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How to Do Quantum Healing

Energy healing facilitates our bodies natural process of self-healing. Quantum-Touch practitioners learn how to raise their vibration and create an energetic field around an area of pain, stress or disease using resonance and entrainment principles which are well understood in physics.

1. Observe

Observation is the foundation of quantum healing. While scientific evidence does not support it, those who have experienced quantum healing report feeling relaxed and less pain. Quantum healing combines traditional medicine with energy therapy techniques.

As opposed to Western medicine, which generally emphasizes treating symptoms with drugs or surgery, quantum healing advocates for an holistic approach to health and wellbeing. It rests upon the belief that all matter and energy are interdependent as well as that our thoughts and emotions have an influence over physical well-being.

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Practitioners of quantum healing believe that we all possess an invisible life force known as “chi” in Chinese and prana in Sanskrit that can be utilized for self-healing and overall well-being improvement. Quantum-Touch therapists believe they can access and amplify this life force using breathing exercises and body awareness techniques as well as meditation, mindfulness, and visualization practices in order to access it more readily for their clients and help them relax into connecting with themselves and finding peace within.

Scientists may differ on whether quantum reality applies to larger objects like humans. But many believe quantum healing could one day become part of well-established wellness practices like meditation and mindfulness, which have been proven to reduce stress and increase mental clarity. Furthermore, its philosophy of interconnectedness could be integrated into lifestyle decisions known to enhance well-being such as choosing nutritious food options or engaging in supportive relationships.

TikTok users have discovered sequences of numbers believed to possess healing powers at the quantum level. Based on Fibonacci numbers found throughout nature – from sea life and flowers to your DNA – these sequences may increase confidence, heal self-esteem issues, strengthen focus and mental clarity and increase overall well-being.


2. Focus

Quantum healing works on the premise that everything around us emits energy; our beliefs shape this energy and thus it can be altered through shifting it. People using quantum healing report improvement, with some research to support its use – though some may call this just a placebo effect; either way if it provides comfort and relief from physical or emotional hardship for someone, then its success has already been proven.

Energy healers such as shamans and monks have utilized quantum healing for millennia to restore balance to body and mind. There are various methods used for quantum healing – yoga, Qi Gong meditation etc – all using resonance and entrainment principles to facilitate healing processes. Entrainment refers to two vibrating objects synchronizing their rate of vibration – such as crickets chirping at once or fireflies flashing together – something often observed in nature.

Quantum-Touch, an effective form of quantum healing that employs resonance and entrainment principles, utilizes these concepts. A practitioner raises their vibration to generate high levels of energy that are then placed around an area suffering pain or discomfort – the theory being that their higher frequency frequency allows the body’s natural biological intelligence to work its magic on it.

While some individuals believe quantum healing can provide cures for cancer and other diseases, medical attention should always be sought in cases of serious illness. People practicing quantum healing should connect with their spirituality and reduce stress as part of a holistic wellness plan to keep immune systems strong and support overall well-being.

3. Tune in

Quantum physics recognizes that matter and energy are composed of vibrations; practitioners believe their bodies’ own natural energies can be harnessed to promote healing. This holistic approach could hold tremendous ramifications for our globalized future.

Eileen Day McKusick is an esteemed expert in vibrational therapy and sound healing who shares her insight on living at a quantum level of being. She details how sound can alter our biofield both physically and metaphysically. Tuning forks are often used to shift energy in physical bodies while discussing her forthcoming book “The Quantum Field Guide”.

Are You Seeking Physical, Emotional or Spiritual Healing? Quantum healing could provide just what you’ve been searching for to heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. But beware! This approach differs significantly from crystal ball fortune-telling: rather it uses scientific principles of interconnection found in mindfulness and meditation practices which have already proven their ability to reduce stress and enhance health.

This week we discuss Boki Dee, who is a Quantum Human Design (QHD) Specialist, Reiki Master Teacher, and certified aromatherapist. She’ll explain how she utilized these practices to overcome burnout and align herself with her purpose in life.

By employing breathing and body awareness techniques, you can learn to connect to the universal energy that’s available for everyone – known as the quantum field in Chinese medicine – which makes you one of the original bases of Chinese medicine. With Quantum-Touch training, you’ll discover ways to use breathing, intention, body awareness techniques to relax and focus while amplifying your ability to channel Life Force Energy from Universal Source; you may also become adept at offering energy healing to friends, family, pets and clients.

4. Initiate

Quantum healing techniques are grounded in quantum physics’ teaching that all matter is energy and that everything in our universe is interdependent. This has inspired alternative healing practices which may help with various physical and psychological ailments. While some have claimed quantum healing is unscientifically proven, many have reported positive outcomes from this form of therapy.

At a quantum healing session, practitioners create and transmit energy into an energy field surrounding their client before channeling energy directly to affected areas. It’s believed this energy helps cleanse and heal bodies as well as release negative emotions or feelings tied to illness; supporting natural functions like digestion and metabolism along the way.

This technique draws from ancient spiritual practices such as reiki and Chinese medicine, which recognize that humans possess an energetic life force known as chi. This energy can be affected by thoughts and emotions as well as disruption due to stress; moreover, our diet, environment and relationships all play a part in how this system functions.

Practitioners of quantum healing use energy to clear out blockages and restore balance, often through breathing exercises, meditation or mindfulness activities. They may also teach clients how to raise their vibration and amp up energy flow within their bodies – this process is known as resonance/entrainment and allows the body’s own internal intelligence to heal itself more quickly.

Some practitioners of quantum healing believe it can regenerate DNA to reverse ageing and illness, lengthen telomeres that shorten over time, and heal how genes are expressed within your body. They also work on your light and energy body to clear karma, shadow parasites, and repair your holographic template.

5. Release

Quantum healing draws its inspiration from quantum physics principles that suggest everything is composed of energy. This energy constantly shifts, with healers believing they can manipulate it to promote health and wellbeing.

Quantum healing draws inspiration from ancient Chinese medicine’s concept of chi, an energy force found within all living things that regulates physical wellbeing. According to traditional Chinese medicine, imbalances of chi can lead to illness and disease; quantum healing practitioners believe rebalancing energy within the body can restore vitality and promote overall health improvement.

Quantum healing sessions can help enhance mental and emotional well-being, by relieving stress, anxiety and depression by encouraging relaxation. They may also aid in the resolution of personal issues by pinpointing their roots and helping you move on from them more easily.

Quantum healing can support personal development by helping you understand your motivations and fears, setting goals, and developing a more positive outlook on life. Furthermore, quantum healing facilitates past life regression therapy that may reveal traumas from previous lifetimes that are interfering with present day experiences.

Many who have tried quantum healing claim it has helped relieve their physical ailments; however, there is limited scientific research supporting their claims; critics suggest quantum healing may simply be placebo effect.


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