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Learn How to Access Life-Force Energy For Self-Healing

quantum healing richard gordon

Discover new human abilities while opening yourself up to what’s possible with tapping into and amplifying life-force energy to heal yourself and others. By learning this ancient art form you will unlock life-force energy to access its healing effects on both yourself and others.

Richard Gordon specializes in self-healing and bridges the gap between ancient wisdom and modern science. He devised an efficient method to identify emotional causes for health conditions as well as modify fundamental limiting beliefs.

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People across cultures and millennia have long relied on energy healing techniques to balance their bodies’ energies, with practitioners using such practices to support natural healing processes and ease pain and distress. While scientific validation may still be limited, quantum healing has recently seen growing popularity within mainstream medicine circles.

Quantum physics emerged in the early 20th century to challenge classical Newtonian physics. According to quantum physics principles, both energy and matter consist of waves and particles connected together through forces like superposition; changes to one will instantly impact changes elsewhere – even across vast distances! Furthermore, The Observer Effect suggests that our consciousness impacts reality around us; thoughts and intentions have the power to shape it directly.

Quantum healing operates under these principles and seeks to heal at an energetic level by targeting the source of illness and imbalance, clearing blockages in body’s energy pathways and encouraging life force energy (qi) flow through these energy paths. Disruptions to this flow have been linked with disease and disharmony; with quantum healing using techniques like acupuncture, tai chi and qigong used to increase it and restore health.

Quantum healing draws heavily upon ancient traditions of Eastern spirituality for its practice and theory base, such as acupuncture, tai-chi and kundalini awakening. Other contemporary sources include books like Fritjof Capra’s “The Tao of Physics,” David Bohm’s “Wholeness and Implicate Order,” and Lynne McTaggart’s “The Field.”

Quantum healing has become an invaluable adjunct to traditional medical therapies, as it addresses energetic imbalances which may contribute to illness. Quantum healing may provide immediate symptomatic relief while speeding up healing time; furthermore it may reduce anxiety and stress which often contribute to illness.


Quantum healing practitioners use quantum healing to manipulate your life force into balance, enabling its natural ability to heal itself. Quantum healing may help reduce pain, speed up recovery from injuries or reduce anxiety – or simply provide an overall feeling of wellbeing and vitality.

Learn to do energy healing yourself using just a few basic techniques. Often referred to as “energy healing,” but also comprising yoga and meditation practices which focus on energy work. Energy healing techniques can be used both self-heal as well as assist others, and are capable of treating many different conditions effectively.

Quantum healing differs from many traditional forms of treatment in that it does not involve using special equipment or training for its practice. Furthermore, this form of medicine can also be done remotely and on both physical and emotional levels.

Quantum healing‘s most-cited advantages are pain relief, improved digestion, emotional stability and vitality increases as well as an overall more balanced outlook on life. Furthermore, quantum healing may even strengthen immune systems and cellular health – making it an excellent addition to any wellness plan.

Quantum healing can be used to treat a range of conditions, from minor headaches and muscle tension to chronic illnesses like cancer and depression. It can even help alleviate medication side effects or speed healing post surgery – so while quantum healing may prove helpful in many instances, it’s still essential that any prescribed treatments for your specific illness continue as directed.

Richard Gordon is an internationally recognized pioneer in energy healing. A best-selling author, he has taught this revolutionary method to thousands of students worldwide and regularly serves as an invited guest speaker at medical centers and universities worldwide. Richard also developed numerous innovative techniques, including Self-Created Health which enables people to quickly detect and resolve emotional causes of health problems quickly.


Quantum healing differs from traditional medicine in that it addresses the source of imbalance rather than simply treating symptoms of illness. Quantum healing seeks to promote physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing by balancing life force energy of the body – including breathing and visualization techniques to accelerate natural healing abilities; the practice draws on centuries of holistic healing wisdom such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda as well as quantum physics which recognizes that body is both physical and energetic in its nature.

Quantum healing practitioners use hands-on energy work and visualization techniques to release any blockages in the body’s energy field, while also using its natural healing processes to bring equilibrium back. Quantum healing not only promotes physical wellbeing, but it can also heal emotions and enhance mental clarity for increased emotional healing, better relationships, increased self-confidence and reduced anxiety levels.

Quantum Touch is an easy, accessible technique that anyone can learn at home or integrate with other healing practices like acupuncture and qigong. Gordon discusses its wider implications in his book Quantum-Touch; specifically advocating for an ecocentric society built upon love as well as acknowledging all living organisms’ interdependence.

Richard challenges your limits of healing in Level 2, teaching you to visibly align a person’s hips and cranial bones using light touch alignment techniques, which reduce pain rapidly. He also presents advanced principles of resonance and entrainment, enabling you to address multiple areas simultaneously.

Experience a powerful blend of online teachings and practice for transformation within an thriving global learning and healing community. Led by energy healing pioneer and best-selling author Richard Gordon, senior Quantum-Touch instructor Tyler Odysseus and practitioner Deborah Gair – each session builds harmoniously upon itself to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of this remarkable healing system.


Quantum healing is a holistic healthcare practice that blends principles of quantum physics with spirituality to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. This process involves identifying imbalances in energy fields to stimulate natural healing processes within the body as well as learning to utilize personal life force energy to self-heal.

Quantum healing offers numerous advantages for physical pain reduction, emotional balance and mental clarity improvement. Additionally, quantum healing may assist in alleviating anxiety, stress and depression symptoms and serves as an invaluable aid for those living with cancer or chronic conditions who want to reduce side effects from chemotherapy/radiation treatment.

As such, more people are turning to quantum healers for assistance with emotional and physical needs. Some prefer in-person services while others use video conferencing platforms for virtual sessions; either way it is important to find someone whose practice fits perfectly with your goals and practices.

At these sessions, your practitioner will analyze your body’s energetic field to detect blockages and imbalances before working together with you to clear these away through energy work such as meditation, breathing exercises or visualization. Furthermore, their hands may also be used to clear away blockages in your energy field.

After each session is completed, your practitioner will give you instructions for continuing your healing at home. These tips may include what steps should be taken if any side effects occur and how you can ensure your body is receiving enough energy.

Richard Gordon is a pioneer in energy healing who has published five books about Quantum-Touch. Additionally, he created Self-Created Health as a system to identify emotional causes behind health problems and shift limiting beliefs.

Gordon discusses his experiences with quantum healing on this episode of Uncover Your Magic. He talks about miracles he has witnessed as well as ways that you can experience more miracles yourself. Furthermore, Gordon discusses ways of connecting with your innate healing powers as well as loving yourself unconditionally.


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