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How to Use Quantum Healing Codes

Quantum healing codes are energy healing practices designed to address any imbalances that manifest themselves as physical discomfort or illness.

These codes employ numbers such as the Fibonacci sequence found throughout nature from flowers to sea life and even your DNA, to heal on a quantum level by eliminating negative karma and shadow parasites.

1. Visualize the ailment

There’s a healing code for every problem, from physical ailments to mental health conditions. But you have to know how to use them effectively for maximum effect – energy healing offers an effective alternative medicine solution and may help your body and mind heal in tandem.

Quantum healing codes are sequences of numbers believed to heal both body and soul on a quantum level. Based on the Fibonacci sequence – which has its roots in nature from sea life and flowers to your DNA – these Healing Codes were initially published by Marc Gamma and Isabel Henn. According to them, they come “directly from Divine Mother, Archangel Raphael, and Source.”

To use healing codes, visualize your condition and the related codes before reading or writing them out loud or outlining them on paper. If lying down is more comfortable for you, the codes can even help heal while sleeping! However, remember that healing codes shouldn’t replace traditional medicine and seek medical advice if there are serious medical conditions present – traditional remedies will always remain necessary if serious ailments occur.

Contrary to Western medicine, which often treats symptoms rather than causes, quantum healing seeks to address energy blockages that cause illness and disease. By getting to the source of your energy blockage and restoring flow within your system, quantum healing allows your body to do what it was designed for – healing itself! Plus it’s safer and more natural!

2. Write the code

People across the world have experienced the healing power of quantum energy. It provides a natural way to help your body heal itself and rebalance itself, used for thousands of years by shamans, monks and healers to promote physical, emotional, mental healing. There are various techniques of energy healing such as channeling intuition Reiki Kinesiology regression therapy which may all work to provide holistic body healing on physical emotional mental levels simultaneously.

Quantum healing is grounded on the concept that all things are interdependent and follows quantum physics principles which state there are no physical boundaries between things, meaning any time something changes in the universe it affects everything else even if two objects have no direct interactions between themselves.

Healing requires altering your energetic frequency at a quantum level. This modifies how your body interacts with vibrations of the world around it and how you communicate with others; and may help heal underlying causes of illness.

Divine healing codes are numerical sequences which are thought to offer quantum healing for both mind and body. Based on Fibonacci numbers found throughout nature such as in nature’s sea life, flowers, DNA etc, Divine Healing Codes are said to originate with Divine Mother, Archangel Raphael and Source as their sources.

When using these codes, write them out and place them within the energy field of any body part that causes you discomfort. Use as often as needed until you achieve results you desire; just remember these codes do not replace medical professionals but can work alongside them to speed up healing time.

3. Type the code

Divine healing codes are sequences of numbers which are thought to help heal both mind and body on an energetic level. Based on the Fibonacci sequence found throughout nature (from sea life to flowers to our DNA), divine healing codes may provide healing on many fronts: physical, emotional and mental health conditions alike can benefit. They can be typed on a computer screen, written down by hand on paper or even put onto stickers that can be placed directly onto our bodies for instantaneous application.

Marc Gamma and Isabel Henn first published these codes, claiming they came directly from Divine Mother, Archangel Raphael and Source as gifts from spirit to be freely used and shared openly.

As with all forms of communication, using these codes requires practice to gain maximum benefit from them. Your technique, skill, wish, intent and trust will have an effect on how effectively they serve you; additionally, higher vibration will make the codes even more effective as their designs rely on geometrical proportions that require higher frequencies for proper functioning.

4. Place the code in the air

Quantum healing codes can be utilized in several different ways. You could try writing the code out loud over an area that feels discomfort; using your phone and typing the code directly over it; placing the code directly on or in food; or writing and placing in the air over it all at once for maximum effects. We advise using multiple approaches simultaneously for the best possible results.

Quantum healing codes are an energy healing practice that uses specific sequences of numbers to achieve holistic wellness for body and mind. Based on the Fibonacci sequence – found naturally throughout nature from sea life and flowers to your own DNA – quantum healing codes may serve as nature’s way of communicating with us and heal more effectively than conventional forms.

Divine healing codes are gifts from Spirit that should be freely utilized and freely shared. They were designed to support clinical intervention and can even be utilized with medical professionals for optimal results. For more information, see the recommendations section below.

5. Place the code on the body

Quantum healing codes can be utilized in several ways. You can write them directly onto the body, enter them into a computer program, or add them directly into food – any way is fine! These codes are said to balance and heal on a quantum level – from physical ailments like PTSD and migraines to emotional ailments like anxiety and depression. These numbers follow a Fibonacci sequence found throughout nature such as flowers, sea life and DNA; furthermore it is said they are channeled from Divine Mother and Archangel Raphael respectively.

Quantum healing codes do not replace doctors; rather, they supplement them. Used regularly, quantum healing energies can speed up the body’s self-healing processes – making this particularly useful for chronic illnesses or autoimmune conditions that might otherwise take years of healing to overcome.

Keep this in mind when using these codes: they focus on targeting an underlying energy imbalance rather than physical symptoms, which may take time and persistence. Furthermore, keep in mind that these codes work by operating at higher vibrations than usual, so don’t expect too much too quickly from them.

Quantum healing codes can be extremely powerful tools, yet require practice to unlock their full potential. They aim to balance energy in the body so it can heal itself more efficiently; to maximize their efficacy it may be beneficial to combine them with other practices, such as Reiki for maximum results.
