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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

June 12, 2024|Editorial

Restore Your Health Using the Matrix by Dr Garyaev

Early on when beginning to use both Universal Matrix and Individual Matrix, some people may experience temporary exacerbations as part of healing adjustment and detoxification processes. This is a normal part of healing adjustment and detoxification processes and should subside quickly with continued usage of either type.

Linguistic Wave Genetics information medicine helps the body correct deviations from a healthy quantum state. We offer Individual Matrix programs tailored specifically for your photo or biomaterial (umbilical cord blood, placenta or child photo). Listening to these programs in repeat mode should be done morning, daytime and evening or even around the clock as needed.

What is the Matrix?

The Matrix is a computer simulation designed to enslave humans. It’s founded on the notion that reality may not be what we perceive it to be; rather, our perceptions may just be part of an intricate system where reality is just one part among many simulated worlds that comprise it.

The Matrix system is administered by an elite group known as Agents. They utilize its capabilities to monitor human activity while managing global resources. Furthermore, Agents are programmed to detect any attempts made to escape its control and stop them. With so much sophistication woven into its coded fabric, it’s difficult to tell where reality ends and simulation begins.

No matter its advanced technology, the Matrix system remains vulnerable to attacks. Agents understand that escape routes are limited within this simulated world and have created the Reloaded Matrix to protect humans living inside. It utilizes similar architecture but includes additional security measures.

Since The Matrix first hit theaters two decades ago, it has become an iconic cultural touchstone and complex legacy. An instant hit at its release and winner of several technical Oscars, The Matrix also became a box office hit and greatly impacted popular culture; even inspiring sequels.


In The Matrix, humans live in an artificially constructed world that closely resembles contemporary civilization. It’s almost indistinguishable from reality save for a green tint to footage and an emphasis on natural elements like trees. Most people are unaware that this artificial reality is not their real surroundings and believe they can gain superhuman abilities within it.

Morpheus and Trinity lead a rebel group known as The Matrix Rebellion to free humanity from machine rule by searching out and disabling its power plant, known as “The Powerplant,” before embarking on their mission of liberation. Along their path lies Smith – an artificial intelligence bent on destruction who can only be stopped using Neo’s powers of disintegration or viral infection within the system.

How does the Matrix work?

The Matrix is a computer-generated virtual world in which humans live their lives sleeping plugged in to computers, unaware that their lives are actually being stolen away by machines harvesting bioelectricity from them. Over time, humans rebel against their machine overlords, leading to civil war with robots eventually winning out and conquering human nations while the remaining leaders are killed off as an act of finality; those remaining are then plugged back in a revised version of the Matrix.

Agents patrol a new version of the Matrix in search of “the One,” but Trinity and Morpheus manage to intercept an Agent convoy in an unknown city; their gravity-defying moves allow Trinity’s Gravity Breaker moves to alert Agents of their presence; during their pursuit chase Neo experiences deja vu which indicates something may be amiss with his version.

Matrix organizational structures allow employees to move between departments freely. This allows team members to share their individual skillsets for maximum productivity and efficiency; however, problems may arise when team members don’t communicate well with their managers; for example if an employee works on multiple projects, prioritization might become challenging.

Unfortunately, any issues caused by matrix structures can usually be easily solved through effective communication and collaboration among teams. Furthermore, matrix structures can save both time and money by decreasing overhead costs as well as shortening project delivery timelines.


Though matrix structures offer many advantages, it’s essential to understand their drawbacks as well. A mismanaged matrix structure may cause inefficiencies and take longer than traditional hierarchical structures in getting work completed. To utilize a matrix effectively, all team members should report directly to their manager or director of department – for instance if a team is building a keyword research app, experts from IT, finance, and marketing should join together to ensure all aspects of its development are covered accurately.

What are the benefits of the Matrix?

