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Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), created by Dolores Cannon, provides individuals with an effective means of communicating with their Subconscious mind and accessing its source of wisdom and healing.

QHHT allows us access to this all-knowing aspect of the human soul, which is inextricably connected with God or a higher force. Many mental or physical ailments may have their origin in past lives.

During a QHH session

At a QHHT session, clients are guided into a state of deep relaxation through hypnosis. By accessing their subconscious mind and communicating with their Higher Selves they will be able to explore past lives, gain insights, and receive healing. In addition, sessions may also assist people in discovering the root causes behind physical and emotional challenges they are currently facing.

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QHHT goes deeper than traditional hypnosis to explore past life experiences and parallel realities – it can bring profound transformations in your life! It is an effective healing modality with tremendous potential.

Many clients seek a QHHT session in order to better understand themselves and connect to their Higher Selves. QHHT can also be invaluable for those struggling with phobias or addictions as it identifies the source of these issues and provides ways of overcoming them.

When selecting a practitioner, it is vital that they be both certified and trained in QHHT. Aim for one with a successful track record, client testimonials, knowledge about the topic as well as ability to answer any queries you might have about QHHT.


Preparing for a QHHT session involves creating a list of questions you would like answered and/or asking your practitioner to assist with an area in your life that needs exploration or healing.

QHHT sessions help guide clients into a trance-like state similar to driving, reading a book, or daydreaming. Sessions are safe and empowering; their outcomes depend on your willingness to release any negative beliefs or limitations they may hold on themselves.

The practitioner guides the client

QHHT is an effective healing technique using hypnosis to connect individuals with their higher selves. Created by Dolores Cannon, sessions allow clients to explore their subconscious mind and gain insights into life purpose and personal issues while healing physical ailments through its practitioner who facilitates this journey with patience, empathy and sensitivity.

Beginning with an initial conversation between practitioner and client to explore their background and needs, then drifting into deep hypnosis as the practitioner facilitates dialogue with their Higher Self through prompts such as questions. Finally, while in deep hypnosis, clients may experience past lives, future glimpses or emotional caverns – these journeys are guided along by prompts from practitioner.

As well as physical ailments, this session can assist clients in understanding why certain challenges exist in their life and how these may be overcome. By tapping into their higher selves, clients can also learn how to change their behaviors and overcome negative habits – often this lifetime’s problems can be alleviated in just one visit!

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), an innovative technique combining hypnosis, past-life regression, and communication with one’s higher self is used for sessions. The practitioner guides their client into an altered brainwave state called “theta,” which provides for deeper relaxation while still permitting subconscious and higher self communication with their practitioner. Session are usually two to three hours in duration but may last even longer depending on individual circumstances.

The client enters a state of hypnosis

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is an innovative hypnosis method designed to enable individuals to access past life memories and connect with their higher selves. QHHT helps individuals gain insights, release emotional blockages and facilitate physical healing – ultimately embarking on an journey of self-discovery and spiritual expansion.

During a QHHT session, clients will be asked questions regarding various aspects of their lives – health issues and relationships being among them. Many times these inquiries relate to issues which have plagued them throughout their life; for example, those suffering from anxiety might revisit memories from childhood trauma during their QHHT session with the guidance of the hypnotherapist in order to release any negative emotions and regain control.

QHHT is client-centered, which means it honors and respects each client’s inner wisdom and healing abilities. Practitioners act as facilitators by leading clients through the experience and asking pertinent questions to uncover its source.

QHHT offers many advantages, yet it should never be seen as a replacement for medical advice or treatments. Instead, it can serve as an adjunctive healing modality that works well alongside other holistic practices.

Before beginning their session, clients will be asked a series of questions designed to prepare them for hypnosis. This helps the practitioner assess which areas of body or mind need attention from their higher selves. Sessions usually last 2 – 2 1/2 hours during which clients will be guided through an extremely relaxing hypnotic state led by their practitioner who can also address any queries or concerns the client may have while providing peace and comfort throughout.

The client communicates with their higher self

QHH sessions allow clients to connect with their Higher Selves – also known as Subconscious or Source. This powerful tool is essential in providing deeper understanding and healing on all levels; many individuals report improved mental, emotional and physical wellbeing after attending one.

Dolores Cannon developed her QHHT technique over several decades of working with thousands of clients. It involves entering into a deep trance state known as Theta; similar to when people access it prior to sleeping or upon awakening in the morning. QHHT offers individuals an ideal time and place for reviewing past life experiences that can help release any painful memories or awaken spiritually.

QHHT sessions provide clients with a guided journey into their consciousness where they can ask any questions that arise, be they about healing a physical issue, finding their soul purpose or what the future may hold for them – this hypnotic experience provides answers.

When asked a question, the subconscious often responds with an answer that is directly relevant to an individual’s current circumstances. It may come in the form of an account of how this situation came to exist or could provide insights that can be applied directly to their life today.

QHHT sessions involve leading clients into deeper states of trance to access information that could aid them. They will ask clients to bring forth all their wisdom and insight; thus it’s essential for clients to prepare by practicing meditation, connecting more regularly with their higher power or simply doing whatever brings peace and joy in advance of a session.

The practitioner helps the client heal

At a QHHT session, practitioners aid clients by leading them into deep relaxation state. This allows clients to access their subconscious mind and past life memories; release any blocks preventing them from finding their soul’s purpose; connect with their higher selves for profound healing and clarity;

The Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy process combines hypnosis and regression therapy to facilitate spiritual growth and healing. Created by Dolores Cannon, this transformative modality has been used by individuals suffering physical illness or emotional trauma to overcome them through Dolores Cannon Hypnotherapy or Past-Life Regression sessions – its effectiveness having been established over many thousand sessions.

At the outset of every QHHT session, an initial consultation takes place during which your practitioner will assess your intentions and concerns in detail, building trust through dialogue to establish rapport. Furthermore, they use this initial discussion to ascertain if their QHHT method will suit you effectively.

Once your session begins, your practitioner will use hypnosis to guide you into a state of deep relaxation, enabling you to access what’s often known as your Higher Self or God Self; this inner being offers clarity and guidance from within you.

As you relax into a trance-like state, QHHT allows for deep soul journeys into past lives, parallel realities and other experiences. Furthermore, communication between spirit guides and personal insights may take place – offering invaluable information about navigating obstacles or overcoming them in daily life. Unlike traditional hypnotherapy practices, however, QHHT takes an holistic approach towards healing designed to optimize overall wellness.


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