Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

December 22, 2023|Editor

Magnetic Resonance Therapy for Autism

magnetic e resonance therapy for autism

Autism treatment that has shown marked improvements in communication, mood and independence. Guided by sophisticated diagnostics and imaging systems for guidance. Safe for use alongside other therapies.

Neuroimaging studies have demonstrated that electrical signals of children with autism differ significantly from those found in typical children, making rTMS an effective means of altering these abnormal patterns and optimizing brain communication.

MeRT is a non-invasive drug-free treatment

MeRT is an innovative breakthrough treatment for autism that uses magnetic resonance therapy (MRT) to help children learn faster and communicate more efficiently. MeRT’s non-invasive and drug-free solution involves applying small electrodes on the patient’s head in order to produce magnetic pulses which balance brain activity while opening new pathways within their brain allowing your child to process information more easily.

MeRT therapy can be used to treat various conditions, including ADHD, OCD and depression; however, it’s often not covered by insurance and may not be readily available in your location. There are other solutions, however; one is Care Credit which offers financial help with medical expenses.

Recent research indicates that repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation can help improve communication skills and decrease repetitive behaviors common among children with autism spectrum disorders. Furthermore, it has proven helpful in improving sleep patterns, learning capabilities and touch, smell and taste sensitivity – providing a safe alternative to medication that may have serious side effects. MeRT provides safe yet effective support that has become the standard therapy choice among parents of autistic children.

This groundbreaking therapy employs FDA-cleared equipment to stimulate the brain using magnetic fields. The process is quick, painless, and noninvasive – typically lasting 45 minutes to an hour per session. A neuro technician places a magnetic coil over your head before administering gentle magnetic impulses every six to eight seconds throughout each minute session – not painful or uncomfortable at all; most patients actually enjoy its sensation.

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of MeRT therapy for autism symptoms, including improving sleep patterns and eye contact behaviors. 50% of patients with autism saw their CARS score improve by 30% or more – an impressive feat that will surely enhance your child’s interactions with others and contribute to an enhanced quality of life.

MeRT’s qEEG technology measures electrical signals in the brain and compares them with healthy individuals to detect abnormalities associated with autism spectrum disorder. We then use this data to develop personalized treatment plans tailored specifically for your child; our treatment protocols combine diagnostic tools, scientific analysis, and personalized protocols designed to maximize brain function.

It is tailored to your child’s brain

Autism is a complex disorder that impacts every child differently, from mild to severe levels, impacting communication skills, social abilities and sensory processing as well as mood and behavioral changes leading to anxiety. There are effective treatments available such as MeRT which combines noninvasive stimulation of brain activity with sophisticated diagnostics in an innovative program for autism treatment.

MeRT (Magnetic Field Rehabilitation Therapy) is an innovative new therapy using magnetic fields to restore brain function. Combining FDA-cleared TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) therapy with qEEG and EKG provides a personalized plan tailored specifically for your child based on his or her unique symptoms of autism, targeting specific parts of their brain that cause symptoms. A recent internal double-blind randomized controlled trial found that 66% of children diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorders saw improvements in both verbal and nonverbal communication while treatment also improved eye contact regulation and emotional regulation.

At first, you must obtain an qEEG and EKG from your doctor. Following this evaluation, a physician’s assistant will create a personalized MeRT treatment plan either in-clinic or online. Once this is done, sessions can begin; each 30-minute session includes sitting comfortably while being applied magnetic coil by neuro-technician; this creates low frequency magnetic fields which induce electric impulses into targeted brain areas that open new pathways and help your child better process and perceive their environment.

Parents of children with autism have many effective non-invasive therapies available as options, including Neurofeedback. Studies have demonstrated its efficacy at helping their child understand emotions better and engage more fully in social activities while simultaneously decreasing anxiety and depression levels. What’s great is it’s completely drug-free and safe – making this therapy an attractive alternative to antipsychotic medications which may have serious side effects; not to mention cheaper than other treatments available!

