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Quantum Quattro Healing Stone

Quantum quattro silica is an amazing stone for love and reconciliation, healing unresolved grief while helping us release psychosomatic causes of disease. Additionally, this stone encourages us to find our unique love language and express ourselves freely.

Place the quantum quattro crystal in your relationship or love area of your home to foster deeper connections and emotional healing, and cleanse it regularly using sage or incense smoke.

It is a master healer

Quantum quattro silica is an incredible healing stone with the power to soothe physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. Associated with four chakras–namely heart chakra, throat chakra and third eye–it helps you open your heart chakra to promote unconditional love as well as more clearly communicating needs and wishes.

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This crystal is said to balance all major chakras, such as the heart and throat chakras, making it an excellent choice for emotional health, especially after loss or breakup. Additionally, this stone can boost immunity levels while healing on a cellular level while clearing away karmic contracts for peace of mind.

Black tourmaline is another healing crystal known to create a protective aura around you and block negative energies from entering. When combined with quantum quattro silica, this stone creates an effective combination that will help you manifest your goals more easily. Black tourmaline crystal is also great for grounding and stabilizing oneself – as well as contributing to psychic development.

Quantum quattro crystal is comprised of five stones: shattuckite, malachite, dioptase and chrysocolla – each offering different properties and healing benefits when taken separately – combined into an effective healer that encompasses all subtle bodies. As an immune booster this crystal also works with DNA structure while relieving effects of grief in past and present lives while treating emotional traumas.

This crystal can be used for numerous reasons, ranging from clearing your aura to strengthening spiritual connections. Additionally, it can assist with releasing negative emotions and inviting abundance into life. Furthermore, its properties include stimulating the third eye and crown chakras which may improve psychic capabilities.

It is a regenerative stone

Quantum Quattro Silica, an all-natural regenerative stone, helps promote emotional healing in relationships. Its soothing energies can assist with finding forgiveness and releasing past pain; amplifying intentions; strengthening connections to higher realms. Although a powerful stone, Quantum Quattro Silica should be regularly cleansed and charged to keep its energies fresh – this process can be performed easily through various means.

Quantum Quattro Silica can be easily integrated into daily life through tumbled and raw forms, making it accessible. Tumbled stones feature smooth, rounded edges for ease of transport; great for pocket carry or use in home decor or decoration. Plus, its vibrant blue and green colors mesmerize. Add Quantum Quattro Silica jewelry pieces for an eye-catching addition.

Quantum Quattro Silica offers more diverse mineral composition and metaphysical benefits compared to Larimar. It contains Chrysocolla, Dioptase, Malachite, and Shattuckite minerals which combine in an impressive display of colors and patterns reminiscent of Larimar gemstone. Larimar shares similar properties as Quantum Quattro Silica gemstone, yet often costs more due to its rarity.

Quantum Quattro Silica crystals need regular cleansing and charging in order to remain vibrant and potency. A common method involves placing them in water to wash away negative energies while infusing positive ones into them; alternatively you could place it directly under sunlight or moonlight to benefit from cosmic energies as a form of spiritual nourishment.

Keep your Quantum Quattro Silica clean and charged by keeping it in a fabric pouch or velvet-lined box, away from other crystals’ energies or accidental scratches and nicks. Also make sure that it’s regularly checked for signs of wear and tear so any issues can be addressed as quickly as possible.

Quantum Quattro Silica can also be placed in your love and relationships area of your space to promote open dialogue and deeper connections between loved ones. Pair it with other feng shui elements such as plants, water features, or symbols for an optimal and harmonious atmosphere.


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