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January 11, 2024|Editor

Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy Clinician Manual

Verdolini Abbott, K. (2009). Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy in a Young Woman With Vocal Fold Nodules. In J.C. Stemple & E. Hapner’s Voice Therapy: Clinical Studies (5th Ed) published by Plural Publishing of San Diego.

Workshop on Voice Therapy Spectrum and Adventures in Voice. Invited training seminar at Pittsburgh Voice Conference hosted by University of Pittsburgh Voice Center in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.

1. Background

Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy (LMRVT) clinician manual is grounded in fundamental research of voice biomechanics, vocal fold mechanics, motor learning and perceptual-motor approaches. Designed to teach principles of resonant voice production while providing instruction that avoids phonotrauma, this manual combines basic scientific foundations with perceptual-motor approaches and has undergone clinical trial (Katherine Verdolini Abbott Ph.D CCC-SLP as principal investigator), producing highly favorable results in teachers with phonogenic dysphonia.

LMRVT clinicians train patients to produce clear, quiet and effortless non-adducted vocal fold sounds without any adduction of vocal folds and an expression similar to puppy whimpering (similar to puppy whining) when starting up the voice sound, producing vibrational sensations along the anterior alveolar ridge and sounding open and clear (Verdolini 2000). A resonant voice can be defined as sound which feels effortless to produce but produces vibratory sensations along its edges as it opens out completely (Verdolini 2000).

Patients are educated on the significance of good hygiene practices. Clinicians emphasize personalized approaches rather than an exhaustive list. Patients learn daily vocal hygiene fundamentals including how to utilize their resonant voice throughout the day for maintaining good phonatory habits; vocal hygiene spray or lozenges may be suggested by clinicians to assist in this effort.

There have been various approaches to teaching the principles of resonant speech through training programs designed for resonant voices; some programs use rhythmic exercises or nonspeech activities while others utilize specific consonants like fricatives (/m/, /n/ and /NG/), fricatives (/m/) and nasals (/NG/) (Kotby & Fex, 1998; Orbelo Li Verdolini Abbott 2014, Stemple 2005).

LMRVT relies on perceptual measures to guide patients towards developing a resonant voice instead of following a set list of sounds, which helps avoid vocal fold adduction and potential phonotrauma. Furthermore, LMRVT’s resonance-based method may reduce chances of contributing to phonogenic dysphonia development.

2. Methods

Lessac Kinesensics method of voice training is founded upon principles of perceptual-motor learning and speech kinesiology, creating a holistic approach to voice therapy that utilizes full-body introspection and observation to assist patients in discovering their natural voice. This approach, using the scan-gel-show-tell principle of motor learning, involves paying close attention to breath, body positioning and vocal manipulations. It’s taught through an intensive two-day seminar available both online and in person. This seminar covers basic voice science for adduction, resonance and vibration; as well as step-by-step instructions in Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy (LMRVT) and Casper-Stone Confidential Flow Therapy (CSCFT). It is tailored specifically for speech-language pathologists who wish to implement this approach into their practices.

LMRVT is an evidence-based voice treatment approved by the National Institutes of Health that has undergone clinical trial funding from their grant, and has demonstrated promising results for teachers with phonogenic voice disorders. Clinicians can utilize LMRVT’s comprehensive approach in treating all spectrums of voice disorders including those caused by phonotrauma.

Utilizing adduction, resonance and vibration has proven successful for treating various vocal ailments among singers, such as nodules, muscle tension and an atrophic larynx. Furthermore, its use has proven useful in treating voice disorders across other professions like teaching and nursing.

Not only is voice therapy used to address vocal disorders, but this technique has become popular within the field of aural rehabilitation to address trauma-induced acoustic injury (Spitz 2007). Aim of rehabilitation is to restore normal speech production sound as soon as possible so clients may continue communicating efficiently.

The author has extensive clinical experience with Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy and its associated techniques, having presented at various conferences and seminars as well as publishing her work in several peer-reviewed scientific journals and textbooks, such as Journal of American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Journal as well as textbooks such as Edgar Press’ Using Lessac Madsen Vocal System: A Manual for Clinical Practice which can be found worldwide bookstores. Her most recent clinical research study involved conducting randomized controlled research into its effects upon singing teachers phonotrauma treatment using LMRVT which she published extensively.