It is safe

People living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) frequently struggle with coexisting mental health issues like depression and anxiety, often manifesting itself in various forms such as difficulty relating to others, difficulty talking about feelings or communicating needs effectively, repetitive patterns of behavior (hand flapping, toe walking) or unusual play – often related to brain function – can have devastating impacts on daily lives of individuals living with ASD.

MeRT is an FDA-cleared, drug-free therapy using electromagnetic stimulation to balance and stimulate the brain. The process is painless and precisely tailored for each individual using sophisticated diagnostic tests such as qEEG and EKG to identify which areas need the most focus in each session. MeRT therapy has proven itself effective against various conditions including PTSD, ADHD, OCD as well as Autism symptoms.

Studies published in 2022 demonstrated significant gains for children with ASD who received MeRT, such as increased social skills and quality of life, as well as reduced sleep troubles and reduced medications taken to alleviate symptoms. This is an exciting development for these kids!

Recent research suggests that repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) may help children with ASD experience improvement in various symptoms such as anxiety and depression. Published in Psychiatry & Human Development, the researchers report that after receiving rTMS therapy they experienced better quality of life, decreased difficulty socializing with people, less disruption during sleep cycles and fewer sleep disruptions – suggesting this as a possible therapeutic approach but more research needs to be conducted before making definitive claims about treatment effectiveness.

MeRT treatment is safe and has been successfully used to address numerous conditions, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, TBI, dementia, Parkinsons disease, ADHD and autism. Dr Erik Won of Wave Neuroscience–the parent company of MeRT technology–discussed this groundbreaking therapy in a recent podcast; listeners can listen here.

MeRT is a noninvasive, drug-free treatment using magnetic resonance imaging to target specific regions of the brain. Using magnet stimulation therapy on certain areas affected by specific conditions, MeRT offers targeted stimulation using personalized magnetic stimulation according to each patient’s qEEG and EKG results and ultimately seeks to enhance brain stability and synchronization for superior developmental outcomes.

It is effective

Autism is a neuro behavioral condition that interferes with how your brain perceives and interprets its surroundings, impacting speech, learning and socialization. Early signs may begin appearing as early as infancy ranging from mild to severe symptoms; treatment options for autism focus on alleviating these issues as well as increasing daily functioning.

MeRT is an FDA-cleared treatment using magnetic stimulation to balance and stimulate brain activity, making this drug-free solution suitable for adults as well as children suffering from Autism Spectrum Disorder. MeRT’s noninvasive nature means it’s suitable for both adults and children with this disorder – including helping some reduce or eliminate their medication requirements, unlike with many other therapies.

MeRT treatment begins with a noninvasive qEEG test that measures electrical activity in the brain to identify abnormal patterns. Once collected, this data is then analyzed and utilized in designing personalized TMS therapy sessions that last 30 minutes each.

Researchers have recently demonstrated that TMS therapy for autism can significantly enhance executive functions and decrease stimulus-bound behaviors while also decreasing arousal and increasing sociability – results which become even more notable when combined with neurofeedback treatment. This new approach to treating autism provides hope for future studies and treatments.

Autism remains incurable and manifests differently for each individual affected, making treatment difficult to come by. Recent research, however, has demonstrated how MeRT therapy may significantly alleviate symptoms while also decreasing medication requirements.

MeRT targets specific regions of the brain in order to reset and retrain its wave patterns, providing safe and noninvasive treatment options that can be combined with other therapies – giving hope and providing relief for many families living with autism.

MeRT begins with an intensive assessment that includes qEEG, EKG and electroencephalograph (EEG) testing to help pinpoint areas and patterns requiring treatment. Once our clinicians know where there’s work to be done, they use rTMS– a painless brain stimulation technique using magnetic pulses– a breakthrough treatment which could change lives for children suffering from Autism or other conditions.

December 22, 2023|Editor

Using a Vibrating Toothbrush For Speech Therapy

Children with sensory needs often struggle with feeding, speech and oral motor skills. A vibrating toothbrush can be used to stimulate the mouth and increase oral focus.

Children suffering from oral hypersensitivity or defensiveness will benefit from using the Z-Vibe, as its gentle vibration can gradually lessen sensitivity to touch sensations in their mouth over time, as well as improve many speech and feeding skills.

