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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

May 10, 2024|Editorial

Quantum Physics for Healing

Quantum healing differs from traditional medicine in that it addresses all areas of one’s being – body, mind and spirit – non-invasively and affordably.

Quantum theory shows us that particles can behave like waves and that everything consists of energy – this understanding is central to comprehending energy healing as a science.

Additionally, adopting such an approach paves the way to adopt holistic healing approaches such as Ayurveda that promote quantum changes at an individual’s molecular level.


Deepak Chopra has long argued that quantum physics provides a scientific explanation for how shifts in consciousness can lead to miraculous forms of healing in the physical body. Unfortunately, however, mainstream medical research does not support his claims and some of his methods have proven ineffective.

Discontinuity in quantum physics refers to the phenomenon in which particles of matter can exist in two separate locations at once, even though they appear separate from each other. This concept is essential for energy healing as it implies that consciousness and physical body are intertwined non-locally; moreover, its intention can alter outcomes similar to placebo effects.

Discontinuity is closely related to the idea that reality consists of multiple, parallel timelines; therefore, even if you die, there’s still an extremely high chance you could live another version of yourself that survives and flourishes, known as quantum immortality.


Numerous aspects of quantum theory are central to energy medicine, with ancient healing traditions drawing heavily from this knowledge in their practices. Acupuncture and other Asian traditional medicines use this understanding of energy fields to treat energy imbalances within the body – this method relies heavily on principles like nonlocality, entanglement and downward causation to effect change and healing.

Considering using quantum healing for any issue? Finding an experienced practitioner who understands quantum healing concepts is key. There are various books and websites dedicated to finding practitioners near you; you may even want to contact local holistic health organizations for referrals.

A Doctor of Holistic Health program equips students to effectively integrate quantum principles into healing practices, with topics including nonlocality, entanglement and the downward causational model as core curriculum topics. Students learn tools such as vacuum engineering, mastering singularity and tapping into the zero-point field to promote holistic wellbeing and healing.


Quantum healing goes beyond traditional medicine’s focus on symptoms to address root causes of imbalances between mind, body and spirit in order to promote holistic wellbeing. It does this by working with energy fields within the body to restore equilibrium while supporting its innate healing powers.

Attuning oneself to subtle vibrations and light frequencies can create profound shifts at physical, biochemical, and neurologic levels. Subatomic particles’ intertwining interactions initiate changes to DNA structure, cell function, and overall physiological wellbeing regardless of distance or time – this phenomenon is commonly known as quantum physics’ “spooky action at a distance”.

Quantum healing draws inspiration from quantum physics’ observer effect and embraces it by equipping participants with knowledge that positive change in their health and well-being is possible through their awareness alone.


Quantum healing delves deep into the physics behind particles and their interactions, with multiple states being simultaneously present within one particle and how these various states are linked via entanglement. When providing energetic healing sessions, healers can access these entangled frequencies and transmit them directly to clients – explaining why healing may seem to occur almost instantly even though space and time exist between healer and client.

As a result of this phenomenon, quantum healing practitioners utilize the energy of intention and conscious focus to raise the frequency of their client’s physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. When this energetic blueprint is upgraded, fundamental shifts occur within both cells of their client as well as collective consciousness of all around them.

Quantum healing can be an immensely powerful force. It can help resolve conflicts that have been holding back their full potential, opening the way to a healthier, more harmonious future. Furthermore, quantum healing validates how all layers of a person are interdependent, so changes made to one part (e.g. physical) affect all others as well.


One of the hallmarks of quantum healing is nonlocality. This principle suggests that particles can remain interconnected even when separated by great distances; this connection is made possible by an experimentally proven phenomenon called entanglement; for example if two particles are placed close together and one’s spin changes (e.g. through use of magnetic field), both will subsequently change at once; Einstein famously described this effect as “spooky action at a distance.”