3. Results

Katherine Verdolini developed Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy (LMRVT) during the early 2000s in memory of two of her mentors: Arthur Lessac and Mark Madsen. Based on research into resonant voice, motor learning, consistent practice, controlled practice sessions are central elements in LMRVT’s implementation as a comprehensive evidence-based treatment of psychological voice disorders.

Research to date indicates that LMRVT can effectively reduce laryngeal musculoskeletal tension and improve vocal fold position, as well as enhance subjective measures of voice quality and function, including increased ease of voice production and decreased throat pain. While these studies appear promising, their outcomes remain uncertain and it remains to be determined if improvements resulted from solely from manual techniques like LMRVT itself, or more indirectly as a result of factors like improved vocal hygiene or increased confidence.

LMRVT stands out by placing equal emphasis on both the “how” and “what” aspects of voice rehabilitation. LMRVT clinicians emphasize the significance of regular, consistent resonant voice practice alongside eliminating internal and external voice abuse; patients are advised to limit use of such practices whenever possible while making any necessary modifications to their environment; before using their voice they are to complete soft, controlled resonant exercises as warm-up. Also they should keep water close by.

The clinician takes great care in tailoring each hygiene program specifically to each patient, emphasizing those elements relevant to their lifestyle and post-therapy needs rather than simply listing do’s and don’ts. Patients are therefore actively encouraged to participate in their therapy and help form their post-therapy programs themselves, in line with research indicating this approach as the most successful way to ensure long-term learning and compliance; random and variable practice methods are used according to research evidence which supports their use for increasing likelihood that a new skill will be learned over time; finally random and variable practice methods may also increase learning likelihood over time.

4. Conclusions

Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy provides SLPs with an ideal opportunity to educate their clients on voice health and the voice. Multiple research studies demonstrate its efficacy as an effective treatment technique and tool to address various voice disorders.

Resonant voice therapy should only be utilized sparingly and when felt to be beneficial by both client and therapist.

Concerns surrounding the use of resonant voice include patients becoming inspired by the sound of their voices and speaking more loudly outside of clinic before mastering more basic exercises. While this could be seen as positive aspect of training, attempting to produce loud voices before full restoration occurs could cause additional injury; further study must be performed on this potential issue before concluding if indeed this poses any problems.

Resonant voice may also prove beneficial in helping patients to the precontemplation stage of changing their behavior. Many individuals who seek voice evaluations are already aware that certain behaviors have negatively affected their vocal health; they just need help making informed decisions about the best ways to enhance both vocal function and quality of life. An SLP should assist these patients with making informed choices regarding improving vocal function and quality of life.

Lessac-madsen comprises various therapeutic techniques that can be employed alone or combined to treat voice conditions. This clinician manual offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to its foundations. Clinicians will find this manual an efficient tool for integrating the Resonant Voice Technique into clinical practice and helping their clients build healthy vocal habits that will last a lifetime. The author would like to extend a special thanks and gratitude to the Delaware Voice Consortium for supporting and participating in this project. Nemours in Wilmington, DE (Dr Patrick Barth); Christiana Hospital in Wilmington (Dr Jonathan Romak); and University of Delaware Communication Sciences and Disorders PhD students (Mss Marianna Rubino, Mr Umit Dasdogen, Martin Vivero and Christopher Apfelbach).

January 11, 2024|Editor

Tennis Elbow Vibration Therapy

Tennis elbow (more formally referred to as lateral epicondylitis) is caused by repetitive stress on the forearm muscles that attach on the outside of the elbow, such as racket sports, golfing, hedge clipping or typing on a keyboard.

Most doctors and articles attribute this injury to overuse, yet what many overlook is how abnormal tension on these forearm muscles has led them to tighten and develop trigger points which impede healing (1,2). This tension slows recovery.

Increased blood flow

Tennis elbow is an overuse injury to the tendons on the outside of your elbow caused by repetitive arm motion or gripping activities that lead to inflammation in tendons that connect to the bony bump (lateral epicondyle). Tennis players typically develop this condition; it can also occur as part of other occupational tasks like painting, plumbing and typing work.

Traditional treatments for tennis elbow include rest, ice, physical therapy exercises to strengthen and stretch injured muscles, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pain management, braces or straps to support the elbow joint and anti-inflammatories as a pain reliever – these methods may offer some temporary relief, yet recovery may still take some time.

