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Quantum Quattro Silica

Quantum Quattro is widely recognized for its emotional healing properties, especially soothing past grief and heartache. Furthermore, this stone can help mend broken relationships.

This rare crystal combination is believed to combine the individual properties of Shattuckite (promote inner strength), Chrysocolla (ease emotions), Dioptase (release negative energy) and Smokey Quartz in an impressive synergy, creating an extremely potency blend.


Quantum Quattro Silica is an exciting new crystal combination stone that has quickly made an impactful debut on the gemstone scene as an exceptional source of healing properties. According to some, it stimulates all areas of natural body healing processes – physical, emotional and spiritual. Furthermore, this mineral may cleanse and align all chakras simultaneously for smooth energy flow throughout your system.

Quantum quattro heals both the heart and throat chakras physically, encouraging communication and opening the heart to love in a healthy manner. Emotionally speaking, this stone promotes forgiveness while healing past hurts and trauma, as well as encouraging self-love and accepting one’s inner beauty. It may even heal your womb.

Quantum quattro gemstone combination helps balance and cleanse the endocrine system as well as detoxifying liver, lungs, kidneys, and intestines, providing cleansing and detoxification benefits to liver, lungs, kidneys, intestines. It may be particularly helpful in the treatment of arthritis, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders and chronic pain conditions such as arthritis. Smoky quartz in this gemstone combination is said to ground energies from other minerals absorbed during bodywork sessions while clearing and protecting energy fields against negative energies that might affect these processes.

This combination stone is said to resonate with the third eye, throat, and heart chakras, providing communication tools and the capacity for relationship healing. It is said to help heal past hurts or heartaches as well as any emotional patterns which might be contributing to difficulties within relationships. Furthermore, its frequency brings stability and courage for those in love as they strive through challenges within their unions.

Quantum quattro comes in several color variants, each boasting its own healing properties. Lavender-gray is by far the most commonly available hue; yellow-greenish and brownish red hues may also be available depending on your personal needs and preferences. You should choose your crystal depending on what best meets your individual requirements based on personal needs and preferences – this crystal can be laid on chakras for meditation purposes as well as healing processes.


Quantum Quattro is an effective healing stone composed of four minerals combined into one stone. It’s said to combine all four powers for maximum therapeutic effect, reaching deep into both body systems and DNA to bring compassion, forgiveness, and love into our lives. Furthermore, this stone may even protect us against psychic attacks and negative influences.

Quantum Quattro healing helps you discover ways to break free of old patterns of thought and behavior that no longer serve you, helping you move away from the past and embrace a brighter future with confidence, strength, and clarity. Quantum Quattro crystal healing has long been recognized for emotional healing after experiencing difficult experiences; reconnecting to intuition while giving courage to follow one’s dreams.

Quantum Quattro crystal is thought to help those suffering from emotional imbalances after experiencing trauma in their past lives, or those feeling disenfranchised from both body and Earth. Additionally, this powerful stone may assist with grief relief by helping release unresolved guilt or grief that remains. Furthermore, Quantum Quattro makes an excellent companion during meditation sessions or sacred space sessions as you can reap its healing vibrations.

Quantum Quattro gemstone is found exclusively in Namibia and comprises rare minerals shattuckite, chrysocolla, dioptase and smoky quartz that have been embedded together within each other to form one powerful healing energy that’s exclusive to this amazing stone. Each crystal’s individual properties apply, yet when used together create an immense healing energy unique to this spectacular gem – Chrysocolla and Shattuckite are said to promote inner strength and clarity of thought while dioptase cleanses blockages while grounded smoky Quartz brings grounding, clarity and joy into our lives – together creating an essential healing stone essential for any crystal healing practitioner and spiritual seeker alike! Combined, all four gemstones create one remarkable gem worthy of every crystal healing practitioner and spiritual seeker alike!


Quantum quattro is an emotional healing and balance stone said to assist us with connecting to our inner selves and tapping into compassion, forgiveness, love, forgiveness and loving ourselves as much as others. Additionally, this stone may help release fear and negativity from your mind allowing for mental clarity as well as physical protection against harmful energies.

Quantum Quattro, a rare stone from Namibia, combines chrysocolla, dioptase and malachite on smoky quartz in order to form a powerful synergy that enhances each mineral’s individual properties – with Shattuckite serving to build inner strength and clarity, Chrysocolla soothing emotions while Balancing Heart Chakra; Dioptase dispelling negative energy while Smoky Quartz grounding and protecting.

The combination of minerals also has a powerful connection with the heart, throat and third eye chakras as well as Taurus, Gemini and Libra zodiac signs, earth and water elements and our soul purpose in life. Spiritually it may provide insight into why certain events occurred.

Quantum quattro may also help us connect to and embody feminine energy, making it particularly helpful for grievers or loss sufferers looking for ways to move past grief and move on with life. Furthermore, quantum quattro may help address old patterns held within our cellular memory or DNA that might otherwise cause us issues.

Quantum quattro is believed to help enhance the body’s natural mending processes and can serve as a helpful way of strengthening immune systems and renewing cells. Furthermore, this stone may ease painful emotions associated with trauma events as well as promote acceptance and kindness for oneself and others.


Quantum Quattro, as an emerging crystal healing option, has quickly made an impressionful entrance onto the crystal scene. Comprising five copper-based healing minerals including Shattukite, Chrysocolla, Dioptase and Malachite bound together by Smoky Quartz, it may help with emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

This stone’s frequencies resonate with the third eye, throat and heart chakras as well as Earth Star chakra to assist with clearing away non-beneficial patterns in mind and body, reprogramming energies to serve their higher purpose, releasing anxiety, as well as encouraging an open, loving attitude toward others.

Along with spiritual healing, this stone is also thought to provide protection. This is due to its ability to form an energetic shield around its wearer that keeps away negative energies and entities; including psychic attacks, EMF’s, lower vibration debris or any unwanted interferences.

Quantum Quattro is widely renowned as a powerful love and relationship stone. It is said to help bring in and heal love’s energy in all forms – intimate relationships, family ties, or friendships. By encouraging the opening of heart chakra, Quantum Quattro allows individuals to let go of old ideas about what love should look like and embrace an open approach towards accepting affectionate gestures from one another.

This stone can be an excellent aid when trying to mend broken hearts and foster reconciliation in any type of relationship. Furthermore, it has also proven useful for individuals suffering from feelings of loneliness or depression as it helps them understand that such emotions are natural and there will always be an avenue for finding love in every situation.

Quantum Quattro is an exquisite and distinctive stone that contains the frequency of four healing crystals: chrysocolla, dioptase, shattukite and malachite. This stunning mineral features vibrant hues of greens, blues and browns complemented by intricate bands created by individual minerals found within. Commonly found in Namibia and prized for both its aesthetic qualities and therapeutic benefits.