The Matrix is an effective structure for breaking down silos and encouraging cross-functional collaboration in companies with customer-focused goals, as it enables teams to align their work with overall company goals for enhanced customer outcomes, productivity increases, and enhanced communication among team members. It is especially helpful for customer-centric firms as teams can better align with overall goals to deliver better customer services, increasing productivity levels and improving communication within teams.

A matrix structure can also help improve project management. It can reduce timelines and boost productivity by encouraging teams to collaborate and share resources, providing employees with more flexible work environments that lead to increased employee satisfaction levels.

Though the Matrix can bring many advantages, it should also be remembered that there can be potential drawbacks as well. Such drawbacks could include role ambiguity, conflicting goals and objectives and insufficient mentoring – it’s crucial that these issues are resolved before becoming problems for your team.

To avoid potential issues with project goals and expectations from the start, it is critical that teams establish clear roles and responsibilities immediately upon joining a new team. Furthermore, regular updates regarding changes or updates to projects must also be communicated regularly to all team members in order to stay abreast of them all.

An additional drawback of matrix structures is their complexity in managing both time and resources, but this can be overcome using project management software which offers visibility into each project status. Furthermore, all team members should possess sufficient skills and knowledge in order to fulfill their assigned duties successfully.

Finally, having a plan in place to deal with conflicts quickly is also crucial for effective decision-making. For example, if department heads and project managers disagree about which tasks are more urgent than others, swift resolution must occur so as to prevent miscommunication and delays in decision making.

Although matrix structures do present some drawbacks, they can still be an invaluable way of increasing collaboration and improving productivity within an organization. By using project management software that supports them, all team members will know exactly their roles and responsibilities so they can work more easily together as a group.

How do I use the Matrix?

Utilizing the matrix, you can select one of 10 universal programs to restore your health. These quantum-sound mappings have curative, restorative and rejuvenative effects on the body; listening should preferably occur morning and evening or in severe pain cases 24 hours per day in repeat mode. It is advised to listen for two to three days followed by a break of 2-3 days before continuing listening sessions; physical activity should not be eliminated during this process.

If your matrix visual contains text data, conditional formatting allows you to make certain cells or row headers active links using conditional formatting. This feature can be found in the Format pane for the Matrix visual.

When viewing a matrix visual, you can quickly drill down by selecting any of its top-level row headers – this applies only to rows; not columns. Furthermore, the matrix automatically indents subcategories in a hierarchy beneath their parent – known as stepped layout – making it easy for you to quickly find what information you’re searching for within it.

If your matrix visualizer contains text data with new line characters, word wrap can be activated by selecting it and opening its Format pane. Expand Cell elements card, click Word Wrap option then and enable this setting. When word wrap is turned on, text in the Matrix visualizer will be wrapped to prevent scrolling.

June 12, 2024|Editorial

What is Bio Resonance Testing?

Every cell, organ and system in our bodies has a signature frequency which resonates. Our bio-resonance scan can identify this signature frequency to pinpoint areas of stress or dysfunction much earlier than medical diagnostics can do so.

Our health screenings identify imbalances that prevent optimal health and healing. They also detect nutritional deficiencies, allergies and fungus.

It is a non-invasive technique

Bio-Resonance testing is a cutting-edge noninvasive technique that can help uncover the causes of illness and enhance overall wellbeing. Unlike traditional medical exams, this scan method poses no side effects and is completely safe.

Bio-resonance scanning works on the principle that all living things possess their own electromagnetic frequency, which is affected by various environmental and emotional stressors, diet, medications and more. A scanning device utilizes bioelectronic technology to detect these frequencies and identify any imbalances which may be contributing to your discomfort.

Studies of Bio-Resonance may be limited, yet several have yielded promising results. Researchers have discovered that certain frequencies of electromagnetic energy can facilitate healing while also relieving symptoms associated with certain conditions; pulsed electromagnetic fields have been shown to relieve osteoarthritis pain while stimulating new bone tissue formation after fractured bones have healed. Radiofrequency ablation can be used as an effective treatment against various forms of cancer including colorectal, breast and hepatocellular carcinomas.