Nonlocality is at the core of quantum healing. Healers use it to communicate with patients at a quantum level and alter their physical energy fields, helping patients recover from illness more quickly and reach deeper states of wellness. Furthermore, nonlocality reveals how mind and body interact and can open doors to holistic treatment approaches.

Quantum energy healing merges the scientific principles of quantum mechanics with spiritual concepts to promote healing and transform the world. At its heart lies spiritual healing – something which connects all three realms. However, it must be approached carefully so as to not oversimplify or misinterpret these two realms: quantum physics operates at an subatomic scale while spiritual healing takes place on a macrocosmic level.

Understanding how quantum physics and healing intersect is both intriguing and essential. A healer’s ability to manipulate quantum fields may have positive ramifications on patient health as healing involves realigning energy flows within their bodies.

Quantum physics also can shed light on how healers can use intention to influence brain and physical world through healing, using what’s known as the observer effect and quantum healing techniques. By placing their intention solely on improving patient’s health and well-being, healers can make significant changes in energy field of an individual, creating changes known as quantum leaps that improve both human health and wellbeing.


Quantum healing utilizes intent as its foundational element, permitting energy to freely move between physical, emotional, and spiritual realms – an effect which encourages the body’s own healing ability as well as attracting positive health-promoting energies. Although not meant to replace traditional medical treatments entirely, this form of therapy should act as a supplement that assists the body’s innate healing capabilities to speed healing faster.

Quantum healing rests on the idea that our thoughts and intentions have an influence on reality. Experiments conducted at Princeton University show this clearly; for instance, when one scientist thinks there will be four subatomic particles coming out of a random event generator at any one time, four will pop out; conversely if another scientist predicts two instead, only two appear. This proves how closely mind is tied with body, thus explaining why quantum healing can be such an intriguing subject matter.

Many individuals seeking alternative forms of healing turn to quantum physics principles to assist their efforts, including practitioners specializing in healing the energetic aspects of the body known as energy medicine – using techniques such as Reiki, energy healing and intention for imbalances to address them and promote overall wellness.

Energy healing practices have grown increasingly popular for their ability to relieve stress, build self-esteem, and facilitate healing. Based on quantum physics principles, these practices utilize release blocks and shift negative energy as part of a healing process; negative energy manifests itself through illness or disease in physical, mental, and emotional bodies.

Energy healing has the ability to bring immediate or long-term relief. Finding an appropriate practitioner and trusting in yourself are keys to its effectiveness.

If these ideas make you uncomfortable, it might be best to steer clear. But if you’re open to new experiences and would like to see what happens for yourself, experiment with quantum healing for yourself and see if it fits with you before deciding if quantum healing is for you or not.

May 10, 2024|Editorial

Light Changes Into What Type of Energy?

Light therapy is an effective non-invasive solution for SAD and other mood disorders, and has become a highly-sought skin therapy treatment as well.

Select the perfect intensity and wavelength when choosing an eye care device, as too much power may cause irritation. Look for devices featuring LEDs certified to medical standards like IEC 60601-1* for best results.


Light therapy is an effective solution for many health conditions, including Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and chronic depression. When combined with other forms of treatment like cognitive behavioral therapy and medication, its efficacy can be greatly increased. Furthermore, light therapy has the power to enhance mental wellbeing by stimulating natural circadian rhythms; helping you feel more balanced and centered throughout the day.

Light is the primary time-setter of human circadian rhythms and regulates melatonin production, core body temperature and sleep cycles among many other aspects. Light therapy works best when utilized on a daily basis for several weeks at once – typically, the higher its intensity is, the more beneficial it will be; clinical studies typically recommend an intensity equivalent to that found outdoors at noontime for best results.

At light therapy sessions, your cells absorb photons from LED lights and convert them to energy for biological processes. This energy is known as Adenosine Triphosphate or ATP; when your cells possess more ATP they are better equipped to repair damage more rapidly and regenerate themselves more rapidly.

