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Quantum Touch Energy Healing

Quantum touch energy healing is an innovative hands-on healing modality that facilitates the transfer of vital life force energy, known as chi or prana, between bodies and minds to promote overall wellness.

Quantum Touch practitioners learn a series of breathing and body awareness techniques that allow them to raise their vibration, tapping into universal Life force Energy that they then channel towards clients.

Resonance and entrainment

Resonance and entrainment are powerful forces that bring order and balance to systems, whether that’s through firefly flashes or our bodies’ energy fields. Quantum touch stands out from other energy healing modalities as it enables students to sense sensations from client’s bodies that may indicate tension or imbalance and pinpoint them quickly and effectively.

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The quantum touch healing method incorporates breathing techniques, body awareness techniques and light touch to focus and direct life-force energy towards areas in need of attention. Its foundation rests on the belief that all people possess an innate capacity for self-healing through this energy source; hence this hands-on energy healing technique which combines elements of traditional therapy with spiritualism.

Quantum touch sessions provide pain relief and overall wellbeing improvements for most. The quantum energy field between practitioner and client facilitates natural healing processes while building trust between them as it pinpoints problem areas of their body.

Quantum Touch offers more than pain relief and stress reduction; it also promotes physical health by realigning bones. Many participants in Level 1 workshops report that just one session helps their bodies move back into alignment – most people can often achieve this before lunch break on the first day! This happens using very light touch.


As part of learning quantum touch, it is crucial that the practitioner is comfortable. This is particularly relevant when starting from scratch as some may feel an immediate surge of energy; others may encounter doubt and experience some skepticism as soon as they start out. Whatever their individual experience may be, however, practitioners must remain focused on their intention while moving forward with an optimistic and joyful mindset no matter their feelings at any given moment.

As part of the healing process, it’s also crucial that clients feel at ease during therapy sessions and can relax fully before beginning techniques. A practitioner can benefit greatly by being aware of a client’s nutritional requirements, energy levels, emotional attitudes and mental state during sessions.

Transcending time and space

Quantum-Touch can teach you to harness and focus your body’s life force energy – known as “chi” in Chinese and “prana” in Sanskrit – to keep us healthy and functioning optimally. Energy healing practitioners can harness this vital life force energy for use in accelerating natural healing processes in patients.

A noninvasive technique known as Polarity Therapy uses light touch on its client and relies on energy entrainment between practitioner and client, so both parties may access healing energy sources for both physical and emotional healing needs. Polarity Therapy can be used to address conditions like chronic pain, allergies and asthma using similar principles.

Quantum touch relies heavily on its ability to transcend time and space, with resonance as its cornerstone principle. Resonance works like this: two vibrating objects will resonate at the same frequency if placed together – this effect can be observed everywhere from physics, chemistry, biology, medicine as well as crickets chirping in unison to fireflies flashing simultaneously being examples of its power.

According to Richard Gordon, one key element of effective Quantum-Touch therapy is setting one’s intent. Practitioners must declare their intent prior to beginning each session – either in person or over the phone – which helps create a connection between healer and recipient while increasing effectiveness of treatment.

Quantum touch employs breathing techniques and body awareness exercises to connect you with universal life force energy, similar to those found in Reiki; this form of healing also works well at distance healing.

Quantum-Touch differs from other forms of energy healing in that certification does not require attunements or special permission from teachers; instead, to become certified one must complete a basic workshop and perform healing sessions on others in order to receive certification as a practitioner. Practitioners are then invited to join local and online groups dedicated to discussing and sharing experience – this form of support network being essential in successfully incorporating energy healing into everyday life.


Quantum Touch is a non-invasive energy healing system. Practitioners utilize specific breathing and body awareness techniques to focus and amplify life-force energy and use it to heal physical, emotional and spiritual bodies of its recipients. Benefits of Quantum Touch energy healing techniques are wide ranging; for instance: relieving back pain; realigning bones; balancing organs glands systems & processes & even helping heal chronic conditions such as stress arthritis fibromyalgia etc.

Quantum touch energy healing works because it uses principles of resonance and entrainment – concepts well studied in physics and other sciences. Entrainment theory states that two or more objects within proximity of each other can synchronize their vibrations when close enough, such as when crickets chirp together and fireflies flash simultaneously in nature. Quantum touch energy healing uses this principle to create a field of high frequency energy around problem areas that entrain with our own natural frequencies and begin working to solve any issues they encounter.

Quantum Touch can be used on its own as an effective form of healing therapy; however, it’s more commonly combined with other practices, such as Reiki. When this combination occurs it’s known as Quantum Touch Integrated; although knowing about other modalities isn’t required to perform Quantum Touch sessions successfully.

At each session, the practitioner uses breathing and body awareness exercises to raise their vibrational state and then “hover” their hands over the affected area, potentially producing sensations including tingling, heat or release of tension in their client. Healing may often happen quickly – some have reported their health issues being cleared up within mere minutes after receiving a Quantum Touch session!

Quantum Touch can bring surprising yet unpredictable results that are sometimes miraculous, depending on what the body needs at that particular time. Results may also differ between sessions as each body’s natural intelligence determines which therapies they need at any given moment – for instance a session may help with back pain but provide relief from headaches as well. Its healing effect goes beyond physical ailments either; healing sessions can even help manifest financial success or reconnect estranged siblings.


Quantum touch energy healing can help address many physical imbalances such as chronic pain and alignment issues. Additionally, this practice can also address emotional distress such as stress and anxiety reduction while supporting detoxification processes in the body. Furthermore, this practice can even send healing energy directly to friends, family, pets and wild animals alike.

Energy healing techniques employ breathing and intention to channel universal Life Force Energy. They rely on principles such as resonance and entrainment exemplified by crickets chirping simultaneously and fireflies flashing simultaneously – this phenomenon of synchronization appears throughout chemistry, physics, biology and medicine; additionally this practice helps students connect to the crystalline matrix which serves as the basis of all matter and energy in our universe.

Practitioners use energy healing to amplify the natural healing energy of their client, stimulating their innate healing processes to take over. With this assistance, practitioners can assist the body to align bones, balance chakras and heal the lymphatic system.

As opposed to Reiki, quantum touch does not rely on belief to work effectively, making this practice effective at aiding people living with cancer and even reconnecting estranged siblings. Quantum Touch serves as an invaluable addition to massage, osteopathy, acupuncture and chiropractic treatments for overall wellness.

This online course will teach you to harness your own life-force energy and harness its healing properties in order to facilitate greater physical well-being. Each lesson builds harmoniously on one another to give a solid foundation for working with energy. You’ll discover ways to visualize energy flow, send colors out for manifestation, download frequencies for manifestation and experience powerful deepening practices – in addition to how to use heart energy for alignment purposes and master the instructor slope breath technique.

Energy healing is a valuable skill to have in today’s modern society, whether as part of your profession or simply for personal support purposes. Learning Quantum-Touch can empower you to be an agent for positive change and vibrant wellbeing for yourself or those close to you.


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