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Multidimensional Quantum Healing

Mental and emotional states can have an effect on the effectiveness of QHH therapy. If they are resistant or suspicious of its efficacy, engaging with the process and experiencing healing could prove challenging for them.

QHHT utilizes light trance to help clients connect with their Subconscious Mind and Higher Selves. The process includes asking the Subconscious questions and receiving answers; collapsing old time lines while anchoring in new frequencies; collapsing old timelines while opening up space for new frequencies to emerge.

Biofield Quantum Healing (BQH)

BQH (Biofield Qigong Healing) is an integrative healing approach that uses energy fields, or biofields, to promote physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. This holistic method can often act as an ideal complement to conventional medicine treatments.

Shaman Lizzie uses BQH to address root causes of physical and emotional imbalance by accessing the biofield and clearing out stagnant energies. She also assists clients in connecting to their multidimensional self and the Quantum Field; collapsing old time lines while anchoring in new frequencies for powerful transformations.

These sessions aim to clear and repair charkas, energy bodies, meridians, blocked organs, muscles, bones and lymphatics; release trapped thoughts and emotions from muscle memory; access deeper self guidance and eliminate negative interfering entities and spirits across dimensions and realities; as well as eradicate negative entities and spirits which interfere with normal bodily processes and provide guidance; remove trapped thoughts from muscle memory as well as access deeper guidance of higher selves; as well as remove interfering entities or spirits that have negative energies on other realities and dimensions; remove negative interference entities or spirits which interfere with regular functioning – clearing and repairing these systems in terms of physical structure repair is undertaken through clearing and repairing of chakras, energy bodies meridians channels organs muscles bones bones.

At each session, clients enter into a light state of trance to access their subconscious mind and connect with their Higher Self or Spirit Guides. Many also experience flashes from past lives which have had an influence on them in present day – providing valuable lessons and insight from earlier lives that can be applied directly to today.

Massage therapy is a non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical modality that can be performed while the client remains fully clothed. The process is gentle yet profound, and clients typically report feelings such as lightness or floating, being supported and held, vibration or heat sensations, expansion and elation sensations and more.

Shaman Lizzie is an adept healer with great intuition who creates a safe, supportive space for her clients to explore their inner lives. Her approach embodies empathy, respect, and kindness towards every individual on their healing journey.

BQH is an integrative healing modality that is both highly effective and highly beneficial to many health issues, from pain relief, autoimmune conditions, digestive disorders and emotional trauma to stress and anxiety relief. Furthermore, it can connect people to their higher selves or spiritual guides offering guidance and a sense of purpose; and even help release any limiting beliefs which might be hindering progress in their lives.

Quantum Hypnotherapy (QHHT)

Dolores Cannon developed QHHT as a hypnosis technique. It involves inducing deep relaxation to facilitate communication with both the subconscious and higher self, exploring past lives and other aspects of inner wisdom to promote healing and personal development. According to Dolores, she believes the subconscious contains answers for physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

At a QHHT session, clients lie comfortably and describe the events in their life to the practitioner before responding to questions from a hypnotherapist that assess the appropriate time period for past life exploration. Additionally, sessions may address current problems or concerns.

After the hypnosis portion of a session is complete, a practitioner interviews their client regarding their experience and lessons learned from it. Following that interview process, the hypnotist provides suggestions that may improve life by healing any negative patterns and beliefs; many experience a substantial shift after attending one of these QHHT sessions, gaining further insights into who they are as people and understanding why they came here in life.

QHHT can be supplemented with other practices that support emotional healing, mindfulness and spiritual connection – including meditation, energy healing modalities like Reiki and sound therapy. Each one can reduce stress while increasing energy levels to further aid the healing process.

As QHHT can be conducted both physically and virtually, many practitioners offer virtual sessions so clients can attend from the convenience of their homes. This can be particularly helpful for those unable to travel easily for in-person sessions as well as being more affordable for those with limited resources.

Hypnosis is a natural state of deep relaxation that allows the conscious mind to take a backseat, yet maintain complete control of itself. Hypnosis sessions typically last two hours. Afterward, your practitioner will give you a recording of what transpired; listening back frequently is crucial so as to remember exactly what happened and how it will improve your life.

Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy (QHH)

Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy (QHHT) is an exceptional modality that offers deep healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth. QHHT involves connecting to both subconscious mind and Higher Self for emotional and physical healing purposes. This technique was devised by Dolores Cannon and frequently integrated into holistic wellness practices like Reiki, crystal therapy, breathwork and more.

QHHT practitioners lead clients into an altered state of awareness, or trance, through which they can access the subconscious mind – considered the source of infinite wisdom and the home for Higher Selves. Questions asked during sessions help clients connect to this part of themselves; exploring past lives may yield insights which provide relief from current life difficulties.

QHHT sessions not only offer opportunities for emotional and spiritual healing, but can also reveal hidden talents or soul connections that would otherwise remain dormant. Furthermore, they help individuals gain clarity around life’s purpose and lessons learned – helping them live more authentically while realizing their fullest potential.

QHHT is an experiential modality, meaning it works best when combined with other holistic practices. Meditation and energy healing modalities, for instance, can greatly enhance relaxation, emotional release, spiritual connection and integration of insights gained during a QHHT session – essential components of long-term transformation.

QHHT sessions can provide relief for many health, spiritual, and emotional conditions; including pain, fear, phobias, pending problems, suppressed memories/emotions/unexplainable events/etc. They may also assist in breaking negative beliefs/patterns that obstruct success and happiness in one’s life.

Are You Exploring QHHT Sessions? A qualified practitioner trained in Dolores Cannon’s QHHT method should provide a safe, nurturing space to guide a transformative journey of healing and discovery.

Quantum Meditation

Quantum Meditation aims to bring about “awakening”, by blending Eastern spiritual practices and modern scientific techniques. According to various reports, it strengthens immune systems while creating mental, physical and spiritual synergy by accessing altered states of consciousness. Furthermore, Quantum Meditation may heal limiting beliefs or destructive thoughts to enable individuals to overcome doubt and find greater success in their personal lives.

Quantum meditation draws its scientific basis from quantum mechanics, the field that studies how subatomic particles interact. Theories suggest this science could have significant ramifications for mind-body connections and healing benefits associated with transcendental meditation; however, rigorous scientific studies must first confirm these claims.

Quantum Meditation stands out from conventional therapeutic approaches with its incorporation of multidimensional quantum healing and mindfulness practices into its practice. According to research, Quantum Meditation may improve emotional stability while strengthening immunity systems resulting in overall improved health and wellbeing. It works by targeting any underlying issues such as blocked energy or altered vibrations within the body while encouraging deeper levels of self-immersion enabling people to access higher dimensions.

Meditation with this form can connect individuals to Zero Point, God Consciousness and Quantum Field for profound transformations. Furthermore, practitioners believe it influences hormone production positively impacting glandular systems such as the endocrine system as well as helping release emotions such as anger or fear from our systems and promote psychological balance for increased energy levels.

Start the Quantum Jumping Meditation by finding a quiet, comfortable place to sit or lie down, close your eyes, take several deep breaths to settle your body and mind, then imagine a bright white window in front of you. Imagine meeting an alternate version of yourself that represents success, abundance or health as you approach this window and greet this other you with warmth – when connected, allow their positive energy carry your intention through this parallel reality into new dimensions.