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive alternative treatment option for tennis elbow. This therapy utilizes acoustic shockwaves to facilitate healing in damaged tissues. Studies have demonstrated that shockwave therapy significantly decreases pain while increasing grip strength compared to standard approaches.

Tennis elbow can be extremely painful to touch. Bending or twisting of the wrist will be excruciating. Signs of tennis elbow include an uncomfortable bump on the outside of the elbow (lateral epichondyle) as well as tenderness extending two cm towards your palm (tendon). Some tests such as the Mills and Cozens test can help confirm diagnosis.

Step one in treating tennis elbow is to discontinue activities that exacerbate it and wait for your injury to heal before gradually reintroducing activities that stress it again. Beware, though: many popular treatments such as massage, needles and stretching actually aggravate injuries further and cause them to tighten again – these methods might work at first glance but if you suffer from tennis elbow for any extended period these could actually do more harm than good; to alleviate fast, seek alternative solutions instead.

Relieves pain

Tennis elbow is a condition in which prolonged abnormal tension causes inflammation at the point where muscles attach to your elbow. The pain typically presents itself as a dull ache that is sometimes intensified with movement. Most treatments focus on alleviating symptoms by applying ice packs or taking anti-inflammatory drugs; these approaches provide some relief but won’t fully address your situation.

Most doctors and articles about tennis elbow depict a diagram like this and describe repetitive activities as the cause for repetitive stress on the wrist extensor muscles attached to your lateral epicondyle of your elbow, and slow healing due to scar tissue and inflammation. They blame slow healing on scar tissue formation while concealing that repeated stress causes muscles tighten up and develop trigger points (lump that causes more tension). (2)

This additional tension pulls on the lateral epicondyle and slows healing, further aggravating an already difficult situation. To make matters worse, normal tension in your forearm muscles causes other parts of your arm to tighten in response – further exacerbating an already painful situation (3)

Solution: Stop worrying about an injury and treat the muscles responsible. Massage to affected area, acupuncture, dry needling or stretching could all help, although they could potentially worsen injuries further.

While you cannot expect a complete healing in just a few sessions, vibration therapy devices have been clinically proven to relieve your discomfort while increasing grip strength and flexibility during recovery. Our vibration therapy device has been clinically shown to block pain associated with tennis elbow and reduce healing time; its portability makes regular use easy as it comes equipped with 10 pre-programmed treatment modes for quick use.

Reduces inflammation

Over time, repetitive tasks can strain the muscles that extend your wrist and fingers – leading to tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis). You may notice pain when gripping or bending your arm; tenderness over your bony bump on the outside of your elbow known as the lateral epicondyle may also occur, along with burning sensations, tingling sensations or weakness in that region of your arm.

Treatment options for tennis elbow include activity modification, ice therapy, medications and physical therapy. Unfortunately, many of these therapies fail to treat the cause of your injury and may aggravate it further; for example, stretching and exercises for tennis elbow should be avoided until after it has fully healed as they stress damaged tissue further and could even further damage tendons.

Massage therapy, acupuncture and shock wave therapy may all assist in helping you overcome tennis elbow. Shock wave treatment utilizes high-energy sound waves to break up scar tissue in the affected area while simultaneously improving blood flow to damaged tendons and decreasing inflammation.

Medical Engineering and Physics Research published a study comparing the effectiveness of Tenease to standard treatment for tennis elbow (TE). Adults diagnosed with tennis elbow were randomly assigned either standard treatment including physiotherapy, activity modification and analgesia; or standard treatment plus Tenease therapy consisting of six weeks with three 10-minute episodes daily of Tenease therapy for six weeks – primary outcome measure being Disabilities of Arm, Shoulder, Hand Score at six months; secondary outcome measures included Patient Rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation Score as well as EuroQol 5-Dimension Visual Analogue Scale at same time points.

The Tenease device is a mechanical vibrator that emits high-frequency sound waves to relieve pressure from forearm extensor muscles in your elbow joint and alleviate inflammation associated with Tense Extensor Muscle Syndrome (TEMS), as well as increase range of motion and improve range. Acupuncture may also help decrease such inflammation and tightness in forearm muscles.

Stimulates healing

Tennis elbow vibration therapy stimulates injured tendons and bone tissues by increasing blood flow and breaking up scar tissue, speeding healing while decreasing inflammation to help you continue with daily activities without pain. Furthermore, this therapy strengthens grip strength while helping prevent further injuries.