Bio Resonance Scanning is an holistic therapy that uses electromagnetic waves to detect imbalances in the body’s natural frequency patterns and vibrations, such as food intolerances or toxins that might be contributing to health problems. In contrast to other diagnostic procedures, bio resonance scan offers minimal discomfort or risks and makes an ideal option for taking an active part in their own healthcare management.

At a session, patients lie comfortably on a comfortable bed while electrodes are attached to their skin and connected to a SCIO machine that measures the energy waves emitted by their bodies and works to balance out frequencies that disrupt balance – an effective and comprehensive test that can help combat issues ranging from Chronic Fatigue, Inflammation and Intolerances through Candida, Anxiety and Depression.

During their session, patients will receive a comprehensive computer readout report and advice regarding diet, supplements and other modalities that could help bring their bodies back to a state of equilibrium and wellness. Sessions often utilize multiple strategies in tandem in order to achieve lasting change for individual patients.

It is painless

Bio resonance scans differ significantly from CT or MRI exams in that they do not involve radiation, taking only 30 minutes to complete and providing immediate and easy-to-understand results. They’re ideal for anyone concerned about their health as the results can be instantly accessible; you simply lie back down while the machine does its work – an ideal solution if any complications arise with regards to their wellbeing. Likewise, their technology works based on the principle that all living cells emit frequencies similar to musical instruments – which means tapping a tuning fork will cause piano strings with similar frequencies to vibrate – similar ways, detecting any irregularities with regards to health conditions arising within our bodies before filtering them out before offering accurate readings on our results page!

As part of the bio resonance scanning process, you’ll be asked questions about your health and lifestyle that will allow a computer to identify any imbalances within your body and suggest solutions such as diet changes, supplement intake or even meditation to restore equilibrium. Once done, this allows for effective changes that improve overall well-being and wellbeing.

The Vega Test is another invaluable asset for individuals who seek to take an active part in their health. This non-invasive exam measures electromagnetic vibrations from acupuncture points and other bodily systems, and can identify anything from allergies to heart disease and cancer as well as nutritional deficiencies commonly seen today.

When your body is out of balance, it produces a negative resonance which is detected by bio-resonance scanner. Once recognized by this tool, imbalance can be rectified by sending out positive signals directly to cells; this allows them to restore their natural rhythms and return to a state of equilibrium.

Your doctor can utilize various tests to assess the health of your heart, such as echocardiography, cardiac MRI, and nuclear heart scans. Cardiac MRI is a noninvasive imaging technique using radio waves, magnets, and computers to create images without using X-rays or other forms of radiation exposure; while echocardiography measures size and how well blood flows into and around it; echocardiography uses ultrasound waves instead for measurement; while nuclear heart scans use tracer injection to track how blood flows into and around it in certain cases; and nuclear heart scans require tracer injection of tracer molecules into blood vessel walls in certain cases only;

It is affordable

Bio resonance scanning is an invaluable diagnostic tool used by health professionals to detect imbalances within the body. This noninvasive and painless procedure can reveal hidden issues within you while being far less costly than alternative techniques such as CT or MRI scans which require costly equipment and take considerable time and money to complete.

Bio-resonance scanners work by measuring the vibrations of cells. When their resonant frequency is disturbed, it can have ripple effects throughout your body, much like how tuning forks behave when struck. A bio-resonance machine can detect such disturbances and help healthcare providers treat them accordingly.

An average vega testing session typically lasts an hour and costs around PS90, including a full body scan and detailed report on any problem areas discovered during it. Additional sessions or requests for more comprehensive reports can add further costs to a session.

Vega Testing uses a computerized device to measure electromagnetic vibrations at specific acupuncture points in your body. This testing method can reveal whether you are sensitive to foods, additives, toxins and environmental stresses; detect organ or system weakness; as well as determine any deficiencies in specific vitamins and minerals.

