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Quantum Resonance Healing

Quantum resonance healing is an exciting new physiotherapy approach using quantum technology to balance energy fields, promote cell repair, bolster immunity and alleviate pain. The resultant synergy is highly effective.

All living cells emit electromagnetic frequencies. By harnessing this radiation to target cancerous cells specifically and destroy them without harming surrounding healthy tissues, we can effectively eradicate cancer.

Quantum Resonance Therapy (QRT)

Living tissues vibrating at unique frequencies is an integral component of biology and physics, so powerful that some scientists believe these frequencies could even be used to locate and destroy cancerous cells without endangering healthy ones.

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However, these studies are still in their infancy and it remains uncertain whether quantum resonance therapy can deliver what has been promised. Some have reported positive outcomes from this type of therapy treatment, which is noninvasive and doesn’t involve radiation exposure – yet resonance therapy should not replace medical diagnosis and treatments.

Practitioners believe they create a field of high energy around an area of pain, stress, or inflammation to accelerate its natural healing ability and accelerate recovery. This process uses an ancient concept known as entrainment that shows up across disciplines such as chemistry, neurology, biology and medicine; when two objects vibrating at different speeds vibrate simultaneously at one frequency it causes them to align, relieving stress while improving sleep and decreasing depression symptoms.

Quantum resonance therapy offers numerous health advantages. For instance, it is effective at treating conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis and chronic back pain; improving mood and energy levels; alleviating trauma effects like PTSD or traumas from past events; providing relief against depression; acting as an alternative to MRI scans if required for specific medical reasons (metal implants/claustrophobia); as well as being an excellent alternative treatment option compared with drugs alone.


QRA tests differ from traditional kinesiological exams in that they focus on biofield and electrical frequencies of individual organs and glands in order to measure them using computer software. When your body is at optimal health, these frequencies should all work harmoniously together and this program can then use this information to determine which vitamins, herbs or mineral supplements would best benefit you based on their frequency measurements.

Level I of CRQH will teach you to access your body’s natural healing processes and move beyond survival mode. It will also identify the source of symptoms, conditions, and life challenges such as generational traumas, core beliefs operating systems, energetic disturbances in energy fields as well as pathways that unify soul spirit with personality-ego as well as potential karmic/epigenetic effects that lead to extraordinary results regarded by some as miraculous.

Quantum Pulse Therapy (QPT)

High-tech innovation that uses quantum medicine as its theoretical basis. This technology collects weak magnetic field of cells for scientific analysis, providing information about people’s health status and main issues as well as providing standard prevention advice.

QRMA is a medical-grade electromagnetic resonance device that blends quantum physics, bio-informatics and electrical engineering principles into one integrated solution. Utilizing special electrodes to detect your body’s unique bioresonance frequencies before transmitting these to cells for healing on an internal level, QRMA works to restore balance within and heal from within your own system.

Non-invasive and painless, electromagnetic frequency therapy uses electromagnetic waves to promote internal healing without drugs or surgery. The electromagnetic frequencies produced break chemical bonds within cells to allow essential nutrients, oxygen and enzymes into them for healthy functioning cells.

Royal Raymond Rife made a breakthrough discovery in the 1920s – each disease or condition has an electro-magnetic frequency. By producing an impulse at that frequency, Rife discovered it could kill or disable diseased cells while returning DNA back to its healthy state.

Scalar waves are a form of energy that can be generated both naturally and artificially, consisting of vibrating particles called photons that emit waves when excited. When sent through Vogel crystals to send quantum magnetic pulses into the body and support healing at a cellular level.

There is an inherent synergy between crystal structures and living things, creating the Quantum Resonance Crystal Bed’s unique synergy effect to work so harmoniously with body, mind, and Spirit – leading to healing and well-being for both.

The Quantum Resonance Crystal Bed uses light, color, sound and vibration from crystals to provide deep cellular immersion into specific frequencies required for change. When combined with client intentions for realigning and rebalancing on all levels, this powerful healing experience offers couples the chance to move forward together in a happy, healthy, positive and peaceful manner.

