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Quantum Angel Healing

When utilized with intentionality, the zero-point field can create miracles. Its physics differ greatly from Newtonian physics and it can even help heal human bodies.

Viral TikTok posts have revealed sequences, known as quantum healing codes, which are believed to help heal both body and mind on an quantum level. We will explore their power in future articles.

Quantum Otto

No matter if it be for personal healing, meditation, spiritual awakening or simply as an energetic connection with the universe; frequencies form the cornerstone of our physical and spiritual experiences. From Solfeggio tones and chakras to brainwave entrainment frequencies like music frequencies from Nikola Tesla’s 3-6-9 frequencies ranges of exploration beyond Solfeggio tones themselves – frequencies form an essential foundation of metaphysical enquiry.

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Quantum Otto is a quantum version of heat engines that can generate more work than their classical counterparts by converting thermal energy to mechanical work using the adiabatic process1. When applied to quantum Otto engines, however, the working substance (such as an oscillator or potential) often exhibits unequally spaced energy levels which enable it to do more work than its classical counterparts.

We present and summarize recent studies of quantum Otto cycles using harmonic oscillators as the working medium2. Our focus lies on exploring the correlation between work output of quantum system and thermal observables such as temperature gradient or vibrational angular momentum in contact with hot and cold thermal baths.

Results show that quantum Otto cycles can increase both total work output and efficiency over those of classical Otto engines in certain conditions. When coupling strength between single refrigerant system and auxiliary qubit system is increased, quantum Otto cycles may even reach near-Markovian dynamics3.


As our planet experiences profound transitions and awakenings, this stone serves as a powerful emotional healing aid. It can help release any patterns or blockages trapped in your DNA before they manifest as physical illness, while relieving stress, anxiety and encouraging forgiveness and compassion between people – particularly partners who may have come into conflict over time. Using it during periods of emotional upheaval and change encourages individuals to use their own love language instead of trying to fit in with another’s. Using it may also help foster reconciliation within relationships while inspiring individuals to forgive past hurts and move past them with any past hurts or misunderstandings from past hurtful encounters or miscommunication.


Copper is an exceptional conductor of energy, with high electrical conductivity which makes it the ideal metal for energetic transference, second only to silver. Copper helps balance and channel energy throughout both physical and energetic bodies – especially base and sacral chakras – encouraging self-respect while dismantling patterns of lethargy or excitability. Furthermore, copper strengthens communication and connection with angelic realms and spirit guides as well as breaking through any barriers which prevent you from fulfilling your soul path.

Yoga helps activate and open your heart chakra, inviting compassion and love into your life and encouraging trusting intuition as you follow the energy of your soul. This makes it an excellent choice for healing emotional wounds or releasing past relationships which no longer serve your highest good. It encourages trusting intuition while following its energy to find balance.

Spiritually, copper is associated with Venus and her energies of love and emotions. Copper stimulates and advances intuition, sexuality and desire – helping you pursue your soul path more successfully and overcome barriers that limit expression of passion and creativity in the world. According to Ayurvedic medicine it also alleviates excess kapha which boosts metabolism.

Copper can be found in many everyday devices and appliances. Due to its corrosion resistance and electrical conductivity, copper wiring is frequently preferred as the preferred material for electrical applications. Copper also plays a critical role in superconductors used at Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York and the Tevatron collider at Fermilab in Batavia Illinois – two large colliders where superconductors play an essential part.

Copper is essential to normal development for fetuses, infants and children and helps regulate blood circulation and oxygen transport. Furthermore, copper plays a significant role in immunity as it has antimicrobial properties; studies indicate that its alloy surfaces kill 99.9% or more MRSA (a multidrug resistant strain of bacteria) as well as other pathogens.


Crystals are natural energy conductors that attract, store, focus and amplify healing energies. According to popular belief, they help clear negative energy, balance and energize physical body systems as well as strengthen auras – an invaluable addition to any spiritual practice! They make beautiful additions as part of any spiritual practice!

When selecting a crystal, allow your intuition to guide your selection process. If a certain crystal draws you towards it, this could be an indicator that its energy resonates with you. Be sure to cleanse it regularly – either moonlight, sunlight or other methods as desired can all work equally well – for best results.

Quartz crystals have long been utilized by healers, spiritual teachers and scholars of the sacred to receive, transmit, store, amplify, transform and balance various forms of energy. It’s believed these stones help clear away negative energy while encouraging personal growth as well as connecting us with angelic love vibrations and universal peace.

Auralite, also known as Angel Aura is the ultimate crystal for connecting to and communicating with spirit guides and Guardian Angels. It helps heal heart conditions while strengthening psychic powers and increasing natural telepathic capacities – all while adding peace and clarity into your life.

Rutilated Quartz can help you realize your dreams and aspirations with its rare and sought-after crystal, representing unity and transformation while connecting you with angels. In addition, this versatile crystal bridges the physical realm with spiritual dimensions to keep both feet on solid ground while your head stays in heaven.

Copper and quartz come together in this exceptional crystal to form a vibrational healing force, packed with the minerals shattuckite, chrysocolla, ajoite and dioptase which have healing properties. Their blue green rays resonate with your heart chakra to provide emotional and energetic security to you and all beings on this planet.

This powerful stone connects with the energy of your Third Eye Chakra and brings with it an intoxicating sense of primordial energy that is both feminine and deep. Additionally, its protective qualities serve to strengthen your aura shield, and block out lower energies or vibrations that might otherwise make an entrance.


Angels are powerful spiritual beings who belong to God’s heavenly host and communicate with humans via dreams, visions and in-person visits in order to assist in transitioning away from toil and death towards an environment in which life flourishes unboundedly.

Angels possess greater power than humans, yet are still limited. While God may be all-knowing and all-powerful, angels cannot change the past (Matthew 24:36). Even fallen angels such as Satan (Lucifer) don’t possess limitless knowledge to alter its course in time (Matthew 24:36).

However, aliens can manipulate time and space in small ways; for instance, as seen in Doctor Who series they can cause objects to disappear from one point in space and appear at another (as well as quantum locking objects or individuals when looking directly at them; take for instance the Weeping Angels from this TV show; they move incredibly fast when not being watched, yet as soon as their attention is no longer focused upon they become solid and require strong force to break free of it – the equivalent of what would take an enormous hammer would break free.

Angels possess both natural and supernatural gifts to aid them in providing spiritual healing for both physical and emotional wounds. Many who have undergone spiritual healing with an angel report feeling less pain and greater comfort due to vibrational frequencies being very similar between angels and human souls.

Quantum Angel Healing by Eva-Maria Mora offers guidance on using angel energy for spiritual healing. She offers techniques such as cleansing the energy body, untying etheric cords and soul fragmentation and finding out which archangel can best assist with specific ailments. This book should be an indispensable read for anyone hoping to use the powers of angels to aid both themselves and others in need of healing.


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