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Free Quantum Healing Course

Utilising techniques rooted in Eastern traditions and quantum physics, this form of healing has gained increasing attention from those searching for alternative and complementary means to improving health. It emphasizes the interdependency of mind, body, and energy systems.

Unleash your natural multidimensional healing superpowers for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual integration. Gain the confidence necessary to integrate this esoteric energy work into your everyday life with support from an engaged community of like-minded individuals.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHH)

Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT) is a technique that allows people to access their subconscious mind’s hidden knowledge, and help overcome any barriers preventing them from realizing their full potential. It differs from regular hypnosis by inducing deep relaxation states in clients in order to connect them with their inner selves.

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Hypnosis can also be an invaluable way to combat fears, addictions and health conditions stemming from past life experiences. It helps identify root causes of problems while being an invaluable tool for spiritual growth and personal transformation.

QHHT sessions involve the practitioner guiding the client through multiple past life experiences, asking the client to describe scenes, feelings and details from each lifetime. Therapists may provide prompts to help clients recall specific information. Sessions may include multiple lifetimes; however, occasionally just one is the focus.

Dolores Cannon pioneered the QHHT method over decades of work with thousands of clients. She believed that our subconscious holds all the answers we need for physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing – thus serving as our portal into higher beings for guidance and healing.


QHHT sessions not only help address health and emotional concerns, but they can also facilitate connections with loved ones who have passed on, providing peace and comfort to clients who experience them. Many who have undergone QHHT sessions report feeling an incredible sense of universal love during these sessions.

QHHT may provide significant advantages, yet it’s important to approach it with an open mind and realistic expectations. While QHHT shouldn’t replace medical or psychological treatments, results may differ depending on who’s receiving treatment and it’s essential that clients find an experienced practitioner who will create a safe environment.

If you’re curious to experience quantum healing hypnosis, arrange for an online session or reach out to a practitioner locally in order to discover more. While it isn’t widely accessible, this form of healing could provide effective ways of improving overall wellbeing.

Quantum Healing Meditation (QHM)

Quantum Healing Meditation is an invaluable way to use quantum energy for self-healing, dissolving negative beliefs and blocking factors, activating chakras, and manifesting goals and desires. Taught by leading experts in quantum healing and manifestation, this course includes guided meditations, energy healing sessions as well as Ho’oponopono and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) sessions to create transformation.

Quantum Healing Methods are cutting-edge modalities that work at a deeper, soul level to bring change. Through healing and expansion techniques they initiate change on multiple fronts: healing your physical body; activating expansion; connecting with higher-self/light beings that assist on journey and conscious soul coaching – combining quantum healing hypnosis, fifth dimensional psychology, galactic expansion healing/expansion as well as conscious soul coaching to clear deep trauma, unhealthy habits/patterns in life as well as align with higher guidance/mission and mission.

Past Life Regression (PLR) is the exploration of soul experiences which may be impacting or shaping your current life or just curious to know more about them. You can explore past, future and parallel lives as well as those from other dimensions.

Quantum Healing Therapy (QHT)

Jennifer Mitchell is an exceptional practitioner of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH). Her passion lies in helping people uncover their soul’s purpose, establish communication with their Higher-self, and tap into Divine Oneness – her clients have reported profound healings after sessions with her.

QHHT involves inducing an individual into the Somnambulistic state of trance through visualization. Usually this state only occurs twice daily – once when awakening from sleep and again just prior to falling asleep. Dolores Cannon began her studies of lost knowledge and reincarnation using QHHT sessions with her subjects back in the late 1960s.

In a session, clients are presented with questions to ask their Higher Selves for answers that may address health, relationships, work and spiritual matters. QHHT practitioners record this information before playing back the recording back for clients to hear.

Quantum healing can provide more than physical benefits; it also works on emotional and mental imbalances and traumas that inhibit our potential happiness in this lifetime.

A typical session begins with meditation and breathing techniques designed to relax both mind and body, followed by tapping into the highest powers of the Universe such as Compassion, Love, Gratitude and Forgiveness – energies which when harnessed can shift consciousness into higher vibratory resonance.

Quantum Healing seeks to reconnect us with the infinite source of energy which exists both inside and around us all the time, in order to activate your body’s own innate healing capacity and accelerate recovery from illness. Unlike conventional medicine, quantum healing tackles root causes of illness rather than simply treating symptoms.

Many critics of quantum healing dismiss it as simply placebo effect; nonetheless, it makes an excellent addition to traditional medical treatment plans for serious conditions. If possible, incorporate quantum healing methods into your routine to maximize medication efficacy and treatment outcomes.

Quantum Energy Healing (QEH)

QEH is an effective combination of energy work – the flow of life-sustaining energy or “chi” in Chinese or “prana” in Sanskrit) combined with spiritual healing, chakra balancing/Reiki sound therapy, EFT (tapping), biological intelligence, mindfulness techniques and breathing exercises – that aims to boost your energy levels, health and vitality while offering inner peace and wellbeing.

Energy in our bodies, minds, emotions and spirits is constantly flowing and changing with every moment that passes. Unfortunately, sometimes this energy becomes stuck, leading to stress, anxiety, lack of energy, disease or a feeling of imbalance. QEH works its magic on unblocking this stuck energy; working its way through every atom, molecule and cell to restore natural state where endless flow of energy exists in each aspect of being.

Sessions are tailored specifically to each client as each has a distinct energy frequency. Sessions last between 50 minutes and 1 hour 15 mins; for more information or booking please reach out!


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