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Quantum Healing Hypnosis Reviews

QHHT is an innovative technique developed by Dolores Cannon to probe deeper layers of consciousness. You’re encouraged to connect with your Higher Self for healing and insights.

This Higher Self can also be known as your Over Soul, Super Conscious or Subconscious; its job is to determine your experience during each session.

Dolores Cannon

Dolores Cannon is an internationally-recognized regressive hypnotherapist who has assisted thousands of people relive past lives and heal themselves through her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) method of hypnosis. Practitioners connect to their subject’s subconcious in the Somnambulistic state; then their Subconscious selects which life to revisit from past lives that would most benefit their current situation – this may reveal lessons, issues, or karmic connections that affect them today.

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Dolores has developed her approach to hypnosis over a span of decades and thousands of QHHT sessions, and has found a successful formula that quickly regresses her clients back into Somnambulistic state, where they can view past lives that provide insights into why certain challenges may be surfacing in their present lives. Furthermore, these sessions reveal an incredible wealth of information about themselves and spiritual evolution.

Dolores was conducting these sessions for her clients when she realized that the information she was gathering wasn’t coming directly from their conscious minds; rather she realized she was accessing a higher level of consciousness referred to as Subconscious or Higher Self through hypnosis. This higher level is responsible for knowing everything there is about each individual – all their experiences, their entire existence!

Dolores has gained much knowledge through working with her clients that has allowed her to gain insight into past lives, other dimensions, extraterrestrials, and many other metaphysical concepts. Through this work she has amassed an amazing body of information spanning history like Jesus and Nostradamus as well as topics like astrology and the origins of life – 19 books have been written on these subjects alone!


Dolores has observed throughout her career that when she feels she understands a topic completely, suddenly, something new from the Subconscious presents itself that shifts it completely – she refers to these moments as spiritual epiphanies and considers them one of the most rewarding aspects of hypnotherapy work. One such spiritual epiphany occurred when Dolores regressed a woman into past lives as Michel de Nostradamus himself during a session, during which her personality changed as Nostradamus himself spoke out from Nostradamus himself himself during that session!

What is QHHT?

QHHT, developed by Dolores Cannon, is an innovative process designed to access deeper wisdom and healing available through past life regression. Clients using QHHT hypnosis can explore past lives, tap into intuition, gain clarity on current life paths, gain insights, and gain clarity regarding current endeavors.

QHHT practitioners serve as guides in this journey, but the session itself is client-driven. In a pre-hypnosis interview, the client will identify questions for their Higher Self to answer while in somnambulistic state; their therapist will then ask the Higher Self for these answers while in somnambulistic state itself. Furthermore, during this healing journey the Higher Self may perform scans of the client and offer any healing needed.

People typically seek answers through QHHT sessions for unresolved trauma, physical or emotional illness, and finding meaning or purpose in life. Sometimes these underlying issues are linked with lessons from previous lifetimes and understanding these connections is something the Higher Self can help clients with.

Higher Self information can often be very revealing and shocking; however, it always serves the soul well and cannot be denied or suppressed; consequently it can be profoundly healing and empowering.

Dolores developed her own past life regression hypnosis technique called Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). This process allows people to recall past lives without conscious recalling. Based on the premise that our subconscious minds contain all of the answers for us and our lives, QHHT provides people with access to those memories that lie dormant within themselves.

Many have found the QHHT process has helped them heal various physical and emotional conditions that had not responded to traditional medical treatments, including chronic ailments that did not respond. The theory behind QHHT suggests these issues are tied to past experiences from which our soul has decided to draw lessons for growth and improvement.

How does QHHT work?

QHHT allows you to explore the depths of your subconscious mind, uncover past life memories, and uncover root causes for current challenges. It opens doors of healing, connection and self-discovery while opening up a whole new way of seeing yourself within this world and your place within it. However, QHHT sessions may be emotionally intense so it’s essential that a qualified practitioner provide an emotionally safe environment during treatment.

At the outset of any QHHT session is a pre-hypnosis interview. Here, you will discuss your goals for this particular session as well as any expectations or hopes you have regarding its outcome. This enables your practitioner to connect with you better, better comprehend your unique situation, and ensure you are ready for hypnosis.

After an interview, your practitioner will guide you into a state of trance using relaxation techniques and visualization. This heightened state of awareness resembles that which occurs before sleeping or awakening and gives you the chance to explore past lives or other parallel realities. Your Higher Self will then communicate any necessary information that it deems pertinent in helping heal your life and accomplish your goals during a hypnotic session.

Once the Higher Self has identified the source of a physical or psychological ailment or issue, it will consult its Subconscious about healing it. Sometimes healing takes place instantly during a session and does not require medication or surgery for relief.

Remember that healing is a two-way street and that there may be times when healing is unnecessary; rather, just changing habits may suffice. If you are currently in an abusive relationship or struggling with addiction, for example, the Higher Self may decide only to heal present-life issues rather than those from past lives; therefore it will likely acknowledge medication or other logical approaches as ways of providing effective relief.

How can QHHT help me?

Dolores Cannon developed QHHT to access your subconscious mind and connect with higher self for transformational healing and personal growth. Whether your quest includes questions of past lives, healing physical ailments or discovering your purpose in life. QHHT can assist with all this and more!

Beginning the process begins with an in-depth dialogue between client and practitioner, in order to understand your issues or provide clarity around them, while setting the scene for your journey through hypnosis. A trained hypnotherapist will use their preferred technique for inducing deep relaxation and trance – this could include vocal toning, acupressure or guided meditation as examples of techniques they may employ.

Once a client is in this trance-like state, their practitioner will ask their higher self to communicate with them. Their higher selves will then answer any queries or address concerns the client may have about themselves or others. A typical hypnosis session typically lasts from two to two and a half hours while they guide clients through different lifetimes that relate directly to current life challenges.

Dolores Cannon claims that true healing takes place within our higher selves. She claimed that once connected, our higher selves will identify any root cause of any illness or condition and provide solutions that allow the person to heal quickly – in some instances without medication or surgery at all!

One of the remarkable elements of QHHT sessions is how accessing our higher selves offers insights and wisdom beyond what our conscious minds could ever imagine. Through tapping into this power, healing occurs as well as an holistic approach to health that addresses causes rather than symptoms alone.

Roxanne Lenarz is a certified level 2 Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) practitioner who can guide you through an unparalleled healing journey. To discover more or book a session with her, click here – she has seen amazing results for her clients through this work and loves sharing what she knows with them! Roxanne takes immense pleasure in doing this work – her passion shines through with each client she helps!


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