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is an overuse injury affecting your forearm’s wrist extensors that attach to the bony bump on the outside of the elbow (lateral epicondyle). Although its name comes from tennis, this overuse injury can affect anyone using their hands or wrists repeatedly such as computer users, plumbers and racquet sports players alike.

Symptoms of elbow tendonitis include tenderness and pain on the outer side of the elbow, usually around its bony bump. The discomfort may radiate down into the forearm and make it difficult or painful to shake hands, twist one’s arm or lift light objects. Doctors may suggest wearing a brace or receiving steroid injections; however these treatments aren’t effective for everyone and could have serious side effects.

At times, doctors might recommend surgery. Though this should only be used as a last resort, it’s important to recognize that even surgical procedures carry inherent risks; many athletes opt instead for shockwave therapy as a treatment solution for tennis elbow.

Shockwave therapy is a noninvasive alternative to surgery that has proven itself successful at relieving pain and increasing grip strength. Sound waves are administered directly to the injury site using devices like Fiix Elbow; this device replicates instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM), a proven clinical therapy often utilized by physical therapists, chiropractors and massage therapists as an IASTM treatment plan; using deep linear massage strokes on affected tendons and muscles associated with tennis elbow.

Many common tennis elbow treatments actually exacerbate an already existing injury. Stretches and exercises, for instance, may shorten tissues and worsen an injury further. If your physical therapist recommends such treatments as part of their plan for healing your injury and building strength in injured tissues.

January 10, 2024|Editor

What is Quantum Healing?

Quantum healing is a holistic approach that seeks to treat body, mind, and spirit holistically using channeling, intuition, Reiki, Kinesiology muscle testing regression, empathy as part of its practice.

Gareth Strangemore-Jones provides individual Quantum Energy sessions as well as workshops covering its principles. He covers everything from its purpose and how-to’s to providing valuable guidelines.

Mind-Body Connection

Mind and body were designed to work in unison to promote optimal health; but sometimes the relationship becomes tenuous. For instance, stress has been shown to decrease immunity and make it harder for the immune system to fight infection and cancer; studies indicate that stress-reducing techniques like talk therapy and meditation increase immune system resistance against disease.

Quantum healing, an emerging field of medicine, promotes the concept that our bodies are composed of more than physical matter. According to Deepak Chopra’s “Quantum Healing,” our bodies are controlled by an intelligence network rooted in quantum reality that is capable of altering fundamental patterns that define our physiology.

Quantum healing combines Western medicine and ancient Indian practices, such as Ayurveda. Quantum healing draws upon ideas from quantum physics as well as this holistic practice which strives to balance body, mind, and spirit. Chopra asserts that when physical and mental elements of one’s body are out of sync with each other they may result in symptoms ranging from digestive distress to emotional upsets.

Quantum healing centers around mindfulness. This involves being in the present moment and letting go of negative emotions such as anger and fear. Furthermore, mindfulness involves regular physical activities like yoga or tai chi as well as eating nutritious food to achieve total wellbeing.

Chopra claims that visualization and affirmations practices aid the body in healing itself and may even cure diseases. Studies have also demonstrated how positive thinking and visualization can enhance immunity while increasing vaccine effectiveness; some users have experienced faster healing responses after employing such methods.

Though many researchers remain skeptic of the mind-body connection, evidence does exist supporting its theory. For instance, scientists recently conducted brain scans on newborns, 1-year-olds and 9-year-olds and discovered an increasing network of connections which are tied to aspects of learning, memory and emotion health in each age cohort studied.

Life-Force Energy

Energy healing refers to Life Force Energy as the vital life energy flowing through our bodies. If amplified, this vital force can help heal physical bodies while also creating spiritual connections and feelings of interconnectivity with nature and other universe inhabitants. Quantum Healing should not be seen as a replacement for traditional medical treatments but should instead be utilized alongside them; some scientists have even expressed doubt over this form of therapy as being scientifically tested or proven effective through controlled studies.

Energy healing combines quantum physics and holistic health concepts to promote well-being. Their underlying philosophy suggests that our mental states and beliefs have an immense effect on physical wellbeing – similar to meditation practices which have been proven to reduce stress levels and improve physical wellbeing. For optimal results, make sure you get enough sleep and consume healthy foods as part of an energy healing regimen.

