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Dolores Cannon and the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Dolores Cannon’s research gave rise to Quantum Hertz Healing Therapy (QHHT), enabling clients to bypass conscious mind chatter and access information directly from the subconscious mind. The results have been extraordinary – many individuals report healing for body, mind and spirit alike.

Since ancient times, religious and spiritual teachers have described this part of our mind as The Oversoul, Christ Consciousness, Higher Self or Oneness with Source. What matters is whether our Subconscious mind is willing to assist.

During a QHHT session

QHHT sessions offer an enjoyable way to gain access to your subconscious mind. Your practitioner will guide you into an intense trance state known as somnambulistic state; normally experienced twice a day – prior to awakening and prior to sleeping. In this state of profound hypnosis, which allows access to part of yourself that knows all of the answers – whether they pertain to healing, past lives, spirituality, aliens/UFOs/biogenesis of life etc… it allows a connection with our higher selves so you can connect with parts of yourself that can provide all-encompassing answers about healing/past lives/ spirituality/biogenesis of life etc etc etc…

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The Higher Self can reveal to you your soul’s history, as well as the causes of any mental or physical afflictions or illnesses you are currently experiencing in this lifetime. Since our subconscious minds are connected with our souls, they understand all aspects of an individual including any recurring patterns which cause problems in their current life.

QHHT Practitioners engage their Subconscious by asking it for information that will assist in healing mental and physical afflictions, illnesses, phobias and trauma from past lives that is unavailable to conscious thought. In these instances, information selected from the Subconscious by each client according to their individual needs will help facilitate their healing journey. When traumas stem back into current lives or past ones are involved, healing occurs according to any soul lessons from that life time.

Many who have undergone QHHT sessions report experiencing instantaneous healing during their session, due to their Higher Selves willingly communicating with anyone who sincerely wishes for healing and knowledge.


Sessions typically last an extended amount of time and involve three main sections. The first focuses on the client’s background and experience; the second addresses their health and wellbeing; while the third addresses their relationship with the Universe. Clients may be asked to recall times from their past as they learn about their life purpose and mission for this lifetime.

The QHHT Practitioner asks the Subconscious to reveal information unknown to the conscious mind

QHHT is an effective method for tapping into higher guidance and healing body, mind, and spirit. To accomplish this goal, clients are guided into a state of deep relaxation known as somnambulism and then communicated with their subconscious mind which has direct access to information from quantum fields – this source of all true knowledge is an untapped well of creativity, wisdom and insight beyond what our conscious minds can access.

Dolores discovered through her work that clients could be guided back through past lives using regression, with their Subconscious (known as their Higher Self or Oversoul ) providing vital and life-altering information, including answers to why they were on Earth in the first place. Past lives selected by this ‘Oversoul’ can be seen from birth until death and reveal any lessons or issues which impact current life karma/lessons which impact them directly or indirectly.

The Subconscious/Oversoul, commonly referred to as our Higher Self, has existed for millennia and has been described by religious and spiritual teachers as Christ Consciousness, Higher Consciousness, Universal Mind or Oneness with Source. This profound part of ourselves exists as real knowledge available at any moment if anyone chooses to access it.

At a QHHT session, clients document their health goals, life challenges, and metaphysical questions they’d like answered. Next, their hypnotherapist guides them into somnambulism while talking with their subconscious/Oversoul in a dialogue to access any relevant information related to that specific issue at that time.

The Oversoul/Higher Self can also identify the source of physical or mental ailments and offer solutions according to each soul’s lessons. In certain cases, however, healing may not be possible as healing it may not be desired at that point in time by Oversoul / Higher Self; when appropriate, the SC will inform their client when to stop trying to treat their condition.

The Subconscious knows everything there is to know about an individual

The Subconscious acts like an enormous memory bank; it stores all your past thoughts, emotions and beliefs in an instantaneous fashion. Your subconscious mind has the ability to access this storehouse of knowledge faster than your conscious mind does; for this reason it is critical to gain an in-depth knowledge of it before trusting any information that goes against your values or core principles. Your subconscious also has an incredible capacity for downloading large amounts of information almost as fast as your computer downloads files through the internet; its vast databases store past life experiences while new beliefs, ideas beliefs or habits come easily in its stores – something conscious minds can’t do!

Our Subconscious is an extraordinary force, using this immense potential to guide us throughout daily life. Your Subconscious is responsible for all experiences in your life – physical, emotional and spiritual growth alike – however if we fail to comprehend its workings properly it could become an impediment to change.

Over four decades, Dolores Cannon developed and perfected techniques that enable her clients to access their Subconscious during a QHHT session – also known as past-life regression therapy and healing and enlightening simultaneously.

QHHT offers a unique hypnosis process which uses deeper somnambulistic or Theta states of trance for clients to access Higher Consciousness more quickly and receive answers to their queries.

QHHT sessions involve the practitioner guiding their client through one or multiple past life experiences, known as regression therapy. Past life regression can give us greater insight into our existence while healing emotional trauma as well as physical ailments.

Sessions differ from traditional hypnotherapy because clients remain in control throughout. The role of the hypnotherapist is to ensure the client enters a trance state, helping navigate them through their subconscious. They will never make suggestions that go against what the client believes, nor leave their body. Sessions can be profoundly healing and life-altering experiences – making an excellent accompaniment for other spiritual practices.

The Subconscious is akin to the Soul

Dolores Cannon’s QHHT method is an incredibly effective way of accessing the wisdom of your Subconscious mind, used to overcome life’s challenges and discover their soul’s purpose. A session begins by bypassing conscious mind chatter by relaxing clients into a deep receptive state similar to somnambulism experienced just prior to sleep or awakening – this allows them to receive information directly from their Subconscious without influence from hypnotist. Information received is always beneficial for the client rather than harmful.

The Subconscious is similar to our Soul in that it contains memories and lessons from past lives, experiences, and lessons learned from them. Additionally, the Subconscious serves as an effective source of healing: it has access to all information regarding an individual’s physical and mental health as well as any potential afflictions, illnesses or phobias they might suffer from; additionally it serves as the spiritual core of their being.

Leibniz was a panpsychist and believed that all things, even inanimate ones, possess some sort of “mind”, referring to this as monads (substances with mental properties similar to human brains). Some monads possessed sensation and consciousness while fewer still could demonstrate rational perceptions and self-consciousness – Leibniz called these monads with sensation and consciousness souls while those with rational perceptions minds.

Simply stated, soul is what connects an individual to the universe and allows them to experience life and learn its lessons. Once someone dies, their soul transitions into greater reality – known as God – where it may continue spiritual development or gain insights from a new viewpoint.

Dolores Cannon has long referred to the Subconscious through her work with QHHT. She pioneered its use for others in accessing this level of awareness – such as Christ Consciousness, Universal Mind Higher Consciousness or Oneness with Source among many other names.


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