires concentration and calm. To maximize accuracy, avoid forcing any answers, and be open to what the pendulum indicates. Furthermore, being able to differentiate between positive and negative responses requires regular practice as this will enable you to become a competent practitioner.

Using a dowsing tool

Dowsing can be used for more than simply finding water or minerals; it can also help balance energy fields and heal physical problems. Dowsing uses tools like pendulums and dowsing rods to detect vibrational frequencies emitted by living beings, objects or spaces and analyze these vibrations to gain insights into health, emotional states and energetic imbalances; additionally non-living things such as crystals or radio waves may pick up these frequencies as well.

A radiesthesia color chart is an easy and straightforward tool for determining the vibrational frequency of any object or person, and can be printed out or scanned for digital reference. Available on most online dowsing websites and user friendly instructions are usually included with it for use when used alongside pendulum dowsing to assess aura, organs/system energies and bone health; or to imbue objects with vibrant hues to align them to their Heaven-Earth connection.

Medical radioesthetics uses color analysis to help identify an individual’s birth color or “fundamental color”, and test this color over time in order to detect early stage diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

Radiesthetic dowsing is an advanced form of traditional dowsing that provides more accurate readings of an individual’s aura. Based on the principle that different vibrations have different frequencies, its colors detected with radiesthetic tools directly correspond with specific frequencies – thus making them clear indicators of energy imbalances and imbalances.

Radiesthesia can be used to detect various objects, from metals and gemstones to underground water sources and electromagnetic fields, many of which remain hidden to human vision. Radiesthesia was once widely employed for mine detection – indeed it was one of the reasons Wilhelm Reich first came up with the term orgone energy; today however, some militaries still employ this technique when searching for mines or explosive devices.

Using a dowsing device

Dowsing devices are used to locate objects such as water, gold, oil and other minerals; diagnose health problems; guide healing work; as well as help guide spiritual journeys. Based on the principle that all things vibrate, dowsing instruments such as pendulums or forked branches can detect vibrations within objects – once called functional magic but now considered scientific method for finding information and location; known in France as Radiesthesia it has a thousand-year history being utilized by physicians, geologists, chemists, animal/plant breeders as well as electronic engineers throughout their careers.

Radiesthesia is a combination of Latin radius (meaning “ray”) and Greek aisthesis (meaning sensation), meaning the ability to perceive vibrations in any material substance or living being. Dowsing practitioners use radiesthesia to locate underground water, metals and other natural resources such as oil. Dowsing can also be used for personal healing or to locate missing people. While traditionally dowsing was done using forked branches, modern dowsers can now use any object that can give an audible response such as their hands or a map – it is recommended that individuals practice several hours each day of dowsing if possible to gain maximum benefits and avoid stimulants such as caffeine that deplete energy reserves while practicing it!

One of the key skills required for mastery of radiesthesia is creating a resonance between our objects or subjects and those we seek. Different techniques such as Cadrans of Radiesthesia charts or visualization techniques may help in this respect, which will improve results of work and provide accurate samples. Practicing these methods regularly will result in better results and accurate samples being obtained.

One key difference between radiesthesia and reading intuitive colors of someone’s biofield is that radiesthesia uses fixed and consistent color frequencies for identification of imbalances; in comparison, intuitive colors of people may fluctuate according to their emotional or physical state.

Moosing tools’ movements are determined by the length of string or thread that runs from its tip through a rod and into its base. As more strings connect to more powerful devices, their power increases exponentially; shorter strings may even prove more effective than longer ones in some instances; however, most dowsers recommend that for best results when doing any dowsing work.

January 20, 2025|Editorial

Is the AO Scan Real?

AO Scan is an energy-based health assessment using bioresonance. It takes an holistic view of wellness into account by understanding that all physical symptoms result from complex interactions between starting points and their ultimate outcomes.

Scientists like Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein proposed that everything physical can be reduced to light, vibration, and frequency – and using this theory as its foundation, the AO Scan can identify imbalances and patterns within your body.

What is the AO Scan?

The AO Scan is a noninvasive device that assesses electromagnetic fields in the body to provide insight into any areas of imbalance, providing holistic health professionals with invaluable data for prioritizing wellness goals and targeting treatment plans more precisely. Athletes can use this device to optimize their performance by uncovering any imbalances that could inhibit training or recovery strategies.