Quantum Healing‘s central belief is that our bodies naturally exist in an ideal state of health. All healing is self-healing; any blockages or excesses in life force energy can result in sickness. A therapist is thought to be capable of amplifying and channeling this life force energy to areas of the body needing healing.

Scientists are finally beginning to acknowledge the power of energy that has long been recognized by eastern cultures. It pervades our material world and provides access to direct experiences of unity consciousness.

Researchers are making great strides toward understanding how energy flows within our bodies, from its links with cell metabolism and resonance at different frequencies leading to exciting medical advancements.

Life-Force Energy, or Torsion energy, has become an integral component of quantum healing. It is an immensely powerful force capable of altering electromagnetic fields within cells to alter chemical reactions occurring inside them and create auras measurable with Kirlian GDV cameras as well as serving as a blueprint directing each cell in your body towards growth and specialization in specific ways – which accounts for many successful new healing methods. This special force lies at the core of successful new therapies.

Psychic Abilities

There are various psychic abilities, but three of the more prevalent are clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience. These allow individuals to perceive information outside the five senses and use this ability to make contact with other people and objects throughout the universe. These methods are also employed to aid others in healing themselves and improving their lives. Jim began working professionally with clients since 2008 as a Reconnective Healing Practitioner(r) and developer of the Quantum Multi-Dimensional Healing method or QMDH(tm). Jim utilizes his natural gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience to observe and assess each client’s bio-electrical field (or aura), in order to quickly diagnose energy imbalances within them and provide quicker and more effective treatments.

Quantum healing is an unconventional form of mind-body medicine that claims miraculous results for people. The concept is grounded on the idea that health does not result solely from biological processes at a molecular level but instead depends heavily on energy fields; and can thus explain phenomena which cannot be explained using traditional medical treatment alone.

Quantum healing may not have much scientific evidence behind it, yet many patients have reported positive experiences. Quantum healing may help relieve stress that can contribute to health issues; however, it should not be seen as a replacement for traditional medical treatments.

Quantum healing involves altering one’s consciousness to bring about mind-body energy balance, drawing from the premise that our bodies contain an energetic life force called “chi” in China and “prana” in other cultures. Trained practitioners can focus and amp up this force using techniques combining body awareness exercises with breathing exercises in order to harness this vital resource for health.

Quantum healing may be relatively new as an option therapy, but its roots date back centuries in other traditions like reiki and Chinese medicine. While some scientists have criticized quantum healing practices, others view them as an effective alternative way of treating or curing cancer. As holistic treatments work differently for each individual, always experiment to see which ones have an effect on your symptoms.


Quantum healing is a type of energy medicine that employs various techniques to harmonize mind and body. The practice stems from the belief that our bodies contain an energetic life force known as “chi”, when this life force becomes imbalanced it can result in illness. Practitioners use various techniques such as breathing exercises and meditation to transfer and amp up this life force energy; many users report improvements in both health and well-being after using quantum healing – while some scientists may believe its results to be placebo effects, it remains worth trying if conventional treatments fail!

Quantum healing operates under the assumption that all parts of our universe are interdependent, from your physical body and emotions to spirituality and spirit. Therefore, changing your energy frequency affects everyone around you – including at a quantum level where subatomic particles appear and disappear randomly to form matter that serves as the foundation of existence.

Quantum healing techniques such as Reiki and quantum touch offer various forms of holistic therapy that don’t rely on scientific evidence for effectiveness, yet still help relieve stress and promote positive mindsets. They are sometimes combined with conventional medicine in order to boost overall patient health.

Reiki and quantum healing both use the transference of energy from the universe into human bodies in order to heal and balance mind, body and soul. Although they share similarities, there are some distinctions – for instance reiki healing involves more ritualistic processes than quantum therapy.

QHHT was developed by Dolores Cannon. A QHHT session involves regression to experience past life scenes and receive answers to your deepest queries, often lasting two or three hours. Participants connect to their Higher Self or Super Consciousness during this process – providing invaluable information about health, relationships and careers.

January 10, 2024|Editor

Bryan Johnson – Can Humans Reverse Aging?

Bryan Johnson is a tech millionaire spending millions to reverse his aging process with help from health and wellness experts who regularly track his progress.

They conduct MRIs, ultrasounds, fitness tests and DNA methylation analyses on their subjects. His daily regimen entails following a strict diet with exercise and taking 100 supplements each day.

