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Quantum Healing Hypnosis Near Me

QHHT is a healing technique that uses past-life regression and communication with the subconscious mind to facilitate inner child healing, energy work and energy healing sessions are Divinely led and will reveal any experiences to evaluate or revisit for our clientele.

Many individuals seek a QHHT session because they seek answers to questions regarding their life purpose or spiritual growth, physical ailments or emotional discomforts.

Dolores Cannon’s Inventor

Dolores Cannon was a hypnotherapist and researcher known for her efforts in recovering “Lost Knowledge.” Additionally, she pioneered past-life regression therapy.

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She developed a method that helps individuals access their Higher Selves during sessions; she named this approach Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique or QHHT and it has since become an acclaimed method taught worldwide.

At a QHHT session, clients are able to gain access to the part of their mind that holds all of the answers; often called the Higher Self, Over Soul or Super Conscious. It serves as an incredible source of guidance and healing – it could transform your life for the better!

Dolores would often revisit past lives with her clients during QHHT sessions. She believed this to be an essential way to healing both physical and spiritual wounds; additionally she held that all habits manifest on a physical front were caused by issues at soul level.


Over 45 years as a regressive hypnosis therapist, she developed her QHHT method over time, working with thousands of clients worldwide. It provides for an effortless experience that bypasses conscious mind chatter to access untapped knowledge in Somnambulistic state twice daily; during which people can communicate directly with their Higher Selves for any information or healing they require.

QHHT is a Powerful Healing Technique

QHHT is an innovative healing technique that harnesses the subconscious mind to facilitate physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Practitioners guide clients into deep relaxation to access past lives and their higher selves for healing purposes – often times this allows clients to ask questions related to pressing concerns such as chronic pain management or anxiety relief following QHHT sessions. Many clients have reported improvements with chronic pain conditions like arthritis or autoimmune disorders through QHHT sessions as well as relief.

Key to any QHHT session is making contact with one’s subconscious, or “Higher Self.” The Subconscious resides at the core of our collective consciousness and contains vast stores of wisdom; therefore it knows what information will best serve the client at any given time in their journey – thus it is essential that clients select qualified practitioners to guide them through this experience.

During a session, your Higher Self will guide you through one or more past lives that bear an intimate relation to current challenges in your life. Recollections may help provide understanding why certain events occurred as they did and could offer valuable insight into resolving them. Furthermore, future lives or parallel lives may reveal connections with other species, extraterrestrials, or the Creator itself.

QHHT Empowers Individuals to Take Control of Their Healing Journey

QHHT techniques enable people to access an inner source that contains all their answers – sometimes known as their Higher Self, Over Soul or Super Consciousness – which provides wisdom that helps individuals make more informed decisions and trust their inner guidance. As individuals gain this sense of empowerment from this source, their lives will benefit beyond simply healing processes alone.

At a QHHT session, practitioners guide clients into an inwardly focused state of intuitive imagination that bypasses their ego mind. This enables the client’s Higher Self/Wisdom to act as co-therapist and provide answers they seek from past, concurrent, future lives or between-life experiences.

These memories can provide invaluable insights into the root causes of current patterns, relationships and experiences in one’s life. Furthermore, they can spark spiritual development and a greater appreciation of oneself within the universe.

QHHT sessions allow individuals to access their subconscious minds in order to access healing from past lives, gain clarity on life purposes, address limiting beliefs that may be contributing to physical or mental health problems and connect with higher selves, spiritual guides or Source energy for insight and guidance aimed at freeing karmic attachments from past lives, and manifest the best possible future future.

QHHT is a Non-Invasive Healing Technique

Quantum healing hypnosis offers a non-invasive healing solution to alleviate physical, emotional and spiritual discomforts without drugs or surgery. By employing visualization techniques to induce relaxation and accessing the subconscious mind’s healing resources, quantum healing hypnosis hypnotherapy (QHHT) sessions provide answers that may have previously eluded you.

Dolores Cannon developed QHHT over her 45-year career as a regressive hypnotherapist and its effectiveness has been verified through thousands of sessions worldwide. Clients turn to QHHT for spiritual wellness, mental clarity and physical healing purposes – some even experience past life regression via visiting Akashic Records!

QHHT involves asking questions of the subconscious in order to access its all-knowing part, also known as the Higher Self or Oversoul. This presence is believed to possess access to universal knowledge and wisdom, acting as a guide throughout a session while offering healing or informational requests from its clientele.

Certified Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioners will lead you into a state of relaxation, inviting your Higher Self to heal both body and soul. It’s safe and comfortable, and clients often report feeling blissful afterwards. A full-length QHHT session typically lasts up to seven hours so be sure to plan for that accordingly; recording it may also prove useful later, and sharing with family or friends if desired.

QHHT is Safe

QHHT sessions provide spiritual healing through exploring past lives and connecting to their higher selves. Practitioners employ techniques including hypnosis and past life regression to access one’s subconscious and retrieve information that may aid their life – the subconscious is an amazing force that knows everything about us but selects only pertinent details from it for us to process.

QHHT practitioners use guided imagery techniques such as Past Lives Regression Therapy (PLRT) to take clients back through one or more past lives that directly relate to their current circumstances and allow for instantaneous healing when appropriate. They then ask their subconscious for any additional insight that the participant needs.

Dolores Cannon developed and refined the QHHT technique during her 45-year career as a hypnotherapist. While initially focused on past life regression therapy, Cannon quickly discovered that clients could experience much more than that during sessions – they could travel to other dimensions, communicate with loved ones who have passed on and gain insight into their physical health and well-being. Although QHHT is generally safe as an energy healing practice; individuals remain in control throughout their experience.

QHHT is Effective

QHHT can help people overcome past life experiences and discover solutions to any of their deeper-seated issues through guidance from spiritual beings such as angels and spirit guides. Furthermore, individuals can identify any hidden issues which are holding them back and work through them with assistance from their higher selves.

At a QHHT session, the practitioner will ask clients several questions and guide them through various experiences that are pertinent to their current life. These can range from experiencing past lives with direct ties to their present lives to communicating with loved ones who have passed on or simply healing emotional baggage accumulated throughout life. All experiences are directed by the Subconscious mind (also referred to as Higher Self or Super Conscious), which knows why individuals come into this session and selects which information it brings forward during sessions like these.

QHHT sessions can produce powerful and life-altering results; however, it must be noted that they should not be taken as an absolute solution and paired with other wellness practices like breathwork, yoga, meditation, self-care and creative expression for best results.

If you would like more information about QHHT, connect with one of the certified practitioners listed on the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy website.


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