An annual vega test can help protect against illness and improve overall health. It may prove particularly helpful for people living with chronic problems such as IBS, bloating, rashes or asthma; and can even aid those prone to infections or parasites as well as those suffering from nutritional deficiencies or immune system diseases.

It is effective

Bio resonance testing is an alternative health technique designed to identify imbalances and blockages within the body. Through electromagnetic energy measurements, bio resonance testing can detect food sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies, toxins and emotional blocks – which may then be addressed through diet changes, lifestyle medicine or supplements to enhance overall wellness and reduce stress levels.

Bio Resonance Scanning has quickly become one of the go-to treatments in preventative healthcare. Thanks to its ability to identify imbalances before they escalate into more serious conditions, Bio Resonance Scannning is an indispensable way of combatting disease and improving overall wellness. But remember: bio-resonance scanning should not replace standard medical testing procedures!

Bioelectronic technology allows us to analyze the frequency patterns of vibrations within your cells using bio-electronic analysis. All living things emit frequencies; when yours are out-of-sync with others’, illness or disease may ensue. A scanner reads these frequencies emitted by cells within your body to identify imbalances in systems as well as chakras or emotions that could potentially exist within it.

This non-invasive technique is generally safe for most individuals and provides an opportunity for individuals who wish to take charge of their health. While not meant as a replacement for medical testing, biofeedback may be useful in conjunction with other modalities like acupuncture or homeopathy. Furthermore, it’s essential that individuals hydrate before testing as smoking may interfere with results and certain foods should also be avoided to minimize interference with results.

Importantly, while there may be empirical evidence supporting bioresonance therapy’s efficacy, its scientific rigor remains incomplete. Double blind studies would be impossible to implement due to bioresonance‘s nonlinear properties; hence its potential failure as an efficacy indicator.

So it is crucial that introducing this technology into your practice requires careful planning involving staff training, patient communication, and data security. Aside from having the appropriate staff and security measures in place, it’s also crucial that patients know exactly how their personal data will be utilized by providing them with details about its usage.

June 12, 2024|Editorial

A Quantum Healing Book – The First Steps to Healing

Healing requires adopting positive thoughts and trusting in our body’s natural ability to restore itself. A holistic approach helps individuals uncover any underlying issues which might be hampering their overall wellness and address them accordingly.

Deepak Chopra’s approach combines Eastern spiritual traditions, holistic mind-body healing techniques and Western scientific principles. Motivated by unexplained recoveries of patients in his medical practice, Deepak traveled back to India to research Ayurveda before applying these insights with modern research in Western medicine, neurobiology and physics.

1. The mind-body connection is real

Quantum Healing‘s core principle is the belief that mind influences body. Although this may sound new age-y, quantum physics provides scientific proof. Quantum mechanics states that objects interact based on probabilities rather than predetermined outcomes like traditional physics does.

Quantum Healing practitioners employ mental and meditative practices to harness the power of their minds to heal physical bodies. Such techniques include visualization, which guides an individual through an imagined experience of their body healing itself; positive thinking techniques; affirmations practices which promote a healing mindset. This method may be effective for treating stress, anxiety and depression among other health problems.

Scientists have long voiced concern that Quantum Healing misapplies the principles of quantum physics to human health care, as observable quantum effects at an atomic level don’t translate directly to macroscopic human biology; furthermore, no controlled experiments provide evidence for these phenomena in Quantum Healing.

Quantum Healing may be complex and controversial, yet its practice can still help promote wellness in many ways. For instance, it can help individuals overcome stress and anxiety by decreasing cortisol production in their bodies – an excess of cortisol leads to weight gain, inflammation, and hormonal imbalances which negatively impacts overall wellness.

Quantum healing can also be used to treat chronic illness, helping reduce headaches by clearing away negative energy accumulated in the body through meditation and visualization, breathing exercises or physical contact with a practitioner.

