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What is QHHT Quantum Healing?

QHHT is a revolutionary hypnotherapy technique developed over four decades by Dolores Cannon. Utilizing past life regression, it brings your subconscious mind into consciousness so you can tap into your Higher Self and connect with it more readily.

Resolve Mysterious Ailments

Experience healing where medicine cannot. Acknowledging past traumas that may be having an effect on present day health.


QHHT was developed by Dolores Cannon, an internationally recognized hypnotherapist and author. This form of past life regression therapy uses hypnosis to access the subconscious mind for healing on all levels: physical, emotional, spiritual. Many use QHHT as an alternative healing solution in their lives to overcome chronic pain, emotional traumas or spiritual disconnection.

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Clients typically sit or lie down comfortably and relax during a session, while being guided into somnambulistic state (the highest level of trance). This process is noninvasive and similar to meditation – your practitioner may ask questions or use visualization techniques to lead them into deep trance state and then wake them up feeling peace and clarity.

Discover Healing Root Causes

By accessing their subconscious, QHHT sessions allow individuals to discover the source of physical and emotional challenges. Sessions encourage clients to release past traumas while healing any resultant wounds – which is extremely healing on all levels. Many have found relief from chronic pain, autoimmune disorders and emotional trauma thanks to QHHT treatments.

Clients are also given an opportunity to connect with their Higher Selves, an invisible source of wisdom and love which guides their life throughout this lifetime and beyond. Not only can this connection provide insights and guidance but it can also strengthen relationships and accelerate personal development.


QHHT sessions typically last between 4-6 hours and offer an immersive, transformational experience for participants. Their results may affect every area of a person’s life – from overcoming fears to improving relationships or reaching career goals.

Preparing for an exploration session requires creating a list of questions for your Higher Self. Keep it short and prioritize them by importance; avoid caffeine and alcohol on the day of the session; and remember that your Higher Self knows what’s best for you.


QHHT was developed by Dolores Cannon, a hypnotherapist. This form of past life regression therapy allows clients to access their Higher Self (also referred to as Over Soul or Super Consciousness). This powerful and intelligent part of themselves knows everything there is about their soul’s journey.

At each session, clients are guided into their subconscious to explore past lives, deep inner wisdom, and more – an area in which true healing takes place.

Through this technique, clients are able to connect with their Higher Selves and other spirit guides and gain answers for any queries that they have. This process utilises advanced hypnotic techniques which allow clients to move beyond conscious mind into an awareness state where all information available can be accessed easily.

QHHT’s main benefit lies in its ability to uncover past-life traumas and emotional patterns from our current life that are negatively impacting it, helping us identify them, release them and prevent repeating situations or relationships that originated elsewhere in a past life. QHHT can also assist in uncovering any repeating relationships or situations from this lifetime which could have come up before.

At this point, it should be possible for us to identify our purpose on Earth and connect with our true spiritual selves – which can then allow us to achieve transformation and enjoy the highest possible quality of life. Understanding your purpose allows you to release any fears or anxieties which are holding you back, leading to increased personal power, confidence, happiness as well as healing of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual ailments that we might be facing.


QHHT is an innovative form of hypnotherapy that allows you to access your Over Soul, Higher Self or Super Conscious. This omniscient aspect can heal physical conditions, provide answers about life purpose and give insight into deeper aspects of yourself.

QHHT sessions provide you with a guided relaxation process wherein a certified practitioner helps you access your Higher Self’s wisdom to gain clarity about current challenges, discover hidden abilities and release any limiting beliefs that are holding back from reaching your full potential.

Preparing for your session involves entering with an open mind and heart; this will help ensure you gain as many insights as possible from it. Furthermore, it would be wise to create a list of questions for your Higher Self to address, as well as issues to resolve during this session.

Clients of an Emotional Intelligence session will experience various feelings and sensations as they gain new perspectives about themselves by witnessing events from past lifetimes, which allows them to see how present-day challenges and relationships connect into their overall journey of life.

So a QHHT session can be an invaluable resource for identifying and dismantling reoccurring patterns in your life, such as fears or anxiety that you struggle to release permanently. Furthermore, QHHT sessions help gain clarity into your soul’s purpose and connection to the Universe.

QHHT sessions can be an empowering and life-altering experience for anyone who’s looking to enhance their quality of life. QHHT can help those suffering emotional trauma as well as those looking for physical healing to access their subconscious and Higher Selves, connecting with both of these in a trance state and working to clear limiting beliefs, heal emotional wounds, and achieve life goals more easily.


Many clients come to QHHT sessions out of curiosity; others may be experiencing physical or emotional hardship and wish for deeper insight into why their lives are this way. A session aims to heal on multiple levels: physical, emotional, spiritual. Past life regression provides invaluable perspective that can help explain current difficulties as well as provide meaning in previous lives’ experiences.

QHHT is a type of hypnosis designed to connect you with a part of yourself that holds all the answers – your Higher Self, Over Soul or Super Consciousness. Through establishing this connection you can gain profound insights and spiritual healing tailored specifically for your needs.

QHHT sessions can be transformative experiences, helping you overcome emotional trauma and reach your goals more easily. Unlike traditional hypnosis, QHHT uses an alternative approach that targets the subconscious mind, providing access to memories from past lives or the Higher Self while creating healing energy that alleviate chronic pain, heal emotional wounds and promote overall wellbeing.

Some of the more frequently addressed physical problems during a QHHT session include back and neck pain, asthma, heart disease and autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, sessions may help you overcome past trauma and discover purpose in life; and with its insights gained during such a session it may even strengthen relationships with Higher Selves or connect you with spiritual beings.

Finding a qualified practitioner to use QHHT effectively is of utmost importance when pursuing success with this form of therapy. By making use of reliable online resources such as directories or community forums to find suitable practitioners, your QHHT journey can be both positive and fruitful.


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