Red light therapy stimulates your cells’ mitochondria to produce more ATP, thought to reduce fine lines and wrinkles in your skin and promote regeneration and healing. Furthermore, research indicates that low-level laser therapy may even block pain signals sent out from neurons in your brain and thus alleviating discomfort.

Make sure your light therapy product meets medical standards before purchasing it online. This information should be available from the manufacturer’s website; if not, that could be an indicator that they may be lying about their product and misrepresenting it to you. Furthermore, opt for devices that use single wavelength light rather than multiple ones as these will ensure even power density across your body and greater power distribution.


Light therapy has long been used to address circadian rhythm sleep disorders, mood disorders and pain management. Dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons also employ light therapies as a form of dermatologic care; light therapies may even help improve skin conditions! Furthermore, pain professionals frequently recommend light therapies as a method for decreasing inflammation and managing chronic pain; increased circulation and cell metabolism lead to reduced pain levels as well as mobility improvement and faster wound healing times; light therapy also enhances cellular functions while simultaneously reducing anxiety and depression levels.

Pulsed infrared laser light has long been recognized to induce depolarization of neurons and muscles by altering membrane capacitance reversibly, yet the biophysical mechanism behind this effect remains obscure. Previous studies using pulsed infrared lasers to stimulate nerves or muscles required sensitizing target tissues using either channelrhodopsin genes or caged neurotransmitters; both approaches add technical complexity and risk, which limits their use clinically.

Now we have discovered that infrared pulses elicit capacitive currents by directly discharging plasma membrane voltages near neuron firing thresholds, inducing capacitive currents at voltages near their firing thresholds. This effect is reversible and independent of membrane protein composition or voltage-clamp conditions; for instance when used to stimulate oocytes with pulses lasting 10 ms with energies between 0.28 and 7.3 microJs they triggered inward currents which tracked rate changes of membrane capacitance change over time.

Similar capacitive responses were observed upon infrared laser stimulation of HEK cells and artificial lipid bilayers. Membrane capacitance changes decayed within 200 milliseconds after stimulation; charge displacement by infrared radiation was consistent across these models, suggesting that one common capacitative mechanism may underlie these responses.

For optimal light therapy results, it’s essential that you follow your physician’s directions exactly. They may suggest a particular wavelength or intensity level – for instance 5000 lux/h or lower – as well as a treatment schedule tailored specifically to you. Furthermore, keeping a thought journal or record of how you’re feeling throughout therapy allows you to track and assess its efficacy more easily.


Light therapy can be an effective solution to treat various conditions, from aging skin and pain management to hair restoration and seasonal affective disorder (SAD), an intermittent form of depression which occurs primarily during fall and winter when daylight hours decrease. Light therapy has proven itself effective against SAD by stimulating production of serotonin which regulates mood.

Most doctors suggest using a light box or visor for 30 to 90 minutes daily in the early part of your day, starting in the early part of your day. A thought journal or evaluation can help track whether light therapy is having any positive results. If any side effects arise such as headaches, eyestrain or nausea talk with your physician about shortening session length or switching over to using lamp in evening sessions instead.

When purchasing a light box or visor, ensure it doesn’t emit ultraviolet (UV) radiation. UV rays can cause skin damage and eye problems so they should always be avoided at all costs. To safeguard against UV exposure while engaging in light therapy sessions, wear sunglasses or goggles that provide UV protection while doing light therapy sessions.

Studies have indicated that certain hues of light may be more effective at lifting mood than others; green-hued lights, for instance, may prove more helpful than their blue or yellow counterparts in treating SAD symptoms. Unfortunately, however, their results tend to be small so it’s hard to know exactly which kind of lighting would best help every individual person.

Light therapy usually starts to work within several days or weeks and may take two or three months before symptoms improve. Some people might see immediate improvements; others might need to keep using the lamp for several months before feeling better. If you have trouble sleeping, however, light therapy might not help since it disrupts natural rhythms – in this instance it would be wiser to explore other means for getting restful nights such as going to sleep earlier and not using phones or computers prior to going to bed.

