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Quantum Healing Practitioners Near Me

Quantum healing practitioners rely on life-force energy, known as chi or prana. They believe this energy can be channeled in order to facilitate healing using principles such as resonance and entrainment with scientific backing.

Pam provides quantum healing sessions using Dolores Cannon’s method of QHHT for hypnotherapy, energy healing and past life regression. In addition, she also offers Reiki sessions, oracle card readings and crystals.


Hypnosis is an effective method to relieve pain, control symptoms of certain mental and physical illnesses, and increase overall well-being. Hypnosis should not replace traditional therapy treatments but it can serve as an adjunctive remedy.

Some may mistake hypnosis as mind control or brainwashing; it does not operate this way. While certain individuals may be more open to suggestion than others, you cannot be forced to act against your will under hypnosis as it alters how your attention is focused on things.

Hypnotization involves shifting your attention towards what the hypnotist is telling you and away from what’s going on outside – much like when reading or watching a film completely absorbs you!

A skilled hypnotist can use the trance-like state of hypnosis to influence your thoughts and behavior, including changing habits such as how you respond to stress and anxiety. Hypnosis may even help treat autoimmune diseases or overcome fears. Furthermore, it may reduce chronic illness pain.

Hypnosis has been practiced for centuries and can serve a multitude of purposes. Ancient Greece and Egypt employed it, while Franz Mesmer popularized it in modern society; initially known as mesmerism but nowadays more commonly referred to as hypnosis.

At a hypnosis session, your hypnotist will assist in relaxing both body and mind through various suggestions to alter perceptions, memories and habits – this change may help alleviate anxiety or depression symptoms or other related symptoms.

Hypnosis may be beneficial for many conditions, however it should not be used with those experiencing psychotic symptoms or hallucinations. Furthermore, medical professionals must first assess an individual to ensure it is safe before performing hypnosis on them. Finally, hypnosis may produce false memories and may not be as effective than other therapies when treating mental illness.

Energy Healing

Energy healing is founded on the belief that energy is fundamental to both our universe and bodies, with practitioners using various techniques to manipulate it to remove blockages causing emotional or physical distress or illness. It serves as an alternative form of medicine alongside traditional forms such as massage therapy and acupuncture, providing holistic healthcare solutions.

Energy healing modalities vary significantly, and your choice will depend on your specific needs and what ails you. Practitioners may incorporate their training into other popular practices like acupressure or massage therapy while some simply specialize in energy healing sessions solely.

An energy healing session involves lying comfortably on a table while your practitioner leads you through various meditations designed to release any tension, stress or negative emotions you’re holding onto – this process is known as clearing and can be especially helpful for people experiencing anxiety or depression.

Energy healing sessions can take place either in person or remotely using quantum physics principles, where focused intention can send healing energy far across distances. Researchers have noted that cancer patients receiving energy healing from distant healers tend to experience better outcomes compared to those who don’t.

Bruce Lipton: There is a scientific principle known as entanglement that refers to how two sources of energy interact. For instance, if you hang multiple pendulum clocks on your wall with different time settings but eventually begin swinging in sync over time – which occurs due to vibrational energy from other clocks impacting them and altering their vibrations.

An energetic healing session involves your healer channeling positive vibrations from their own body into yours using resonance; much like how music resonates, receiving an energetic healing session can act like tuning into a radio station from miles away and instantly boost your spirits.


One of the primary contributors to depression is an energy drain, but meditation can help rebalance your energies and enhance mental wellbeing. Meditation reduces stress while increasing focus, helping improve your mood and self-esteem – as you’re forced to live in the moment rather than dwell on past or future worries.

Meditation has the ability to help relieve physical ailments such as headaches by decreasing stress response in your body and relaxing muscles, leading to less headache pain as well as overall improved mood and sense of well-being.

Quantum healing is founded on the idea that our emotions and thoughts influence physical health, with its practitioners using techniques such as visualization and positive thinking to encourage mind-body connection. Unfortunately, Quantum Healing lacks scientific validity and has often been criticised for making unsubstantiated health claims.

Contrary to conventional medicine, quantum healing practitioners believe that changes in energy can produce healing effects on a person’s body and mind. This theory draws inspiration from quantum physics principles and holistic health concepts; though quantum healing remains thought-provoking it remains more closely aligned with psychological or spiritual principles than scientific methods.

Quantum healing practitioners tend to focus on chakras, or energy centers, in the body. Through visualisation and breathing exercises they aim to boost life-force energy and boost natural healing processes while sound and vibration therapy may also be used as complementary therapy approaches. Quantum healing should not replace traditional medicine but instead used as complementary therapy therapy.

Quantum energy healing can be easily accessed by anyone worldwide as it requires no years of study to master. Furthermore, you don’t need to belong to a new-age community or vegetarianism in order to explore these concepts; these practices resemble existing meditation and mindfulness methods which promote awareness of our inner energy sources.


QHHT was developed by Dolores Cannon (who died in 2014). The method involves inducing an individual into the Somnambulistic state of trance that we usually experience twice each day: at awakening and shortly before falling asleep – providing an extremely relaxing yet deeply meditative state.

Clients in this state connect with their Higher Self, which is both part of them yet separate from them, to obtain answers to life questions they’ve been wondering about, such as finding meaning in life or their purpose within it. Clients should feel free to engage in conversation with this aspect of themselves in this state.

Some individuals can experience healing for their illnesses through this session as well. Their Higher Selves will provide information necessary for immediate and effective healing – often without needing medications or surgery to bring relief.

People seek QHHT sessions for life-threatening diseases, chronic pain, phobias and addictions. Sessions allow them to uncover the source of these problems – often something unwittingly acquired in a past life – which allows for new ways of coping and finding healing that help overcome their challenges in daily life.

Many people believe that all things in the universe discharge energy, and humans can influence our physical world through thoughts and beliefs. This belief is corroborated by discoveries in quantum physics which show that matter itself is composed of energy vibrations; meaning every thought or feeling encoded with energy could affect what physically happens around us.

Anyone interested in receiving a QHHT session can benefit from engaging in some pre-session preparation. This may involve reflecting upon all the questions they’ve ever wanted answered – like life on other planets or whether there are extraterrestrials in our universe – in order to stimulate their subconscious during the session and access answers from The Higher Self.
