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Multidimensional Quantum Healing

Quantum healing is an energy work practice which works at shifting spiritual and energetic frequencies, clearing away blocks in our energy field and collapsing old time lines allowing for powerful transformations to take place.

QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) modality developed by Dolores Cannon utilizes her script to link clients with their Subconscious mind – which contains all information regarding an individual’s life including any past lives that they may have led.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT)

QHHT is a form of hypnosis in which practitioners assist clients to connect with their Subconscious Mind. Dolores Cannon’s QHHT method works by asking a person’s Subconscious questions they would like answered about themselves and letting the Subconscious provide answers; often this information proves healing and comforting – providing comfort in many areas of life.

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Starting off the process begins with an interview between client and QHHT practitioner to assess their current circumstances and to gain an in-depth understanding of what the client hopes to gain from the session as well as answering any queries they might have. Subsequently, an actual hypnosis session typically lasts no more than two hours before concluding with an exit interview.

QHHT began as Past Life Regression; however, as consciousness has advanced it has grown into something much wider. People have reported experiencing future, parallel or multiple dimension lives as well as visiting Akashic Records to communicate with higher aspects of themselves and connect to Akashic records to discover Akashic records for reference.

QHHT sessions begin by exploring past lives selected by an individual’s subconscious. This process uses a series of questions designed to enable their subconscious mind to show the most appropriate past life that will benefit the client, often multiple past lives at once.


Counseling services can identify the source of any physical or emotional problems and suggest solutions that will solve them. They can also identify runaway emotions such as anxieties, phobias or fears and offer the tools needed to release them. Lastly, counselling helps people better understand their relationships with family members, friends and colleagues and assist them in developing healthier patterns of interaction between each other.

Psychotherapy can also assist in resolving issues related to financial success, career advancement and other personal matters by offering individuals a deeper understanding of love. Therapy allows people to see relationships with family and friends from a more compassionate and forgiving angle and learn forgiveness for any past offenses committed against them.

Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH)

BQH (biofield quantum healing) is an integrative healing modality that utilizes energy fields (known as biofields) to promote physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Practitioners use techniques like hypnosis, energy healing and spiritual counseling to facilitate healing sessions for clients. BQH can be an invaluable tool in relieving physical pain as well as stress-related disorders or emotional wounds and can even remove mental blocks that prevent you from living your best life.

Candace Craw-Goldman collaborated directly with Dolores Cannon in developing BQH as its creator, creating a multidimensional quantum heart-based past-life regression and energy healing process that penetrates deep levels of subconscious. While QHHT requires strict guidelines be adhered to, BQH allows practitioners greater freedom when it comes to including Reiki or other healing modalities into sessions.

An BQH session involves entering into a light state of trance to access your subconscious mind and Higher Self. While in trance, you may see other lifetimes that have had an influence on your current experience – often chosen by your Higher Self or Inner Guidance for this purpose as they offer specific patterns and lessons which can be applied directly into everyday life.

As well as showing you past lives, BQH sessions can also help address any issue in your current one. Be it physical health issues, emotional imbalance, life path or purpose confusion… your guides will offer insight and healing that could change everything about your life for the better.

Are You Seeking Natural Alternatives to Modern Medicine? Consider BQH with Shaman Lizzie! Its quicker, less invasive, and more effective approach make it the perfect solution for anyone seeking energy, health and spiritual wellbeing. Without harmful side effects associated with prescription drugs – BQH may provide the ideal natural way of feeling revitalized while remaining grounded spiritually!

Introspective Hypnosis

Hypnosis can be an invaluable asset for emotional healing, personal growth and profound transformation. It allows individuals to address limiting beliefs, heal past traumas and retrieve forgotten experiences; in addition, hypnosis provides a gateway for connecting with one’s higher self, guides or deceased loved ones.

Hypnotherapy is an effective, safe, and noninvasive solution to various issues including anxiety, fears, phobias and limiting beliefs. Many individuals turn to Hypnosis first as they search for answers and clarity to create the lives they’ve always imagined for themselves.

A hypnotic state is similar to the feelings you might experience while reading, watching a movie, daydreaming, or meditating. This trance-like state can be used to access hidden memories and emotions stored within our subconscious minds as well as alter our negative belief systems with more positive and empowering ones.

clients in sessions can expect to explore various techniques, including role change, memory exploration, spirit/attachment release, communication with deceased loved ones, projection into the future and spiritual scan using Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT).

QHHT employs six techniques to assist clients in pinpointing the root of their current issues and providing instantaneous healing when required. Its power lies in connecting clients directly with that part of themselves they sometimes refer to as their Higher Self, Over Soul or Super Consciousness or simply intuition.

Introspective Hypnosis is a multifaceted therapeutic approach that brings together several strategies to access the subconscious. This therapy utilizes Ericksonian hypnosis along with Forgiveness Therapy, Spirit Assistance, and Energy Healing techniques in order to treat psychosomatic conditions like pain, anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, phobias etc. Individuals seeking solutions will discover why their issues started in such depth before being guided towards compassionate solutions that help overcome them with love and kindness. Sessions typically last four hours each time.

Intuitive Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a natural state of deep relaxation that gives us access to our subconscious mind – the part that controls breathing, planning, habits and memory storage. While under hypnosis positive suggestions can be given in order to break unwanted habits or alleviate pain while decreasing fears and anxiety levels. Hypnosis has also been demonstrated to lower heart rate, slow metabolism rate and ease breathing – most commonly being utilized for weight loss, quitting smoking or pain management as well as dissolving fears or phobias.

Intuitive hypnosis is more flexible than scripted hypnotherapy; the hypnotherapist will consider each client’s individual needs, goals and psychological disposition when tailoring a session specifically to them. With this approach in place, intuitive hypnotists can respond swiftly to unexpected opportunities during sessions such as helping anxious clients relax.

At Hypnosis Solutions we take into account each client’s level of hypnotisability and suggestibility, taking their gullibility or cynicism into consideration as part of a bell curve; with most people falling somewhere in between.

Under hypnosis, the body becomes an invaluable aid for aiding in the healing process. Studies have demonstrated this; physical pain experiences can be reduced while feelings of sadness or happiness increased – these effects being attributable to cortical and subcortical neural networks active at this time – with suggestions directed to specific parts of these networks via hypnotic suggestion.

Hypnosis can be an invaluable way to access intuition, the spirit world and past/future lives. It can help release limiting beliefs, fears and habits while strengthening confidence and increasing self-love; uncover subconscious blocks preventing growth; learn meditation techniques; connect to Source; or release subconscious blocks that have hindered one’s personal development. Intuitive Hypnosis brings these tools together with energetic psychic and clairvoyant gifts combining to produce a unique healing experience.


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