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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

April 9, 2024|Editorial

Healing the Quantum Way

Healing the Quantum Way offers a revolutionary approach for health professionals and anyone interested in understanding their personal trauma history and finding paths toward recovery.

It teaches us that everything is intricately linked energetically, and our minds can influence physiological reality on an energetic level.

It also shows how our brain cells act as quantum receivers – sensitive to the vibrational frequencies present in this energy field.


Quantum-Touch energy healing techniques can help the human body stay healthy and balanced by harnessing Life Force Energy through breathing and body awareness exercises to focus and amplify it, using it to heal yourself, others and animals alike. Chiropractors, doctors, nurses and physical therapists have utilized Quantum-Touch as part of their practice to correct posture, align joints correctly, decrease pain levels and inflammation levels and balance emotions using this healing system.

Reiki or chakra healing relies on resonance and entrainment principles found throughout nature, from biology and chemistry to psychology and other fields. They explain why two vibrating objects can be made to resonate at the same frequency; crickets chirp together or fireflies flash at once; these principles also show us how vibrations can travel along quantum fields of energy, giving rise to healing energy fields that provide harmony and balance within our own bodies and communities.

Quantum-Touch stands out from other energy healing systems by being straightforward and straightforward to learn; there are no barriers to understanding or application preventing anyone from adopting and applying this practical and simple system to themselves and others.


Quantum-Touch is an energy healing technique that teaches individuals how to use breathing and body awareness techniques to focus and amplify Life Force energy. This gentle yet powerful healing approach has proven successful at relieving back pain, reducing arthritic symptoms, boosting immunity levels and helping recover from surgery or illness faster. Quantum-Touch was founded by Richard Gordon – also the author of Self-Created Health; an innovative system for uncovering and healing emotional causes of health problems.

Distance healing with Quantum-Touch can be just as effective when treating loved ones who live far away, including cancer and heart disease patients, chronic pain such as backaches, knee issues and neck and shoulder discomforts and injuries, or injuries such as backaches. This remarkable healing method has proven its worth time and again to those in need. It has even helped treat people recovering from injuries like backaches.

Distance Healing

Intention is an invaluable way to increase the efficacy of distance healing sessions. By setting clear and meaningful intentions before each session, you create a vibration which amplifies healing energy being transmitted from your healer. Your intention could range from eliminating physical discomfort or adding joy into your life.

Clear and positive intentions during a healing session have the power to transform you from within, as your mind and energy field are highly responsive to other people’s intentions. Perhaps you have experienced this firsthand while listening to songs on the radio that seemed far away yet somehow still managed to uplift or move you emotionally.

At a healing session, energy healers tap into an universal energy field full of chi or bioenergy that pervades and surrounds our bodies, accessible to all humans. Energy healers know how to tap into this field – also known as “unified consciousness” – so they can send healing vibrations across distance.

As you allow vibrations to envelop you, your body is able to transform at a deep quantum level, prompting many of my clients to experience an intense feeling of oneness with themselves and the universe – similar to the experience induced by taking psychedelics, plant medicines or meditation with enhanced states of synesthesia.


Quantum-powered healing can reach deep into your being and create profound shifts across energetic, emotional and spiritual domains. My clients report significant reductions in pain and inflammation as well as improvements to digestion, elimination and immune function – with group healing sessions often sharing stories of profound transformation within mental and emotional domains too.

Resonance and Entrainment

Resonance and entrainment is a universal principle that exists at both macro and micro levels. Human beings automatically tune themselves to whatever vibration is most prevalent and strongest in our environment; from truck rumblings to neighbor’s loud music – everything influences us to tune into that dominant vibration as soon as it changes; known as sympathetic resonance law which states when two energies come into contact they begin vibrating at similar rates, an effect which happens across many levels even down to quantum.

Resonant frequencies also have the power to heal the body; when singers sing at frequencies similar to glassware it resonates with it and eventually surpasses its support force, shattering. Resonant frequencies may help dissolve gallstones, kidney stones and other forms of crystal formation within our bodies as well as balance heart rhythm and slow down brain waves – or simply balance heart rhythm by helping balance their frequency.