His personal journey

Bryan Johnson is an entrepreneur who has committed millions of dollars towards his quest to reverse aging through technology and biology interventions. His journey has been nothing short of amazing and has garnered significant media coverage.

Johnson has established an effective routine that incorporates blood transfusions, low-calorie diet and rigorous physical fitness routine. He constantly evaluates his efforts and adjusts accordingly; additionally, he regularly meets with an advisory team who provide him feedback about his progress – this has proven vital in his success.

At present, Dr. Blueprint is conducting an experiment involving exchanging blood with both his father and son as part of a cell rejuvenation procedure designed to reduce age-related damage in their bodies and extend human lives beyond 100 years.

He has also taken steps to slow the signs of aging through various anti-ageing therapies, including restricting his eating window and engaging in high intensity interval training three days each week, taking various supplements, and scheduling regular MRIs – hoping that all these practices combined together may eventually reverse his aging.

His efforts have yielded remarkable results: his epigenetic age has decreased by five years and his lung function now matches that of an 18-year-old. Furthermore, he has seen improvements in both skin quality and eyesight.

Johnson has encountered both successes and obstacles on his search for the Fountain of Youth. His experiments have caused controversy and criticism from certain scientists; nonetheless, Johnson remains undaunted and continues to pursue his mission with passion.

His work has also contributed to significant technological advancements. He founded Kernel, which produces $50k brain-measuring helmets, as well as OS Fund, an organization which invests in breakthrough technologies that improve human health and longevity. Furthermore, his quest to reverse aging has attracted widespread media coverage; to increase its chances of success further he has met with top scientists from around the world.

Scientific discoveries

Bryan Johnson has earned global attention as an activist who seeks to slow and reverse the effects of aging. After selling Braintree Payment Solutions to PayPal for $800 million in 2013, Johnson began spending an astounding $2 Million annually on an intensive regimen designed to give him a physical makeover – ultimately producing a 91-year-old who appears younger than their biological age.

Johnson has created a medical wing within his home and recruited 30 physicians to oversee his body’s functions daily. He takes more than 100 supplements daily, adheres to an extremely specific diet plan, works out intensely and dyes his hair while using various treatments such as all-over skin laser treatments.

The experiment of this entrepreneur is part of a growing trend among technology midases who aim to slow their biological aging using cutting-edge longevity research and investing millions of dollars to find their Fountain of Youth dreams. While certain techniques have shown promise, they may not yet be accessible to everyone.

One of the most promising advances is gene therapy’s potential to extend longevity and healthspan. The technique involves extracting specific DNA sequences that encode specific genes and replacing them with sequences more likely to produce healthful results, taking advantage of discoveries about which genes encode proteins which control cell processes.

Regulator proteins play an essential role in maintaining cell functions in animals. By altering or replacing regulatory proteins, scientists can slow the aging process and extend animal lifespan.

Regulators that control cell cycle progression and production of lipids could provide some of the greatest benefit, with slowing cellular aging, improving muscle mass gain and decreasing inflammation all possible results of inhibiting these proteins.

Altos Labs and Calico Labs specialize in cell rejuvenation therapies and are supported by prominent investors like Jeff Bezos and Yuri Milner; in collaboration with researchers they’re developing ways to rejuvenate cells.

Entrepreneurial approach

Bryan Johnson, the tech millionaire behind payments processing company Braintree and creator of Blueprint health protocol for holistic living, is on an anti-aging quest. His Blueprint program seeks to prove that humans can reverse aging through taking control of their bodies – it aims to achieve “aging escape velocity”.

This system uses data gathered from all 78 organs to measure an individual’s overall health, combining genetic and epigenetic markers, fitness tests, and diet to create a personalized medicine approach to care. For two years now, its founder has followed his own rules; rising at 4:30 a.m. until 11 am for breakfast before having his last meal of the day at 11 am! He uses LED light therapy on his face while taking over 100 supplements as well as sitting on an apparatus designed to strengthen his pelvic floor muscles!

Johnson is also a blood plasma donor. Recently, his video showing him giving some of his own blood to his teenage son went viral; however, Johnson claims the plasma infusions have had no beneficial impact on his own health.

His goal is to reduce the rate of his body aging by 25% – meaning he will age only half as fast as normal people. He plans on testing various anti-ageing techniques until eventually reaching a point at which his age reverses itself.

