Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

Turn a glass of water into natural remedy

Rose Energy Quantum Healing

Many cultures have long recognized the existence of an unseen life force energy which flows within and all around us, which can be harnessed for healing purposes.

Please remember that an energy healing session should not replace consulting a healthcare professional. Please drink enough fluids before attending and remain open and willing to receiving healing energy from the session.

Alchemy Energetics(r)

Alchemy represents millennia of human endeavour to discover light. May its legacy serve as a guidepost for future seekers and may its traditions thrive unbroken throughout future generations.

Medieval alchemists searched tirelessly for the Philosophers Stone – an element believed to be capable of transmuting common metals into gold – only to ultimately find that this magical element lay within themselves – allowing for modern alchemy to blossom! Today we can all discover its properties for ourselves and thereby unlock a form of modern alchemy.

At this age of alchemy, our energies can be harnessed to change both ourselves and the reality around us. By unlocking inner wisdom and manifesting it into our lives more in line with soul purpose, patterns no longer serving us can be released and we can move into living an enriched Blissed life!

Alchemy is the divine science of transformation, while chemistry is its natural counterpart. Alchemy serves as a metaphor for revolutionary psychology that sheds the ego in order to illuminate Christified Soul. Alchemy can transform even creation itself just as effectively as it transforms psychological lead into fine quality gold.

This book covers the fundamentals of plant alchemy (also referred to as spagyrics). Readers who are familiar with my earlier articles on this subject, published in Ariadne’s Web and De Roos or The Rose journals will recognize much of this technical material – these articles were among the first attempts at explaining some practical aspects of this ancient practice to an audience outside a small circle of initiates in Rosicrucian Order or Martinist lineages.

This book’s chapters provide you with all the skills needed to establish an inner alchemical laboratory within yourself and mind. You will learn to develop recipes, work with energetic structures and employ techniques designed to transform how you experience, give meaning and manifest in life – helping you move beyond Humanity 1.0 into what’s possible with Humanity 10.0.


IET is an advanced hands-on energy therapy system that uses angelic energy to remove issues from your tissues for good. By working directly with your 12 Strand Spiritual DNA and helping energetically restructure and embody your soul’s purpose in this lifetime.

Energy work involves gentle touch applied directly to areas in your body that correspond with emotions like guilt, fear and anger in order to release suppressed energy blocks and release suppressed emotions. Each session lasts approximately an hour.

Attaining CEng registration isn’t a linear journey – it’s about your career – so make sure your application and experience reflect who you are as an individual. Our support will guide and assist your journey so that it leads you towards a rewarding and fulfilling future.


Reiki is an energy healing practice designed to balance and harmonize body, mind, and spirit. The term comes from two Japanese words rei, meaning universal spirit or higher power, and ki – life force energy which flows through all living things – meaning its vital energy can become blocked or disrupted, leading to illness or unhappiness; Reiki restores its flow thus helping the body heal itself more quickly.

Reiki treatments can be experienced anywhere from clinics and spas to private homes. A practitioner uses their hands to gently place or hover them over various body areas where energy flows most freely – the experience can be both relaxing and calming; many report feeling very at peace during a session of Reiki therapy.

During a Reiki session, your practitioner will connect with you and establish your intention for what needs releasing, restoring or balancing. They then direct the flow of Reiki energy towards meeting those needs – this should take approximately an hour to accomplish.

Reiki’s benefits are many. It may reduce stress and improve sleep quality, as well as assist with mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Research has also indicated that attending to emotional aspects of pain may have a dramatic impact on tolerance and perception.

Reiki can also aid the body’s natural healing processes, offering relief for chronic headaches or backaches as well as aiding recovery after surgeries or medical treatments. Furthermore, Reiki may even provide mental health support such as helping manage posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Reiki should not be seen as an alternative form of medicine; rather it serves as an auxiliary treatment that complements existing health plans. Prior to seeking Reiki treatments it is advisable to speak to your physician to make sure it’s safe for you as well as identify any possible risks or complications and eliminate them proactively.