The AO SCAN uses bioresonance technology to scan your body’s electromagnetic field, decoding its frequencies into specific frequencies and revealing any areas of imbalance. Its name, taken from Greek letters Alpha and Omega, conveys its holistic approach to health; its name echoes this idea that our bodies are composed of 98% energy; that everything physical contains vibrational frequencies similar to piano notes that can reveal imbalance.

At an AO Scan session, a practitioner will place a comfortable headset on your head and conduct an initial scan of your energetic field. When complete, a device will provide a report detailing various aspects of your health as well as frequency optimization – sending custom frequencies back to areas identified as abnormal or low functioning within your body.

A comprehensive AO Scan report will then outline all of the factors impacting your overall well-being, such as nutritional deficiencies, stress levels and physical trauma. It also offers recommendations to boost energy levels and restore balance; for example if your scan shows low red blood cells it may be time to start eating iron-rich foods such as spinach more often; while if stress levels exceed normal it might help to incorporate meditation or relaxation techniques into daily life routine.

How does the AO Scan work?

AO Scan is an elegant yet straightforward technology that communicates with the body via subtle bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals, helping guide you towards homeostasis – the natural state of equilibrium. Its roots lie in the work of Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein and other leading scientists who theorized that all physical objects contain 98% energy which resonates at certain frequencies or vibrations.

Disrupted cell frequencies can create health problems. The AO Scan measures electrical responses of cells and compares them against its database of healthy frequencies to identify imbalances and stressors on a cellular level – often before symptoms appear. It’s the first noninvasive technology capable of doing this.

AO Scan uses a safe, portable handheld device to scan the electromagnetic field of your body and assess its current state of balance. It can identify physical and emotional stressors as well as identify where energy is being directed toward illness in parts of your body that need detoxification services (for toxins such as mold, heavy metals, parasites or chemicals).

The AO Scan provides various scanning options that focus on specific aspects of physical and energetic wellbeing. The basic scan provides energy frequencies mapping for over 130 organs, cells, bones and chromosomes and indicates what areas are in balance or degeneration; its Comprehensive counterpart reveals additional energetic information regarding all tissues, muscles, tendons and connective tissue in your body.

The AO Scan can also provide insights into your nutritional and physical performance by detecting any deficiencies or excesses in minerals, vitamins, fatty acids, amino acids, hormones, proteins or other essential nutrients as well as your immune and lymphatic systems. Furthermore, it offers allergy/sensitivity reports based on over 120,000 food, herbs supplements allergens plus environmental allergens along with audio tones specifically designed to optimize body balance and vibration and is safe for all users – pregnant women as well as those with pacemakers can safely utilize this technology!

What are the benefits of the AO Scan?

The AO Scan is a non-invasive health evaluation that uses frequency analysis to detect imbalances within your body. This device compares your unique frequencies against an extensive database of over 120,000 healthy frequencies to identify any areas out of balance – enabling practitioners to quickly find solutions to any health problems that you might be having.

AO Scan also detects whether your organs, tissues and cells are experiencing catabolism – which refers to degeneration – or anabolism – healing processes. Based on these analyses, the device provides specific recommendations regarding diet and lifestyle modifications which will restore your body back into a balanced state.

By identifying and correcting imbalances within your body, you can improve its physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. This may require supplements, lifestyle adjustments, stress reduction techniques or other forms of intervention – these solutions could include supplements, lifestyle adjustments or stress reduction techniques as necessary.

AO Scan can also identify imbalances early, helping prevent more serious health conditions from emerging. It does this by detecting subtle energetic imbalances which may be difficult for traditional methods to detect.

AO Scan can help improve your overall wellbeing; contact us now to arrange a consultation! We provide both in-person and virtual energy sessions incorporating this technology, while our friendly team would be more than happy to answer any of your queries!

The AO Scan is an innovative health technology that utilizes bio-resonance to detect and address energetic imbalances. It is simple and user-friendly, offering valuable information that can be used to optimize health. As an alternative to invasive procedures or blood tests, practitioners using AO Scans can better understand their clients’ health needs while creating more tailored treatment plans.

Is the AO Scan safe?

AO Scan is a noninvasive assessment that utilizes bio-resonance technology to detect imbalances and promote wellness through corrective frequencies. Its principles stem from groundbreaking scientists like Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein who recognized that everything is comprised of energy, frequency and vibration at its core.