Radiant Flux

Radiant flux (or radiant power) measures the total electromagnetic energy emitted from surfaces per unit time and direction, weighted against human perception of brightness sensitivity to provide the photometric quantity known as luminous flux (Ph in lm).

Radiant power refers to how much light emitted across all visible spectral ranges. It’s the most accurate measure of performance since it takes into account all wavelengths used for healing purposes and is the standard way in which medical researchers assess light therapy devices’ efficacy.

Misconceptions about red light therapy often revolve around more power being better. But in reality, our cells only absorb so much energy at one time; therefore, light therapy must deliver energy safely and effectively for best results. Therefore, only buy devices which have been clinically verified as working.

At times it can be confusing determining the difference between radiant flux and irradiance; radiant flux measures how much power is being produced over the entire spectrum range by light sources regardless of direction, while irradiance determines how much power impinges upon photodetectors when placed directly in front of an irradiometer.

Irradiance is an effective measure for gauging how much light therapy devices deliver to specific points. However, it should be remembered that it only shows power values across a small area relative to total emitting surface area – leading some companies to make misleading claims about their irradiance levels in order to mislead buyers – this type of marketing violates FDA regulations and should be avoided by companies seeking to sell safe consumer products.

May 10, 2024|Editorial

How to Reverse Aging Naturally

Aging is an inevitable natural process; however, you can slow its pace through taking care of yourself, eating healthily, getting adequate restful sleep and regularly exercising (without smoking!) in addition to not smoking cigarettes. All these measures can help delay or at least postpone its onset.

Aging occurs at a cellular level. Every time a cell divides, their telomeres shorten, leading to their eventual demise and eventually leading to cell death.

1. Eat a Healthy Diet

Although we cannot stop aging, we can slow it down and prevent age-related diseases by adopting healthy habits into our lives. These include eating a nutritious diet, getting sufficient sleep, exercising regularly and wearing sunscreen daily; as well as limiting consumption of sugary and saturated-fat-laden foods – such as cookies. A diet high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains will promote weight management while decreasing chronic disease risks.

As long as our diet includes antioxidants, minerals, and healthy fats in appropriate proportions, our cells can repair themselves more efficiently, thus delaying aging. Conversely, consuming processed food high in refined sugars accelerates this process due to contributing to oxidative stress caused by free radicals – uncharged atoms which search for stable electrons – damaging DNA by damaging cells and DNA directly. Antioxidant rich foods like berries, spinach, kale and tomatoes may provide protection from this form of damage.

A balanced diet should consist of lean proteins such as fish and tofu, complex carbs such as brown rice and quinoa, and free from unhealthy fats, such as trans and saturated fats which have been linked with heart disease and other health conditions. Instead, healthy sources of fats include nuts, seeds, olive oil and avocados.

Eating healthily is also key for mental wellness and can lower our risk of cognitive decline as we age. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and selenium may help keep the brain sharp while staying hydrated with water instead of sugary drinks and excessive salt are important steps.

2. Exercise regularly

Life choices can play an influential role in how quickly or slowly we age, with lifestyle changes having either an acceleration or attenuating effect on it. Although you cannot completely stop the aging process, you can at least slow it down by adopting healthy behaviors such as following a balanced diet, regularly exercising, getting enough restful sleep and taking steps to ensure overall good health. These healthy changes will keep biological age behind chronological age while protecting you against age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Aging is more than a physical process; it also takes place at the cellular level. Signs of aging such as fine lines around your eyes or changing hair color reveal this natural process that occurs within cells – due to your chromosomes having caps called telomeres that wear away each time cells divide; when too many short telomeres arise, cells stop dividing and eventually die off.

However, with regular exercise you can lengthen your telomeres and maintain normal body functioning. One effective anti-ageing exercise is climbing stairs which is great for targeting lower body muscles like hamstrings and quads as well as building bone density in legs and feet.

