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Discover a Quantum Healing Workshop

Discover a revolutionary approach to healing, with this groundbreaking workshop that teaches you how to use vibration and energy healing for yourself and others.

Learn to activate the body’s natural healing mechanisms for balance, comfort, and postural realignment. Incorporating breathing practices and body awareness techniques, this course amplifies energy flow.

Quantum Phonons

Quantum healing uses the vibrations of your atoms to induce profound changes to your energy field, making quantum healing capable of treating so many conditions simultaneously. These vibrations, known as Quantum Phonons, can help bring about transformational change to your life while helping re-embody your authentic self and access full spiritual potential. In this video from Cyndi you’ll learn all about this amazing source of power – she will show how this amazing force can benefit everyone involved!

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When crystals vibrate, they emit soundwaves known as phonons – similar to photons which produce quantum-level soundwaves. Atomic vibration produced phonons from both layers of material as they vibrated relative to one another like tiny drumheads; scientists call these quasiparticles, carrying information about vibrational states of individual atoms. In the case of the tungsten diselenide crystal, vibration produced phonons which acted like quantum sound waves from top and bottom layers as it produced soundwaves at quantum-level sound waves.

Stanford researchers created a microphone using quantum principles to record phonons. Their device consisted of supercooled nanomechanical resonators so small they were only visible under electron microscopy; embedded into a superconducting circuit where electron pairs moved freely without resistance forming quantum bits, known as qubits; these qubits can simultaneously exist in two states – creating information encoded as fringe patterns that could be read electronically.

Researchers launched a phonon from one qubit to the other and through an acoustic beam splitter along its path, where half of its impinging phonons were reflected back toward their source while half passed through unimpeded. This caused interference among its own constituent parts that influenced where it eventually ended up.


At its heart lies a phonon herald that will arrive at a second qubit a fraction of a microsecond before measuring its first counterpart, enabling scientists to capture all information within one qubit and erase its memory while not yet reaching another qubit – an essential step towards developing practical quantum computing systems that allow faster and more accurate calculations.

Psychic Surgery

Psychic Surgery is a non-invasive energy healing technique designed to remove negative psychic energy that has lodged itself within your body, chakras or aura. This energy may have come from negative thoughts, feelings, beliefs or emotions and lead to illness; such non-physical negative energy usually forms into clumps or shapes which are eliminated through this healing technique. Furthermore, psychic surgery may help alleviate relationships, business issues or emotional or mental distress issues as well.

This powerful hands-on healing modality activates your ability to become an effective healing channel while strengthening clairvoyance and intuition skills. Taught by Zarathustra – internationally known founder of 5th Dimensional Quantum Healing & Awareness.

Discover how to utilize the energy of the Universe to help others and yourself through quantum energy healing. Deepen your intuitive and clairvoyant powers using new healing techniques, guided meditations, practices, demonstrations and Cyndi’s proprietary tools. This 12-module advanced course will equip you with fundamentals and systems necessary to refine and amp up innate clairvoyant gifts with quantum energy, recognize entities who may negatively or positively influence you and establish communication channels between yourself and them.

Learn to quickly raise your vibrational essence to a higher frequency within seconds, which in turn raises all those around you. Explore your personal quantum intelligence field, the universal fields that comprise you, and the crystalline energy of the universe. Learn to access absolute scalar waves and access your God Spot, the inner wheel of your chakra or center of energy egg on outer rim of auric field. Your newfound ability to communicate on master levels within interdimensional space and work with transactional points within your Akashic Records will allow you to develop an extensive toolkit of energy medicine, both for yourself and those you serve. Your newly gained skills can help heal trauma, harmful deeply-seated beliefs, disease associated with unprocessed emotions and dark energies invading your energy system – these may all become the subject matter for this course.

Akashic Clearing

Akashic clearing is an advanced energy healing technique for clearing away any obstacles to living the life you were meant to lead and living a fulfilling existence. This powerful approach clears your body, mind, and soul of any old traumas from past lives and frees energetic cords tying you down to negative people or situations – it is widely utilized by healers, hypnotherapists, and energy workers.

The Akashic Records are electromagnetic imprints containing information about your entire spiritual journey both here on Earth and throughout space-time. Sometimes referred to as the Book of Life or even just “You”, this records is also sometimes known as an electromagnetic record of sorts that contains your life story and spiritual development in that lifetime or universe.

These records can be accessed through meditation and other energetic practices. As they provide accurate insight into your soul and incarnation, clearing your akashic records regularly is crucial to creating the life that reflects who you truly are: one filled with sacred purpose, passionate fulfillment and authentic abundance that belongs to every person on Earth.

An Akashic session provides your soul with an insight into any energetic agreements that no longer serve you or are keeping you stuck in certain areas or experiences. These agreements were formed before this lifetime. For example, if there was an agreement to become a doctor before coming here, your soul may no longer desire this career choice in this one; so they recommend changing this energy agreement accordingly.

Akashic records can be accessed through meditation, hypnotherapy, and other energetic practices such as quantum healing or reiki energy healing modalities. Furthermore, you may use light and sound frequencies to recode them to break karmic patterns that hold you back and break free.

Clearing and re-coding are vital steps for spiritual growth. The more you understand about your karmic matrix, the easier it will be for you to release it and move forward on your path. Accessing your Akashic Records through online means is another viable option with many reputable websites offering such services.

The Akashic Records can be an effective means for personal and professional growth; however, they are only one part of a complete solution; to realize their full potential you must also commit to changing aspects of your lifestyle through conscious spiritual practice and make changes accordingly.

God Spots

If you want to expand your healing abilities, this course will give you a deeper understanding of Quantum Healing. You’ll explore its different levels, how they relate, as well as Life Force Energy–an incredible vibration of love which has the ability to cure physical ailments while creating positive change in our lives.

Begin by activating your God Spot, which is a three-part field at the outer rim of your aura that connects you to Divine and offers intuitive guidance. From here, learn to use this connection to release any limiting beliefs, emotions or patterns from your life while harnessing healing powers of the universe while aligning quantum intelligences within yourself with universal fields.

The second phase of this workshop teaches you how to access and work with the Akashic Records, your eighth chakra library of information across time and space. You will gain the skills needed to navigate through its record system safely using tools for journeying towards its center to access spiritual healing potential for yourself and other multidimensional beings in interdimensional space. Finally, accessing your outer auric field known as the energy egg allows master-level interactions within interdimensional space.

This course will teach you how to access and amplify Focus Life Force Energy, an amazing source of love that can heal both body and mind. Furthermore, this technique can be applied both towards self-healing as well as helping heal others.

By the time this workshop ends, you’ll have gained enormously powerful skills and raised your consciousness to what Cyndi refers to as seismic levels. You will connect to both your personal quantum intelligence field and that of the Universe; access intuitive chakra-based powers for new uses; and gain access to absolute scalar waves. Furthermore, you will learn how to provide safe energetic boundaries for yourself and clients as well as identify beings that could have either positive or negative influences on them.


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