If a person is in a very calm and relaxed state, their heartbeat and brainwaves will synchronize to that state. Conversely, when someone becomes distressed their heart rate and brain waves may speed up to match that anxiety. We see examples of entrainment all the time in nature: birds flapping their wings together during migration in order to conserve energy, while women living together often find their menstrual cycles coincide.

Entrainment is more intricate than we may initially perceive. For instance, periodic stimulus streams can produce behavioral and neural rhythms without necessitating an oscillator in the input stream (Figure 1E). This occurs due to resonance – whereby initial responses may resemble an entrained pattern but gradually subside over several cycles back down towards non-entrained baseline values.


Meditation can strengthen the mind-body connection and promote self-healing, as well as helping manage emotional outbursts and build emotional resilience. A growing body of research supports its benefits; however, it should be noted that various meditation practices exist. Each has unique beliefs, theories, and practices which may vary even within one tradition.

Meditation helps elevate the frequencies in your body, leading to changes in how you exchange energies with people and objects around you. As a result, this brings significant improvements in health and wellbeing.

As there are numerous types of meditation practices, most generally involve focusing on your breath and letting go of any unwanted thoughts that come into your head. Beginning with guided meditation may help but try unguided ones too; movement, sound and writing could all add new dimensions to your practice!

Quantum healing is an innovative holistic healing practice that integrates quantum physics with traditional healing approaches. It believes that our thoughts, emotions, and energy have an direct effect on physical wellbeing; also that healing ourselves through intention is possible.

Alternative medicine offers an all-natural and noninvasive alternative to conventional medicine, without needing expensive equipment or surgery to be effective. Furthermore, its main goal is addressing the root cause of your issue rather than treating its symptoms.

Quantum Energy Transformation’s goal is to create an environment in which healing can occur on all levels; emotional, mental and physical. By providing this space for transformation to happen naturally within your body’s system.

People often think of their heart chakra as being at the core of compassion, love and understanding; however, its role extends to quantum level as well. Vibration from its vibration reaches subatomic particles all the way down to molecules and cells and guides them in their proper orbits. As well as having physical effects, its vibration also impacts thought processes and emotions- thus it’s vital to keep yours healthy for optimal living!

April 9, 2024|Editorial

Orgone Radionics – The Art and Science of Local and Distant Manifestation

Radionics is the art and science of using intention programmed instruments and patterns to bring about both local and distant manifestation. Radionics is used for self healing as well as manifesting desires and goals.

Place a photo, wish or goal into the lower left equilateral triangle (money generator for instance), while placing a Thorn Rune and SP crystal in the upper right.

Wilhelm Reich

Wilhelm Reich is one of the most celebrated scientists from 20th-century history. A psychoanalyst, political theorist and pioneer of body therapies – Reich was also an accomplished scientist, conducting experiments in bioelectricity and unicellular organisms which was considered pseudoscience by both Nazis and Americans alike.

In 1939, he released his theory of an orgasmic life force he called orgone and created an orgone accumulator which could cure cancer. To spread his message and promote these devices further, he launched Orgone Press publishing outlet; unfortunately this quickly led him into conflict with FDA who demanded interstate shipment cease immediately as they successfully obtained an injunction against Orgon Press and its publications and orgon accumulators; finally in 1954 they secured one for themselves!

While Reich did not expect that orgone accumulators could help cure cancer, he believed they were useful tools for harnessing cosmic energy and altering climate patterns on earth. To test his theory he created the Cloud Buster which purported to seed clouds with orgone energy.

Reich’s other research focused on the physical symptoms of fascism, or “character analysis.” He observed that those in power often use rigid movements with tight pelvis muscles and stiff jaws – as well as believing bigotry and hatred stem from low libido levels.

His orgone accumulators could increase object temperatures without external heating sources, breaking with established thermodynamic laws and leading to Einstein’s collaboration on many scientific endeavors. He considered this discovery one of his major breakthroughs and ultimately led him to collaborate with him on numerous endeavors.

