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Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

QHHT helps individuals heal physical ailments, alleviate emotional burdens and gain new perspectives while also opening a dialogue between one’s innate wisdom and higher self.

Dolores Cannon created her signature form of hypnosis through years of practice and expertise, which involves leading clients into deep trance states to access past life memories and experiences.


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is an innovative form of hypnotherapy developed by Dolores Cannon that allows individuals to access memories and experiences from prior lifetimes, known as past life regression. By tapping into your subconscious mind and communicating with spirit guides or oversouls for insight and guidance, QHHT promotes holistic healing on all levels.

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At each session, your QHHT practitioner guides you through relaxation techniques and visualization to induce a state of trance-like awareness that allows the conscious mind to recede while your subconscious takes over. Your practitioner may pose questions or lead you through experiences such as exploring past lives or parallel realities; in addition to helping identify the source of any physical, emotional or mental symptoms you are experiencing.

A typical session begins with a conversation between client and practitioner to establish their intentions for the session. This enables the practitioner to ascertain which life themes or experiences may be most pertinent during your hypnotic journey, followed by guidance through past lives to answer any queries or address concerns raised during that particular session. It may not be uncommon to access multiple past lives during just one sitting!

QHHT sessions provide more than answers; they’re also effective at healing emotional wounds and dissolving limiting beliefs. A past life regression may reveal the source of any recurring trauma such as chronic illness or fear and anxiety – helping you learn to manage these challenges and move towards leading a happier and healthier lifestyle.


Finding their purpose through QHHT therapy is one of the main benefits of the QHHT process for many. While we may believe we are here on earth for a reason, most people struggle to connect with and understand their soul’s calling and understand its deeper significance behind their hardships. A QHHT session helps connect you to both your higher self and subconscious allowing you to access greater fulfillment on all levels.


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) sessions involve a practitioner guiding clients into tapping into their subconscious minds for insight and healing. People seek QHHT sessions for various reasons – curiosity, family issues, health concerns or work challenges are just a few reasons people seek them out; QHHT allows people to connect with their Higher Selves which provides both information and healing.

Dolores Cannon developed the QHHT process based on past life regression techniques designed for past lives, which utilize hypnosis to assist participants in recalling experiences from prior lives that are then linked back to present-life events. QHHT sessions may also offer insight into future or parallel lives, childhood memories or connecting with higher beings like ETs, Angels, Guides or Ancestors.

One of the key features of a QHHT session is having it performed in person for your safety. A trained therapist is capable of creating a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere during their sessions; during which, the client is guided into a hypnotic state reminiscent of that experienced just prior to sleep or awakening in the morning.

Once a hypnotic state has been reached, the therapist asks their client a series of questions designed to reveal what they want out of the experience and direct it towards helping the individual reach their goals.

People who have attended QHHT sessions report feeling an immense sense of clarity and peace following a session, often finding that some limiting beliefs have changed and thus helped to move them forward on their journeys.

Some clients report that QHHT sessions have helped them overcome emotional trauma and recover from chronic pain or illness. Others find that these sessions helped them reconnect with their spirituality and gain a better understanding of why they exist in life.

Quantum healing techniques are increasingly being employed by health practitioners to assist their patients in recovering from illness and injury. Used alongside traditional medical treatments, quantum healing techniques may reduce symptoms while speeding recovery time. Quantum healing works on the belief that our physical body contains an energetic life force which when out of balance can result in illness and disease.


Quantum healing hypnosis technique is an innovative form of hypnotherapy that allows individuals to access their higher selves and past life memories, and provides guidance for healing and personal growth. Practitioners guide clients into deep states of relaxation using visualization techniques during sessions – this allows the subconscious to take center stage while leaving conscious thought untouched; an altered state of consciousness that may provide answers to unsolved issues and questions.

QHHT sessions can be life-altering experiences. Many clients report becoming aware of their soul’s journey, developing greater insight into themselves and the universe, and deepening their faith connection. QHHT can also assist individuals in releasing emotional baggage or limiting beliefs which have been keeping them from reaching their fullest potential in life.

At a QHHT session, practitioners will ask an array of carefully tailored questions tailored to the specific needs and goals of each individual participant. These queries may help them discover past lives experiences or connect with loved ones who have passed on; receive guidance for their current life; facilitate physical healing or gain insight into anything hindering life purpose.

After each QHHT session, it’s essential to reflect upon your experience and any insights or messages received. Also be sure to follow any recommendations made by your practitioner – for instance drinking plenty of water and sleeping well might be advised as part of this process.

QHHT sessions can be powerful tools for personal transformation, but to maximize its benefits it’s essential to keep an open mind and trust the process. Our intuitive minds have often been neglected in modern society but can unlock an abundance of knowledge and healing; QHHT sessions provide an ideal way of tapping into this innate potential and accessing its potential within.

QHHT sessions typically last 4-6 hours, making preparation essential. Sleep well the night before, practice meditation and mindfulness techniques, stay hydrated, wear comfortable clothes, avoid alcohol and drugs that might interfere with hypnotic processes, etc.


QHHT was developed by Dolores Cannon, an esteemed Hypnotherapist known for her 45 year long development process of the QHHT method. When entering into a session of this powerful modality, first you will regress either to past lives or the quantum field for relaxation and to connect with your higher self.

At this state of altered consciousness, your subconscious becomes the focal point. Your higher self (also referred to as your oversoul) is believed to connect to universal knowledge and wisdom for healing, answers, guidance and direction during each session. As part of the process, you are guided into deep relaxation so you may experience or relive past lives or receive healing for issues currently impacting your life.

QHHT sessions not only help address physical and emotional health concerns, but can also assist you with connecting to your spiritual path – enriching your life beyond imagination! You could gain insights into both your purpose and spiritual journey as well as answers to long-standing questions about it all.

QHHT sessions offer a profoundly relaxing and healing experience, reconnecting you to the love and light within your subconscious mind. After an session, many report feeling calmer as well as more clear about their future goals.

Traditional hypnosis, used primarily for entertainment or treating specific issues such as smoking cessation and weight loss, often relies on superficial layers of your subconscious for relaxation and treatment. QHHT goes much deeper, providing access to your Higher Self for healing, answers, and guidance. Many believe hypnosis to be some form of sleep or mind control technique when actually it’s natural and beneficial state of being.

At a QHHT session, your practitioner assists in helping you enter into the theta state of trance by using visualization techniques and suggestions. Once in this state, your Higher Self can offer healing and insight for problems you have been encountering as well as answers for any inquiries that have come up recently. Information gained during these sessions tends to be tailored directly towards an individual and their concerns or goals for participating.


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