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Somnambulistic Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT) Practitioner

Shannon is a Level 2 QHHT Practitioner and will guide you into the Somnambulistic state to explore your higher self. She studied directly under Delores Cannon and has conducted hundreds of sessions over time.

During your session, you will access your higher consciousness (sometimes known as the Oversoul or Christ Consciousness). Here, you can pose questions and receive healing.

What is QHHT?

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is an innovative life-transforming technique developed by Dolores Cannon to unlock deep inner wisdom that lies dormant within both your subconscious and higher consciousness. By tapping into their own Inner Healer/Higher Self for healing and insight beyond what a conscious mind can comprehend, QHHT helps people unlock profound knowledge that lies dormant deep inside of them.

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QHHT sessions involve leading clients into an extremely relaxed state known as somnambulistic level hypnosis. This deep state allows easier contact with one’s Higher Self; practitioners ask questions on behalf of clients to facilitate dialogue between themselves and inner wisdom that may provide answers to those queries.

QHHT practitioners use QHHT to request information from the Higher Self that may be beneficial to clients, including past lives and spiritual dimensions. Furthermore, the Higher Self may identify any physical problems and explain their root causes – often providing instantaneous healing without medication or surgery! Often these issues have arisen in past lives but sometimes also arise in present-life situations.

QHHT’s information from your Higher Self should never be seen as any type of future prediction; that would violate the ethical guidelines established by the American Society of Hypnotists. While your Higher Self does provide guidance for both your current and future paths, any predictions made are subject to change due to free will.


QHHT sessions provide clients with a chance to experience past lives, visit other spiritual dimensions, and gain answers to any queries. When they emerge from hypnosis they often feel as though their whole being had been healed and revitalized – making it an excellent way of moving forward with personal growth, releasing fears, finding clarity of purpose, and clearing away energetic blocks preventing you from living your full healthiest and soul-driven mission.

During a QHHT session

Dolores Cannon refined her QHHT technique of hypnosis over decades and thousands of sessions. It serves as an effective past life regression technique that bypasses conscious mind chatter to enable individuals to connect with their Higher Selves for healing, information, and guidance.

QHHT is a safe and gentle process, unlike conventional hypnosis. It induces the deepest state of trance possible – Somnambulistic state – twice each day before you awaken and right before bedtime. Most hypnotists shy away from working this deep because it often produces unexpected results such as remembering past lives; but Dolores was curious and fearless enough to experiment and discover that anyone can gain access to experiences from their Past Lives through QHHT.

At each session, you’ll connect with your Subconscious (or Higher Self). Your Higher Self knows everything there is to know about you and your soul’s journey through many lifetimes – yet is willing to share this knowledge freely with anyone who seeks it in an honest, open-minded, heartfelt manner. Your Higher Self also has the power to heal physical, mental and emotional wounds as well as any blockages in your current life; the information gleaned from it could be symbolic, metaphorical or mystical in nature while remaining both logical and practical in nature.

Hypnotherapists facilitate conversations between their client and their Higher Selves by asking questions and listening for answers, which could include anything from healing physical, emotional or mental illnesses to discovering their purpose and understanding how they have connected with those around them over their lifetimes. At this time, the Higher Self can reveal what needs to happen for healing to occur both now and any future lifetimes they might plan for themselves.

As soon as you walk through our doors for your session, it is vitally important that your goal is clear – connecting and receiving beneficial advice from your Higher Self. For maximum effect during this session, it is wise to create a list of questions beforehand so you may bring up these concerns during it. To make the experience as comfortable and beneficial as possible for all concerned, alcohol and caffeine consumption must be avoided the night prior as well as dressing comfortably during this encounter.

The QHHT Practitioner

Dolores Cannon was an innovative pioneer who perfected QHHT over decades of sessions. Her work focused on sacred knowledge and reincarnation research; QHHT allowed her to regress people back through time to their past lives allowing her to gain invaluable information that was then shared through books on spiritual topics as well as talks and seminars throughout the world.

QHHT works differently from traditional hypnotherapy or regression. Instead, its practitioner works in a deep level of hypnosis referred to as somnambulistic or theta state; Dolores Cannon refers to this state as connecting to one’s soul which always remains present. When this connection is made, its initial sign can be found in an increase in energy level for both those hypnotized as well as anyone else present; usually followed by feelings of euphoria and love.

Once connected with their client’s Subconscious, practitioners question their soul consciousness if there are any queries they need answered. Once identified by their Subconscious, answers may range from medical concerns to life goals or simply knowing why physical ailments exist – often knowing this information allows the body to heal itself without medication or surgery being necessary.

QHHT sessions can be life-altering experiences. Their primary purpose is to facilitate healing and clarity on an energetic level for their client, but the process also offers them the chance to explore their own potential, assess whether they’re fulfilling their purpose fully and increase feelings of love and kindness for themselves and all living beings.

If you are considering participating in a QHHT session, contact a certified practitioner with experience facilitating this process. An excellent practitioner should have an outstanding client satisfaction rate and can answer any of your queries about what should happen during an effective session.

The Client

Dolores Cannon pioneered and refined her signature Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) over several decades and thousands of sessions, discovering that her subconscious held keys to past lives and spiritual dimensions that provided guidance on physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

At a QHHT session, clients relax into somnambulism – the deepest level of trance experienced during hypnosis – which allows access to their subconscious and higher consciousness which contain vast resources of wisdom that are unaccessible from consciousness alone. Therapists simply act as intermediaries between their client and this all-knowing inner guidance system and client’s conscious mind.

The therapist asks their client’s Higher Self for information that will aid healing and provide clarity in their lives. In session, their Higher Self often answers many of their queries as long as they are appropriate; often these inquiries involve health issues, relationships or spiritual matters while other times it focuses on personal growth or uncovering meaning behind certain events or periods in their lives.

Once a therapist has received information from their Higher Self that is beneficial to their client, they will share it with their conscious mind using imagery, visualizations or words. Unlike traditional hypnosis, this form of trance work doesn’t involve controlling a client’s body or leaving their physical presence; rather it provides access to higher states of consciousness that enable greater communication and healing beyond traditional hypnosis alone.

QHHT is a powerful healing process designed to uncover past lives, release blockages and understand more of your purpose here on Earth. Dolores Cannon, founder of QHHT has written several books detailing her experience using it such as: Between Death and Life – Conversations with Your Higher Self” and “Three Waves of Volunteers – The New Earth.”


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