Oral Motor Stimulation

Oral motor therapy has made quite an impressionful debut in speech-language pathology circles. It employs various approaches that address both motor and sensory aspects of speech production, with many approaches relying on the theory that controlled, strong movements of jaws, lips, cheeks, tongue, pharynx and neck are necessary for accurate speech production.

Furthermore, these movements play a pivotal role in swallowing. Children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Down’s Syndrome or Global Developmental Delays often have weak oral muscles which contribute to communication and feeding difficulties.

These techniques include various exercises designed to increase awareness, strength, movement and coordination in the mouth. These include tongue wagging, chewing and various vibration exercises such as vibrating toys or chewing tools as well as mouth shaping devices or devices like toothbrushes that use vibration therapy.

Most oral motor treatment techniques have not been thoroughly scientifically investigated; most studies conducted have been of such low-quality that they cannot support their use. Furthermore, most methods don’t build strength necessary for speech production (which has minimal strength requirements). Instead they usually build it against resistance until failure, much like how muscle strength is increased through resistance training in gym.

As evidence, this highlights why more research on this subject should be undertaken; doing so would allow clinicians to provide more effective speech and feeding treatments to their clients.

It is evident that we must move away from using oral motor treatments that superficially appear like speech-like movements but have no known effect on changing speech productions. Clinicians must exercise great care when making claims about these procedures.

At present, there is growing evidence to show that other stimulation approaches may be more promising. These techniques utilize electrical, magnetic and thermal stimulation techniques to target various brain regions and change behaviors; peripheral and central neuromodulation (e.g. tDCS and rTMS) can also reduce spasticity in bulbar muscle fibers by stimulating specific points; they have even shown potential for improving chewing and swallowing outcomes in those suffering from neurogenic dysphagia.

Tactile Cues

Tactile cues or tactile prompts are physical reminders used on a person’s body to remind them what sounds they need to produce. Tactile prompts can range from something as simple as using a sticky note on their hand to running your hand down their arm as a child demonstrates how they should move their body for producing certain sounds. They can also be combined with visual, verbal or AAC systems for multisensory communication systems.

Study participants in an experiment designed to assess the effect of adding speech-related tactile information to vibrotactile stimulation were shown two sentences with and without matching vibrations, with those who received matching vibrations performing better than those who didn’t, although not to the same degree as seen with those trained solely on hearing matching audio inputs (this group had lower scores during initial test conditions).

While researchers believe training in controlled selective attention helped reduce the distracting effects of non-matching vibrations, adding speech-related tactile information may have made perceiving these stimuli more challenging for certain individuals. Furthermore, participants who did not receive matching vibrations may already possess this kind of knowledge which explains why their post-training scores were significantly higher than that of other groups.

Whatever the motivation may be, the outcome is evident: adding speech-related tactile information can increase audio quality and benefit of auditory stimuli, suggesting that adding sensory stimuli may be an effective treatment tool to improve both audibility and comprehension of one’s own speech.

Consonant and Vowel Tactile and Visual Cues- This product provides visual and tactile cues for all consonant sounds and 5 vowel vowels, providing a multisensory approach to treating articulation disorders and apraxia. It makes an excellent complement to Bjorem sound cards or other targets of treatment for treating these conditions.


Systematic desensitization can be an invaluable asset for those experiencing social anxiety or public speaking fears, using classical conditioning or associative learning principles, to overcome them. Sessions will consist of clients creating an inventory of fears they face along with relaxation techniques or coping methods they can employ when encountering certain situations; once more comfortable they will move onto another one until all fears have been addressed.

Example: Imagine that a college student named Nancy struggles with anxiety about talking to strangers in class and other settings. At the mere thought of speaking up in class, her stomach turns over and her heart pounds furiously; as soon as her mind wanders to speaking aloud in public places such as her dorm room or anywhere else, the anxiety kicks in. In order to address her anxiety about speaking publicly in such circumstances, Nancy and her therapist might identify which situations trigger it, imagine conversations, practice deep breathing techniques before finally greeting people face-on for real. Over time this would help Nancy become more comfortable speaking in class or other environments where appropriate.