Quantum Healing can also help promote health through hypnosis. One such form is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT). This unique approach combines hypnosis with metaphysical exploration to access deep states of consciousness. People can gain insights into past lives, between lives, and future potentialities for healing purposes – creating an empowering healing and rejuvenating experience for themselves and the people who undergo QHHT sessions.

2. Healing is a journey of self-discovery

Healing during difficult periods in your life is often seen as an adventure in self-discovery. You have an opportunity to gain more insight into yourself, relationships and spirituality while exploring your situation in greater detail. Acceptance of one’s situation is often the first step toward healing; then focus on improving well-being for a brighter future ahead.

Deepak Chopra is widely recognized for popularizing quantum healing as a cultural movement. According to him, mind and body are inextricably linked and that healing comes from consciousness being at the core of reality. His book Quantum Healing features numerous studies that support this viewpoint; however, many in the scientific community have taken issue with his unconventional theories that go against established medical concepts.

Chopra, an esteemed New England endocrinologist, became determined to find healing solutions after many of his terminally ill patients experienced unexpected recoveries. To explore his search he explored Ayurveda – humanity’s oldest healing tradition – along with modern research in Western medicine, neurobiology and quantum theory; eventually concluding that our bodies are controlled by an intelligence network embedded within quantum reality.

Quantum healing involves creating a field of high energy around their client to enhance their natural ability to heal themselves, known as life force or prana energy. Practitioners believe that by channeling prana energy in specific directions (for instance the back), such as back pain relief, it can work through scientifically proven principles like resonance and entrainment to promote health in these areas of the body.

Quantum healing can be an invaluable asset when it comes to managing health issues, but it should not be seen as a miracle cure. If you’re currently struggling with an illness or condition, consult with your doctor first before seeking alternative remedies such as quantum healing. If it appears as though nothing is working out as planned for you, don’t lose hope: There are various therapies such as hypnotherapy and psychotherapy available that could assist in helping address it more directly.

3. The body has the ability to heal itself

Quantum healing is a type of hands-on healing that utilizes life energy to bring about health benefits. Although relatively new, quantum healing has been in use for thousands of years in traditional medicine, acupuncture, Reiki, Qi Gong Tai Chi and other healing modalities. Quantum healing operates under the principle that our bodies possess an inborn ability to heal themselves; illness and disease arise when imbalances exist within mind body spirit relationships; providing proper nutrition exercise sleep meditation support could assist healing processes as well.

This form of healing integrates ideas from quantum physics with holistic health concepts and spirituality, often in combination with Transcendental Meditation. Although its effectiveness has yet to be scientifically demonstrated, some have reported success using it against illnesses like cancer or fibromyalgia.

Quantum healing stems from the concept that our universe consists of tiny particles which appear and disappear at will, constantly producing new matter and energy – this phenomenon is referred to in quantum physics as the “observer effect”, with our consciousness believed to have an influence over these particles and create real world changes.

No matter if this theory is true or not, many practitioners believe that our thoughts and intentions can have a substantial effect on our well-being and healing processes. If we think about getting sick with something like a cold, for instance, our immune systems might respond by increasing white blood cells production to fight infection; similarly, when dealing with emotional trauma our bodies might produce hormones to help deal with our emotions more effectively.

Though some critics may regard quantum healing as nothing more than placebo effects, others point out its proven beneficial impacts on many lives. Furthermore, everyone’s body and mind is different – what may work for one may not work for another so don’t be intimidated into trying something new – you never know: you could just find your solution here!

4. Healing is a journey of acceptance

Quantum healing is an approach that integrates principles from quantum physics with mind-body medicine to aid healing of both body and soul. This form of therapy focuses on how thought influences physical health through techniques like visualization and affirmation; further, the belief holds that blockages to energy flow in the body can aid the process.

Quantum healing is founded on the theory that microscopic particles appear and disappear randomly, colliding to form energy and build the universe. While invisible to our naked eyes, quantum theory outlines how these phenomena can be utilized as healing techniques; meditation and using therapeutic touch may also help tap into them.

