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Beyond Quantum Healing Reviews

Quantum healing is an holistic health approach based on the theory that most physical ailments are due to unresolved traumas and beliefs from this or past lives, that have yet to be resolved.

BQH builds upon QHHT by encouraging clients to explore their subconscious and connect with their higher self and guides for spiritual and emotional healing, along with personal growth.


Beyond quantum healing (BQH) is an integrative approach to inner work that integrates energy healing, hypnosis and spiritual counseling into its holistic framework. BQH has become an increasingly popular way of connecting to your Higher Self or soul and uncovering deeper truths of existence – this modality can also provide answers about relationships, health concerns, life purpose, cosmic ancestry or karma issues.

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Sessions are led by a practitioner, using techniques such as hypnosis and visualization, which allow clients to enter a state of relaxation while exploring their subconscious and higher selves. Furthermore, clients may receive healing on physical, mental, and emotional levels during this journey.

QHHT, developed from Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, is an advanced regression hypnosis approach which allows clients to access their subconscious minds and interact with guides and higher selves for greater spiritual, mental, emotional and physical healing. Sessions typically last anywhere from an hour up to six sessions.

These sessions can assist clients in recovering from traumas, chronic illnesses and other difficulties, while helping release deep-seated emotions and gain clarity on their spiritual paths. Though the effects may seem short term, many have reported positive experiences from BQH sessions.


Once the session has concluded, both client and practitioner will discuss any insights that have come out of it. This discussion can help the client apply their lessons in daily life while strengthening their spiritual journey. Furthermore, practitioners provide ongoing support so that clients continue making positive changes.

Sessions at BQH often start off with relaxation and hypnosis to establish an intimate bond with the practitioner and create a safe space. Clients may also be asked to write down any questions for their Higher Selves during this time, and afterwards the practitioner will use various healing techniques such as energy healing or guided imagery for maximum healing effect.

Through this process, your Higher Self can help clear away negative thought patterns and old conditioning that is holding back progress in your life. It can also identify what may be hindering progress such as challenges or limiting beliefs that have an effect on current experiences; and even reveal past life memories which have had an influence over present life events.


Beyond quantum healing is an energy-based hypnosis technique designed to heal mental, emotional, and spiritual imbalances. Utilizing various tools, Beyond quantum healing enables clients to reconnect with their soul’s journey and ultimate life purpose while encouraging self-empowerment – giving clients the power to take control of their own healing journey.

Scientific validation may not exist yet for Energy Healing; however, practitioners believe it to be effective at relieving pain and improving physical well-being. Energy Healing draws on concepts from quantum mechanics such as wave-particle duality to suggest that thought and intention have an influence over physical reality; practitioners often use guided imagery for healing as part of this practice and many believe they can even access past lives or other dimensions through this method.

Past-life regression therapy can be an invaluable way to explore subconscious traumas and issues, including limiting beliefs, patterns and behaviors, as well as providing direction for life-altering decisions. Through past-life regression, healing may occur at an unconscious level while providing deep transformation, strengthening connections to spirit guides and higher selves and also alleviating health concerns, such as unexplained physical ailments or chronic illness.

BQH is an advanced version of Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). Created by Candace Craw-Goldman, BQH takes an energetic and heart-centered approach to helping clients on their self-healing journeys. By connecting to their Subconscious/Higher Selves, clients gain the power to transform ingrained toxins and patterns, freeing themselves into more expansive consciousness states.

At a BQH session, clients’ Higher Selves connect with their soul/oversoul/soul group to gain insight into themselves and their incarnation. In essence, these records represent everything that has ever occurred in one’s life and allow you to access information about those unrealized aspects that remain dormant from prior lives.

At a BQH session, your practitioner will lead you through deep relaxation and creative visualization techniques to provide a safe space for exploration and healing. They may utilize information from Akashic Records or your Higher Self/subconscious to assist your journey towards well-being. Sessions may be held either in person or online via Zoom and can last 4-5 hours in total.


BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing), developed by Candace Craw-Goldman, is an innovative heart-centered healing approach. Going beyond conventional past life regression hypnosis and taking an integrative approach to self-healing, BQH emphasizes connecting to your inner guidance for ultimate well-being and healing energies. Practitioners employ relaxation, meditation, and constructive hypnosis techniques in order to induce Alpha and Theta brain states where clients can access deeper wisdom and healing energies.

BQH practitioner sessions provide an immersive journey of discovery, healing, and spiritual growth. Commonly described as guided visualization, hypnosis, dreamwork or soul exploration sessions are tailored specifically to each participant’s needs and goals and may last up to four hours with an interview portion to establish the goal for the session.

At each session, your practitioner helps you enter a deep trance-like state whereby your conscious mind relaxes and allows the subconscious mind to communicate more freely with your Higher Self and spirit guides. Any information received through this channel based on their plan for you can help answer questions about life purpose, relationships or healing.

This information can help heal limiting beliefs, patterns and emotions as well as provide clarity and enhanced creativity in areas where you feel stuck. Some individuals report physical health benefits as well; results will vary from person to person.

The session can bring up memories from past lives, parallel lives and ET lifetimes; help identify and clear negative cellular memory; reconcile karmic debts; as well as help awaken parts of yourself that have lain dormant for some time now. It may even assist with calling forth aspects that were waiting to emerge into this lifetime.

Your practitioner will lead a session that connects you with your inner beings (subconscious, spirit, and higher self) using guided imagery, affirmations, and visualization. Once connected to these inner beings, they’ll help heal any imbalances and restore your natural sense of balance – be they physical, emotional, mental or spiritual in nature.


Quantum healing hypnosis can provide an effective means of self-healing from physical, emotional or spiritual concerns. This transformative practice opens up your subconscious mind so you can uncover past life memories which could be contributing to current troubles.

Quantum healing sessions offer many advantages for mental clarity, emotional and physical wellbeing and spiritual growth. This can be accomplished using relaxation and hypnosis techniques that enable accessing higher consciousness; connecting with angels and guides and receiving healing energies from the universe.

Quantum healing offers not only profound healing and self-discovery, but is also an invaluable way to break free from limiting beliefs that keep us stuck in old patterns of thinking. Sessions can reveal the source of issues and foster forgiveness, acceptance and compassion among participants.

BQH was developed by Candace Craw-Goldman based on classic past life regression hypnosis methods. It’s designed with heart, intention, energy, intuition, flexibility, adaptability, transcending physical barriers or distance restrictions and technology restrictions as the driving factors to success.

Quantum healing sessions utilize relaxation and hypnosis techniques to induce deep trance states in clients, which allows their mind to unwind so that they may make contact with their Inner Being (also referred to as Higher Self, Spirit Self or God Self). This connection is essential in healing and guidance.

A typical session for BQH involves multiple elements, including past-life regressions and receiving healing from Source (commonly referred to as your guides, angels, SC, the Universe or God). While not every BQH session involves visiting past lives or lifetimes, most do. Furthermore, sessions may include rewiring techniques like age regression as well as other healing modalities.

Quantum healing sessions typically last three to four hours, depending on an individual’s individual needs and preferences. Although it can sometimes feel unpleasant, trust that divine intervention is at work in shaping this journey toward health.


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