Desensitization therapy has many advantages; however, some researchers have cast doubt upon its efficacy when applied to phobias and stuttering. Speech-anxious individuals who received desensitization therapy reported significant decreases in their anxiety toward speaking situations following treatment with desensitization therapy.

Desensitization success also depends on the stimuli used to elicit an arousal response. One study involved showing participants violent and funny film clips while monitoring skin conductance level (SCL) and rating enjoyment; this led to a curve-shaped pattern of enjoyment with participants reporting greater enjoyment during later scenes.

Studies have also demonstrated the efficacy of desensitization methods in decreasing negative behaviors like avoidance and body stiffness, making desensitization an integral component of speech-language pathologist treatments plans.

Gum Massage

Gum health is of utmost importance, and daily gum massage can aid with its maintenance. A regular gum massage removes debris that could contribute to gum disease while improving blood circulation – also helping with plaque removal which leads to gum recession. Gum massage is simple to incorporate into an oral hygiene regimen: simply use your index finger, apply some pressure and rub along the gumline until all gum tissue has been massaged along its line – best done before brushing and flossing and after adding oil (sesame, olive or coconut) for smoother glide. Note: avoid placing your bare fingers inside your mouth as this could create build ups of germs which could potentially contribute to gum disease!

A gum stimulator is another tool used for massaging gums. Configured as long, thin metal or plastic arms with cone-shaped rubber or silicone tips designed to stimulate and increase blood flow, these tools can be found both locally at pharmacies as well as online. While many find them effective, some find them irritating or even painful.

An oral stimulator can be especially helpful to those wearing braces as it reaches areas that toothbrushes cannot. A gum stimulator is also an effective way to dislodge food debris from between braces and can reduce pain associated with wearing them while simultaneously improving gum health.

Additionally to flossing and brushing, daily gum massage can also prove helpful to those living with dental implants or periodontal disease. Furthermore, gum massage may help alleviate discomfort caused by sore or irritated teeth by breaking up tissue or bacteria that is causing discomfort.

Use of a Z-Vibe with either soft or hard brush tips for additional gum and teeth care can reduce chewing needs and facilitate transition to traditional toothbrushes for some children who may seek sensory input through chewing habits. Incorporating oral input can also provide extra soothing sensations during everyday activities and can decrease chewing during daily tasks.

December 21, 2023|Editor

The Wave Genome Movie

the wave genome movie

Genome sequencing has revolutionized medicine, linking hereditary disease with specific genes and providing at-home genetic tests, but has also led to new forms of inequality and misinformation. This month on Short Wave we bring you a film exploring these complex issues relating to genome testing.

Cell migration trajectories and pause frequencies were observed for WT and WAVE1-KO cells that expressed either EGFP-WAVE1 or EGFP-WAVE2 at their leading edge.

The story of the wave

The Wave by Todd Strasser is an unsettling story of a high school classroom experiment that turns into an oppressive cult. Inspired by real events where a teacher led his students in creating an authoritarian police state within their school, The Wave serves as a warning against fascism taking root.

Beginning with History Teacher Ben Ross showing his class a documentary on Hitler’s rise to power in Germany, his students struggle to understand how ordinary Germans could so easily fall for such inhuman ideologies. On day two he launches an experiment and begins teaching them about “The Wave”, an initiative designed to foster discipline and community by obeying authorities strictly.

At first, Gordon High’s experiment appears successful. The Wave quickly gains adherents among some of its brightest students – such as David Collins who enthusiastically introduces it to his losing football teammates and Robert Billings who frequently faces bullying but becomes one of its staunchest supporters. Yet as violence breaks out and Mr. Ross acts more militaristically than originally planned, students begin to suspect its true intentions.

As the movie progresses, some students begin speaking out against The Wave movement and its powerful leader’s abuse of authority. Laurie, editor of the school newspaper, rallies her friends to publish an expose exposing The Wave. This causes many students to abandon it but also reignites fanaticism among some devoted members.