In his same book, he detailed his theory that neurosis stemmed from an insufficient supply of orgone energy; this deficit may have resulted from people refusing to address traumas they’d hidden away; this theme became central in his work.

Even though orgone accumulators did not cure cancer completely, they did raise the temperature of metal objects placed within. This helped heal and protect users from harmful electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Tensor rings used by Slim Spurling to produce orgone energy were rediscovered by Nick Totton who discovered he could increase healing effects using 15Hz frequency stimulation; Totton claims this frequency amplifies his orgone matrix making it an excellent defense against high frequency EMFs.

Cloud Buster

Orgone Energy Radionics Devices have become an invaluable energy healing tool since the turn of the millennium, amplifying and balancing subtle energies through intention. These devices can help heal, protect, and enhance physical and mental wellbeing; additionally they can be programmed with specific frequencies to manifest specific outcomes.

Wilhelm Reich believed that orgone, an invisible life force present throughout nature, could influence global ecosystems including weather patterns. To test his theories he developed orgone accumulators: wooden booths lined with metal where patients would sit naked to absorb orgone. To extend this theory further, Reich designed what became known as the Cloud Buster: an array of pipes aimed at the sky filled with water which Reich believed served as an orgone absorber and thus caused clouds to drop, producing rain as a result of targeting it at clouds.

Navy Pier’s Cloud Buster, featuring 37 feet of steel, wood, rope, acrylic and fiberglass that is climbable over the Fifth Third Family Pavilion is one of our favorite activities to do with kids. They can explore multiple levels before reaching The Apartment at its summit – designed to resemble an apartment in Chicago!

Pyramids provide an etheric field that protects against EMF and other negative energies, including psychic spying such as remote viewing and cell phone emissions. Pyramids make an excellent option for families who want to remain safe while still enjoying the benefits of orgone energy.

Cloud Mountain Farm (CMF) partnered with us to produce an organic orgone energy juice made of Asian pears (Chojuri, Shinseiki & Mishirasu) as well as Interlaken Lynden Blue Canadice and Jupiter grapes from CMF’s certified organic lineage – cold pressed, unfiltered and spontaneously fermented without commercial yeasts or filters.

Succor Punch

At Brothers of Gaia, our flagship radionics device is called the RAD 5. Featuring a donut-shaped Chi Generator(r), this device generates life force (orgone). Furthermore, you can use it as a Radionics machine so as to manifest anything remotely using structural links and orgone energy.

The RAD 5 features two output pipes, each equipped with an output dial that can be set to indicate specific energy, outcomes or influences you want to manifest. You can also use it to manifest specific vibrations or frequencies by choosing crystals resonant at that frequency and setting one of its output pipes accordingly – this makes the device highly effective at manifesting things remotely!

Reich believed that orgone is a form of life energy which permeated every aspect of existence, from microscopic particles known as “bions” through organisms, clouds and galaxies. According to him, any deficits or restrictions in bodily orgone could be the root cause of disease; similar to how Freudian theory suggested neuroses could result from insufficient sexual desire.

Reich designed orgone accumulators he claimed could create orgone potency and used these devices for healing and weather control purposes. Unfortunately, however, the Food and Drug Administration issued an injunction against Reich and confiscated all his orgone materials at his Orgone Institute.

Orgone devices have become an integral component of spiritual, personal, and self-development programs worldwide. Their popularity can be found among those practicing spiritual development, personal growth and self-improvement through methods such as motivational techniques, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), sports training/bodybuilding sessions/creative visualization. Some users also report success using them with hypnosis/trance channeling techniques.

Orgone devices are widely recognized as powerful tools for spiritual advancement, helping to clear chakras and aura, increase vibratory rates of human biofield, protect from negative entities or outcomes and increase psychic or telepathic power while rendering any AI Implants (including 5G, Wifi, Bluetooth or Chemtrails ) completely ineffective.