Standing Calf Raises are highly recommended anti-ageing exercises, helping you build muscle while increasing endurance levels and strengthening balance and coordination. Not only will this activity strengthen these muscles but will also enhance balance.

3. Get plenty of sleep

Aging is a natural process, happening at the cellular level in our bodies. Each cell only divides so often before showing signs of wear-and-tear and showing signs of aging. Studies have revealed that getting plenty of rest, eating a nutritious diet, and engaging in regular physical activity can slow the aging process by keeping cells healthier and giving you a more youthful appearance. Furthermore, these habits may even reverse cognitive aging by improving neuroplasticity (Shanbhag 2019)- meaning these steps could actually make your brain younger by lengthening cell telomeres (Shanbhag 2019)).

For optimal results, attempt to stick with a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and rising at the same time each day, even on weekends.

4. Reduce stress

Stress relief is one of the key ways you can delay aging. Stress releases hormones into your system that speed up cell deterioration and speed up their progression towards degeneration.

Stress relief begins with getting enough rest. Make an effort to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day – including weekends – in order to establish a regular sleep pattern that promotes restful slumber.

Remind yourself that aging is part of life; however, lifestyle changes can help slow the aging process or even reverse some of its effects. By following these tips you can look and feel your best no matter your age! Who wouldn’t want that?

5. Manage your weight

Weight management is one of the keys to slowing down the aging process. Not only will achieving an ideal bodyweight help protect you against health conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes; but having an energetic feeling also plays a part.

Even though we can’t stop or fully reverse the aging process, there are certain things we can do to slow it down. By eating healthily and exercising regularly while getting plenty of restful sleep, you can improve both your overall health and appearance while increasing longevity and quality of life – as well as slow down or reverse some aspects of it altogether. By following these guidelines and tips you could potentially slow or reverse aging processes altogether!

May 10, 2024|Editorial

Metapathia GR Hunter 4025

Metapathia GR Hunter software enables the user to perform computer nonlinear analysis in three dimensions. It enables automatic localization of tumor and hereditary diseases as well as pinpointing their origin on genome level by sequentially passing histological, cytological preparations, chromosome sets and finally DNA molecules as part of an investigation process.

High Accuracy

Hunter 4025 is an advanced Non-Invasive Diagnostic Device for Physical Examination & Analysis System. It scans, detects, and decodes information derived from electromagnetic waves released by human bodies. It can quickly identify potentially harmful processes within our bodies as well as provide treatment based on what has been gathered during short diagnostic sessions; gradually formed abnormal conditions may even be identified on molecular, tissue, cell, DNA helix, organ or even entire organ levels.

Metatron Hunter NLS hardware-software system developed at the Institute of Practical Psychophysics allows the production of bioelectrical activity of brain neurons at preset rates and then amplifying signals previously undetectable due to statistical fluctuations. Once collected, information about organs will be displayed as virtual models with specific colors on screen for analysis.

This revolutionary technology works on the basis of spectral analysis of vortex magnetic fields of any biological object. This approach is truly unparalleled worldwide and gathers information on specific temporary conditions of tissues and organs non-contact via special trigger sensors whose purpose is to tune to resonance frequency of control signal from researched organ.

Information gathered through these means is then read, processed and analysed using special medical software that specializes in this area. It can track any abnormal conditions forming gradually over time in molecules, cells, tissues, chromosomes and DNA helix structures. These tests can also identify abnormalities at an organ level and pinpoint their sources, as well as predict future health dynamics based on current condition of patient bodies. Healthcare professionals use medical imaging technology as a powerful tool in improving patient care, as well as fitness enthusiasts and coaches to optimize training and performance. This non-invasive technology is safe for all ages and provides accurate results within minutes.