By the end of the film, it becomes abundantly clear that The Wave is an extreme and oppressive cult. A particularly chilling scene occurs in which Frank (Justin Long), an insurance worker in The Wave, is given an injection of hallucinogens that causes him to bounce between board meetings, nightclubs, shootouts and alternate dimensions with ease.

Though The Wave deviates considerably from its source material, it remains a brilliant thriller. With its fast pace and stunning visuals helping to hide any awkward scripting issues. But had there been more focus and an unexpected conclusion, this could have been truly groundbreaking experience.

The technology

Storing digital movies has never been simpler with cloud computing, but biologists are taking steps towards developing an organic recorder. Synthetic biologist Seth Shipman and colleagues recently used CRISPR-Cas to embed an entire movie in E. coli genome using CRISPR-Cas.

Researchers selected five frames from British photographer Eadweard Muybridge’s Human and Animal Locomotion series and converted them to DNA fragments, then introduced one each day over five days into bacteria culture at a rate of one frame per day for five days before sequencing to reconstruct the original image.

Genome sequencing was heralded as a breakthrough that could potentially link diseases with specific genes. But as this episode of Short Wave shows, this ability also raises ethical concerns; furthermore, at-home genetic tests promise personalized medicine right in our living rooms; but can they really be trusted?

The future

Populist-authoritarian movements like The Wave (which does not appear to have any particular political ideology beyond nationalist claims and perhaps some leftist anticapitalist ideas) appeal due to their ability to unify disparate groups into one cohesive and powerful clique, suggesting liberal democracy has its downsides – in this instance cliquishness and inequality. Furthermore, liberal democracy may create its own dangers; one scene shows an enormous CGI rockslide careening towards an idyllic coastal town creating destruction and death.

December 21, 2023|Editor

The Future of AO Scan Research

ao scan research

The AO Scan is a non-invasive, comprehensive tool that analyzes the energetic state of the body. It can identify potential health issues as well as guide personalized wellness interventions – providing hope to chronic disease management.

Utilizing a bone-conduction transducer headset, this test uses resonating frequencies captured from within to compare them against blueprint frequencies and identify imbalances across over 130 organs, cells, bones and chromosomes before providing a report containing recommendations for healing.

Personalized Approach to Disease Management

AO Scan technology is a noninvasive way of analyzing an individual’s electromagnetic field to detect imbalances. Additionally, this innovative tool has multiple benefits, such as improved chronic disease management and enhanced patient outcomes.

Electromagnetic wave diagnostics is an alternative approach that is safe and noninvasive to traditional diagnostic techniques that may be painful and inconvenient for patients. By collecting information using electromagnetic waves instead of blood samples or biopsies that could pose risks, electromagnetic wave diagnosis provides a more comfortable solution.

AO Scan technology utilizes electromagnetic waves to capture and transmit energy frequencies associated with every organ, cell, bone and chromosome in your body. These frequencies are then compared against blueprint frequencies for healthy organs and tissues to record any deviations from equilibrium, providing information such as nutritional deficiencies, heavy metal exposures or potential toxicities as well as any possible hypofunctioning frequencies from one to nine on a scale of 1-9. Additionally, this report can reveal potential toxicities such as heavy metal poisoning.

This revolutionary technology draws its inspiration from the scientific contributions of Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein and Dr. Royal Rife who understood everything physical is actually nothing more than energy frequency. Furthermore, it’s supported by peer-reviewed literature reviews, independent evaluations of research results, real world application evidenced through astronauts, cosmonauts, doctors, chiropractors and naturopaths as well as documented successes resulting in documented successes of its methodologies being utilized by them all – making this technology truly revolutionary!

AO Scan can assist in both identifying and balancing vibrational frequencies of each organ as well as emotional imbalances, which is especially helpful in combatting stress-induced diseases like cardiovascular conditions or even helping athletes improve performance by increasing training program efficiency.

The AO Scan device provides an accessible and affordable means of tracking your body’s health. Its advanced features enable users to perform multiple scans at the same time and produce reports with more in-depth results than ever. Plus, wellness practitioners and spas can utilize it as part of personalized care plans for their clients.