Quantum healing stands in contrast to Western medicine, which relys heavily on expensive equipment and surgery, by being non-invasive and taking place within your own home. Furthermore, quantum healing may help treat chronic conditions, like backaches, by targeting any root issues which might be responsible for them.

Although quantum healing lacks scientific support, many who have used it claim positive outcomes. This indicates that its effectiveness could be due to placebo effect – where expectations and confidence in a treatment can have an enormous influence over outcomes.

Though quantum healing does have some scientific backing, it remains outside mainstream science and remains controversial. The theory behind it relies on quantum physics’ “observer effect”, which states that mere observation can alter an experiment’s outcome. While studies have confirmed this theory’s applicability to healing processes, much remains to be discovered as to its success or otherwise.

Quantum healing has often been criticized as it relies solely on intention and belief, without scientific evidence backing it up. Yet recent research has demonstrated its efficacy against some conditions thanks to placebo effects; additionally, its lower cost and lack of side effects make it an attractive alternative.

June 12, 2024|Editorial

What is Energy Healing?

Energy therapy entails gradually opening, connecting, and balancing the body’s energy system for emotional and physical relief.

Energy psychology techniques have proven their worth during times of disaster relief such as mass shootings and genocide as well as earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes. Non-professionals can utilize these approaches, making them very cost effective compared to alternative treatments.

What to Expect

Energy healing is an approach that can help the body clear away blockages and restore equilibrium in its systems. It can enhance immunity, blood circulation, digestion and metabolism; increase emotional stability and resilience as well as connect you with angels or heal past traumas; all while returning us back into harmony – something our birthright requires of us all.

Energy therapy is founded on the idea that our physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing are inextricably intertwined. According to this theory, illness and disease arise when one of these connections becomes compromised; such factors include stress, poor diet or negative thoughts. Although energy therapies do not treat specific conditions directly; rather they aim at restoring our energy field and supporting its natural healing processes.

Energy healing sessions tend to be noninvasive and gentle; however, it’s always wise to practice proper self-care after each session by drinking plenty of water, eating nutrient-rich foods, and getting enough sleep. Furthermore, alcohol and caffeine should be avoided for several hours post session.

Some individuals notice immediate changes to their physical or emotional wellbeing after attending a session, while for others the deeper layers may take time to release and heal.

Energy healing sessions often cause the sensation of tingling or pulsing as the energy moves through your body to clear out any blockages. Other common experiences during an energy healing session may include feelings of deep relaxation, peace, and joy; some even report sleeping soundly after their sessions!

Energy healing is a safe and effective method for rebalancing the body, provided you choose a certified practitioner who has received training in this area. Furthermore, don’t be shy to ask any questions that arise: this might include anything from their qualifications and experience to what you should expect during an energy healing session.

During the Session

Energy Healing is a no-touch energy therapy which enhances your body’s innate healing capacity and can serve as an adjunctive system of medicine, sometimes also known as Energy Medicine, Energy Work or Vibrational Healing.

Energy work does not replace conventional medicine; rather it serves to enhance overall wellness by relieving stress and helping the body heal at a deeper level. Energy healing seeks to align your physical body with who you truly are and the goals you wish to pursue in life, removing any obstructions that hinder this progress.

Each session begins by identifying areas requiring energetic healing. This could involve physical, mental or emotional health as well as life purpose. Every 60 minute session can be tailored specifically for you in person or remotely.

At an energy healing session, you may experience various sensations including tingling or heat sensations in areas that need the most work. You may also witness a release of old patterns, emotions or beliefs which bring with them an immediate sense of wellbeing as they leave your system. Furthermore, you may notice an increase in synchronicity: signs and messages supporting you; more happy coincidences occurring regularly or that things seem to be falling into place more effortlessly in life.

