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Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

quantum healing hypnosis session

QHHT sessions provide an opportunity to explore past lives or other dimensional experiences while communicating with higher aspects of yourself. Questions will often be tailored specifically to your current needs and can reveal life lessons, karmic connections and healing opportunities.

As part of your session, you will enter a Theta state of mind; similar to what occurs every morning when you wake up and before sleeping. It is a deeply relaxed state that promotes restful and restorative states of being.

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Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), developed by Dolores Cannon as an innovative form of hypnotherapy that incorporates past life regression, spiritual exploration and trance work techniques, aims to connect people to their deeper consciousness by tapping into past lives, spiritual exploration and trance work. QHHT goes deeper into your subconscious to uncover root causes for emotional and physical problems. She was one of many pioneering hypnotherapists credited with helping many clients heal while discovering life goals through QHHT sessions.

The QHHT process utilizes a special method to facilitate entering into a deep state of relaxation known as Theta state. We experience it twice every day when we wake up and fall asleep – it provides a safe space to connect to deeper parts of ourselves and potentially find answers to questions that matter to us most.

QHHT sessions allow your Higher Self to communicate directly with you, answering your questions and offering healing on all levels. QHHT can be both powerful and relaxing; like getting a massage.

One client who recently underwent a QHHT session with a certified practitioner reported feeling more peace and gratitude after her experience. She was able to revisit memories that were contributing to anxiety and depression, release any associated emotions which were inhibiting movement forward in her life, and gain fresh perspective from these memories.

Not only can QHHT sessions bring a profound sense of relaxation, they can also provide the added bonus of knowing you’re being supported on every level by your Higher Self – providing guidance towards reaching your goals with ease and efficiency.

Preparing for a QHHT session involves several important steps. First and foremost is to avoid alcohol the night before and to limit caffeine intake. Also make sure that you eat a nutritious, well-balanced meal and drink plenty of water leading up to your session. Also bring along any questions that need answering during this appointment.


Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions allow you to gain greater insight and guidance as you navigate life experiences, spiritual pathways and self-development. Created by Dolores Cannon, it is an empowering technique for improving physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), or simply QHHT for short, allows your subconscious mind to speak directly with your conscious mind in search of answers and healing. Furthermore, QHHT allows participants to explore past lives as a means of better understanding their challenges as well as discovering their soul’s purpose.

QHHT sessions begin with an interview between you and your practitioner to identify which areas need to be addressed, so they can personalize their approach according to your specific needs. Next, your practitioner will guide you into a deep state of relaxation or hypnosis through visualization techniques – much like how we naturally enter this state twice daily when awakening and falling asleep.

While you’re in this trance state, your practitioner may pose questions designed to elicit memories from past lifetimes that relate to current challenges you are encountering. You could even experience memories from other dimensions, like meeting spirit guides or witnessing angelic intervention.

Your subconscious can be a valuable source of information and wisdom that far outstrips what is apparent to the conscious mind. Being highly receptive to communication from you during a hypnosis session often brings invaluable information that resonates deeply within all areas of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self.

As you listen to what your Higher Self says, it may reveal deeper understandings of your experiences and give insights into why certain situations or circumstances come about. By acting upon this information provided by your Higher Self, changes may be implemented that enhance overall life experiences.

One session of quantum healing hypnosis may help you see your world differently, with many clients reporting being able to resolve long-standing challenges and issues with just this tool. A quantum healing hypnosis session helps reconnect you with your intuitive inner self, helping you move forward peacefully in life.


Once in a deep state of relaxation (known as Theta state) it’s possible to access the part of your subconscious that contains all the answers – this part is known as your Higher Self or Over Soul and during Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique sessions can answer all of your queries about health. Plus it knows exactly how to heal both physical and emotional bodies!

At a QHHT session, your practitioner will guide you through past life regressions to recall past experiences that might be relevant to your current circumstances. They may ask about specific details about scenes, feelings and details experienced during these lifetimes as you go along – in some instances even encountering spirit guides who will talk directly with them – these experiences may foster deep healing on all levels: physical, emotional and spiritual.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions provide invaluable information that can help you better understand why certain events or aspects of yourself have happened, or why certain parts of yourself exist as they do. They also give guidance and inspiration for making positive changes to improve life overall and find your purpose here on Earth, leading to happier, more satisfying days ahead.

Quantum healing hypnosis sessions are designed to connect your conscious mind with your all-knowing subconscious and provide answers for any queries in your life. They’re especially helpful if you feel lost about how best to move forward or are stuck in patterns of negative behavior; quantum healing hypnosis sessions offer a useful solution.

Dolores Cannon herself certified qualified practitioners as QHHT practitioners, to ensure that these practitioners fully comprehend the procedures she developed for achieving somnambulism and making contact with our Higher Selves. Clients must trust in this practitioner that he or she is acting appropriately.


QHHT is an innovative healing technique developed by Dolores Cannon that goes far beyond the boundaries of conventional hypnosis. Going beyond past life regression into the superconscious realm, this healing modality offers deep therapeutic effect that transcends consciousness.

At a QHHT session, your practitioner will help guide you into an involuntary deep trance similar to what we enter twice daily when falling asleep and awakening – involuntarily as well. In this receptive state, your subconscious can communicate directly with the client without being blocked by logic or prejudice; after which they practitioner can ask their subconscious for accessing information from different spaces or dimensions for deeper healing or insight.

At the core of quantum healing hypnosis lies its power: subconscious awareness is capable of pinpointing the sources of physical ailments as well as emotional or spiritual difficulties, which the Higher Self then addresses immediately to restore health and fulfilment. Their intent is for healing to occur and for any blockages to be removed so you may live an abundant and rewarding life.

This process can be deeply therapeutic on an emotional, mental, and physical level. Clients will be guided into an experience of peace where any limiting beliefs and patterns that lead to illness or stagnation are identified and released by their subconscious minds. Furthermore, trauma treatments can be used to remove emotional blocks preventing you from living the life you envision for yourself.

QHHT sessions involve documenting health goals or questions the client would like answered, then entering into a deep trance state called somnambulism twice daily, the client lets their subconscious communicate with the Higher Self for answers tailored specifically to them and their situation. For maximum effectiveness during this process, it is vital that one remain open and accepting of whatever messages from above arrive from this shamanic source.


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