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Dolores Cannon and the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Dolores Cannon created the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), a hypnosis method that allows people to access past life memories and communicate with guiding beings from past lives. She refined and perfected this approach over 45 years as a regressive hypnotherapist conducting thousands of sessions using QHHT.

She believed that deep trances provided individuals with access to their subconscious minds for spiritual development and healing, while emphasizing the significance of communicating with one’s higher self.

Dolores Cannon

Cannon began her career as a self-described “hypnotist and psychic researcher” in the 1960s experimenting with past-life regression therapy, soon discovering that her clients were not only recalling past events but also communicating with discarnate souls from another dimension and gaining knowledge from beyond themselves.

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QHHT, created by her, is used by practitioners worldwide to aid physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Practitioners believe individuals can access past lives or higher self-wisdom through its deep relaxation technique that accesses their subconscious mind.

Other practices that complement QHHT include meditation and energy healing modalities like Reiki, crystal therapy, breathwork and sound healing. Some practitioners may incorporate QHHT into their psychotherapy or counseling practices as an aid to treating emotional trauma or limiting beliefs in clients they see regularly.


QHHT was developed by Dolores Cannon. This form of past life regression hypnosis allows you to reach deeper states of trance than traditional hypnosis, providing access to your subconscious mind or Higher Self for powerful healing, along with questions and receiving answers about life purpose or traumas from past lives that you’ve endured. By doing so, QHHT can provide relief and bring about clarity of thought about the world we inhabit today.


Dolores Cannon discovered through working with thousands of clients that individuals who underwent QHHT sessions experienced remarkable healing and transformation in their lives. She was so inspired by these results that she began teaching this hypnotic process to others – eventually going global as its popularity has continued to soar globally. Individuals typically report significant improvements in both physical and emotional well-being as well as heightened spiritual connection after receiving QHHT treatment.

By harnessing QHHT for life coaching and therapy services, clients often find greater clarity and direction in their lives. QHHT allows clients to overcome self-limiting beliefs that have kept them from reaching their full potential; additionally it can aid clients with relationship problems as well as developing healthier communication habits resulting in enhanced happiness and success in both personal and professional endeavors.

QHHT’s power lies in its ability to connect directly with the subconscious mind, which holds infinite knowledge. Clients can utilize this wisdom and knowledge for healing their body and increasing creativity; also discovering their innate gifts and talents or exploring possibilities they had overlooked before.

The subconscious mind is the seat of our soul and has a tremendously profound effect on physical health. It holds all our memories from experiences we’ve had, while providing invaluable knowledge. Therefore, it is vitally important that we care for this part of ourselves properly; QHHT offers an effective and safe method for doing just this; make sure to work with an experienced practitioner when scheduling QHHT sessions to do this effectively and safely; prior to booking a session be sure to schedule an initial consultation call so they can assess your intentions as well as answer any concerns you might have regarding QHHT before booking sessions so all parties involved can discuss potential concerns or any queries related to QHHT before booking sessions or sessions begin if necessary.

Past Life Regression

Past life regression can provide an effective means of exploring your past experiences and healing tools to overcome certain issues in your life. Furthermore, past life regression can open your heart up to greater knowledge about the universe and yourself!

Dolores Cannon was an innovator of past-life regression, creating her own form of hypnosis called Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). QHHT uses deep relaxation to access the subconscious mind – this area holds memories from previous lives as well as universal knowledge that QHHT practitioners believe to be stored therein. Practitioners then ask clients questions to unlock these memories during sessions of QHHT.

At each session, clients lie comfortably on a couch under soft lighting and ambient instrumental music. Their therapist will talk briefly with them before using visualization and hypnotic language to guide them into a state of light trance – unlike sleep which occurs while asleep – though still awake but not fully focused or attentive. Imagery may help the client enter this state of trance more quickly, and they can report back their memories as directed.

After each session, therapists facilitate integration and processing by helping their client make sense of their experiences, such as identifying themes or patterns or exploring how insights gained can be applied directly to present-life situations. They may suggest writing in a journal about experiences for deeper reflection and greater comprehension.

Working with an experienced hypnotherapist who creates an environment conducive to healing is key in accessing experiences that serve your highest good and are essential in moving towards spirituality. Furthermore, you should remember that you remain in control throughout the entire process and can opt not to move in any direction at any point – perhaps staying close by the death scene for instance as much significance lies at that time of transition into spirit form.


QHHT, or Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, was designed by Dolores Cannon to access the subconscious mind in deep states of relaxation, inducing past life experiences, higher self-wisdom, and universal knowledge – which may promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. QHHT operates at the subconscious level and addresses issues at the core of most diseases, trauma events and other problems.

Dolores Cannon, a highly esteemed hypnotherapist, developed the Quantum Hypnosis Healing Technique over several decades of working with thousands of clients. Although initially focused on past-life regression therapy, she quickly found out that deep hypnosis allowed for much more than simply recalling previous lives; clients could access much deeper levels of their superconscious selves and talk with parallel universes or distant planets!

An QHHT session can be powerfully healing. Clients frequently report resolving emotional traumas and gaining insights into their personal relationships, as well as feeling more relaxed and joyful throughout daily life. Many also discover new talents they were unaware they possessed! QHHT works best when combined with other holistic practices such as meditation or energy healing techniques.

QHHT sessions provide an effective means of mental and physical healing; however, they should not replace professional medical care. Therefore, it is highly advised that you seek out a certified hypnotherapist with experience in the field, one who has been trained in QHHT method as well as being part of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy (QHHA) which sets standards for training and certification of hypnotherapists. In addition, seek a practitioner trained extensively in spiritual healing techniques as well as mediation/energy healing modalities.


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