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Quantum Touch – The Power to Heal

Many readers begin with this book and are so taken by it, they take part in an in-person QT workshop with an instructor to begin healing themselves and others, witnessing profound physical change within themselves and others.

Symptoms can be reduced more rapidly when addressed by a Quantum Techniques(r) practitioner whom the client trusts, usually one from their opposite gender.

Quantum physics

Quantum physics is the science that describes the bizarre, extraordinary behavior of tiny particles that make up everything in our universe. Since its birth at the end of the 19th century, quantum physics has provided explanations for phenomena like photoelectric effect and electron movement around an atom’s nucleus; furthermore it has led to devices such as lasers, LEDs, transistors and medical imaging technology; without it our world would not be complete!

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At the core of quantum physics lies the idea that every particle possesses both wave and particle properties, creating some fascinating phenomena we see around us. An electron may seem to possess both properties simultaneously as it vibrates in unforeseeable ways before suddenly transitioning from wave form into particle mode or changing orbit faster than our devices can track it.

Entanglement is another phenomenon which allows two particles to become so inextricably linked that any change to either will instantly have an impactful impact on both; this nonlocality forms the basis of several astounding technologies like quantum cryptography and computing.

Quantum physics is an essential element of modern science, but it can also be misused to justify all sorts of foolish claims. For instance, some individuals use quantum physics to claim mental telepathy exists – this practice is known as quantum woo and used by those trying to make money off claims that their beliefs are scientifically valid.


Reason being, quantum physics laws are more general than Newtonian and Faradayian ones and can apply to things too large for our instruments to measure. Because of this, they don’t always apply directly to daily life but still help us gain insight into how our universe functions.

Energy healing

Energy healing is a holistic practice that utilizes various techniques to tap into our own hidden potential energy reserves, using this energy to promote health and well-being regardless of physical or emotional ailments. Energy healing may also be combined with other modalities like Western medicine for additional support during healing processes; many hospitals now provide energy healing services as part of their medical offerings to assist their patients recover faster from illness and injury.

An energy healing session typically entails a practitioner placing their hands on or above the body with the intent of channeling healing energy, often while offering positive affirmations during this process. Patients tend to remain fully clothed and in an easy position during healing sessions. Energy healers possess training in yoga, Reiki, Reika and acupuncture.

During an interview, many energy healers reported their work is helping people with cancer and other ailments. Patients also reportedly found this treatment beneficial for their emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being; some reported even using healing energy to cope with grieving over loss.

Participants of this study included energy healers who are members of Healerh-ringen, a Danish national association for practitioners. Each has undergone at least 200 hours of training with an international trainer or have received certification by this association; additionally they are registered with their local public health service and licensed by the Danish Medical Association.

When someone becomes sick, their body attempts to restore equilibrium and heal itself by trying to find balance again; when this imbalance becomes too great for their system to handle on its own, symptoms like pain and fatigue may surface. Energy healers can help you do just this with techniques such as acupressure or massage that release any blocked energies in order to achieve balance again.


Intention is the force that guides everything you do. It’s what allows you to respond rather than react when dealing with people and situations, while making progress towards your goals. Furthermore, being intentional allows for bigger vision and an enhanced awareness of one’s ‘why’.

Some philosophers argue that intention includes belief, though this is unclear from Anscombe’s text. If intention involves belief then an example could include intending something on the grounds that doing it on that basis would constitute acting for reasons. But that isn’t what Bratman holds and doesn’t explain why an external entity must be present as part of this conditional.

Quantum-Touch is a hands-on healing practice that has the power to broaden human capabilities in remarkable ways. Through step-by-step instructions, this healing method teaches people how to safely adjust posture remotely across time and space – potentially healing pain or imbalances, reducing inflammation, balancing emotions or healing even pets! Quantum-Touch may be used alone or combined with other healing modalities for maximum effect.

Nonlocal healing

Nonlocal healing is an innovative technique for healing at a distance. Based on the belief that humans and the universe are intertwined through information transmission, nonlocal healing serves to transmit energy directly from one body to the next and heal as part of an energy exchange process. Nonlocal healing also falls within quantum medicine’s realm; it has been used successfully for both physical and emotional problems including pain relief, shifting beliefs and even animal healing – although nonlocal healers may identify what caused an illness by way of clairvoyant healers or psychic mediums. However it should not replace mainstream methods used for diagnosis procedures nor replacement methods of medical treatment either; nonlocal healers usually identify causes through energy transmission rather than directly encountering it themselves.

Larry Dossey’s book Reinventing Medicine: Beyond Mind-Body to a New Era of Healing advocates nonlocal healing through scientific studies. Dossey contends that there is evidence supporting his claims about long-distance prayer as a powerful form of nonlocal healing, claiming healing practitioners can influence physical health outcomes of patients with stronger effects in those experiencing spiritual awakening; Dossey also mentions ancient Greek, Chinese and shamanic practices which take an holistic view of mind, body and world health care as viable means.

Important to realize is that nonlocal healing does not violate the laws of physics, as quantum particles have instantaneous connections across time and space known as correlations that depend on each particle occupying its own state regardless of where in the world they may exist.

Nonlocal healing is a practical technique that is simple and straightforward for anyone to learn, making it suitable for physicians, therapists and even novices. The book details techniques using breathing and body-focusing techniques to raise energy levels; with just light touches novices can see postural corrections as bones move into correct alignment – even novices! Acupuncturists, chiropractors and physicians now employ this powerful method and it has now gained the attention it deserved in wisdom traditions all over the world.


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