AO Scan is a noninvasive technology that scans a body’s electromagnetic field to assess its state of health. It has received much praise as an approach for managing chronic disease, though more research needs to be conducted before its efficacy can be verified. Furthermore, it offers an alternative to time consuming and invasive diagnostic techniques currently in use.

According to the AO Scan device, every organ, tissue and cell in our bodies emit a distinct electromagnetic frequency that the scanner analyzes and compares against healthy cell frequencies for comparison purposes. With this data in hand, a comprehensive assessment is made regarding your energetic status.

AO Scan provides more than just diagnostic services; it also offers effective solutions. By employing energy waves to reset frequencies in tissues and organs affected by imbalance or stress, it can restore their optimal state and help treat symptoms like anxiety, chronic pain, insomnia or fibromyalgia as well as cancer or cardiovascular disease.

AO Scan is an easy-to-use device designed for personal or professional use in natural healthcare practices, providing patients with insight into their body’s energetic health and identifying imbalances, in addition to creating tailored nutritional supplements.

The AO Scan can identify over 130 frequencies associated with blood, bones, chromosomes, and skin. Once identified, these frequencies are then compared against the ideal frequencies in its database in order to find any imbalances and suggest therapy solutions suited for specific conditions. As well as detecting imbalances directly through its software, the AO Scan also offers therapeutic frequencies directly into patients through imprinted sugar pellets, mineral water bottles or bracelets which they consume on a daily basis for improved health benefits.


AO Scan is an affordable technology that gives patients insights into their bodies. It works by detecting any imbalances in electromagnetic fields of the body and then sending healing frequencies to restore balance. Furthermore, this tool also serves to prevent chronic diseases by identifying root causes for imbalances within it – helping you take charge of your health by cutting medical expenses while prioritizing prevention.

Bio-resonance scanning devices such as AO Scan can give you fast, accurate and comprehensive results in minutes. They can detect imbalances across your entire system from cells to whole body, offering personalized recommendations for improving health and wellness such as diet changes, supplement suggestions or lifestyle modifications.

The AO Scan is a handheld portable device that measures the energetic signature of both physical and emotional well-being. It can pinpoint imbalances in chakras, meridians, organs, toxins and other aspects of physical health; determine sources of stress; provide lifestyle advice to make healthier changes; or even suggest suitable supplements to take.

Ao Scan uses quantum physics principles to scan your electromagnetic field and identify imbalances or disturbances, drawing upon research conducted by Nikola Tesla, Raymond Rife, Albert Einstein and other scientists who theorize that all things are made up of energy at its core. It’s easy to use and can be conducted either at home or a doctor’s office.

AO Scan provides a three-dimensional view of the human body that’s essential for surgical planning and diagnosis, yet is noninvasive with no radiation risks posed. Physicians can also use it to track patient progress over time.

Ao Scan‘s scanning technology is a revolutionary advance for future medicine, helping physicians diagnose a wide variety of health conditions ranging from cancer detection and other inflammatory disorders, to measuring effectiveness of different therapies so they can tailor treatment plans accordingly.

Revolutionary Technology

Researchers anticipate AO technology becoming an indispensable component of biological tissue imaging, from structural to functional imaging and beyond. Not only can it aid with diagnosis, but AO technology may also shed new light on how light inputs transform through each stage of visual processing – from the eye’s optics through retina and cortical circuits – as it continues its rapid advancement.

Ao Scan is a non-invasive bioresonance device designed to assess your electromagnetic field to detect imbalances and disturbances within your body’s electromagnetic fields. It works by scanning vibrational frequencies in comparison with healthy Blueprint Frequencies before sending sympathetic vibrations back into your system to restore balance and bring you back towards homeostasis – nature’s state of equilibrium and wellbeing.

The Ao Scan research is revolutionizing how chronic disease management is approached by changing people’s approach from treating symptoms alone to targeting root causes of diseases and providing holistic perspectives of patients’ wellbeing and healthcare professionals alike. Furthermore, its cost-cutting measures enable healthcare providers to track disease progression easily while offering them an affordable monitoring tool.