Non-Invasive Procedure

Non-invasive procedures provide you with a full analysis of your health without experiencing discomfort or pain, using small ports rather than traditional incisions to gain access to body cavities with special surgical instruments. Non-invasive surgeries are also safer and less risky than traditional surgeries as they provide accurate diagnoses with no collateral tissue damage to nearby tissue structures.

Meta GR Hunter 4025 is an innovative diagnostic device created specifically to analyze and detect your physical condition with lightwave resonance. This device detects any slowly developing abnormal conditions within tissues, cells, chromosomes, DNA helixes or molecules as well as organs for effective treatment solutions.

At each short diagnostic session, your body information is converted into digital signals by Hunter 4025 NLS medical software and decoded to display three-dimensional models of organs, tissues, and cells on screen.

After analyzing your data, the system will produce a report detailing your current state and any issues which require attention. Additionally, this report may include recommendations for treatments or therapies tailored specifically for you; such as nutritional supplements, homeopathy or alternative medicine options.

Hunter 4025‘s software can quickly recognize and identify intestinal parasites, fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms that might be contributing to health problems in you. Furthermore, it measures your level of allergies, causes of inflammation diseases and metabolic imbalance in your body as well as recommend acupuncture points or complementary therapies that will improve overall wellness.

The Hunter 4025 is an innovative, comprehensive, and trustworthy health assessment tool that is revolutionizing how we monitor our wellbeing. Boasting high accuracy, non-invasive procedure, comprehensive health insights and an easy user interface, this health assessment device makes an excellent choice for taking control of one’s own wellbeing and monitoring it effectively. Available for purchase at an attractive price point – making this an economical yet worthwhile investment opportunity both individuals and healthcare professionals.

Comprehensive Health Insights

When it comes to health analysis, few devices can match the precision and sophistication of MAIKONG Metatron Hunter 4025 NLS. This revolutionary technology is revolutionizing how we view body analysis and therapy; providing powerful insight into our physical state. Whether you are healthcare practitioner looking for more holistic approach or individual looking for healthier lifestyle habits – this device can help take control of your wellness journey!

Metatron Hunter 4025 NLS uses bioresonance technology to analyze electromagnetic signals emitted by organs and tissues of your body, analyzing these electromagnetic waves to detect imbalances and potential diseases in an effective and painless way. Our non-invasive scans ensure you gain access to valuable insight without discomfort.

Metatron Hunter 4025 NLS offers comprehensive organ analysis, Chakra scan and healing capabilities and nutritional deficiencies detection to promote emotional and spiritual wellbeing. In addition, its device can detect nutritional deficits so individuals can take steps towards improving their diet and overall health.

The Metatron Hunter 4025 NLS is an indispensable resource for health professionals and individuals looking to enhance their wellbeing. With its high accuracy and comprehensive health assessments, the device allows you to optimize your practices and prevent disease as well as identify suitable supplements or herbs that meet specific needs.

Many health practitioners utilize the Metatron Hunter 4025 NLS system in their clinics and wellness practices, thanks to its non-invasive, comprehensive health assessment methods that conform with holistic principles. Furthermore, its system can identify future issues to take proactive measures against them before they occur.

Metatron Hunter 4025 NLS has become an innovative force in health diagnostics thanks to its advanced features and user-friendly interface, revolutionizing health diagnostics. With powerful analysis capabilities and organ analysis features that benefit anyone seeking to optimize wellness practices. MAIKONG can assist buyers looking for purchase inquiries or distribution opportunities; providing outstanding customer service as well as technical support so users can maximize the use of their equipment.

Easy-to-Use Interface

Now it is possible to conduct a comprehensive health analysis without resorting to invasive procedures, thanks to Hunter 4025‘s nonlinear analysis system. With its unique approach to health assessments that helps identify imbalances within the body and address them effectively, this advanced device makes a valuable addition for medical professionals, fitness centers and health enthusiasts alike. With quantum mechanics as its foundational principle for medical technology advancements and innovation – Hunter 4025 stands apart as a breakthrough medical device.