Scalar Wave

Scalar Waves are non-hertz forms of electromagnetic energy which are capable of transmitting information. First proposed by Nikola Tesla in the late 19th century, these longitudinal electromagnetic waves (similar to sound waves) can store electromagnetic energy over long distances without loss. Furthermore, these waves have also been proven to neutralize harmful EMF radiation emanating from electronic devices like cell phones and televisions.

A tesseract is an energy pump designed to focus scalar waves. They can be used as EMF protection devices, healing crystal altars and manifestation devices; and are great for clearing out negative energies from homes or workplaces. Consisting of twelve interconnecting points connected by points between them – typically made out of quartz – they store vast amounts of energy.

Scalar waves differ from electromagnetic waves in that their oscillation does not have any discernable direction, although their vibrations may still be detected with devices like magnetic field detectors or radionic detectors. Furthermore, these vibrations may provide a sense of well-being and peace that some consider beneficial. Proponents of scalar energy claim it can help reduce stress while encouraging relaxation and increasing communication at a cellular level.

To create scalar waves, electrical current must be applied to a conductor. One way of accomplishing this is through using a Moebius coil – this coil features the shape of an eight and when electric current flows through it, its electromagnetic fields cancel each other out to create a scalar wave.

Electromagnets can also be a useful way of creating scalar waves. This device can be constructed by wrapping copper wire around a piece of quartz or using computer simulation to calculate its geometry; once complete, its effect can then be transmitted by connecting its conductor object directly with an antenna.

Potential Vortices are key elements of scalar waves, said to move faster than light and penetrate solid objects. Additionally, energy from potential vortices can also be transferred between devices through quantum entanglement – the very energy Einstein described as having “spooky action at a distance.”

April 9, 2024|Editorial

Radio Frequency Treatments For Face and Body

Alongside traditional beauty regimens such as drinking enough water and getting sufficient sleep, there are other methods for improving skin health, including radio frequency treatments for both the face and body.

These treatments use low-level, completely safe radiation in the form of radio waves to boost collagen production and tighten skin tightening while diminishing fine lines and wrinkles for an enhanced, younger-looking appearance.


Radio frequency therapy (RFT) is a popular method for facial rejuvenation and body contouring. The treatment involves heating protein fibers within the skin to stimulate collagen production, helping reduce facial wrinkles while tightening any loose skin on neck or abdomen areas. As it offers minimally invasive results without downtime, RFT makes for a good alternative option for anyone wanting to look younger without surgery.

Radiofrequency devices emit low levels of radiation that are considered safe by the FDA, unlike X-rays and gamma rays which penetrate deep into skin’s dermal layer and warm it up while stimulating wound-healing and stimulating collagen growth, leaving behind plump, tight skin that looks more youthful and vibrant – perfect for use on facial, neck and thigh areas.

Radio frequency therapy not only reduces fine lines and sagging skin, but can also address pigmentation issues like dark spots or blotches. It provides a gentle alternative to chemical peels or laser treatment which may be more invasive; additionally it can be combined with microcurrent facials or platelet-rich plasma (PRP) infusion for even greater effectiveness.

RF therapy not only increases collagen production but can also increase hyaluronic acid, which provides natural moisture protection to your skin and increase elasticity. Furthermore, this reduces fine lines and wrinkles along with redness and inflammation.

RF therapy is safe for both men and women who wish to look younger, as the main concern associated with ageing is losing facial or body elasticity due to decreasing collagen levels. This non-invasive and non-surgical solution for sagging skin is effective for use on all parts of the body and results can last up to six months.

RF facials can also be applied to other parts of the body, including thighs or abdomen. An excellent solution for mildly sagging skin, it works particularly well when combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures like HIFU sessions and an RF facial; their combined results may even rival that of surgical facelift procedures with considerably less pain and downtime.


Radio frequency technology differs from LED Light Therapy by employing electromagnetic waves to heat deeper layers of skin, inducing collagen contraction that reduces facial laxity, fine lines and wrinkles. Furthermore, its effects are long-term and noninvasive making RF treatment appropriate for people of all skin types and colors – though finding an experienced practitioner to perform treatment may be essential.