Contrary to traditional forms of medical diagnosis, an ao scan provides a more holistic perspective of an individual’s health status. It identifies energy patterns that could contribute to chronic illnesses and helps physicians devise tailored treatment plans; additionally, its results can also be used to measure effectiveness of treatments and determine their impact on patient health.

Though research on AOScan technology is in its infancy, it has already demonstrated tremendous promise to improve clinical outcomes and lower healthcare costs across many diseases. Furthermore, its ability to pinpoint fracture locations without needing an invasive procedure makes it a valuable resource for orthopaedic surgeons.

Integrating the ao Scan into your blog is an effective way to promote longevity discoveries and highlight its significance for individual health journeys. Recent advances in longevity research provide plenty of new information that can support the promotion of ao Scan technology.

December 21, 2023|Editor

Holistic Hormone Health Practitioner

holistic hormone health practitioner

There are various specialists who specialize in treating hormonal imbalances. Endocrinologists, gynecologists and integrative health practitioners all possess the appropriate credentials to provide treatments for hormone-related conditions; each has his or her own toolbox of resources for this process.

Jennifer Foege has always been passionate about learning. That drive led her to develop Internationally Recognized Certification courses.

Integrative endocrinology

Holistic hormone health practitioners use various approaches to help their patients with hormonal imbalances, including thyroid conditions, adrenal fatigue, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Integrative endocrinologists take an integrative approach in helping their patients find balance with optimal hormonal levels; they may suggest diet adjustments, exercise programs and supplements among others.

Integrative endocrinologists take great care in listening to and understanding their patients, taking into account other variables that could potentially contribute to their condition such as stress levels, sleep habits and daily routines. By adopting this more comprehensive and holistic approach to healthcare, integrative endocrinologists can identify causes of hormonal imbalance and provide solutions that will promote overall wellness.

Integrative endocrinologists offer more tailored approaches to hormone health than their traditional counterparts do, taking an individualized approach with each patient and treating each person as an individual. Integrative endocrinologists encourage lifestyle changes that support hormonal balance such as eating more omega-3 rich food or regularly exercising. If necessary they may even suggest herbal or dietary supplements to balance hormone levels.

Integrative endocrinologists often provide superior treatment options compared to their traditional counterparts. Integrative doctors tend to rely more heavily on natural therapies like acupuncture and herbal remedies than synthetic ones, as well as prescribe lower dosages of hormones which could potentially cause side effects.

Before making an appointment with a holistic hormone doctor, do your research first and ensure they are licensed and board-certified in your state. Also write down all medications or supplements you are currently taking so your physician has an accurate picture of your current medical situation and can avoid potential conflicts between different prescription.

Once you complete this course, you will receive a digital badge and Certificate of Completion which can be shared on social media or displayed in your office to show your commitment to hormone health. Whether you want to deepen your knowledge about hormones or just make your practice more holistic, this course has something for you!

Bioidentical hormones

Hormones are produced naturally by your body to send messages throughout your bloodstream that regulate metabolism, heart rate and reproduction systems. When hormone levels get out of sync it can have serious ramifications on both mood and energy levels; symptoms including hot flashes, insomnia and decreased libido may all point toward hormonal imbalance.

Bioidentical hormones offer a holistic solution for relieving symptoms related to hormone deficiencies. Formulated in a laboratory, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy mimics the chemical structure of natural hormones produced by your body. Bioidentical hormones may come from wild yams or soybeans; some brands such as Estrace or Prometrium manufactured by pharmaceutical companies may be FDA-regulated while compounding pharmacies may manufacture them but without this regulation; quality and cost may differ significantly between products offered through these pharmacies.

Bioidentical hormones are frequently prescribed to help women through perimenopause and menopause, alleviating symptoms like hot flashes, vaginal dryness and low libido. Furthermore, they have also been found to increase bone density, prevent osteoporosis and decrease the risk of venous thromboembolism (DVT) among postmenopausal women.

However, these hormones have been linked with an increase in breast cancer risk and high cholesterol levels for some women, as well as stroke and heart disease risks. Because of these issues, many doctors now recommend plant-based estrogen treatments instead.