Energy work creates powerful energetic shifts, often instantly. I have witnessed immediate differences in companion animals’ physical and emotional state during an energy healing session; however, to maximize results and ensure long-term benefit consistent and repeated sessions are recommended as healing occurs at deeper layers within an animal; one session can start to release issues and instill wellbeing without fully solving the problem.

Your energy healer may ask you to identify specific issues that are occurring and provide words for you to repeat in your head in order to shift the energy. Many clients find bringing an issue into consciousness is the easiest way to release it; therefore, any emotions experienced during your session should not be surprising.

After the Session

Energy healing, like other holistic practices and spiritual methods, works to balance internal energies. This can reduce stress while simultaneously aiding healing of both mind and body. Energy therapy can also complement any medical treatments needed. Furthermore, energy therapy may be particularly useful for chronic health issues, physical pain, emotional distress or limiting beliefs that interfere with everyday living.

During a session, clients should lie or sit comfortably as the practitioner works with their energy field. You may experience sensations like heat or tingling in their body; others report seeing colors or visions; some even report crying as emotions surface; these are all natural reactions to this process and should be allowed to come forth.

Once a session concludes, participants often experience increased energy and an improved sense of wellbeing. Drink plenty of water after your session to help your body flush away any toxins released during therapy; relax and nourish yourself to aid the process; while some have reported experiencing more signs, coincidences, and things falling into place after just one session!

While some results may be apparent almost instantly, it’s important to remember that healing takes time – just as with therapies and medical treatments. Some individuals may need several sessions before experiencing significant results from energy healing sessions. Therefore, regular energy healing sessions are recommended in order to maximize results.

Greg utilizes shamanic healing energies to address the spiritual/energetic source of your illness rather than simply treating its symptoms. He tracks trauma back to its source and treats it so it no longer impacts reality or health; this allows your entire system to return back into balance – an approach he believes to be most effective at restoring physical, mental, and spiritual wellness.

Questions to Ask

Acupuncture works by correcting imbalances in the flow of energy essential for good health, known as “qi”. Emotional distress or physical trauma are believed to disrupt this flow; an acupuncturist uses thin disposable needles that only need be used once before being disposed off safely.

Energy healing sessions may cause clients to experience unfamiliar sensations, emotions or thoughts; often an enhanced sense of well-being will follow a session with an energy healer. Practitioners will frequently ask the client questions regarding their health and wellbeing in order to better identify root causes for any issues that may be present.

Energy healing sessions can take place over distance without physical contact between client and practitioner, known as remote or distant energy healing. It may be performed by an acupressure therapist or intuitive energetic healer and relies on intention for positive outcomes for recipients.

Distant energy healing has emerged as an alternative therapy technique. Proponents claim it can address conditions like anxiety and depression; however, critics maintain there is insufficient research backing such claims and state there is insufficient support for such practices.

Many modalities of energy therapy are founded on the idea of life force; each has their own explanatory model and terminology for explaining this phenomenon. One group of practitioners have come together to coin a uniform term called biofield to refer to this organizing energy felt by some healers; this committee created the term so it is accepted by both scientific and healthcare communities easily.

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical practice that treats the whole person by correcting imbalances in the flow of qi, the vital energy essential for good health. Ms. Goessling uses her psychic senses and her I AM Presence or Wise Woman/Wise Man inside each person to see, hear and feel what needs to be seen, heard or felt during each session – then acts accordingly according to Divine Will and your individual ‘I AM Presence/Wise Man inside.

June 12, 2024|Editorial

Spooky2 Videos

Spooky2 software is at the core of our highly versatile Rife system that can control up to 126 generators simultaneously. John guides you through this highly intuitive program in this episode of SAMA.

Content Warning is a first-person co-op game where you and your friends run around scaring each other to generate internet fame. At first it looks fun until some unscrupulous monster grabs hold and picks you off!

