Healing the Quantum Way
Healing the Quantum Way offers a revolutionary approach for health professionals and anyone interested in understanding their personal trauma history and finding paths toward recovery.
It teaches us that everything is intricately linked energetically, and our minds can influence physiological reality on an energetic level.
It also shows how our brain cells act as quantum receivers – sensitive to the vibrational frequencies present in this energy field.
Quantum-Touch energy healing techniques can help the human body stay healthy and balanced by harnessing Life Force Energy through breathing and body awareness exercises to focus and amplify it, using it to heal yourself, others and animals alike. Chiropractors, doctors, nurses and physical therapists have utilized Quantum-Touch as part of their practice to correct posture, align joints correctly, decrease pain levels and inflammation levels and balance emotions using this healing system.
Reiki or chakra healing relies on resonance and entrainment principles found throughout nature, from biology and chemistry to psychology and other fields. They explain why two vibrating objects can be made to resonate at the same frequency; crickets chirp together or fireflies flash at once; these principles also show us how vibrations can travel along quantum fields of energy, giving rise to healing energy fields that provide harmony and balance within our own bodies and communities.
Quantum-Touch stands out from other energy healing systems by being straightforward and straightforward to learn; there are no barriers to understanding or application preventing anyone from adopting and applying this practical and simple system to themselves and others.
Quantum-Touch is an energy healing technique that teaches individuals how to use breathing and body awareness techniques to focus and amplify Life Force energy. This gentle yet powerful healing approach has proven successful at relieving back pain, reducing arthritic symptoms, boosting immunity levels and helping recover from surgery or illness faster. Quantum-Touch was founded by Richard Gordon – also the author of Self-Created Health; an innovative system for uncovering and healing emotional causes of health problems.
Distance healing with Quantum-Touch can be just as effective when treating loved ones who live far away, including cancer and heart disease patients, chronic pain such as backaches, knee issues and neck and shoulder discomforts and injuries, or injuries such as backaches. This remarkable healing method has proven its worth time and again to those in need. It has even helped treat people recovering from injuries like backaches.
Distance Healing
Intention is an invaluable way to increase the efficacy of distance healing sessions. By setting clear and meaningful intentions before each session, you create a vibration which amplifies healing energy being transmitted from your healer. Your intention could range from eliminating physical discomfort or adding joy into your life.
Clear and positive intentions during a healing session have the power to transform you from within, as your mind and energy field are highly responsive to other people’s intentions. Perhaps you have experienced this firsthand while listening to songs on the radio that seemed far away yet somehow still managed to uplift or move you emotionally.
At a healing session, energy healers tap into an universal energy field full of chi or bioenergy that pervades and surrounds our bodies, accessible to all humans. Energy healers know how to tap into this field – also known as “unified consciousness” – so they can send healing vibrations across distance.
As you allow vibrations to envelop you, your body is able to transform at a deep quantum level, prompting many of my clients to experience an intense feeling of oneness with themselves and the universe – similar to the experience induced by taking psychedelics, plant medicines or meditation with enhanced states of synesthesia.
Quantum-powered healing can reach deep into your being and create profound shifts across energetic, emotional and spiritual domains. My clients report significant reductions in pain and inflammation as well as improvements to digestion, elimination and immune function – with group healing sessions often sharing stories of profound transformation within mental and emotional domains too.
Resonance and Entrainment
Resonance and entrainment is a universal principle that exists at both macro and micro levels. Human beings automatically tune themselves to whatever vibration is most prevalent and strongest in our environment; from truck rumblings to neighbor’s loud music – everything influences us to tune into that dominant vibration as soon as it changes; known as sympathetic resonance law which states when two energies come into contact they begin vibrating at similar rates, an effect which happens across many levels even down to quantum.
Resonant frequencies also have the power to heal the body; when singers sing at frequencies similar to glassware it resonates with it and eventually surpasses its support force, shattering. Resonant frequencies may help dissolve gallstones, kidney stones and other forms of crystal formation within our bodies as well as balance heart rhythm and slow down brain waves – or simply balance heart rhythm by helping balance their frequency.
If a person is in a very calm and relaxed state, their heartbeat and brainwaves will synchronize to that state. Conversely, when someone becomes distressed their heart rate and brain waves may speed up to match that anxiety. We see examples of entrainment all the time in nature: birds flapping their wings together during migration in order to conserve energy, while women living together often find their menstrual cycles coincide.
Entrainment is more intricate than we may initially perceive. For instance, periodic stimulus streams can produce behavioral and neural rhythms without necessitating an oscillator in the input stream (Figure 1E). This occurs due to resonance – whereby initial responses may resemble an entrained pattern but gradually subside over several cycles back down towards non-entrained baseline values.
Meditation can strengthen the mind-body connection and promote self-healing, as well as helping manage emotional outbursts and build emotional resilience. A growing body of research supports its benefits; however, it should be noted that various meditation practices exist. Each has unique beliefs, theories, and practices which may vary even within one tradition.
Meditation helps elevate the frequencies in your body, leading to changes in how you exchange energies with people and objects around you. As a result, this brings significant improvements in health and wellbeing.
As there are numerous types of meditation practices, most generally involve focusing on your breath and letting go of any unwanted thoughts that come into your head. Beginning with guided meditation may help but try unguided ones too; movement, sound and writing could all add new dimensions to your practice!
Quantum healing is an innovative holistic healing practice that integrates quantum physics with traditional healing approaches. It believes that our thoughts, emotions, and energy have an direct effect on physical wellbeing; also that healing ourselves through intention is possible.
Alternative medicine offers an all-natural and noninvasive alternative to conventional medicine, without needing expensive equipment or surgery to be effective. Furthermore, its main goal is addressing the root cause of your issue rather than treating its symptoms.
Quantum Energy Transformation’s goal is to create an environment in which healing can occur on all levels; emotional, mental and physical. By providing this space for transformation to happen naturally within your body’s system.
People often think of their heart chakra as being at the core of compassion, love and understanding; however, its role extends to quantum level as well. Vibration from its vibration reaches subatomic particles all the way down to molecules and cells and guides them in their proper orbits. As well as having physical effects, its vibration also impacts thought processes and emotions- thus it’s vital to keep yours healthy for optimal living!