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Quantum Healing Tools for Cancer Patients

Cancer patients should approach alternative healing methods like quantum healing with caution and consult medical professionals prior to making their choice. Quantum healing draws upon principles from quantum physics which describe physical phenomena at subatomic levels.

Gordon notes that controlling life-force energy means learning to channel it effectively; for instance, when applied to bones through x-ray imaging, they will spontaneously realign.


Hypnosis is an ancient and effective technique used for healing on all levels – physical, emotional and mental. Hypnosis allows individuals to access their subconscious mind and connect with their higher selves again – providing knowledge or wisdom lost over time – as well as release any blockages or beliefs no longer serving their purpose here on Earth. Many clients report experiencing an “extraordinary leap” in personal growth after receiving hypnotherapy treatments.

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Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is an innovative healing modality developed by Dolores Cannon that utilizes hypnosis to access the subconscious mind and connect with higher self. A safe and gentle technique, QHHT allows one to access infinite potential within and facilitates healing on many different levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

QHHT practitioners guide clients into a deep trance state before asking questions that are then answered by the client’s higher self. This entity is believed to be part of their soul that connects to universal knowledge and wisdom, sometimes known as the Oversoul or All-Knowing.

In sessions with clients, the All-Knowing aspect of the higher self will provide them with all kinds of information relating to past lives, timelines, and potential future events. This data may help clients to better understand why they’re here at this time in history, as well as heal any traumas or negative emotions they’re struggling with. Furthermore, this aspect is known for being very kind-hearted, always seeking the best outcomes.


QHHT’s benefits can be profound and life-altering; however, it should be kept in mind that this modality should not be seen as a panacea. Instead, QHHT serves as an alternative therapy method when combined with other holistic techniques, as well as taking commitment and dedication from clients for results to appear. Still, QHHT remains an effective tool for healing and transformation at every level of being.


Meditation is a spiritual healing technique with numerous advantages. It can reduce stress levels, enhance mood and bring greater mental clarity. Meditation also can help with sleep quality which has numerous health and well-being benefits; many also find relief from pain through this practice; however, if your condition requires medical intervention then always consult a healthcare provider first.

Quantum Healing Therapy is founded on the notion that everything is energy and we’re all interconnected. Contrary to Western medicine’s efforts at understanding biological processes at a molecular level, quantum healing practitioners believe the mind has direct impact on physical reality – employing various healing techniques like hypnosis, meditation and energy healing as part of their approach.

Some tools are designed to create a “healing space.” This space should facilitate your healing journey and help you feel at ease and grounded. A healing space may be created through various practices, including breathing exercises and guided visualizations; music may also create an ambience conducive to peace.

Yoga is another effective tool for quantum healing. This ancient Indian discipline incorporates physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation and philosophical teachings into its practice. According to quantum theory, all matter and energy are interdependent – therefore practitioners believe yoga practice can alter subtle energy fields within their bodies that in turn impact physical health and emotional well-being positively.

Yoga-based quantum healing has experienced increasing interest since Deepak Chopra published his 1989 book Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind-Body Medicine in 1989. Chopra’s book asserts that both Eastern healing traditions and modern science support his hypothesis that our physical bodies and minds are affected by an invisible energy field around them.

Quantum healing techniques also include non-local healing and telepathic communication. Non-local healing uses quantum theory’s entanglement theory to connect two objects or people distantly for healing. This method can also send healing energy across time and space, making it a good choice for individuals experiencing chronic stress or anxiety and looking to find relief for emotional pain.

Energy healing

Energy healing is an alternative approach to health and well-being that utilizes techniques for accessing information and energies at a quantum level. It can be used for physical or emotional issues; unlike mainstream medicine, which primarily targets symptoms or diseases instead of root causes. Energy healing relies on the idea that your body has its own innate healing capabilities to restore balance both physically and psychologically – using meditation or other techniques, energy healing helps restore harmony both inside your body and out, leading to optimal wellness.

Energy healing is founded on the premise that all matter is composed of vibrating fields of energy. This energy fluctuates constantly, so if something seems off balance – such as headaches – this could be because an excess of negative energy has built up and blocked blood and lymph flow. Through energy healing sessions, any unwanted negative energies are removed from your body and restored back into balance for healthful functioning.

Some individuals find this form of healing very effective while others do not. However, it’s important to keep in mind that not all therapies work equally for everyone. If one therapy doesn’t seem effective for you, don’t be discouraged from trying another – hypnotherapy or counseling might prove more successful for you than other approaches.

An ideal starting point would be visiting Dr. Guita Balakhane for spiritual healing services. She has helped countless individuals regain clarity and reduce pain through combining modern Western medicine with Eastern healing practices for maximum therapeutic effectiveness for her clients.

She provides online seminars on quantum healing and spirituality topics. To view them click here. She instructs her students how to heal themselves while becoming aware of universal laws governing our universe; with an in-depth knowledge of quantum mechanics, spiritual truths, and how power affects consciousness.


Attunements are energetic tools designed to support energy healing practices and spiritual development. Easy to use, they allow users quick and direct access to energies for specific focuses – much like preset buttons on a radio receiver allowing access to specific frequencies more quickly.

Attunement is a crucial aspect of various forms of energy healing, such as Reiki. An attunement allows practitioners to connect you to life energy and teach you how to channel it for yourself and others. Students learning Reiki must receive attunements before being permitted to begin practicing this form of healing themselves; it allows them to connect with life energy while learning how to channel it through their bodies.

Attunement is founded on the idea that everything is linked together and we all belong together, working towards harmony as one entity. This concept stems from quantum physics which states there are no physical boundaries between things; all matter and energy vibrate at equal frequencies that affect other forms of matter and energy as well as people.

An attunement involves feeling warm or cool energy flowing through your body and out into your environment, seeing colours or images, hearing music and experiencing relaxation or rejuvenation as the attunement takes place. Afterward, you should feel more peaceful and energetic than before! Attunements are beneficial to anyone interested in energy healing regardless of religious belief or reincarnation status.

Once you receive an attunement, its effects will last throughout your lifetime and continue to channel reiki energy even if you stop practicing Reiki formally. To maintain strong links to healing energy, practice Reiki regularly so as not to loose the connection.

Your attunement has also opened channels in your etheric double and aura that allow healing energy to more freely circulate within you and accelerate spiritual development faster than would normally be possible in an average lifetime.


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