Recent research conducted at Yale University discovered that some individuals can slow or reverse aging by following an improved lifestyle. Published in PLOS One, researchers reviewed over 2,000 participants to conclude that activities like maintaining a healthy diet, engaging in regular physical activity, and getting enough rest could slow or reverse the aging process.

Technology entrepreneur Adam Backus of Venmo app, Braintree and Kernel fame has been sharing his efforts to reverse his aging. Starting Project Blueprint this year and monitoring his body with medical tests such as blood, saliva, stool and urine analyses; MRIs/Ultrasound scans as well as DNA methylation testing is at the core of this plan.


Bryan Johnson has shown great promise in defying the aging process; however, as his research is pursued further. First of all, medical authorities remain cautious of his claims of reversing aging – this process is complex, with mechanisms designed to protect from damage becoming dysregulated with age; known as Gompertz-Makeham law. Reversing it requires rebalancing these systems preventing damage accrual; unfortunately this goal could take decades before being reached.

Converting scientific discoveries into practical interventions can be a difficult and time-consuming endeavor, requiring extensive testing, approvals and investments – something Johnson is determined to address by turning his lab discoveries into real world solutions.

Johnson employs an array of anti-aging efforts, such as diet, supplementation regimen, exercise routine, and regular medical screenings. He takes several supplements that he claims reduce inflammation, enhance androgen receptor sensitivity, support testosterone production, and promote hair health – estimated costs totalling an estimated $2 Million per year for these alone!

Bryan Johnson has become famous for his efforts to reverse aging. What sets him apart, however, is his unwavering dedication and focus – prioritizing sleep over self-destructive behaviors while prioritizing what matters long term and realigning his cells to reduce or reverse aging altogether.

One of the more challenging aspects of his regimen is assessing his epigenetic age. This involves analyzing multiple biomarkers. Although several companies offer epigenetic testing kits for consumers, results cannot always be easily compared between people since most tests only measure limited biomarkers.

Measuring biological age can be a complex undertaking, but Johnson’s team has devised an advanced methodology for doing it. His team tracks various biomarkers such as metabolic markers that correlate to different age categories to create an accurate evaluation of an individual’s biological age compared to traditional measures like measuring chronological age.

Opinions differ on his results; while others believe his approach could significantly enhance human health and longevity. While parabiosis experiments show promise, their outcomes must still be validated through further studies; furthermore, such studies require large numbers of volunteers for validation purposes.

January 10, 2024|Editor

What is Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy?

ANF Therapy is a natural and non-pharmacological way of alleviating pain and inflammation, often used to heal sprains, strains, bruises and chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia or arthritis.

ANF discs are circular patches made of carbonized metal which contain frequencies. When activated by body heat they emit their signature frequency that is picked up by neurons and cells of the nervous system.

What is Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy?

Amino neuro frequency therapy is a safe, non-invasive solution for pain, inflammation, muscle fatigue, aches and joint stiffness. Unlike painkillers that just mask symptoms temporarily, this therapy treats their source. Through small discs transmitting weak electromagnetic frequencies to your nervous system in order to normalize and regulate it as you experience discomfort in specific locations within your body.

At an ANF session, we will apply thin circular discs filled with carbonized metal (28.4% pure) that contain frequencies specifically designed to help heal your body and redirect its defence systems. Once applied, these discs will activate their frequencies through heat from your own body heat and send signals directly to neurons in your area of injury or pain.

Your nervous system then uses these frequencies to refocus its signals to your glands, organs and muscles for repair and relieve your discomfort. Once this signal reaches your body, it can start healing itself and reduce pain levels accordingly.

This process is quick and pain-free – you will feel less discomfort and inflammation after just one treatment session with ANF discs. ANF discs have also proven successful at treating various acute injuries like sprains or strains as well as chronic conditions like fibromyalgia or arthritis.

ANF utilizes biophysics and quantum mechanics to offer an innovative new solution for pain management. Comprised of wearable discs filled with carbonized metal designed by NASA two decades ago, ANF provides wearers with a novel pain-reducing method. This material can be charged with frequencies, used to transmit or receive them, then released into or taken up from the body up to 72 hours post removal of discs. ANF discs possess the unique capability of transmitting frequencies that your nervous system can pick up and use to regain control of your body, helping it restore homeostasis and heal both directly over an area affected by injury or pain, as well as other areas requiring balance to help heal properly.

How Does Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy Work?

Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy is a revolutionary holistic approach to pain and inflammation management that takes advantage of our bodies being controlled by our nervous systems. ANF uses circular patch discs made out of carbonized metal which hold frequencies developed by NASA; when placed directly on the body and activated by body heat, these unique neuro frequencies transmit throughout all neurons within your human body to relieve your pain or inflammation.

Frequency transmission helps the body reestablish weak or broken signals by sending them back where they belong, thus helping reduce symptoms of inflammation such as pain and stiffness. Neurons within our bodies generate their own frequencies while also copying those from other neurons; this allows them to control all body functions, produce immune responses and distribute resources evenly across our bodies – but when these neurons become dysfunctional due to emotional or mental strain, invisible inflammation ensues with devastating results on health.

ANF helps the body correct itself naturally and quickly by returning signaling errors where they belong, and this allows its natural healing processes to commence. Cellular signaling improvement occurs without using chemicals or equipment for faster, lasting results.

At an ANF session, we examine your body by following nerve pathways and focusing on finding the source of your symptoms. Once identified, we use specific ANF discs to treat them accordingly and after sessions have concluded provide you with your own set of discs for at-home use for up to 72 hours until symptoms or pain decrease significantly.

At each treatment session, the results can vary; however, we have seen amazing success amongst our clients; many have reported a 50% decrease in pain after just one treatment! Furthermore, others report improved muscle building, faster immune system regeneration rates, and quality sleep.

What Are the Benefits of Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy?

ANF therapy is a non-pharmacological pain relief solution with only occasional and mild side effects, using thin circular wearable discs made of carbonized metal inlaid with frequencies to transmit unique neuro frequencies that reach neurons throughout the body and initiate self-healing processes. It’s safe, gentle and painless – working quickly on all physical problems in all areas.

Prior to commencing treatment, we conduct an in-depth assessment of our patient’s condition. At our first session we can pinpoint where physical discomfort or pain lies. After placing ANF discs over areas requiring attention, most patients experience significant reduction in pain intensity within 15-20 minutes after their placement on.

Human bodies contain over 86 billion neurons that generate electrical signals throughout our bodies to facilitate bodily functions and manage immune response. If frequencies of our nervous system become broken or weak, they can lead to dysfunctional muscles and organs as well as oxidative stress which leads to invisible inflammation that manifests as stiffness, joint pain or even arthritis symptoms in many parts of the body.

At our office and home, ANF therapies are used to address various forms of inflammation including arthritis, fibromyalgia, neck and back pain as well as acute injuries like sprains, strains and bruises. Furthermore, these therapies may also assist in treating digestive disorders, allergies, insomnia and low energy.

Through ANF therapy, our patients can experience an improved state of wellness – including better sleep and quality of life due to reduced pain levels and inflammation clearance in their bodies. We achieve these results using our proprietary ANF technology; additionally we are pleased to provide them with their own customized ANF kit so they may continue the progress made at our clinic.

How Can Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy Help Me?

ANF Therapy is a non-invasive, painless solution that works to encourage your body’s natural healing process. This therapy can help relieve chronic conditions like fibromyalgia, arthritis and back pain as well as acute injuries like sprains strains and bruises. Furthermore, ANF Therapy improves range of motion while simultaneously relieving pain from sports or work related accidents and may even decrease prescription painkiller side effects by encouraging your body’s ability to manage symptoms without side effects.

ANF works by eliminating invisible inflammation caused by toxins, chemicals and free radicals in your body that has the ability to disrupt muscle, tissue and organ functioning incorrectly and disrupting healing ability. ANF improves nervous system signaling at cellular level in order to ensure body frequencies align harmoniously.

ANF discs, when applied to your skin and activated by your body heat, transmit specific neuro frequencies through neurons into your nervous system and start self-healing the area through sending “correction signals”. They can remain on the skin for up to 72 hours so your body continues to benefit even after leaving my office!

Utilizing more than 180 frequency emitting discs, ANF technology maximizes and accelerates healing in all muscle groups, organs, hormones and systems of the body. No chemicals or drugs are contained within these carbonized metal discs – simply frequencies for homeostasis and balance within our systems.

As soon as we complete an initial evaluation, we identify physical areas which are struggling and apply ANF discs accordingly to normalize and regulate those areas, speeding up recovery time while soothing nerves and systems. Most clients experience relief within 5-20 minutes from having ANF discs applied.