Quantum Touch Therapy (QTT)

Quantum Touch Therapy (QTT) is an holistic healing modality that uses universal energy to recharge, realign and rebalance human energy fields. The energy-based therapy utilizes breathwork, intentions, energetic experiences and touch from practitioners in order to facilitate healing at a deep cellular level. QTT practitioners employ this approach in order to promote physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

The Energy Enhancement System (EESystem) is a quantum resonance energy device that produces bioactivated, bioenergifalt, such as PEMF, polykromt ljus and Fibonacci sequences, to regenerate cells, enhance immunity and detoxify. Used both by healthcare professionals and individuals alike, this effective technology may also be combined with other therapeutic modalities like hypnotherapy or kinesiology.

At each session, clients’ Subconscious is guided on a three to four hour journey into their soul to seek answers and heal at an energetic level. Clients may encounter past life memories that resonate with current issues as well as gain new insights and understandings into themselves that may have remained unavailable via conscious mind alone. Sessions often come complete with high vibrational healing energy that causes warmth, tingling sensations, energy movement and ultimately an overwhelming sense of release and release from stressors.

This transformative healing modality offers powerful and transformative results by tapping into your innate healing capabilities, moving beyond survival mode and opening up possibilities for wellness and vitality. Through exploring deeper interference patterns of ego-mind operating systems and uncovering root causes of symptoms, conditions, or life issues – which many consider miraculous – you’ll discover how you can access deeper interference patterns for greater wellbeing and vitality.

Once completed, you’ll be equipped to offer quantum resonance healing to friends and clients as well as integrate it into your healing practice. Plus, this program offers access to an extensive toolkit of additional resources and support materials – making it the ideal way to expand knowledge in quantum resonance healing.

Quantum Frequency Therapy (QFT)

QFT integrates multiple healing modalities in one treatment session to support your body’s natural ability to restore homeostasis and heal itself. Vibrations, frequencies and scalar waves help promote cell rejuvenation, increase energy potential in your body and boost immunity – with Vogel type quartz crystals, UV LED phototherapy, Royal Rife frequencies pulsed electromagnetic fields and binaural sounds all used together for an experience that provides holistic benefits across mind body and spirit.

Quantum physics suggests that every thought and emotion has its own vibrational frequency, represented by energy waves with distinct peaks and valleys that encode information and carry it with infinite capacity for storage. By superimposing another set of waves of opposite shape on top of an original one, you can alter its characteristics while changing its frequency; this is how noise-canceling headphones work.

Physics offers many approaches for formulating a measurement theory for Quantum Field Theory (QFT). One such framework, known as the Reduced History-Inspired Framework (RQI), seeks to create local measurement models compatible with QFT that address both its “impossible measurements” problem as well as non-relativistic quantum mechanics (NRQM)’s Measurement Problem – yet this approach remains fraught with complications and challenges.

Oeckl has also proposed the ‘positive formalism’, an approach which abstracts an operational framework based on probes and composition from non-relativistic quantum mechanics, leaving behind only an open challenge within quantum field theory (QFT): how far progress has been made towards solving it.

Finally, the relativistic quantum information approach seeks to develop a measurement theory for QFT by drawing upon relativistic quantum mechanics. It offers several advantages over traditional approaches by providing an alternative way of dealing with impossible measurements via general relativistic versions of the Measurement Problem; however it still presents its own set of challenges; including needing to address several impossible measurements results that arise during its application.

Rexon-age device is an innovative high-tech innovation that uses quantum resonance principles to speed wound healing and ease discomfort. This device combines two technologies – Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) and Magneto-Mechanical Oscillations (MMO), used together with traditional physiotherapy treatments; together these technologies accelerate wound healing while stimulating tissue regeneration while pinpointing and correcting underlying sources of discomfort.


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