The Institute of Practical Psychophysics’ hardware-software system “METATRON” can selectively amplify and isolate signals which are barely detectable due to fluctuations in electromagnetic fields, in order to decode their information content. The system identifies electromagnetic radiation released by living organisms and pinpoints its place of origin as well as intensity, frequency and duration along with how it interacts with cells, tissues or organs within an organism.

Metapathia GR Hunter>> software uses this data to assess biological objects’ reactions to various forms of influence, and identify parameters which characterize their state of health as well as diagnostic opportunities. Furthermore, histological/cytological preparations as well as DNA molecules parts can be analysed in depth in order to trace tumors or hereditary diseases back their source.

Hunter 4025 stands out from its predecessors by its ability to determine at what development stage diseases emerge, their severity (whether acute or chronic), potential future implications, as well as providing the optimal medicine to treat them.

With a new function that allows the user to compare remedies, they can quickly and efficiently assess which one is the most beneficial. Furthermore, our database of medicinal products, food supplements and homeopathic medicines has been significantly expanded.

MAIKONG provides users with comprehensive functions and a user-friendly interface, making this NLS suitable for both professional and personal use. MAIKONG regularly conducts demonstrations and training to maximize users’ return on investment.

May 10, 2024|Editorial

The Encyclopedia of Energy Medicine

Paracelsus, the Swiss alchemist from the sixteenth century, described an invisible healing energy which circulates throughout our bodies and can be directed by conscious intention. Many modalities in this encyclopedia deal with this bioenergy or vital energy (also called life force energy or universal energy).

Each of these modalities takes its own approach to analyzing and altering energies, yet all have a common understanding that human energy fields determine what manifests in physical reality, including within our own bodies.


Energy medicine refers to an umbrella term for various complementary and alternative practices involving life energy or force. Energy medicine practitioners believe that subtle forms of energy circulate through their bodies, which can then be balanced to help relieve pain, heal injuries or improve general health. They also believe that thoughts or emotions can impact their energy field directly and may use vibrational techniques such as sound or light waves to send information directly into them body.

Studies have demonstrated that certain forms of energy healing appear to improve physical well-being and mental health, including mood and balance states of being. They can also support immune system function, helping cells repair damage faster, according to one 1989 Frontiers in Psychotherapy study. Furthermore, several forms of energy therapy appear capable of lowering cortisol levels which have been proven to cause inflammation and decrease cancer treatment effectiveness.

Energy medicine encompasses many different modalities, including touch therapies (acupuncture) and movement modalities (yoga, tai chi and kinesiology) along with spiritual healing, homeopathy and magnetic field therapy. All these approaches share an energetic understanding of healing that may result in changes to one’s life force and their benefits may result from this shift.

Conventional medicine emphasizes biochemistry of cells, tissue and organs. For instance, sixteenth-century Swiss alchemist Paracelsus believed in an energy field surrounding and radiating from human bodies that can be controlled by planets, stars and magnets – similar to what conventional medicine focuses on.

Unbeknownst to us, all interactions between individuals involve energy. For instance, moving furniture alters its energy. And when we have negative thoughts it can alter those around us; therefore it is wiser for us to be conscious about our words and actions.


Western medicine often emphasizes anatomical structures and biochemical constituents, while ancient healing traditions like Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda, and shamanic practices focus on energy healing modalities like acupuncture, chakra balancing or Reiki in order to treat their patients holistically. Energy healing practices have grown increasingly popular over time – they even make an appearance at many wellness events these days!

Energy healing practitioners believe that energy runs throughout both physical and emotional aspects of our bodies, with disruptions disrupting it leading to pain, mood disorders and early signs of aging. A session will involve channeling healing energy directly into a patient to support their natural ability for self-healing.

Energy healing practitioners believe that an aura, or electromagnetic field, surrounds our bodies as an energetic shield of sorts and that when someone becomes sick their aura becomes discordant or nonexistent – thus the need for energy healing practitioners who can help patients restore balance to return it back into balance.