Lethal Company

Lethal Company by Zeekerss has become an indie horror game smash hit since its early access release on October 23. Since its initial launch as early access, Lethal Company has become one of the highest rated games on Steam – even surpassing more expensive titles such as Baldur’s Gate 3 and Hogwarts Legacy in terms of ratings.

The game’s premise is straightforward enough: players assume the roles of employees for a company who send them to abandoned facilities on various moons to collect scrap, then sell it back. Players take part in first-person perspective with up to four players sharing one console console.

There is no plot to this game; instead, progress lies in fulfilling quotas set at the start of every match and updated over time. Once players achieve them they gain access to new facilities to explore. Players may also receive equipment depending on how well they perform in certain challenges.

Although this game lacks narrative and lore, its gameplay has earned a faithful following among streamers and YouTubers who regularly play it and create videos about it. Its easy premise and mechanics allow anyone to pick it up and start playing right away; free-to-play status only adds to its popularity.

Another factor contributing to its immense popularity is the game’s chaos. Enemies range from the clownish Jester and fearsome Forest Keeper; players frequently find themselves in situations which would otherwise be frustrating or unplayable if played with other games. This element of randomness makes it highly replayable, often getting you lost in its turmoil without you even realizing.

Lethal Company has long been at the forefront of video gaming development. Their developer has worked on projects for Roblox and Steam platforms, such as single-player survival horror game It Steals which received high marks from critics and players alike. Furthermore, their projects include several other game releases as well as their ongoing development work.

Content Warning

Content Warning, one of the latest in the series of scary2 games, offers an unusual take on gameplay. Instead of hunting artifacts, up to three friends become influencers who drop into bone-chilling environments in an attempt to film videos that go viral and earn you money. Shadowdropped on April 1st for free play for 24 hours after its initial shadowdrop date helped it quickly gain popularity in gaming circles.

SpookTube is an online video platform where the goal is to attract as many viewers as possible, by recording different monsters and cursed relics to bring as many viewers in as possible. You can spend your ad revenue to purchase better flashlights or cameras; these allow you to explore further into Old World locations inhabited by scary physics-animated creatures that lurk therein.

Note that while this game may appear to be terrifying, it’s actually quite fun – evident by your enjoyment as your friends scream and run around attempting to capture that perfect video clip for online.

Content warnings are notes provided at the start of visual, audio or text content that alert viewers or listeners of potentially distressing material. Also referred to as trigger warnings, content warnings were originally designed to help those living with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or anxiety avoid or prepare for content that could trigger flashbacks or other distressful symptoms. Sisters in Crime is committed to providing safe and welcoming environments at its gatherings, communications and publications – including providing content warnings when necessary.

Haunted House

Haunted House may sound familiar, but this movie offers many twists and turns. Although largely dark in tone with plenty of gore and violence, there are also several excellent comedic moments which balance things out perfectly. Marlon Wayans gives one of his funniest performances ever and there are numerous laugh-out-loud moments throughout the film; an impressive cast includes Nick Swardson, Dave Sheridan and Cedric the Entertainer too!

Haunted houses or cursed houses are homes that are reported to be haunted by ghosts, poltergeists and other paranormal entities, often connected to tragic events on the property such as murders or suicides that took place there. Because haunted houses tend to have such strong histories they tend to be surrounded by trees and shrubbery that were originally part of the building itself.

A haunted house can also be defined as any location rumored to have been the site of massacre or war, yet has ghostly presences from these events which are more passive than what you find in traditional horror films. Still, those living within haunted houses often experience their effects.

Some haunted houses may have been constructed by spirits themselves. Perhaps they’re trying to ease a personal tragedy they’re going through or simply seeking contact with humanity; either way, this type of hauntings are much more frequent than traditional depictions of vengeful ghosts found in horror films.

Families can explore ghost depictions in movies, TV shows and books as a topic for discussion among themselves. Furthermore, they could discuss revenge and its often violent execution and ways that children can support friends who are being bullied at school. Finally, families could discuss that death doesn’t always mark the end of one story but often opens up another one instead.