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Dolores Cannon – Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Book Review

Dolores Cannon was a past life regression hypnotherapist known for using her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) to explore and investigate reincarnation and unsolved mysteries. Over her 45-year career she wrote 19 books detailing her findings and insights gained during this work.

QHHT is a powerful technique that taps into the depth of your subconscious to provide answers and healing in your current life. Read on to gain more knowledge of this fascinating journey of consciousness!

What is QHHT?

QHHT sessions offer an immersive journey into your subconscious mind. Created by Dolores Cannon, QHHT utilizes past life regression therapy to facilitate healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Your Subconscious may select a past life from which you can relive that is beneficial to your current circumstances – this may involve exploring parallel realities or connecting with Higher Selves; ultimately helping uncover lessons, issues or connections which have an influence in your current situation that you might otherwise remain unaware of.

QHHT sessions provide relaxation techniques to induce trance-like states that allow you to bypass the chatter of conscious mind and access unlimited information in Somnambulistic state. You will have an incredible opportunity to explore past lives or get answers for burning questions from within yourself.

Shannon is a Level 2 QHHT Practitioner who takes great pleasure in witnessing the healing and clarity that results from her clients sessions. She takes time to carefully prepare each client, creating an enjoyable and relaxing experience – often her sessions last all day so their Higher Selves can provide all of the guidance they require.

Before your actual session begins, you will usually meet with your practitioner for a consultation call to discuss your intentions and goals for it, while answering any questions that arise. This initial dialogue helps build trust and rapport that ensures an enjoyable experience.

As soon as your session starts, you will experience a guided daydream while your practitioner guides you into a deep state of trance. In this state, expertly-crafted questions designed specifically for your session may be presented; you will also have an opportunity to communicate with your Higher Self, providing insight and wisdom for healing purposes.

QHHT sessions typically occur in-person; however, some practitioners also offer virtual and online sessions which may vary slightly in content from those conducted face-to-face; nevertheless, these virtual and online sessions can still be equally powerful and transformative.

Getting Started

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), developed by Dolores Cannon, is a transformative modality utilizing regression therapy and spiritual exploration for profound healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth. A QHHT practitioner guides clients into an altered brainwave state known as trance so they can access their subconscious and higher selves for insights, healing and wisdom.

QHHT begins by discussing your desired goals for the session, such as finding answers to physical or emotional obstacles. After establishing rapport, a practitioner then asks questions about past lives and aspects of your life that have contributed to current problems; sometimes your Higher Self provides insight into why certain experiences occurred and their relevance for living today.

QHHT stands apart from traditional hypnosis in several key respects. Where traditional hypnosis focuses on issues from this lifetime alone, QHHT delves deeper into your subconscious mind – exploring past lives and parallel realities as well as connecting you to your Higher Self for healing and knowledge.

Many people turn to QHHT therapy because they are facing physical or emotional obstacles in life. One client shared how her QHHT session allowed her to heal chronic back pain from another lifetime while also helping release emotional trauma and negative beliefs that had prevented her from leading a more fulfilling existence.

Other clients have come to QHHT to enhance personal growth or strengthen relationships. As a certified QHHT practitioner, I can help provide insights and clarity into your personal circumstances.

QHHT sessions provide access to your Higher Self, Over Soul or Christ Consciousness; regardless of its name. Your Higher Self can draw upon all it has learned throughout your past and current lives to provide guidance and healing; though each individual’s experience varies, most clients find QHHT both enlightening and empowering.

During the Session

QHHT is a deeply relaxing process, yet not simply another “hypnosis party trick.” Instead, its goal is to safely and comfortably access your subconscious for healing and insight. To prepare for your session, bring along any questions that need answering as sessions may last from 4-6 hours and wear clothing that won’t restrict movement during this process.

Assuring yourself of this is crucial in any session with your Higher Self; each session provides an opportunity to establish contact and interact with it. Your Higher Self’s mission will always be driven from love and light; all questions can be answered or healing provided from its place. Trust that everything will happen for the highest good during these sessions!

QHHT is an innovative and profound regression therapy method that offers us access to our Subconscious. Hypnosis allows us to directly communicate with the Subconscious, bypassing conscious thought processes and communicating directly with it in order to heal bodies, minds, hearts and souls. Dolores Cannon discovered hypnosis was an ideal means of tapping into this area and providing information regarding past lives as well as current issues that her clients were facing.

Dolores’ early work was made all the more astonishing by an extraordinary session she conducted with a woman she described as an eccentric flapper living in Chicago during the 1920s. At this session, Dolores witnessed this individual regress to five different past lives, providing information about each lifetime which Dolores found to be remarkable.

Dolores used QHHT to heal her body. This was the first time such an event had ever taken place during a QHHT session and helped prove its versatility as not just an ancient form of memory therapy but an actual healing technique as well.

After the Session

Many people turn to QHHT sessions for healing, clarity and to gain understanding into the source of any trauma in their lives. Each QHHT session is highly personalized – each client receives what their Higher Self knows they require (which may differ from what their conscious mind wants!). Sessions often follow a past life regression method which shows images, sensations, feelings and thoughts stored within their subconscious minds over many lifetimes.

Practitioners provide clients with questions and prompts designed to facilitate connecting to and describing past experiences, with many often finding relief by releasing emotional trauma, negative beliefs, or any other barriers which have prevented growth, health or joy in their lives.

Clients report healing, deep peace and relaxation, the release of physical symptoms like pain, chronic fatigue, digestive issues or insomnia; spiritual evolution as well as connections with divine. They may receive answers to their most pressing queries while learning how their current life experiences are influenced by past incidents and interactions.

QHHT is an innovative form of hypnosis which temporarily withdraws consciousness so the subconscious and higher self can communicate directly, providing wisdom and healing beyond human perception.

As a certified QHHT Level 1 practitioner, I will guide you into an altered brainwave state that allows access to information provided by your Higher Self. Individual results of QHHT sessions vary, as results depend upon how open and deep a journey into one’s subconscious is taken – having an open and flexible mindset before entering is of utmost importance!


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