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Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique PDF

Dolores Cannon has used her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), to aid thousands of people around the world. Sessions connect clients with their Subconscious mind – something she and her certified practitioners refer to as their Higher Selves.

QHHT explores deep into spiritual landscapes, unearthing answers and memories while encouraging healing and self-discovery. Explore this process here.

Deep Relaxation

Deep relaxation techniques are an excellent way to lower blood pressure, ease muscle tension and enhance mood while breaking free of any limiting beliefs that prevent you from reaching your goals and desires in life. Deep breathing exercises, visualization exercises and self-hypnosis techniques may all contribute to creating this state of deep relaxation – while some individuals can reach it without support of trained practitioners; other may need the guidance of one. For those searching for ways to connect with Universal Consciousness while healing their body mind and spirit simultaneously a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique session may offer all three!

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QHHT, created by Dolores Cannon, uses hypnosis to enable individuals to connect with their higher selves for guidance and answers beyond what can be gleaned through conscious thought alone. To do so, Dolores induces deep relaxation known as the theta brainwave state as they communicate with both their subconscious mind and higher selves in this state of relaxation.

Hypnotic trance created through this process allows individuals to explore past lives, experience physical and emotional healing, and gain a wealth of information outside of their current awareness. Connecting more closely with one’s inner wisdom serves as a powerful source of change and empowerment that goes far beyond their healing journey.

Some clients have experienced great success reliving and healing from childhood abuse, the humiliation and fury associated with sexual assault or grief over family deaths in Holocaust. Through deep relaxation therapy sessions they were able to release any limiting beliefs they held onto while finding peace through forgiveness.


Other sessions have focused on treating specific health issues, such as chronic pain, digestive issues and migraines. Individuals were able to identify their sources and find effective natural solutions; long-held beliefs which kept them stuck in situations or relationships they no longer want were resolved while memories from past lives which are relevant to present day journeys were recovered as well.

Guided Inquiry

QHHT sessions go beyond simple hypnosis – they offer guided exploration into the subconscious. Each session begins with a conversation between practitioner and client about background, needs, goals for their journey ahead, then deep hypnosis wherein veils between conscious and subconscious become thinner; thereafter practitioners might prompt inquiries or guide clients through past lives or future glimpses – all within a safe environment that encourages self-discovery.

QHHT sessions can benefit almost anyone from curious skeptics to those who have tried everything else. QHHT’s unique approach can address nearly anything troubling an individual – from past traumas and illnesses, to finding purpose and understanding repetitive patterns.

Real-life success stories in this article show just how varied a QHHT session can be, demonstrating its adaptability to meet various needs and goals. From emotional trauma healing and connecting with the universe, to uncovering physical symptoms’ root causes – QHHT offers powerful healing and transformation.

When selecting a QHHT practitioner, be sure to find one certified by an established body. This ensures they’ve met rigorous standards and can safely guide you through a session. Furthermore, find someone who resonates with your personal goals and can tailor each session to meet those requirements.

Michelle found that QHHT sessions enabled her to recognize her kismet and recognize she needed to address stress and anxiety more closely, leading her to connect to her spiritual self, gain new perspectives on life, and establish tangible paths towards realizing her dreams. Dagmara experienced something similar – an awakening which helped her develop a more cohesive understanding of herself while building self-confidence that enabled her to overcome obstacles more easily and achieve her goals more quickly.

Past-Life Regression

Regression meditation allows you to recall memories from previous lifetimes for deeper insight into who you are today. Although the concept of past lives may be controversial and can raise many questions among skeptics, research and anecdotal evidence support its existence and the possibility for spiritual growth through exploring one’s subconscious.

Past Life Regression is an approach used to accessing parts of yourself that hold all the answers, usually via hypnosis. This part can be known as your Higher Self, Over Soul, Super Conscious or Subconscious; and provides instantaneous healing as well as guidance in finding solutions to everyday situations in your present life experiences.

Beginning the process by visualizing and relaxing into an alpha state (8-12Hz), once relaxed enough your subconscious will open a portal into the past and you can select which past life(s) to explore during regression therapy sessions guided by an experienced therapist. As part of the experience you may experience emotions or physical sensations during regression as well as connecting to deeper memories through accessing guides, angels or spirit helpers for guidance or insight – it can truly be transformative! This experience should always remain safe, empowering, and transformative!

At a session, your unconscious may allow you to explore as many past lives as your imagination will permit, the most popular being childhood past lives; often these memories seem so vivid they feel as though they’re happening right now! This information can help explain your talents, phobias, relationship difficulties or medical conditions by explaining their cause or providing potential solutions.

QHHT, developed by Dolores Cannon over decades of practice with thousands of clients, is an extremely quick past life regression therapy technique. This process gives clients access to their subconscious minds that are responsible for understanding why challenges exist in their current life.

Physical Healing

At QHHT sessions, clients experience both past lives and healing in present time. According to Dolores Cannon (who passed away in 2014), all humans possess an information and healing force she called “The Higher Self,” which QHHT practitioners access during sessions.

Hypnosis helps clients enter an altered state of consciousness that facilitates physical healing. This trance-like state allows clients to access all the information their bodies require for recovery as well as guidance from their Higher Selves.

Filling out a quantum hypnosis scripts pdf form requires accuracy and providing true and legitimate data, otherwise mistakes could have detrimental repercussions. Before submitting the form, doublecheck its information and use an effective tool to correct any mistakes if any arise; doing so could save a great deal of stress, effort and money as well as penalties from missed deadlines.


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