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A Review of the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Book by Peter Rule

Peter Rule is a Naturopath, Herbalist, Nutritionist, Hypnotherapist and Wellness Coach who studied with Dolores Cannon USA to become certified in QHHT.

Dolores began her study of sacred knowledge and reincarnation over 50 years ago, refining the QHHT method of hypnosis. In somnambulistic state she found time travel is possible allowing clients to relive previous lives.

What is QHHT?

QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) was pioneered by Dolores Cannon over 50 years ago as a safe and powerful technique of Past Life Regression and communicating with one’s Subconscious or Higher Self. QHHT practitioners lead clients into somnambulistic states for in-depth investigations during QHHT sessions by asking relevant questions that guide them toward an experience most pertinent to them – either past lives, other dimensions or alternate realities that resonate most closely.

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These sessions enable clients to gain guidance about their life purpose, relationships and health concerns. Many physical ailments which cannot be explained or treated using traditional medical therapies may be resolved quickly through QHHT sessions.

QHHT sessions can help people better understand themselves and why they face certain challenges in life, often helping to alleviate emotional or mental blocks which could be contributing to their suffering.

QHHT sessions take you into the deeply relaxing theta brainwave state that naturally arises twice daily – when sleeping and just before awakening. In this state lies your intuition, memories, and inner knowing; QHHT provides a gentle yet simple means of tapping into this knowledge.


Dolores learned that during a hypnosis session, one can communicate with one’s highest force within themselves – commonly referred to as their Higher Self, Oversoul, God Consciousness or Christ Consciousness or Oneness with Source. A therapist simply asks you to put your hands in front of your face and say: “I am open to all that exists.”

The Higher Self will then select the most pertinent information to bring forward for your healing and well-being, some of which may take the form of healing advice or simply be an assurance from the universe that now is an acceptable time to heal. When dealing with physical ailments, however, remember that healing by your Higher Self only occurs if it doesn’t violate either soul contract or life lessons in any way.

How does QHHT work?

Dolores Cannon developed a simple yet effective process using hypnosis that allows individuals to directly access and communicate with their Subconscious mind. Through this approach, individuals are able to travel back in time to past lives on Earth as well as other dimensions, experiencing healings unknown to conscious mind, access healing information that has yet to come forward into conscious awareness, experience their soul’s wisdom of healing as well as trust their inner guidance more directly.

QHHT practitioners begin each session with an induction technique designed to ease clients into a deep trance state and guide them through their subconscious. Once in this state, individuals can experience anything from deep trance all the way through somnambulistic state (where parts of sessions may pass without being remembered fully) during one of these QHHT sessions – just know that healing takes place on all levels!

QHHT sessions enable individuals to regress backwards to an idealized past life that addresses current issues and concerns, before asking their Subconscious for answers to any queries presented to the Practitioner by way of QHHT. In doing this, their Subconscious can provide information about that life’s purpose as well as instant healing without recourse to medication or surgery.

Practitioners then turn their focus toward any other issues that may be impacting an individual’s life, and the Higher Self provides information and solutions for those concerns as well. Since all parts of oneself make up the Higher Self, it will always give honest and unbiased guidance in aid of healing journey. Therefore, when scheduling a session it is essential that the intention behind scheduling it be for healing in all aspects of one’s life rather than only one specific area.

What is the difference between QHHT and past life regression?

QHHT is an energy healing technique that uses hypnosis to facilitate direct communication with your Higher Self. We ask it about problems you are currently experiencing in life and their causes as well as whether healing them is permissible. Healing often happens instantly with this powerful Miami tool that offers deep understanding, guidance and healing of physical, emotional and spiritual issues simultaneously.

Dolores Cannon pioneered and refined the Quantum Heuristic Hypnosis Therapy process over many years as she worked with thousands of clients worldwide. QHHT sessions operate under the principle that our current lives are interwoven with past experiences; by exploring this idea through regression therapy sessions, people gain perspective, understand, and address any root-cause issues impacting their health, relationships or careers.

At a QHHT session, your practitioner guides you to an area in your past that relates to the query or issue at hand. He or she cannot decide which past life you visit; that decision lies solely with your Higher Self; your Higher Self chooses which life best explains present-day challenges, patterns, relationships and the topic of discussion for this particular session. The Higher Self also selects scenes that best relate to it.

QHHT sessions provide insight into the causes of physical, emotional and spiritual difficulties as well as information regarding life purpose. To ensure maximum benefit from QHHT experience it is wise to prepare with questions for each session – make a list! Also try limiting caffeine and alcohol the day prior for best results.

How can QHHT help me?

QHHT practitioners use prompts and questions designed to allow their client to connect with past life or other dimensional experiences that will bring them healing and insights for navigating their current journeys. This allows clients to recall scenes, emotions and details from these past lives or dimensions experiences that can offer healing or provide insights to assist with current ones.

Once their session is over, clients are led back into full awakenedness by their practitioner. After discussing insights gained and practical ways they can incorporate wisdom gained into daily living, clients will leave feeling more refreshed than when they started.

Many clients seek answers through QHHT for particular issues or challenges in their life, such as finding out the source of physical or spiritual discomfort. Hypnosis allows the soul’s subconscious to communicate these issues to the practitioner who then establishes an effective plan of healing and growth.

This process also enables clients to tap into their own soul’s knowledge about who they are and why they are here in this lifetime. By connecting to this knowledge of oneself, physical and emotional healing occurs naturally; thus releasing any blockages causing discomfort within the body.

Practitioners use different approaches to access their clients’ subconscious, Higher Self, Over Soul or Super Conscious (SC). This part of their minds connects directly to Source or God and has access to infinite knowledge. In sessions with this SC connection, any health or mental issues will be identified and the cause determined before providing instantaneous healing if appropriate.

As well as physical healing, the Subconscious (SC) can address any relationships or issues which are causing difficulty, including karmic relationships, finding a Soul Mate/Twin Flame match and root causes of difficult emotions like depression, anxiety and phobias. Furthermore, SC will offer guidance as to what steps can be taken by clients to repair relationships and overcome challenging situations; ultimately allowing the soul to move onto other more fulfilling adventures in this life as well as beyond.


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