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Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy Near Me

Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a hypnosis technique which allows clients to access information from their Higher Selves while in Somnambulistic state hypnosis hypnosis, providing healing solutions for physical conditions or emotional traumas.

Emma is a certified QHHT practitioner dedicated to helping others heal in all areas of their lives, both locally and internationally.

Past Life Regression

Past life regression therapy is a form of hypnotherapy that allows clients to explore past lives and discover memories and emotions relevant to current issues. This process can help people heal from trauma, overcome addictions, find resolution to personal matters and find spiritual healing as well as physical and emotional relief. Past life regression is becoming an increasingly popular alternative medicine practice with some therapists specializing specifically in this form of hypnosis.

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At a past life regression session, your therapist will lead you into a hypnotic state and ask what specific areas you would like to explore. Utilizing visualization exercises, the therapist then helps you recall details from past lives that range from mundane details to major events and relationships from previous lives – memories may also include senses of time and place; while these experiences tend to be interpreted metaphorically but can provide important insight into current day issues or relationships.

Some therapists utilize Dolores Cannon’s QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) method of past life regression for past life exploration, which uses heart-centered and intention-focused hypnotic techniques that go beyond classic models of hypnosis. A QHHT session guides a client towards an intuitive state that bypasses their ego mind, before prompting answers from their Higher Selves for healing or closure.

Quantum healing hypnotherapy sessions go far beyond investigating past lives; they can explore future lives, parallel lives, the life between lives, early childhood memories and even communicating with higher beings like ETs, angels or guides. Each session can go down any number of paths; every experience is truly unique.


Many people report experiencing an overwhelming sense of peace after attending a past life regression session, as well as feeling an instantaneous connection to other individuals who share similar past lives experiences. This can foster stronger relationships in current life while increasing empathy towards the struggles of others and breaking free from negative patterns and habits created during previous lives.

Physical Healing

QHHT is an effective approach to physical healing. By entering a deep hypnotic state and connecting with one’s Higher Self or Subconscious for guidance and healing, the session provides personalized assistance aimed at specific symptoms or illnesses and provides insights into causes that may impede health and well-being.

Beginning each session is an initial discussion between practitioner and client to assess what specific life concerns the individual wants to address with hypnosis, giving both of them an understanding of what should be included in their journey together as well as giving clients time to familiarize themselves with the process and become comfortable.

Once in a hypnotic state, a practitioner will ask their Subconscious mind for any information it knows about the person that remains hidden to their conscious mind. This may include past lives, karmic connections and life lessons which have had an impact on them throughout their lifetime – this information often proves very insightful as it helps provide answers as to why certain events occurred in life and why certain outcomes occurred.

Subconscious information may provide physical healing solutions. Furthermore, their Subconscious can answer any queries about what has caused their current condition and how it can be managed or even healed – offering hope and showing the individual that their body has healing powers of its own.

Note that healing during a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) session may not always occur instantly, yet QHHT practitioners have found that receiving information from their client’s Higher Self while in hypnotic state can have an immediate and powerful effect on healing processes. Furthermore, this unique process works on healing from all parts of their lives rather than solely physical ones; which makes QHHT often more successful than traditional medical approaches to treat conditions.

Emotional Healing

Hypnosis can help identify issues that need healing in an individual’s life that need to be dealt with, so they may experience emotional freedom. Many emotions that need to be healed come from early childhood experiences like neglect, abuse, trauma and rejection as well as having negative self-image or feeling like one is not good enough. A hypnotherapist will ask questions to uncover the source of discomfort before helping their client release it through emotional healing sessions.

Emotional healing sessions can be transformative experiences. Most clients leave an emotional healing session feeling peaceful and relaxed; however, new beliefs and feelings need time to set into their cellular memory before reaping all the benefits from their session. Emotional healing is an ongoing journey; therefore it takes commitment from all parties involved for full release from any patterns that prevent you from living your best life.

Dolores Cannon developed the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique as a way of bypassing conscious mind chatter and tapping into that part of yourself that knows all the answers – often called Higher Self, Over Soul or Super Conscious. A QHHT session allows clients to ask any question directly to their Higher Selves while healing may also take place instantly if necessary.

QHHT sessions involve leading clients into an altered state where they can connect with their Higher Selves for advice about past lives and potential future lives. Furthermore, Higher Selves may offer insight into current issues affecting them personally as well as why these problems exist in their lives.

QHHT sessions provide healing of any physical or emotional issue in the body by using high energy vibrations around areas of discomfort to create a space for natural healing to take place – this process is known as “entrainment”, and exists across physics, biology, chemistry and medicine disciplines.

Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing is a way of clearing away any barriers or restrictions you’re encountering on your Spiritual path. From disassociated aspects of yourself, emotional traumas, beliefs blocks or fears; through accessing your Subconscious mind. Spiritual Healing also allows us to release any negative patterns carried over from previous lives that have come back into this one, helping break down walls between us, creating greater clarity and trusting ourselves more with intuition – as well as more fully connecting with guides and angels.

Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is an approach to Past Life Regression that employs hypnosis to induce what’s known as the somnambulistic or Theta state of consciousness, where people can access their Subconscious mind and gain invaluable information – this knowledge may prove extremely helpful throughout life.

At a session, practitioners guide clients through a series of questions and prompts designed to facilitate visits from prior lifetimes or non-human life experiences. Sometimes the information gained will have relevance for current life situations.

Once the session is completed, a hypnotherapist will gently bring clients back into a state of awareness, at which time they can discuss what has been gained during QHHT session and discuss ways it has influenced all areas of life. Many clients report experiencing increased self-awareness and empowerment thanks to QHHT which far outlives its own confines and positively affects all facets of their life.

QHHT sessions can be enormously beneficial for all, regardless of age or background. It is important to remember, though, that this work requires deep introspection; therefore everyone’s experience may differ. Therefore it is best to approach a session with an open mind and trust the information that comes through for you. Meditation before each QHHT session may help prepare both mind and body for what lies ahead.


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