AO Scan uses frequencies to send out frequencies and measure cell responses, then compares those responses against a database of healthy cell frequencies to identify any imbalances or discrepancies in health at a cellular level – providing us with a complete picture of your health at this level and helping us identify root causes of any ailments you might be experiencing.

Every organ, system and cell in your body emits its own vibrational frequency; when these frequencies are disturbed it can cause fatigue, illness, disease and even death. The AO Scan detects these frequencies and assists you with getting them back into balance – similar to how tuning forks work in that they will only respond when receiving resonance.

Once your scan is complete, we will present you with a comprehensive report outlining areas where there may be imbalances and offer suggestions to address them. In addition to listening to harmonics designed to ease symptoms over time, we can run frequencies designed to alleviate stress or anxiety, boost mood or bring harmony back to the thyroid gland.

Integrating AO Scan into traditional health assessments has proven to significantly improve patient outcomes, providing more insights and tailored treatment plans. It’s the ideal complement to other medical or physical tests you may be undertaking.

AO Scan technology can be utilized by doctors, naturopaths, chiropractors, nutritionists, personal trainers and everyday wellness enthusiasts. However, it should be remembered that the AO Scan should not be seen as a diagnostic tool and used instead as an educational and preventative health tool that helps identify imbalances within your body.

January 20, 2025|Editorial

Cancer and Quantum Healing

As soon as cancer patients hear of their diagnosis, many turn to alternative healing methods as a source of support. While these approaches may provide psychological and emotional benefits, it’s essential that cancer patients approach them with caution and seek professional advice before making their decisions.

Quantum energy healing techniques utilize principles of quantum physics to harmonize and harmonise energy fields within the body, leading to overall holistic wellness and relief from stress, improved mental clarity and emotional equilibrium. Such practices have long been recognized for bringing many health and wellness benefits.

What is Quantum Healing?

Quantum healing is an integrated approach to health that brings mind, body and energy together in harmony. The practice takes its inspiration from quantum physics’ hypothesis that our universe, including ourselves, consists of interlinked energy fields. Quantum healers believe there are numerous methods available for manipulating these fields to facilitate healing and wellness.

Though quantum healing seems intriguing, its theory has often been met with criticism due to lack of scientific proof behind its claims. Quantum mechanics is still widely considered speculative by mainstream scientists; thus making quantum healing more of a metaphysical practice than scientific medicine.

Even without scientific proof, numerous individuals have reported feeling positive effects from quantum healing. Some individuals have noted decreased stress, improved emotional well-being and an increased sense of connection with the universe as benefits from quantum healing. Furthermore, many have reported using quantum healing to treat chronic pain or autoimmune conditions through quantum healing therapy.

Quantum healing has often been associated with Deepak Chopra’s ideas of energy medicine and meditation as tools for health promotion and wellbeing. He suggests that the mind-body connection is tied to quantum physics laws, while profound forms of healing such as spontaneous remissions may result from shifting consciousness.

Quantum healing practitioners believe that mind and body are inextricably linked, with intention being used to influence our energy fields through meditation, visualization, breathwork or other methods that help calm nervous systems and reduce stress levels. Quantum healing also incorporates the notion that all forms of energy interact through its quantum field; our bodies being vibrating energy fields that interact with the surrounding environment.

Quantum healing encompasses an expansive set of practices, from energy healing modalities like Reiki and Quantum Touch to mindfulness and meditation, vibrational resonance techniques and frequency manipulation that promote cellular repair and wellness.

How does Quantum Healing work?

Quantum healing techniques involve manipulating energy fields within the body to balance and harmonize them. The philosophy underlying this holistic approach to wellness stems from quantum physics, which recognizes that everything in existence, including humans, contains energy. This vibrational energy can be affected through different techniques to facilitate both physical and emotional wellbeing.

Quantum healing practitioners use energy-based practices such as visualization, intention setting and hands-on healing to foster the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Their methods involve manipulating subtle energy systems within the body so as to harmonize and balance them – ultimately leading to physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Popular quantum healing methods include Reiki, chakra balancing and meditation.