In addition to tightening skin tightness, radio frequency treatments increase hyaluronic acid in the face – hydrating and rejuvenating it for radiant complexion. Furthermore, RF treatments help sculpt facial features and decrease neck/jowl area sag – offering people seeking younger looks without surgery an ideal alternative to surgical facelift procedures.

Diode laser and radiofrequency have been combined in order to treat rhytid formation and skin laxity by altering deep dermal structure. Polaris WRATM and ReFirme STTM are two examples of this treatment, designed to simultaneously apply bipolar RF energy and diode laser energy onto the face; with the former heating deeper tissues while diode laser targeting pigmentation and visible vascularity.

Monopolar and bipolar radiofrequency treatments have proven their worth at rejuvenating facial skin and tightening loose folds. When compared with nonablative lasers, RF therapy can achieve comparable efficacy and safety results while lasting for three months or more after each treatment session.

Though radiofrequency (RF) treatment is generally safe, some patients may find it uncomfortable. Depending on the device used, depending on which nerve-blocking agent may need to be topically applied or injected into their skin to minimize pain during RF therapy sessions. Nitrous oxide can make this treatment more comfortable.

RF therapy also has the added advantage of stimulating collagen production – known as neocollagenesis – producing stronger and denser collagen than previous layers, producing long-term results and lessening appearances of sagging or wrinkled areas like cheeks, jowls, or nasolabial folds on your face.

Side effects

If you want to tighten your skin without surgery, radio frequency technology offers several noninvasive solutions that can achieve similar results. One such treatment is radio frequency technology; this device heats the surface of skin at temperatures that stimulate collagen production while simultaneously stimulating fibroplasia to help reduce wrinkles and fine lines. Radio frequency technology is generally safe; however, pregnancy or those with metal implants may preclude its use as a solution.

Ideal candidates for radiofrequency (RF) therapy include middle-aged men and women who are beginning to notice signs of declining skin firmness. Just one session of radiofrequency can reduce pores, fine lines and sagging jowls significantly while increasing levels of hyaluronic acid for healthier skin barrier function resulting in an even younger and brighter complexion.

Radio frequency skin tightening uses thermal energy generated by an RF wave to deliver heat directly into the subcutaneous layer, where collagen and elastin fibers reside. This treatment can help address wrinkles, sagging skin and acne scarring while simultaneously tightening facial laxity after weight loss. RF therapy may also be applied on necks and decolletage areas for tightening loose skin after surgery or weight loss.

Radio frequency technology differs from lasers in that it does not damage underlying tissues and can therefore safely be applied on all types of skin. Furthermore, it’s more cost-effective and less invasive than surgery or other rejuvenation methods and can even be combined with high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) to penetrate deeper into tissues for even greater results.

Most clients experience no adverse side effects during or after radiofrequency (RF) treatments; however, some individuals may develop mild burning sensations or erythema that typically subside within several days. Furthermore, RF therapy can alter skin pigmentation, with most cases lasting a temporary amount of time but other cases lasting for longer.

Although these side effects may be rare, it’s still wise to keep them in mind when undergoing radiofrequency (RF) treatments. When selecting an RF practitioner with proper training and certifications for optimal treatment outcomes. Therapists must then select each patient individually while applying appropriate energy levels – this helps minimize complications while increasing effectiveness of treatment.


Before technology enabled us, the only effective solution for tightening loose skin and reducing fine lines and wrinkles was undergoing plastic surgery to perform a face lift. Now however, non-invasive anti-ageing treatments such as radio frequency energy treatments offer similar results without the risks associated with surgery – this includes treatments like radio frequency energy used to tighten skin tighten loose skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles as well as improve tone and texture; treat acne scars hyperpigmentation uneven complexions etc.

RF (radiofrequency energy) penetrates deep into the skin to stimulate collagen growth, providing an effective yet safe treatment option for all skin types and tones, including darker ones. It is suitable for patients who have a BMI below 30, though pregnant women or those taking certain medications are advised against it. It can also be combined with laser treatments for additional cosmetic benefits like hyperpigmentation or scar reduction.

