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Quantum Soul Healing and Relationships

Quantum soul healing is an advanced energy healing method which works at both levels: soul and physical. By targeting the microcosmic particles of an issue at its source, quantum soul healing aims to alleviate both their negative impact and any associated symptoms in both your soul and physical bodies.

According to the Quantum Theory of Soul, Phantom Limb Syndrome results from negative information associated with lost limbs lingering within their quantum field and continuing to create emotional pain for patients. This leads to symptoms like Phantom Limb Syndrome.

Quantum physics

Quantum physics is an exciting branch of physics that examines the laws governing our universe at a microscopic scale. As an innovative science, quantum physics has revolutionized how we view the world; helping discover phenomena like photoelectric effect, quantum jump and bizarre behavior among entangled particles as well as explaining mind-body connections and consciousness itself.

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Quantum theory holds a special place in spirituality, helping us understand where souls and consciousness originate, as well as providing a scientific explanation for its effectiveness in healing spiritually. Unfortunately, however, quantum theory remains controversial among scientists who question its validity due to Chopra’s theories not being supported by mainstream medical research.

Some physicists have asserted that souls do not fit within quantum field theory, while other experts have pointed out how quantum indeterminism does not account for how disembodied souls might interact with brain structures. Yet many have discovered quantum healing techniques can transform negative information within their quantum vibrational field to alleviate illness and restore wellness.

QTOC, or Quantum Theorie of Consciousness, is a new quantum physics theory that unifies soul, spiritual heart and mind as distinct aspects of one existence. Based on wave function description of everything and quantum entanglement principles, it blends spiritual wisdom with scientific discoveries.


The quantum soul clearing process is an energy healing technique designed to release your subconscious from negative feelings that are holding you back from creating miracles in life. It works by dissolving beliefs that keep you from tapping into universal energy of abundance, creating miracles where there were previously none.

Quantum Soul Clearing is an effective, noninvasive energy healing technique that can be used for personal and professional transformation. This noninvasive healing modality offers benefits such as relieving toxic emotions, improving relationships and speeding personal growth – among others. Numerous people have turned to its simple yet profound method in order to heal themselves and change their lives for the better.


Emotions can be a huge barrier to spiritual and physical healing. They may cause great suffering, and even be at the core of many physical ailments. Emotions are mental reactions with strong feelings associated with physiological or behavioral changes – which makes studying them scientifically very difficult. Yet researchers have discovered certain emotional states can lead to specific diseases or conditions; for instance stress can increase heart disease risk while depression rates rise dramatically as a result. Luckily, soul healing techniques offer ways of clearing away unwanted feelings to bring balance back into one’s energy fields and restore energy flows throughout their bodies.

Emotions are complex processes involving many areas of your brain, such as the hippocampus – an essential component in memory formation – as well as external stimuli like your environment or being afraid of snakes. Researchers have determined that emotions are composed of unique combinations of information. If you see a snake, for instance, this will trigger specific neural circuits known as fear circuits in your brain to widen your eyes and accelerate heartbeat; once activated this creates an emotional response. The fear circuit connects directly to information from both sources including environmental stimulus as well as what was already present from you being afraid.

Soul healing is a technique that uses energy to transform negative information into positive vibrational fields in one’s quantum vibrational field, impacting every aspect of life including energy and matter. The aim of soul healing is to align physical, etheric and causal bodies with the higher blueprint created at birth.

Negative information that accumulates over time can create soul sickness, which has an adverse impact on health, relationships and other aspects of life. Such inherited information may also accumulate karmic debts that contribute to chronic conditions like heart disease.

Although many healers focus on physical and etheric bodies, few address the soul’s energetic resonance. Quantum Soul Clearing is an effective holistic healing tool designed to address any limiting beliefs or patterns preventing wealth, prosperity, or healthy relationships from flowing into your life. Within minutes it can release you from these negative emotions, patterns or beliefs in your body mind or soul allowing you to access your true power and potential.


Quantum soul healing offers an alternative interpretation of human consciousness, grounded on the understanding that everything in the universe comprises three components – matter, energy, and information – and thus there are three forms of healing: matter healing; energetic healing (herbal remedies and acupuncture), and spiritual or soul healing. Allopathic medicine falls under matter healing while herbal remedies and acupuncture fall into energetic healing; while spiritual or soul healing seeks to transform negative information into positive data.

Quantum Theories of Consciousness and Quantum Theories of Self (QTOC and QTOS) provide a solution to the mind-body problem by explaining how physical bodies can possess souls and conscious experiences, respectively. Furthermore, these quantum theories describe how one’s spiritual heart, mind and soul have an effect on health, wellness, relationships finances career life as a whole as well as Buddha’s teachings on Karma.

Quantum soul healing involves changing negative information in your quantum vibrational field into positive data, helping heal both physical and emotional bodies as well as overcome limiting beliefs or alter mental patterns. A good starting point would be releasing negative emotions or thoughts and practicing self-love and kindness, this will shift your energy toward higher resonance, connecting you to quantum healing.

Common wisdom states that in order to experience quantum soul healing, you must first work on your emotional issues. Unfortunately, this myth assumes the source of all your problems lies within your past experiences – yet the reality is they’re caused not by past events but how we interpret them and interpret the experiences around us.

Quantum theory of consciousness offers an effective solution. This theory goes beyond epiphenomenalism, which asserts that consciousness is simply an epiphenomenon of brain functions; instead it asserts that an organism’s consciousness stems from specific interactions with its environment.


Quantum soul healing can help couples establish more conscious, loving connections. The process involves clearing away negative feelings or patterns buried deep within your mind-body-spirit system, and reconnecting to universal energy flows for easy flowing interactions between partners.

Spiritual practice founded on the concept that we are all one, with each individual possessing part of their twin flame’s electromagnetic soul within themselves. If romantically involved with their twin flame, relationship can teach both parties invaluable insights about oneself and their soul’s purpose on Earth.

The Quantum Theory of Soul states that most sickness and obstacles in life arise due to an accumulation of negative information in one’s soul’s quantum vibrational field. By turning that negative data into positive information, soul sickness is eliminated and an individual experiences greater wellness and success across their life.

Soul sickness manifests itself through mental or emotional health problems that impede on physical wellbeing, including anxiety, depression and low self-esteem; physical ailments may include heart disease. Such issues typically stem from long-standing trauma experiences leaving an imprint in one’s quantum vibrational field and leaving ripple effects that ripple out to affect other aspects of health and well-being.

Example: if you have experienced physical trauma such as an amputation in the past, this may leave an imprint in your quantum field and lead to soul sickness. One symptom may be Phantom Limb Syndrome – where pain in an absent limb still exists even after it has left physical reality; this can result in chronic depression and psycho-emotional issues.

Quantum energy transformation enlists the power of ancient earth medicines to elevate spiritual practices by sharpening intuition and connecting you to your higher purpose. It helps break negative thought patterns that sabotage relationships with yourself and the universe, as well as providing tools that build fearless self-belief to manifest your dream life.


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