Hormonal imbalance is a serious health problem, and cannot be fixed through traditional means alone. Instead, consider finding a hormone practitioner who uses functional medicine and bioidentical hormones to restore balance to your hormone levels and feel like yourself again.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (HRT), unlike traditional HRT which combines synthetic and progestin hormones, consists of plant steroid compounds. As such, bioidenticals provide a more natural version of the hormones your body naturally produces.

Functional medicine

Hormonal imbalances affect many lives, and functional medicine and bioidentical hormones provide a holistic and natural treatment option to address them. Their patient-centric approach addresses root causes of imbalances to create life-changing health benefits for countless individuals.

Functional medicine works on the principle that your body’s various systems function together. If one system doesn’t function optimally, this could have serious repercussions for all areas. Therefore, it’s crucial that you find a practitioner who understands this principle and will take time to gain an understanding of your medical history and treat you appropriately.

Functional medicine practitioners take into account your medical and family histories, diet, lifestyle choices and environmental influences when diagnosing you. They use cutting edge lab testing to gain an in-depth view of how well (or not!) your body is operating and use those results to formulate a personalized treatment plan with herbs, supplements, therapeutic diets, detoxification programs, exercise therapy or stress-management techniques as needed.

Functional medicine practitioners vary considerably, from those certified in functional medicine to those with extensive training or specialization, such as digestive disorders or hormone replacement therapy. When selecting a functional medicine practitioner it is a good idea to inquire as to their credentials and experience.

Functional medicine differs significantly from traditional medicine in that practitioners focus on root causes rather than symptoms, which explains its immense popularity. People typically visit a functional medicine practitioner when suffering from chronic illness or mysterious disease that conventional doctors cannot pinpoint; the functional medicine practitioner will then act like your personal medical detective in uncovering any hidden sources for your condition.

Functional medicine is a relatively recent advancement of modern medicine that embraces an emerging understanding of how the body operates as an integrated whole, creating a paradigm shift in thinking about health and illness.

Functional medicine has grown increasingly popular with both patients and healthcare providers, offering it at many large medical systems and private practices across the U.S. Many believe functional medicine represents the future of healthcare delivery.

Personalized care

Hormonal imbalances are often at the heart of many women’s health concerns. Hormone health practitioners specialize in diagnosing and treating hormone imbalances so that women can regain their optimal state of wellness again. Hormone imbalance symptoms may include bloating, abdominal pain, fatigue and mood swings as well as interference with sleep and fertility issues. Hormone health practitioners can identify and address any root causes behind hormone imbalances so you can feel like yourself again!

Personalized care refers to customizing healthcare services according to each patient’s specific needs and preferences, in order to enhance their healthcare experience by meeting emotional, social, and clinical requirements more efficiently. Furthermore, personalized care involves using evidence-based medicine, advanced lab testing techniques, as well as holistic approaches with multiple disciplines participating.

Personalized care requires creating a tailored care plan. Doing so can reduce stress and discomfort, decrease time to diagnosis and cure, instill confidence in clinicians’ treatments and increase likelihood of success through increased adherence.

Katie Bressack offers holistic women’s health coaching that specializes in hormonal issues. As an advisor for hormonal imbalances affecting female adolescents and menopausal women alike, Katie provides nutrition and wellness counseling focused on hormone balance to combat painful periods, PCOS, amenorrhea, thyroid imbalances and find balance within life through diet, movement and supplements while simultaneously balancing hormones to alleviate symptoms associated with PMS, perimenopause and menopause.

She uses an integrative approach to naturopathy and functional medicine, and she is certified bioidentical hormone replacement specialist. Women’s health is her top priority; hormone balance is integral for optimal wellbeing and she offers women hormone education to make informed decisions regarding their hormone levels.

As a physician and wellness expert, she has been practicing for over 27 years. With an obsession for helping women and their families improve their health, she continually adapts her techniques in order to stay at the cutting-edge. Committed to providing exceptional quality of care and earning a trusted advisor reputation in her practice.