Selecting a licensed practitioner with experience treating various skin conditions will help ensure the best possible outcomes from treatment, and should have knowledge about both benefits and side effects associated with radiofrequency treatments.

Find reliable practitioners online or through friends and family recommendations; some websites even provide a list of board-certified providers in your area. When finding one that meets your criteria, be sure to ask questions about their training, credentials and treatment costs as soon as you find someone suitable.

Many RF devices use radio frequency waves to stimulate collagen and elastin production. As these waves pass through the skin, they cause it to heat up, creating microchannels which encourage collagen and elastin growth, softening wrinkles while tightening it at the same time. Furthermore, unlike other forms of thermal energy treatment such as microwave heating or laser therapy, radio frequency doesn’t damage outer layers of skin in its use – providing another form of treatment option without risk to outer layers of skin.

RF treatments can be performed from the convenience of your own home and combined with other skincare procedures to target specific issues. They’re safe for most skin types and can be performed on any part of the body. For optimal results, however, we advise scheduling multiple sessions.

April 9, 2024|Editorial

Acupuncture As Allergy Medicine Energy

Allergies can have a devastating impact on both your respiratory system (such as runny noses, sneezing, and congestion) and indirectly on your mood and energy levels.

First-generation antihistamines such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) may make you sleepy; second-generation medications like fexofenadine (Allegra) work quickly to provide non-drowsy allergy relief for 24 hours without drowsiness.


Allergies can be an agony and interfere with daily life, but you may find relief through acupuncture as a treatment for sinus allergies. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice which has quickly gained respect and popularity in the US; it is used to treat an array of illnesses and ailments including chronic sinusitis and allergic rhinitis; allergens like dust mites, pollen and pet dander can often trigger reactions which lead to sinus inflammation and watery eyes; studies have proven acupuncture’s effectiveness against such reactions while increasing immunity overall!

At its core, acupuncture works to stimulate and balance your natural body energy. Your life energy travels along pathways called meridians in your body; Acupuncturists use points on these meridians to balance it; for allergy treatment purposes they will stimulate specific acupressure points corresponding with allergens that help balance out energy flow while decreasing inflammation.

Acupressure points on your front body correspond with organs and tissues essential for immune function, such as your lungs, colon, stomach, spleen and spleen meridians which circulate defensive qi linked with immunity; any deficiency leads to typical allergy symptoms like swelling eyes watery eyes runny nose sneezing etc. When stimulating these acupuncture points during allergy acupuncture can reduce symptoms as well as build immunity preventing further attacks from returning.

Acupuncture has been shown to stimulate the release of chemical messengers that regulate your immune response, such as cortisol and endorphins, that help control histamine release – an immune suppressing chemical released when experiencing allergy symptoms. Acupuncture also works on its root cause by helping your body relax more, improving the function of immune systems more efficiently than nasal steroid sprays do; unlike their risks associated with pharmaceutical drugs.


Kinesiology balance method (combining muscle testing with techniques such as acupuncture and chiropractic ) can be an invaluable aid in pinpointing allergies, their root causes, and effective solutions. Furthermore, these methods help restore immune balance while gradually desensitizing you to allergens so that reactions become less acute over time.

Most allergic reactions occur because your immune system responds to harmless substances in your environment like dust, mold, pollen or food and triggers responses such as wheezing and inflammation. Kinesiology balance technique uses muscle testing to identify which substances your body is reacting against; it can be applied on people of any age as well as animals.

Kinesiology can also help determine which foods your body is intolerant of, which could be contributing to digestive issues like brain fog, ADD/ADHD or irritable bowel syndrome. You can find a list of such foods on the internet such as milk, peanuts, wheat, eggs, corn and sugar for testing purposes.

Kinesiology can also help determine the most effective solutions to allergy or intolerance problems, including acupuncture, homeopathics, nutritional supplements and physical therapy. If you are interested in pursuing a career in Kinesiology, speak to your high school guidance counselor about it and enroll in as many health and fitness courses that focus on human anatomy and physiology as possible. In addition, consider taking science classes if possible. It will prepare you for a range of jobs within the field – teaching; research; coaching; fitness leadership; and managing sport-related enterprises are just a few examples of rewarding and stimulating career options available to you. Kinesiology is an interdisciplinary field, so collaboration among health professionals when conducting evaluations and treatments of clients is crucial for providing top quality service to them. Your clients will appreciate this team effort!

