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Astro Einstein Quantum Healer

Einstein’s chart, highlighted by Mercury conjunct Saturn and square to the Midheaven, revealed both his intellectualism and need for discipline; these planets also demonstrated his divided nature.

He was an ardent pacifist who campaigned against anti-Semitism and other forms of racism, possessing an irrepressible Uranian drive for exploring new ideas and challenging conventional wisdom.

Quantum physics

Quantum physics forms the scientific basis of modern life and provides us with insight into the nature of matter and energy at both an atomic and subatomic level. Additionally, quantum physics explains how light, sound, and magnetism operate – it even sheds light on why some things work the way they do! Often referred to as quantum mechanics it provides the most comprehensive account yet of how things operate yet it still isn’t complete.

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Quantum theory holds that everything consists of subatomic particles of energy, each capable of existing in two places simultaneously and taking on various states or superpositions at any one time – characteristics far removed from what we experience daily when objects such as baseballs and flashlight beams have only one value at any one moment.

Quantum particles’ ability to exist simultaneously explains how quickly information can be relayed over long distances, making telecommunications possible. They also explain why flat panel TVs emit light of different hues – something quantum physics itself makes possible. Unfortunately, however, its fundamental principles have been hijacked by New-Age groups to sell all manner of nonsense products and services.

Quantum physics may not provide a cure for disease, but it can still provide valuable tools in medicine. For instance, researchers have been exploring quantum computing – which uses entangled qubits to perform calculations at much higher speeds than regular computers – as a possible means of treatment.


These techniques could enable doctors to detect diseases earlier and provide treatment more rapidly, possibly even anticipating how patients will respond to certain drugs. Although this sounds promising, additional research and experimentation must take place before this technology can be put into medical treatment practice.

Some individuals claim they use quantum energy devices to heal themselves, but these machines are nothing more than fraudulent scams. Anyone selling these machines to desperate or vulnerable people should be jailed for fraud; their real harm lies in depriving people of medical treatment they need or investing hard-earned funds in fraudsters who enrich themselves through illicit schemes.

Energy medicine

Energy medicine is founded on the idea that our bodies contain an invisible healing force, or life force, that flows throughout and supports our wellbeing. Energy medicine strives to balance this flow, reduce stress and enhance wellbeing – acting as both a complementary therapy alongside conventional treatments, as well as challenging the biochemical paradigm which has long dominated Western medicine. Practitioners employing energy medicine include techniques such as acupuncture, Qi Gong, therapeutic touch and Reiki while quantum physics suggests we may even be capable of healing ourselves on subatomic levels.

Energy healing differs from traditional medical practices in that most forms require minimal or no physical contact for healing to take place, making them safe and easy to learn. Some practitioners advise patients before engaging in any energy healing therapies to consult their physicians first and consult about any risks such as heart disease or cancer that might prevent their practice.

The human biofield is an energy field surrounding our body that contains photons, magnetic and electromagnetic compounds. It extends up to 8 feet from our bodies and can be sensed as heat or energy; energy medicine seeks to treat imbalances within this biofield which can cause symptoms like pain and low blood pressure; it has long been utilized in clinical practice but now enjoys scientific support as a field.

Jill Blakeway presents cutting-edge research that supports energy medicine, drawing upon her experience as an acupuncture and Chinese medicine doctor and knowledge gained through global travels. In this book, Jill shows us how to reconnect with the universal life force that governs both our bodies and minds – love, grace, forgiveness and creativity all exist within ourselves and are readily accessible! She helps us rediscover that our bodies have remarkable abilities of healing themselves as long as we get out of their way!


Astrology is an occult belief combining the science of stargazing known as astronomy with an occult belief that certain stars affect humans and events here on Earth. Astrologers claim to be able to accurately predict things such as personality traits, relationships with others, profession, auspicious moments in life. Many also believe there are special relationships between particular planets or constellations which cause life’s most challenging circumstances or karmic patterns.

Although astrology is not considered a scientific discipline, it can help people heal. Astrology can assist individuals in understanding the source of their issues and finding effective solutions that allow them to overcome them; connect to spirituality; find deeper meaning within life; as well as make decisions with positive outcomes in mind.

Astrology can provide tools that will assist Virgos with accepting themselves as they are and with developing self-love and acceptance – two crucial parts of self-care that Virgos may struggle with. They tend to overthink things, which leads to unnecessary anxiety. Astrology provides them with tools they can use to stop judging themselves and recognize that each individual is unique – an essential step toward self-love and acceptance.

Astrology may seem like just another joke, but in truth it can be very useful. Astrology gives you a window into your past, present and future as well as helping identify strengths and weaknesses so you can take steps to improve them. Furthermore, it can even predict weather or predict if illness might strike in advance.

Note, though, that not everyone who reads horoscopes is an occultist; in fact, most don’t even consider themselves to be one – they simply find astrology so intriguing! The appeal of secret knowledge and hidden power draws many into reading their horoscopes!


Hypnosis is a naturally relaxing state that helps people make rapid improvements in their lives. Hypnosis can help individuals break bad habits, overcome negative behavior patterns, reframe your thinking so you see obstacles as opportunities to grow, as well as overcome physical or emotional pain and trauma. Hypnosis works best when used alongside traditional treatments but has also proven successful as an independent healing technique.

Hypnotherapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses hypnosis to address mental health concerns and physical pain. As part of cognitive behavioral therapy, it works by rewiring unconscious parts of the brain so they respond more favorably to suggestions made by therapists. Hypnosis can be used to address various conditions like pain, anxiety and addictions – even chronic insomnia (studies have demonstrated it can assist people suffering from obstructive sleep apnea) and depression.

Although hypnosis may sound scary, it is actually much safer than depicted by popular culture. Contrary to stage hypnosis where people swing their watches or are controlled by magic, real-life hypnosis differs significantly – it is more like deep focused meditation or being immersed in something like reading a book or movie before falling asleep – than what pop culture portrays it to be.

Ozone therapy can help ease symptoms associated with medical conditions like chronic pain, asthma, anxiety and fibromyalgia. Furthermore, it may even help relieve some side effects associated with chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer patients – specifically hot flashes caused by breast cancer treatment; reduce discomfort of shingles; speed recovery after surgery etc.

Hypnotherapy should only ever be carried out by certified hypnotists; movies and TV shows only depict its dramatic versions. A certified hypnotist will guide you into a deep state called trance where your mind becomes calmer while your heart rate decreases, leaving you more at ease than before. Although conscious during hypnosis sessions, you have every right to refuse suggestions that run contrary to your values and principles.


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