Quantum healing rests on the belief that physical, mental and emotional aspects of one’s wellbeing are interrelated, leading to energy imbalances which may cause illness and distress in an individual. Holistic practitioners believe by treating these energetic imbalances they can restore a sense of wholeness and harmony into people’s lives.

One QHH client found relief from chronic back pain following a session during which she was guided by her practitioner to revisit past events that were associated with it, helping her release any lingering emotions that had been affecting her life for some time now. As a result, she reported an improved sense of overall well-being and greater connection to her higher self.

Quantum healing techniques often incorporate the idea of non-locality, meaning changes to someone’s energy field can occur without direct physical contact, leading to what is commonly referred to as remote healing.

As newcomers to quantum healing may need help in performing it correctly, working with an experienced practitioner may be beneficial in doing so. Furthermore, regular self-care, mindful meditation and energy balancing exercises may all serve to boost one’s energy health and overall well-being.

What are the Benefits of Quantum Healing?

Quantum Energy Healing provides holistic solutions for physical and emotional wellness. Practitioners believe they can tap into the body’s own healing potential by balancing life force energy; by targeting imbalances at their source, quantum Energy Healing therapy may reduce stress, promote relaxation and increase immunity.

Quantum energy healing is grounded in quantum physics, which proposes that all matter is interdependent on an atomic level and that we are one with everything around us. Its beliefs challenge traditional medical views that regard bodies solely as physical entities; to address this belief system quantum healing methods use techniques such as energy field manipulation in order to address both physical and emotional ailments at their source.

Quantum healing offers many advantages, such as pain relief, improved sleep quality, and enhanced mental clarity. Furthermore, quantum healing supports the body’s natural healing processes so it can recover faster from injuries; reduce chronic conditions like arthritis and back pain more rapidly; alleviate anxiety symptoms; as well as increase mental clarity.

Quantum healing practitioners utilize meditation, visualization and hands-on energy work to identify and release blockages in the body’s energy fields. Once this has been accomplished, they use vibrational sound therapies to restore balance and restore life force energy flow, ultimately producing a more relaxed, balanced and healthy lifestyle for their clients.

Quantum Energy Healing has quickly become an invaluable asset in their wellness routines as an adjunct to traditional medicine, used as an effective way to manage stress, reduce pain and discomfort and establish deeper spiritual ties.

An experienced quantum healing practitioner can assist in helping you determine whether quantum healing is appropriate for you by conducting a full assessment of your energetic state and providing an individualized treatment plan that addresses those specific needs. They may suggest either single sessions or multiple sessions over time depending on what is needed for success.

Energy healing providers may also offer guidance for diet and exercise – key components in leading a healthy lifestyle – in addition to referrals to professionals that can assist in meeting your goals.

What is the Cost of Quantum Healing?

Quantum healing is an alternative therapy technique that involves inducing deep states of relaxation to access your subconscious and higher self, where questions and answers from these inner realms may help facilitate physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Quantum healing‘s techniques stem from its core belief: that our subconscious holds all of the answers for all our needs and desires – including how to heal ourselves.

QHHT is an innovative healing modality that can assist individuals in attaining balance and wellness in all aspects of their lives. It can be used to pinpoint emotional traumas, connect with spiritual guides, and understand root causes for health issues. When combined with other healing modalities like meditation, energy healing and breathwork it provides a holistic approach for personal development and recovery.

Cost of Quantum Healing Sessions Varies Based on Practitioner and Type of Session Offered (either individual sessions or group/training programs). Some providers provide individual sessions while others may offer group or training programs; it’s essential that individuals find qualified practitioners that provide a safe and supportive environment when experiencing quantum healing sessions. Many who undergo quantum healing find it helpful in releasing emotional blockages and beliefs which hold them back, leading them to greater peace of mind and deeper connections to themselves while overcoming challenges and finding strategies for moving forward in their lives.

QHHT has proven effective at treating various conditions, including chronic pain, autoimmune disorders and anxiety. Furthermore, QHHT may help address emotional traumas or beliefs which contribute to these ailments while simultaneously helping individuals identify and release any limiting patterns or beliefs which are keeping them from reaching their true potential.

Dolores Cannon, an accomplished hypnotherapist and psychic researcher, created the quantum healing hypnosis technique. It uses guided imagery to induce deep relaxation in clients before the practitioner facilitates communication between subconscious/higher self communication to obtain information regarding past lives and other realms of consciousness.