Nutritional Counseling

Nutritional counseling is the practice of teaching patients how to make more nutritious food choices, whether for chronic illness such as allergies or general wellness. The goal is to establish long-term healthy habits while setting achievable health goals with their counselor.

Nutritional counseling begins by asking patients questions about their lifestyle, medical history and diet. After reviewing the answers provided by patients, a nutritionist will assess what changes can be implemented to improve health; often this means suggesting supplements or changing up meal plans for better overall results.

Allergies affect millions of people worldwide and typically manifest as an increased immune response to usually harmless substances. While medications and avoidance are commonly employed to manage allergic reactions, recent research has also demonstrated the anti-inflammatory properties present in certain foods and nutrients that could help soothe symptoms.

Fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel contain omega-3 fatty acids which have been demonstrated to decrease inflammation. Furthermore, antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables such as vitamin C and E may provide support against allergens.

Many patients misunderstand what constitutes an allergy, intolerance or sensitivity to specific food. While allergy involves an immune response against specific foods that is potentially life-threatening, intolerance and sensitivity refer to how our bodies process or digest certain types of foods instead.

Nutritional counselors can educate their patients on allergies, intolerances, and sensitivities in order to create a personalized dietary plan tailored specifically to each person’s needs. By developing strong rapport with clients, nutritional counselors can ensure the best long-term results – it is key that their clients find someone they can trust to stay with their program – an approach which will reduce relapse.

Home Remedies

Home remedies for allergies offer natural solutions to help alleviate allergy symptoms without medication. An allergy occurs when the immune system responds to allergens that have been inhaled or swallowed, often leading to runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, itchy throat or nose areas, coughing, wheezing or shortness of breath symptoms.

Home remedies for allergies often involve herbal preparations, teas and nasal sprays as well as supplements that may be taken orally or taken sublingually. Before trying out anything new for allergy symptoms it’s wise to speak to your physician first as some supplements haven’t been thoroughly evaluated for safety and may interact negatively with medications you are currently taking.

Sstinging nettle leaf, for instance, naturally controls histamine levels to help ease symptoms of hay fever. Practitioners of alternative healing suggest drinking a cold-pressed tincture made from its leaf prior to starting treatment for hay fever season. Another popular home remedy for allergy relief is ginger, which works to block histamines and decrease stomach discomfort while offering capsules, dried or fresh options and can even be added directly into hot tea as a spice or added as a condiment.

Apple cider vinegar can also provide natural relief from allergies by breaking down mucus in your sinuses, soothing runny nose symptoms and encouraging lymphatic drainage. In addition, practitioners of natural medicine suggest quercetin as a powerful polyphenol antioxidant which works by stabilizing histamines; it can be found in cruciferous vegetables, onions/shallots, green tea and citrus fruits.

Finally, inhaling essential oils through a vaporizer is another great way to help clear sinuses by inhalation. Lemon, peppermint and eucalyptus oils may be especially helpful; peppermint contains natural menthol that may reduce cough reflex and open airways; one small 2013 study confirmed this effect by inhaling it directly; Eucalyptus oil has anti-inflammatory properties which soothe respiratory tract discomfort while lavender, Melissa and Tea Tree oils offer allergy relief; these can all be found easily through health food stores or online retailers like Amazon or eBay.

April 8, 2024|Editorial

EFT Energy-Field-Therapy Men’s Underwear

EFT Energy-Field-Therapy Men’s Underwear utilizes Tourmaline and 22 magnets to generate a magnetic field around your private area, stimulating blood circulation while clearing away inflammatory cells, relieving physical fatigue and mental stress and helping you fully relax. Perfect year-round.

Features:: * High elasticity fabric is extremely comfortable and breathable, not fading or pilling and safe on skin.