Electrotherapy is another widely utilized energy healing practice, using electrical equipment to assess or stimulate different parts of the body. Perhaps most well-known is TENS therapy, which promotes natural painkillers to be produced by sending small electrical impulses through specific parts of the body.

Some practitioners of energy healing also employ intuitive healing, which involves tapping into intuition as part of the healing process. It’s crucial that these healers can connect and trust their intuition so they can use it most efficiently.

No matter which modality of energy healing you pursue, there’s no right or wrong way to approach energy healing. Just be sure to do your research and select an experienced practitioner whose techniques resonate with you – always check with a medical provider first when engaging in alternative approaches to healthcare!


Energy medicine modalities come in all forms. Each one takes its own approach. Generally speaking, however, each modality teaches a person how to recognize and adjust energy flows within their bodies, acting as an adjunctive therapy alongside conventional Western medicine practices.

Energy healing modalities focus on balancing the flow of energy throughout the body by working with specific meridians and acupuncture points. They aim to correct energetic imbalances caused by disease or stress. Some non-invasive forms may help provide pain relief while in other instances they may help alleviate inflammation symptoms that result in illness.

Energy medicine offers many approaches designed to aid individuals in healing themselves using natural and alternative therapies, from classes taught by practitioners in clinics or hospitals to those that can be done at home – among them are Reiki, therapeutic touch and healing touch which have gained widespread renown.

Alternative treatments that don’t rely on acupuncture points or meridians but instead focus on altering vibrational fields are also an option. Although less widely practiced, such techniques such as shamanic work, Matrix Energetics flower essences and angelic healing have proven very successful in providing relief.

These modalities work by altering mechanical vibrations within cells’ membranes and cytoskeletons and in our human biofield, such as through hands-on therapies like Reiki and craniosacral therapy or subtle adjustments made through body movement changes like Qigong and yoga.

Energy medicine modalities all share one common trait, working to alter energies in the human body. While some forms are more scientifically sound than others, all are part of complementary and alternative medicine and growing research is being done into its effectiveness. Many individuals find that using both techniques alongside regular visits with their primary care doctor helps speed up healing times more effectively and efficiently.


Energy healing has long been used as part of a wellness practice to restore equilibrium and health to their clients’ bodies and minds. Practitioners do not diagnose problems nor prescribe medications; rather, energy healers aim to clear, balance, and energize client’s energy fields so they may heal themselves naturally.

Energy medicine combines Western medical practice with ancient healing modalities like acupuncture, herbal remedies, massage and meditation. The concept behind energy medicine therapies is that there exists an invisible field of energy surrounding humans that must remain balanced for health; when these energies become out of sync illness can arise.

Energy healing techniques are utilized to relieve stress, alleviate pain and hasten recovery after surgery or chemotherapy treatment, among other uses. Energy healing is being studied further to see whether it can enhance immunity or minimize side effects associated with cancer treatment therapies.

Many CAM therapists employ a range of therapies and work closely with each patient to find an appropriate solution to his or her unique circumstances. Energy medicine may be recommended alongside conventional treatments or you might take herbal or nutritional supplements that support natural healing processes in your body.

As the complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) community continues to expand, so too has its interest in energy medicine. Studies and clinical experience indicate that energy modalities can significantly enhance quality of life while relieving symptoms and supporting your body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Janna Moll founded Energy Medicine Specialists to offer beginner to advanced courses in numerous energy disciplines. She held credentials for massage therapy, SEM (Specialist in Energy Medicine), HTCP/I (Healing Touch Practitioner/Instructor), Reiki Mastership, indigenous healing techniques such as sound and color healing as well as Polarity Pranic Reconnection The Reconnection EFT EFT. Janna had experience in psychotherapy coaching as well as writing texts, newsletters, eperiodicals about energy healing. She was truly gifted as both teacher and channel of healing energy.