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Deepak Chopra – Author of the Daily Crossword

Deepak Chopra is an internationally-recognized spiritualist and medical anthropologist known for combining ancient healing traditions with Western science to form alternative medicine practices. Hailed by Time as “the poet-prophet of alternative medicine”, his views hold that our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing are intertwined and that adjusting one element could have an effect on all four. Furthermore, he has written numerous crossword puzzles including USA TODAY’s Daily Crossword Puzzle.

What is Quantum Healing?

Quantum Healing is an alternative form of medicine in which a fundamental shift in consciousness is believed to bring profound physical healing. It draws inspiration from quantum physics, spirituality and Ayurveda–an ancient Indian system of health care which considers physical well-being to be the result of an equilibrium among mind, body and spirit.

Quantum healing proponents believe that human bodies have an inherent capacity for self-healing, and that energy healers’ use can aid this process by amplifying it. Furthermore, energy healers use principles like resonance and entrainment – proven scientific principles involving chemistry, biology and neurology – to achieve these effects on patients.

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Critics of quantum healing counter that its efficacy remains unverifiable and may only be the result of placebo effect. Furthermore, they contend that Chopra’s theory for his healing methods rests on falsified assumptions from quantum physics – they cite examples where particles appear and disappear at will from reality and how quantum particles form energy and matter – while further asserting that macroscopic objects such as human cells lack quantum properties that would reveal themselves through quantum effects.

Though quantum healing has its critics, some individuals who have tried it claim it has helped them overcome serious illnesses. Furthermore, they report increased vitality and an improved sense of well-being. It can often be used alongside traditional medical treatments and relaxation techniques like meditation.

Quantum healing remains controversial due to its difficulty of scientifically proving its efficacy; yet many people swear by it. No matter its effectiveness, quantum healing should never replace traditional medical advice and practitioners of quantum healing recommend seeking conventional medical assistance first if serious health issues are encountered; additionally they advise seeking consultation from an experienced and licensed practitioner in order to receive optimal treatment.


What is Deepak Chopra?

Deepak Chopra is a pioneer of integrative medicine and personal transformation. A best-selling author who has published over 80 books translated into 43 languages, Deepak is internationally acclaimed presenter and keynote speaker, having founded his Center for Well Being in 1995. Since then, he has won multiple awards and honors, such as the 2010 Goi Peace Award, 2009 Starlite Humanitarian Award, 2006 Ellis Island Medal of Honor award as well as 2002 Einstein Humanitarian Award from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in collaboration with American Journal of Psychotherapy award.

As a doctor at New England Memorial Hospital, Chopra read a book written by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi that would forever alter his perspective of health and healing. Disillusioned with Western medicine practices, he decided to focus on alternative practices instead. Co-founding Maharishi Ayurveda Products International with his father for marketing natural herbal remedies became part of this new path. Chopra soon began publishing prolifically before Ageless Body Timeless Mind was featured on Oprah Winfrey Show that year – catalyzing his change in view of health and healing altogether.

Chopra advocates physical wellness through mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. He holds that happiness lies within oneself and that answers can be found within. Additionally, he recommends healthy diet, meditation and exercise practices for optimal wellbeing.

His philosophy centers around quantum physics. He asserts that human actions do not adhere to Newtonian laws but instead to quantum mechanics principles – an absurd claim as quantum mechanics is reduced back into classical mechanics at sizes larger than an atom, and any wave-particle duality present at subatomic levels does not transfer over to human behavior.

Chopra has earned widespread respect as an expert in alternative medicine and earned millions from his writings. He founded both Chopra Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to research on personal transformation, and Chopra Global, an innovative health company.

Who is Deepak Chopra?

Deepak Chopra is an internationally recognized leader in integrative medicine and personal transformation. He founded Chopra Global, a leading whole health company, as well as The Chopra Foundation – a non-profit entity dedicated to research on well-being and humanitarianism – with offices at leading whole health companies around the globe. Additionally, Deepak also serves as Professor of Family Medicine & Public Health at University of California San Diego.

Born in 1947 in New Delhi, India and having attended the All India Institute of Medical Sciences before immigrating to the US where he completed a residency program in internal medicine and endocrinology before going on to become board-certified as a specialist in internal medicine, endocrinology, and metabolism.

Chopra initially established his company to specialize in mind-body medicine and holistic wellness in 1993 with the release of his book Ageless Body, Timeless Mind; its success led to appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show as well as People Magazine coverage.

Chopra’s message revolves around his belief that peace and happiness don’t lie solely within physical existence; they reside within each of us as well. His books have sold in the millions worldwide and been translated into fifty-three different languages.

According to Chopra, inflammation is one of our greatest health challenges today. Your immune system’s initial response when faced with anything foreign triggers an inflammatory response which provides protection from infections; but, when left unchecked and chronic inflammation becomes an issue it can lead to various health problems and even illness.

Chopra suggests that meditation and mindfulness can help reduce inflammation. By focusing on the present moment, he suggests, you can calm your mind and eliminate negative thoughts from entering it. He further advises eating healthily and exercising regularly as ways to combat stress.

Chopra offers helpful recommendations, yet his philosophy should be carefully scrutinized. For example, Chopra asserts that humans don’t act according to Newtonian laws but instead adhere to quantum physics principles instead. However, this misrepresentation of quantum mechanics only applies to particles smaller than an atom and doesn’t accurately portray humans who are much bigger.

What is the author of Quantum Healing?

Deepak Chopra began investigating unexplained healings of cancer, heart disease, and other ailments in his medical practice when he began witnessing unexplained cures of cancer, heart disease and other ailments in his practice. To get answers he returned to India and studied Ayurveda – humanity’s oldest healing tradition that views our bodies as intelligence systems capable of combatting illness or even death – before merging this ancient knowledge with modern Western medicine, physics and his own spiritual beliefs to formulate quantum healing.

Quantum healing is founded on the belief that health and wellbeing stem from our connection to universal energy, known as life-force or prana. Practitioners use techniques to focus and amplify this energy to facilitate its effects in healing our bodies themselves. According to quantum healing theory, by channeling this prana towards your body it will assist it in doing just this.

Quantum healing draws heavily upon concepts from quantum physics; however, its acceptance by mainstream scientific community remains tenuous. While not viewed as an alternative medicine solution, quantum healing serves as an additional means of supporting overall wellness and self-empowerment.

Though quantum healing‘s scientific underpinnings remain uncertain, its practice has been linked with several benefits for mind, body and soul. The theory emphasizes a holistic approach which takes into account all aspects of life as interdependent elements; additionally it encourages individuals to play an active part in their healing processes.

Quantum healing may also provide relief from anxiety and depression by stimulating endorphin release – naturally produced chemicals which create feelings of pleasure and wellbeing. Furthermore, quantum healing may enhance certain medical treatments by encouraging positive mindset and encouraging patients to take responsibility for their own healthcare.

Note, however, that while quantum healing is generally safe for use, it should never replace medical advice in serious illnesses. Before trying any alternative remedies on yourself or someone else, always consult a licensed healthcare practitioner first.


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