Detox your whole body

EFT Energy-field Therapy men’s underwear accelerates weight loss while simultaneously relieving and preventing men’s health issues. Utilizing 22 magnets and tourmaline fabric, this product creates a magnetic field in both private areas (private area) and back parts to promote blood circulation and speed up weight loss.

By tapping into our bodies’ natural healing mechanism, energy will target fat cells, inflammation and body toxins and eliminate them from our systems. Furthermore, energy may promote an increase in metabolism while strengthening endocrine function within us all.

Wearing Performance: These garments can efficiently stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation in the body, aiding organs in expelling wastes from them and relieving physical fatigue and mental stress, thus providing a means for total relaxation of both mind and body.

High quality cotton with incredible stretch is ultra comfortable and breathable; no pilling after washing either!

Break down fat cells

Energy fields are great tools to bring energy factors to the body and encourage the flow of chi (life force energy) in our bodies, leading to faster fat-burning processes as well as strengthened metabolism and endocrine function of individuals – helping you lose weight naturally while staying in shape!

Strong Man(tm) Natural Energy Field Therapy Men’s Boxer Short can effectively stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation in your body, aid organs in expelling harmful waste, reduce physical fatigue and mental stress, improve muscle vitality and encourage weight loss.

Utilizing advanced magnetic field technology, clothing containing magnetic fields can penetrate deep within your cells to neutralize toxins at a cellular level and help break down fat cells, reduce inflammation and swelling, rebuild damaged tissue and make you feel more energized than before.

Tourmaline material in fabric creates multiple energy fields and generates 100,000 to 300,000 energy units per hour, which effectively stimulates blood circulation by eliminating inflammatory cells, toxins and fluid buildup, stimulating weight loss naturally while eliminating fluid retention. It provides a safe and convenient method to detox your entire body while improving overall health.

Reduce inflammation

Magnets embedded within energy-field-therapy men’s underwear help improve blood circulation and flush out toxins from your system, which reduces inflammation. Furthermore, this therapy speeds metabolism and restores health of your endocrine system.

This men’s underwear is constructed of high-elasticity fabric for soft comfort. Breathable material helps prevent odor and sweat build-up throughout the day for wearability that’s all day. Furthermore, its anti-fading, pilling and easy maintenance make this men’s underwear easy to keep looking its best!

Energy Field Therapy is an effective way to detoxify and revitalize every cell in your body, using ionized particles that neutralize harmful free radicals, reduce inflammation and swelling, rebuild damaged tissue, help you sleep better, which in turn improves skin health overall. Poor-quality sleep has been linked to numerous problems including dry or flaky skin patches, wrinkles under eyes, dark circles under your eyes as well as increased risk for yeast infections or sexually transmitted diseases; with Energy Field Therapy you will get restful, healthy sleep by improving circulation of blood and lymph.

Speed up metabolism

Energy-field therapy underwear for men can accelerate metabolism and help burn calories more quickly. The magnets inside create a magnetic field which stimulates and improves blood circulation within the body, breaking down fat cells while decreasing inflammation, water retention, and inflammation. Furthermore, magnetic fields promote detoxification within cells leading to healthier endocrine systems.

The innovative underwear uses 22 magnets and tourmaline fabric to form a magnetic field around both the “private area” and back part of the underwear, thereby providing an effective detoxifying and recharging of cells, decreasing inflammation and swelling while releasing beneficial anion ions that help relieve stress, improve sleep quality, and boost energy levels.

Magnetic fields present in underwear also work to promote and increase blood circulation in legs, hips, buttocks and shoulders, helping promote weight loss by stimulating blood circulation in these areas as well as alleviating muscle pain and stiffness. Furthermore, it can relieve muscle pain and stiffness. Furthermore, this underwear can aid in improving men with varicose veins by supporting healthier circulation systems; its materials include high-quality cotton with elastic waistband for maximum comfort wear; machine washing makes maintenance simpler; lightweight construction means easy wearability with any outfit while its sizes vary between black, blue light blue red grey or purple.